The Truth about the Border Crisis.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
The truth is, it has been manufactured, to get the masses, all over the globe, to BEG the global elites, to put everyone, in a digital prison, which, up till now, everyone has refused to be placed in.

You are being purposely led into your own destruction to beg for your own chains. Folks a lot more powerful, richer, and smarter than you, are playing you.

It is the classic Hegelian Dialectic, again, over and over . . . When will you learn?

I remember years ago, when they rolled out the REAL ID act, and none of the states would adopt it.

Now that all fifty have, it is still optional for citizens. Only a quarter of folks actually use it.

This spot? Was done seventeen years ago. .

How is Big Brother watching you???​

But now? Now look here, on this podcast, folks don't see that this is exactly what they are planning. . .

“That’s a LIE” - Candace Owens and Chris Cuomo Heated Debate Over Voter Fraud & Voter ID​

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!​

by Corbett | Oct 27, 2023 | Podcasts, Videos | 29 comments

Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall”​

The political response to the crisis at the southern border continues to advance the bipartisan “smart wall,” having been backed by Trump and Biden alike. This bipartisan consensus reaches far beyond the US, as much of the world is similarly speeding along in implementing “digital borders.”
Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the "Smart Wall"

". . . While the justifications for the frenzied media coverage are based on the actual reality that the border is indeed highly insecure (and has been for some time), the policy responses from American politicians reveal that there is a bipartisan consensus about what must be done. Tellingly, the same “solution” is also being quietly rolled out at all American ports of entry that are not currently being “overrun”, such as airports. That solution, of course, is biometric surveillance, enabled by AI, facial recognition/biometrics and autonomous devices.

This “solution” is not just being implemented throughout the United States as an alleged means of thwarting migrants, it is also being rapidly implemented throughout the world in apparent lockstep. The reasons for the unspoken, but obvious, global consistency in implementing invasive, biometric surveillance is due to the fulfillment of global policy agendas, ratified by nearly every country in the world, that seek both to restrict the extent of people’s freedom of movement and to surveil people’s movements (and much, much more) through the global implementation of digital identity. Those policy agendas include mainly the UN’s Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 16, as well as Interpol’s Global Policing Goals.

While the American Right has been rather outspoken in its rejection of the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the digital ID project at large, the distress over the border situation is being used to manufacture consent among this specific group for “solutions” that are focused on expanding surveillance and biometric collection as opposed to the implementation of physical barriers. .. . . "




Agenda 2030 and Global Policing Goals

. . . . The bipartisan consensus around an Anduril-built “smart wall” likely has its roots in the same global agenda that is spurring the rapid implementation of biometric entry/exit systems at ports of entry throughout the Western world. For instance, this is the year where the European Union’s biometric entry/exit system is due to launch, whereby travelers crossing the EU’s new “digital border” system – whether terrestrial or aerial – will have to provide their fingerprints and submit to facial scans if they wish to enter an EU member state. Despite claims that the “digital border” would facilitate easier travel and reduce wait times, current estimates reveal that the new system is likely to take almost ten times longer per entry. The UK, despite leaving the EU, is also poised to “make its borders digital” by 2025, i.e. next year, with Canada implementing similar policies.

"In the US, the move toward the “real ID” system, which is to come into force in 2025, will see biometric collection in the US become a requisite for domestic flights and any other “official purposes” that the DHS Secretary can unilaterally determine require a “real ID.” The “real ID” also provides favorable provisions for digital IDs, such as digital drivers licenses (such as the “Florida smart IDbeing piloted in Ron DeSantis-governed Florida) and other “mobile digital documents and digital cards.” Elsewhere in the US, in airports, the push for digital IDs and facial biometric scans continues to rapidly advance.

It is quite obvious that the “smart wall” being built on the US’ southern and northern borders is intended to be part of the same “digital border” system that DHS has been designing and gradually implementing for most of the past 20 years. For instance, CBP currently utilizes the same biometric facial comparison technology used at numerous land, sea and air ports of entry throughout the country and plans to continue to expand its use nationwide. As noted above, Anduril’s towers or its affiliated drones could easily be equipped with facial recognition or other related technologies, while official terrestrial port of entries are already using the same biometric system being rolled out at American airports. In addition, many of those seeking to cross the southern border are being onboarded to the CBP One app, which CBP initially claimed would result in a “safe, orderly and humane” border processing when it was launched in January 2023. That app also collects biometric information from applicants of certain nationalities, a functionality CBP will likely expand in the future as reliance on its app increases.. . . "

It is a brave new world. If y'all think they will really tell you the agenda behind all this controlled demolition on the same corporate controlled media that have given you. . . "safe and effective?" You really do need to be sold a bridge.
The truth is, it has been manufactured, to get the masses, all over the globe, to BEG the global elites, to put everyone, in a digital prison, which, up till now, everyone has refused to be placed in.

You are being purposely led into your own destruction to beg for your own chains. Folks a lot more powerful, richer, and smarter than you, are playing you.

It is the classic Hegelian Dialectic, again, over and over . . . When will you learn?

I remember years ago, when they rolled out the REAL ID act, and none of the states would adopt it.

Now that all fifty have, it is still optional for citizens. Only a quarter of folks actually use it.

This spot? Was done seventeen years ago. .

How is Big Brother watching you???​

But now? Now look here, on this podcast, folks don't see that this is exactly what they are planning. . .

“That’s a LIE” - Candace Owens and Chris Cuomo Heated Debate Over Voter Fraud & Voter ID​

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!​

by Corbett | Oct 27, 2023 | Podcasts, Videos | 29 comments

Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall”​

The political response to the crisis at the southern border continues to advance the bipartisan “smart wall,” having been backed by Trump and Biden alike. This bipartisan consensus reaches far beyond the US, as much of the world is similarly speeding along in implementing “digital borders.”
Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the "Smart Wall"

". . . While the justifications for the frenzied media coverage are based on the actual reality that the border is indeed highly insecure (and has been for some time), the policy responses from American politicians reveal that there is a bipartisan consensus about what must be done. Tellingly, the same “solution” is also being quietly rolled out at all American ports of entry that are not currently being “overrun”, such as airports. That solution, of course, is biometric surveillance, enabled by AI, facial recognition/biometrics and autonomous devices.

This “solution” is not just being implemented throughout the United States as an alleged means of thwarting migrants, it is also being rapidly implemented throughout the world in apparent lockstep. The reasons for the unspoken, but obvious, global consistency in implementing invasive, biometric surveillance is due to the fulfillment of global policy agendas, ratified by nearly every country in the world, that seek both to restrict the extent of people’s freedom of movement and to surveil people’s movements (and much, much more) through the global implementation of digital identity. Those policy agendas include mainly the UN’s Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 16, as well as Interpol’s Global Policing Goals.

While the American Right has been rather outspoken in its rejection of the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the digital ID project at large, the distress over the border situation is being used to manufacture consent among this specific group for “solutions” that are focused on expanding surveillance and biometric collection as opposed to the implementation of physical barriers. .. . . "


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Agenda 2030 and Global Policing Goals

. . . . The bipartisan consensus around an Anduril-built “smart wall” likely has its roots in the same global agenda that is spurring the rapid implementation of biometric entry/exit systems at ports of entry throughout the Western world. For instance, this is the year where the European Union’s biometric entry/exit system is due to launch, whereby travelers crossing the EU’s new “digital border” system – whether terrestrial or aerial – will have to provide their fingerprints and submit to facial scans if they wish to enter an EU member state. Despite claims that the “digital border” would facilitate easier travel and reduce wait times, current estimates reveal that the new system is likely to take almost ten times longer per entry. The UK, despite leaving the EU, is also poised to “make its borders digital” by 2025, i.e. next year, with Canada implementing similar policies.
View attachment 915854
"In the US, the move toward the “real ID” system, which is to come into force in 2025, will see biometric collection in the US become a requisite for domestic flights and any other “official purposes” that the DHS Secretary can unilaterally determine require a “real ID.” The “real ID” also provides favorable provisions for digital IDs, such as digital drivers licenses (such as the “Florida smart IDbeing piloted in Ron DeSantis-governed Florida) and other “mobile digital documents and digital cards.” Elsewhere in the US, in airports, the push for digital IDs and facial biometric scans continues to rapidly advance.

It is quite obvious that the “smart wall” being built on the US’ southern and northern borders is intended to be part of the same “digital border” system that DHS has been designing and gradually implementing for most of the past 20 years. For instance, CBP currently utilizes the same biometric facial comparison technology used at numerous land, sea and air ports of entry throughout the country and plans to continue to expand its use nationwide. As noted above, Anduril’s towers or its affiliated drones could easily be equipped with facial recognition or other related technologies, while official terrestrial port of entries are already using the same biometric system being rolled out at American airports. In addition, many of those seeking to cross the southern border are being onboarded to the CBP One app, which CBP initially claimed would result in a “safe, orderly and humane” border processing when it was launched in January 2023. That app also collects biometric information from applicants of certain nationalities, a functionality CBP will likely expand in the future as reliance on its app increases.. . . "

It is a brave new world. If y'all think they will really tell you the agenda behind all this controlled demolition on the same corporate controlled media that have given you. . . "safe and effective?" You really do need to be sold a bridge.

THANK YOU for thinking outside the box. :rolleyes:

I too have been thinking for a while that there must be a reason for all the border stuff, that's going to lead to something. For example, getting people extremely angry, which of course is what the normies do....they react exactly as they're manipulated to react, every dang time.

I've learned that whenever there is a pattern of news stories that incite outrage in people, there's most likely a strategic reason for that. As you said, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

It's always about getting the public ready for something to come.... to demand something be done, which of course the government WILL do, since they're always the ones who create the 'crises' in the first place.

Many people never learn though. They react to news stories like little marionettes, exactly in the way they're manipulated to react.

Thank you, Mister Beale, for understanding the bigger picture and the way the PTSB operate.
THANK YOU for thinking outside the box. :rolleyes:

I too have been thinking for a while that there must be a reason for all the border stuff, that's going to lead to something. For example, getting people extremely angry, which of course is what the normies do....they react exactly as they're manipulated to react, every dang time.

I've learned that whenever there is a pattern of news stories that incite outrage in people, there's most likely a strategic reason for that. As you said, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

It's always about getting the public ready for something to come.... to demand something be done, which of course the government WILL do, since they're always the ones who create the 'crises' in the first place.

Many people never learn though. They react to news stories like little marionettes, exactly in the way they're manipulated to react.

Thank you, Mister Beale, for understanding the bigger picture and the way the PTSB operate.
For folks that are skeptical, they should pay special attention to this quick read, India is already having problems.

I have been thinking about this for months, but when I noticed Whitney Webb did a piece on it, I had to do a thread.

That clip from the PBD podcast, even noted China's social credit system IN THAT SAME DEBATE, that they highlight facial recognition tech to vote? wtf? (You can find the whole debate on YouTube if you watch that half hour and want to see the full two and a half hours, it was the top watched thing that night, even over the networks and cable.) That PBD highlighted that digital ID facial recognition tech . . . and they just aren't putting it all together? I dunno. :dunno:
For folks that are skeptical, they should pay special attention to this quick read, India is already having problems.

I have been thinking about this for months, but when I noticed Whitney Webb did a piece on it, I had to do a thread.

That clip from the PBD podcast, even noted China's social credit system IN THAT SAME DEBATE, that they highlight facial recognition tech to vote? wtf? (You can find the whole debate on YouTube if you watch that half hour and want to see the full two and a half hours, it was the top watched thing that night, even over the networks and cable.) That PBD highlighted that digital ID facial recognition tech . . . and they just aren't putting it all together? I dunno. :dunno:

Wow, she uncovered so much interesting info in that piece. (I'm talking about Whitney Webb) I skimmed through it for now, but I'm glad she's exposing that those tech companies involved with the border 'solutions' have connections to certain subversive government agencies, while cloaking themselves in “America First” rhetoric. Which leads me to what I was going to say... but you kind of beat me to it. I'm glad you posted this thread, but as we can see, people will still look at the whole thing from their red helmet vs blue helmet perspective, which is part of the problem. But that's a topic in and of itself. The bottom line is, people need to figure out who the real enemy is once and for all. Until then, we're going to continue to lose our republic as all of us are fighting amongst ourselves.
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Our border crisis (a more accurate description would be border calamity) is being driven by something far more insidious -- a diversity-driven ethic that panders to the obliteration of our national identity as a necessity to atone for our historical skeletons in the closet.
To those that have been on this rock long enough simply have to go back and think of the things that have been foisted upon us (or we, as we are doing right now, choose to engage in) in the guise of "making our lives better".....Therein you will find the answers you seek.

It's not some big fuckin' mystery that requires "deep thought"......You are pecking or reading on it right now, be it at home or on your phone.

I remember the "it will bring us all closer together" lie.....We have never been farther apart nor more disconnected from each other in a real sense.
THANK YOU for thinking outside the box. :rolleyes:

I too have been thinking for a while that there must be a reason for all the border stuff, that's going to lead to something. For example, getting people extremely angry, which of course is what the normies do....they react exactly as they're manipulated to react, every dang time.

I've learned that whenever there is a pattern of news stories that incite outrage in people, there's most likely a strategic reason for that. As you said, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

It's always about getting the public ready for something to come.... to demand something be done, which of course the government WILL do, since they're always the ones who create the 'crises' in the first place.

Many people never learn though. They react to news stories like little marionettes, exactly in the way they're manipulated to react.

Thank you, Mister Beale, for understanding the bigger picture and the way the PTSB operate. all of those non-English speaking foreigners from the Middle-East and South America I keep seeing in Walmart are an illusion? all of those non-English speaking foreigners from the Middle-East and South America I keep seeing in Walmart are an illusion?

No one said that. A "crisis" can be created for strategic, underhanded purposes, but that doesn't mean that the things people are reacting to aren't actually happening. Just read the articles and listen to the talks Mister Beale posted. It's yet another case of Problem - Reaction - Solution.
Unfortunately, this is all old news.

This stuff was all brought up years back.

Nobody cared.

The precendent has already been set.

The infrastructure is already in place.

The legislation is already lying in waiting.

Folks are always late to the game...
No one said that. A "crisis" can be created for strategic, underhanded purposes, but that doesn't mean that the things people are reacting to aren't actually happening. Just read the articles and listen to the talks Mister Beale posted. It's yet another case of Problem - Reaction - Solution.
We're doing the exact same thing they did in every Western country in Europe.
I already read up on the purposes.
The solution is get rid of the people bringing them here.
Not all of us are being played.
Of course not. Some of you actually favor this authoritarianism. . . I read yoar posts. . . :oops:

Here, look here;

Yep. There were more than "a few" Republicans who supported it. House and Senate GOP leaders bent over for Trump again.
All over the site, it looks as if you supported that latest attempt by congress and the administration at, "immigration reform.":rolleyes:

Which it really isn't. It is about telling folks where they can go, what they can do, what they can purchase, whether they can work or not, and what they can say and think.

Did you read that legislation? I did. It included EXACTLY what this thread is talking about. Making America a digital ID prison.

I would oppose this, even if Trump is president.

I creates an electronic system where everyone is required to be tracked and traced in a data base in order to work.

. . . regardless of whether or not they are an illegal alien or not.

Everything is centrally controlled by Big Brother and the billionaire oligarchs in Silicon Valley.



It's sort of really Orwellian TBH.

. . mean, sure, if you were on the side of Big Brother in 1984, I can see where you would like that immigration bill. . but otherwise? Why would you want to turn the entire nation into a prison?

Unfortunately, this is all old news.

This stuff was all brought up years back.

Nobody cared.

The precendent has already been set.

The infrastructure is already in place.

The legislation is already lying in waiting.

Folks are always late to the game...
And even when you tell them, they are so afraid of the. . . "other. . "

That finding real solutions are not preferable to being put in a cage.

Look at the insanity that mud is spouting.

It is like he is working with the globalists. He is on board with them.
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The solution is get rid of the people bringing them here.

That doesn't require creating a digital prison for sovereign & free US citizens.

Anything else will lead to a social credit system and poltical repression. I can't believe you are being so short sighted.

". . .By developing these technologies in parallel with systems for a digital ID, we are not simply establishing an identity to access basic social services. Digital IDs will become necessary to function in a connected digital world. This has not escaped the attention of authoritarian regimes. Already, they are working to splinter the internet, collect and localize data, and impose regimes of surveillance and control. Digital ID systems, as they are being developed today, are ripe for exploitation and abuse, to the detriment of our freedoms and democracies.

We can make another choice. In the design and deployment of Digital ID systems, we must advocate for the principles of data minimization, decentralization, consent, and limited access that reinforce our fundamental rights.

First, that means the use of a digital ID should not be mandated. We should have the option to say no to any demand that we have a digital ID, without prejudice or negative repercussions.

Our cybersecurity needs to be defended. The Aadhaar program, India’s national digital ID framework—the world’s largest—was recently shown to be compromised. For a digital ID system to work without becoming an easy target for hacking, it should be decentralized and otherwise adhere to recognized principles for good digital security. One single digital identity used for authentication of multiple contexts creates the potential for pervasive profiling. Likewise, our capacity for anonymity must be preserved.

Our data needs to be protected. Governments are data fiduciaries, and data protection authorities, non-governmental legal experts, and civil society should therefore be consulted in the administrative, legislative, and technical design of digital ID systems. In the case of Aadhaar, a recent ruling by the Supreme Court of India recognized the need for a robust data protection framework.

Transparency is essential. Without transparency, there is no accountability, and few pathways for remedy of human rights abuse.. . . "
We're doing the exact same thing they did in every Western country in Europe.
I already read up on the purposes.
The solution is get rid of the people bringing them here.

They're all in bed together. And no matter who gets elected, the powers-that-shouldn't-be are going to continue to use the border "crisis" as a pretext for power grabs, and infringe on our liberties and privacy as they slowly but surely take us toward their goal of world government. Even if Trump is elected and he actually does fulfill his promise to stop the flow of illegals, that doesn't mean that he's going to stop those anti-freedom agendas. So people need to understand that they're being played, and not fall for the trap that's been set, to get people to demand more "security" and go along with unconstitutional legislation that is going to be used against us.

I don't want to get too controversial here, but I think it's safe to say that Donald "take the guns first, go through due process second" Trump who was fully on board with the vaccine agenda is not going to protect our freedom. It's up to us.
They're all in bed together. And no matter who gets elected, the powers-that-shouldn't-be are going to continue to use the border "crisis" as a pretext for power grabs, and infringe on our liberties and privacy as they slowly but surely take us toward their goal of world government. Even if Trump is elected and he actually does fulfill his promise to stop the flow of illegals, that doesn't mean that he's going to stop those anti-freedom agendas. So people need to understand that they're being played, and not fall for the trap that's been set, to get people to demand more "security" and go along with unconstitutional legislation that is going to be used against us.

I don't want to get too controversial here, but I think it's safe to say that Donald "take the guns first, go through due process second" Trump who was fully on board with the vaccine agenda is not going to protect our freedom. It's up to us.
And what exactly are you going to do?

BTW, if Trump is in on it why are they trying to disqualify him?

The folks that were on Trump's COVID task force have admitted they lied to Trump.
I got the feeling that Trump was only going along so they couldn't say he didn't do anything about it, yet they still used that excuse during the election.

What Trump is good at is shining a light on the cockroaches in the government and exposing them for what they are.

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