The true living God

99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.
Not really buying this either. Doesn't Jesus claim that the way to the father is through him? If that is true, what of people of other religions, are they out of luck or was John misquoting Jesus? IOW, does everyone, regardless of their religion have an equal shot at heaven? If they do, what is the purpose of religions, if not, the majority of people are doomed.

Yes alang1216
What this means is the way of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE (which Christ Jesus represents)
is what saves Humanity from war, greed, suffering, ills abuse and other destruction we perpetuate ourselves.


Compare in general the
* OT which is full of war and genocide (antichrist,
judgement and punishment, living by the letter of the
law corrupted by greed and RULE BY "Retributive Justice")
* NT which is about renewal, restoration living by LOVE of
Truth, Justice and Peace to RESTORE human relations and society

You can SEE when people take one side of JUSTICE over another.
That is WHY "Jesus" is warned as bringing a TWO EDGED SWORD
that "divides people against each other" (this division shows when
you compare people taking the Restorative approach to Justice
being opposed by people taking the Retributive approach instead)

You have your choice of
* Retributive Justice where you get the judgment you give
* Restorative Justice where you forgive others for you to be forgiven

So THIS explains why some people teach
* God and Jesus as JUDGING and CONDEMNING by Authority of law
* others teach God as LOVE and Jesus as granting Justice with MERCY and CHARITY

alang1216 does this make sense that we have people
and groups taking BOTH these approaches to "Justice"

And WHICH do you believe makes more sense if Jesus means
SALVATION and bringing true Justice and Peace to SAVE HUMANITY.
Which do you find brings REDEMPTION HEALING and RESTORATION
* Look up Restorative Justice to see the results it has had on people
* For Retributive Justice look at wars, bullying in the media and politics,
backbiting and all manner of negative judgement blame and punishment

What makes more sense that Jesus would represent?
Restorative Justice? that brings renewal of relations and healing to humanity?
Retributive Justice that brings destruction and more war?

If you can understand why Christ Jesus would mean RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
then you can see what it means for all humanity needing to take
THIS path to restore justice and peace in order to establish
"peace on earth" or the "Kingdom of God".

Does this make more sense?
You make perfect sense. Unfortunately I see very little evidence that the followers of Jesus have made this world a better place because of what Jesus said and did.

The real followers have. They listen to Jesus over men. That is FEW unfortunately. Jesus started one single religion. Its the only religion he is with--Not 34,000 different ones. That is caused by confusion of believing men and their errors over Jesus.

Dear kjw47
Given that Jesus is Divine Authority of Justice over ALL other dominions (Colossians 1:16),
how can we best communicate and develop lawful cooperation among the diverse tribes?
1. First there are people under CHRISTIAN laws and Bible
that need to get on the same page
2. Secondly there are SECULAR GENTILES under NATURAL LAWS
who may respond more to SCIENCE and explanations using SECULAR TERMS
3. Third there are political groups and nations that understand
CIVIL and Constitutional laws and traditions of their own cultures and countries.

Doesn't it make sense to talk to people "as Jesus did" using
the PARABLES and language that relate TO THOSE PEOPLE?

With fishermen and farmers Jesus did not cite scriptural laws
as he did with the learned Pharisees who live by that language.

With Muslims, wouldn't we address them using their own Muslim standards and principles?

With Atheists who believe in science wouldn't we use the language of experience and
scientific method where cause and effect, before and after, can be compared to see
the different that approaches have and their relative effects, so they can choose by REASON?

With secular gentiles under Natural Laws, Civil and Constitutional laws
wouldn't it make more sense to show the impact that Christ Jesus teachings
have on social and political relations, so they can see and learn the difference?

There used to be time to beat around the bush--time grows very short. I am direct and to the point.

So you will limit your audience that way kjw47
That's fine, each person has their unique calling.
Best wishes reaching the audience you best speak to.
Just remember that all beings are created the same unique way.
All interconnected with a special purpose that contributes to the whole,
which is greater than the sum of the parts.

John 10:29-30 KJV

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all;
and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

Romans 8:28 KJV

28 And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.

Thank you alang1216
If anyone is going cite the Bible it states
very clearly that Jesus came to save the world not condemn it.

John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might be saved.

John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not:
for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

cc: kjw47
Perhaps the REASON Jesus does not judge/condemn those for not hearing/believing
is he DISTINGUISHES his sheep in the fold who follow NATURAL LAWS of the secular gentiles
from the sheep who follow the SCRIPTURAL laws and authority of the churched tribes.

BOTH are governed by the authority of Jesus or Divine/Universal Justice
yet the two folds speak separate languages. alang1216 is RIGHT that
this must be by "God's design" if God is perfect and in charge of all things created.

BOTH can receive Jesus or Justice as fulfilling their respective laws.
But even Jesus did not judge people for which language they spoke,
which explains why they don't understand or believe if that isn't their language for the laws.
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26

Dear kjw47 If Jesus started a single religion
it would be CHARITY as the universal practice
and RESTORATIVE JUSTICE as the universal law.

This would include all people of all cultural languages in God's plans/Yehovah's creation.

There may be one Universal Law, by definition of the Supreme Almighty and Absolute Authority over All,
but Jesus spoke to different people in different ways,
including fishermen and farmers he didn't even cite verses with who had never read the Scriptures of the Pharisees.

Jesus instructed us to love one another as he has loved us.
So kjw47 the more you love your neighbors,
the more you would care to teach people of ALL languages,
even secular science and natural laws,
how Jesus fulfill all these paths and makes them one.

He did NOT require illiterate workers in the fields to "learn Scripture"
in order to explain the Spiritual laws and process to them.
That is not a requirement.

This does NOT have to cause division just because
people speak different languages. There are many tribes who
can still be joined as neighbors in Christ, not be divided against
each other, yet understand they speak diverse tongues.
Dear Taz In order to choose right from wrong, true from false,
by human free will, reason and conscience,
we learn by experience, by comparing cause and effect.

So by universal/natural laws, if there are NEGATIVE consequences that result
from inconsistent or negative choices, while positive choices yield more effective beneficial outcomes,
we eventually learn to avoid the problems, correct and prevent them, and seek better solutions.

So why did god make satan?

Over many generations, we learn that actions biased by
fear, ill will, unforgiveness, retribution (Retributive Justice) as NEGATIVE
cause NEGATIVE results of damage, death and destruction.

While speaking the truth and doing all things with
love, good will, compassion, forgiveness and "Restorative Justice"
brings peace joy and positive results.
Dear Taz In order to choose right from wrong, true from false,
by human free will, reason and conscience,
we learn by experience, by comparing cause and effect.

So by universal/natural laws, if there are NEGATIVE consequences that result
from inconsistent or negative choices, while positive choices yield more effective beneficial outcomes,
we eventually learn to avoid the problems, correct and prevent them, and seek better solutions.

So why did god make satan?

Over many generations, we learn that actions biased by
fear, ill will, unforgiveness, retribution (Retributive Justice) as NEGATIVE
cause NEGATIVE results of damage, death and destruction.

While speaking the truth and doing all things with
love, good will, compassion, forgiveness and "Restorative Justice"
brings peace joy and positive results.
Not only was that some more long-winded fartsmoke, but it wasn't even relevant to my question.
The Jewish religion was cut off of being Gods chosen, the precise moment Jesus died( the renting of the banner in two signified that--as well Matthew 23:37-39--They are cut off. Jesus started a new religion-Acts 24:5--just 1 single religion.
As the Gnostics would say, history is written by the victors.

We aren't done yet alang1216
For "universal" truth to be established it would include all people of all groups in agreement, by definition.
Conquering and excluding groups by coercion or oppression isn't all inclusive, and thus not universal.

UNIVERSAL truth combines contributions from all sources.
As in Science, we would develop a model system that can explain ALL CASES
not leave any out for convenience that don't match our projected model.

Anything false or conflicting would be CORRECTED by USING that system if it is truly universal to all.
So everything should be able to be EXPLAINED and corrected to INCLUDE all cases.

That's why it takes so many different systems to capture and compare all the data.
As long as EACH SYSTEM is used Consistently by its given structure and rules,
they all should harmonize and complement each other, not conflict.

It's like different instruments playing different parts in the same orchestra.
The instruments and musicians cannot be expected to play each other's parts which are in different keys.
But if each plays their intended part in tune and in timing with the others,
then the symphony works perfectly. No part can be excluded or something is missing,
the symphony is incomplete and doesn't work.

Our goal is not to make each other wrong, but to help each other

That's the beauty of the orchestra. Each part has a vital role, we organize
by sectionals, by instrument, by groups, and work together to make music.

Not kick each other off the stage for making noise!
Not only was that some more long-winded fartsmoke, but it wasn't even relevant to my question.

Sorry about that Taz
"Satan" represents SELFISH motives and ILL will that is FEAR based.
So this is useful in comparing and learning the difference from
SELFLESS good will that is based on Love of TRUTH.

We need to see both sides in order to choose by REASON and free will.
Not blind faith. Is that clear?
In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
And rose a Jew.

Tell me again what multiple sects of Christianity means? Arguing there can be no God because everyone doesn’t agree on who God is is illogical AF.
Here's a list of movements declared heretical by the Catholic Church. Note that many of these early churches were formed very soon after the death of Jesus so there were people still living who heard Jesus speak.
Still not following you? If Jesus had never been born into this world God would still exist.

For some very odd reason you believe what we believe determines God’s existence.
Yes alang1216
What this means is the way of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE (which Christ Jesus represents)
is what saves Humanity from war, greed, suffering, ills abuse and other destruction we perpetuate ourselves.


Compare in general the
* OT which is full of war and genocide (antichrist,
judgement and punishment, living by the letter of the
law corrupted by greed and RULE BY "Retributive Justice")
* NT which is about renewal, restoration living by LOVE of
Truth, Justice and Peace to RESTORE human relations and society

You can SEE when people take one side of JUSTICE over another.
That is WHY "Jesus" is warned as bringing a TWO EDGED SWORD
that "divides people against each other" (this division shows when
you compare people taking the Restorative approach to Justice
being opposed by people taking the Retributive approach instead)

You have your choice of
* Retributive Justice where you get the judgment you give
* Restorative Justice where you forgive others for you to be forgiven

So THIS explains why some people teach
* God and Jesus as JUDGING and CONDEMNING by Authority of law
* others teach God as LOVE and Jesus as granting Justice with MERCY and CHARITY

alang1216 does this make sense that we have people
and groups taking BOTH these approaches to "Justice"

And WHICH do you believe makes more sense if Jesus means
SALVATION and bringing true Justice and Peace to SAVE HUMANITY.
Which do you find brings REDEMPTION HEALING and RESTORATION
* Look up Restorative Justice to see the results it has had on people
* For Retributive Justice look at wars, bullying in the media and politics,
backbiting and all manner of negative judgement blame and punishment

What makes more sense that Jesus would represent?
Restorative Justice? that brings renewal of relations and healing to humanity?
Retributive Justice that brings destruction and more war?

If you can understand why Christ Jesus would mean RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
then you can see what it means for all humanity needing to take
THIS path to restore justice and peace in order to establish
"peace on earth" or the "Kingdom of God".

Does this make more sense?
You make perfect sense. Unfortunately I see very little evidence that the followers of Jesus have made this world a better place because of what Jesus said and did.

The real followers have. They listen to Jesus over men. That is FEW unfortunately. Jesus started one single religion. Its the only religion he is with--Not 34,000 different ones. That is caused by confusion of believing men and their errors over Jesus.
Sounds like a 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
And rose a Jew.

Tell me again what multiple sects of Christianity means? Arguing there can be no God because everyone doesn’t agree on who God is is illogical AF.

The Jewish religion was cut off of being Gods chosen, the precise moment Jesus died( the renting of the banner in two signified that--as well Matthew 23:37-39--They are cut off. Jesus started a new religion-Acts 24:5--just 1 single religion.
That’s a lot of people you just condemned, don’t you think?
The real followers have. They listen to Jesus over men. That is FEW unfortunately. Jesus started one single religion. Its the only religion he is with--Not 34,000 different ones. That is caused by confusion of believing men and their errors over Jesus.
Sounds like a 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
And rose a Jew.

Tell me again what multiple sects of Christianity means? Arguing there can be no God because everyone doesn’t agree on who God is is illogical AF.
If god is provable, which can't everyone agree on it?

99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So why did god make satan?

Satan was created a perfect angel being with free will. He rebelled and got mortals to rebel. 1/3 of the angels fell as well. Gods kingdom will end him.
In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26
Not buying it.

Paul was roaming the Roman world trying to keep his churches in line because others were traveling with different theologies. The main conflict being, did one have convert to Judaism before becoming a Christian. Some said yes and that was the Jerusalem faction. Others, like Paul, believed you didn't and circumcision was unnecessary. Paul's faction won by default when the Romans burned Jerusalem. If Paul had lost, Christianity today would be a tiny sect in a minor religion. Paul opened up the possibility of mass conversions of gentiles.

Pagan Rome was as much responsible for Christianity as anyone or anything.

They don't teach what Jesus actually taught. In fact they teach a non existent false God.
Yes satans#1 job attack Jesus seed relentless. False teachings started getting in in Peters letters. Titus had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The important thing--they are corrected. To this day are being corrected. In front of the whole world.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.

He didn't know. He does not know the future when free will is involved.
So once and for all time it is being proved 100% that mortals need to listen to Gods advice on how to live the path of lasting happiness. He set this before all-Deut 30:19= Life or Death, both are everlasting. Gods people listen to him now.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.
Or you lack complete knowledge.

The problem with your position is that if God does exist then you must believe you know better than the creator of existence and believe you could have done it better. An entirely illogical position.

So the only possible explanation is that you lack complete information and he doesn’t.
Yes alang1216
What this means is the way of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE (which Christ Jesus represents)
is what saves Humanity from war, greed, suffering, ills abuse and other destruction we perpetuate ourselves.


Compare in general the
* OT which is full of war and genocide (antichrist,
judgement and punishment, living by the letter of the
law corrupted by greed and RULE BY "Retributive Justice")
* NT which is about renewal, restoration living by LOVE of
Truth, Justice and Peace to RESTORE human relations and society

You can SEE when people take one side of JUSTICE over another.
That is WHY "Jesus" is warned as bringing a TWO EDGED SWORD
that "divides people against each other" (this division shows when
you compare people taking the Restorative approach to Justice
being opposed by people taking the Retributive approach instead)

You have your choice of
* Retributive Justice where you get the judgment you give
* Restorative Justice where you forgive others for you to be forgiven

So THIS explains why some people teach
* God and Jesus as JUDGING and CONDEMNING by Authority of law
* others teach God as LOVE and Jesus as granting Justice with MERCY and CHARITY

alang1216 does this make sense that we have people
and groups taking BOTH these approaches to "Justice"

And WHICH do you believe makes more sense if Jesus means
SALVATION and bringing true Justice and Peace to SAVE HUMANITY.
Which do you find brings REDEMPTION HEALING and RESTORATION
* Look up Restorative Justice to see the results it has had on people
* For Retributive Justice look at wars, bullying in the media and politics,
backbiting and all manner of negative judgement blame and punishment

What makes more sense that Jesus would represent?
Restorative Justice? that brings renewal of relations and healing to humanity?
Retributive Justice that brings destruction and more war?

If you can understand why Christ Jesus would mean RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
then you can see what it means for all humanity needing to take
THIS path to restore justice and peace in order to establish
"peace on earth" or the "Kingdom of God".

Does this make more sense?
You make perfect sense. Unfortunately I see very little evidence that the followers of Jesus have made this world a better place because of what Jesus said and did.

The real followers have. They listen to Jesus over men. That is FEW unfortunately. Jesus started one single religion. Its the only religion he is with--Not 34,000 different ones. That is caused by confusion of believing men and their errors over Jesus.

Dear kjw47
Given that Jesus is Divine Authority of Justice over ALL other dominions (Colossians 1:16),
how can we best communicate and develop lawful cooperation among the diverse tribes?
1. First there are people under CHRISTIAN laws and Bible
that need to get on the same page
2. Secondly there are SECULAR GENTILES under NATURAL LAWS
who may respond more to SCIENCE and explanations using SECULAR TERMS
3. Third there are political groups and nations that understand
CIVIL and Constitutional laws and traditions of their own cultures and countries.

Doesn't it make sense to talk to people "as Jesus did" using
the PARABLES and language that relate TO THOSE PEOPLE?

With fishermen and farmers Jesus did not cite scriptural laws
as he did with the learned Pharisees who live by that language.

With Muslims, wouldn't we address them using their own Muslim standards and principles?

With Atheists who believe in science wouldn't we use the language of experience and
scientific method where cause and effect, before and after, can be compared to see
the different that approaches have and their relative effects, so they can choose by REASON?

With secular gentiles under Natural Laws, Civil and Constitutional laws
wouldn't it make more sense to show the impact that Christ Jesus teachings
have on social and political relations, so they can see and learn the difference?

There used to be time to beat around the bush--time grows very short. I am direct and to the point.

So you will limit your audience that way kjw47
That's fine, each person has their unique calling.
Best wishes reaching the audience you best speak to.
Just remember that all beings are created the same unique way.
All interconnected with a special purpose that contributes to the whole,
which is greater than the sum of the parts.

John 10:29-30 KJV

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all;
and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

Romans 8:28 KJV

28 And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

We are very deep into revelation.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.

Thank you alang1216
If anyone is going cite the Bible it states
very clearly that Jesus came to save the world not condemn it.

John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might be saved.

John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not:
for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

cc: kjw47
Perhaps the REASON Jesus does not judge/condemn those for not hearing/believing
is he DISTINGUISHES his sheep in the fold who follow NATURAL LAWS of the secular gentiles
from the sheep who follow the SCRIPTURAL laws and authority of the churched tribes.

BOTH are governed by the authority of Jesus or Divine/Universal Justice
yet the two folds speak separate languages. alang1216 is RIGHT that
this must be by "God's design" if God is perfect and in charge of all things created.

BOTH can receive Jesus or Justice as fulfilling their respective laws.
But even Jesus did not judge people for which language they spoke,
which explains why they don't understand or believe if that isn't their language for the laws.

Yes Jesus came to save the world--He said--FEW will find the road. 99% don't even know what Jesus actually teaches.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.
So let’s explore your position that God is a sadist. Why would a sadist allow us to have any happiness at all?
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26

Dear kjw47 If Jesus started a single religion
it would be CHARITY as the universal practice
and RESTORATIVE JUSTICE as the universal law.

This would include all people of all cultural languages in God's plans/Yehovah's creation.

There may be one Universal Law, by definition of the Supreme Almighty and Absolute Authority over All,
but Jesus spoke to different people in different ways,
including fishermen and farmers he didn't even cite verses with who had never read the Scriptures of the Pharisees.

Jesus instructed us to love one another as he has loved us.
So kjw47 the more you love your neighbors,
the more you would care to teach people of ALL languages,
even secular science and natural laws,
how Jesus fulfill all these paths and makes them one.

He did NOT require illiterate workers in the fields to "learn Scripture"
in order to explain the Spiritual laws and process to them.
That is not a requirement.

This does NOT have to cause division just because
people speak different languages. There are many tribes who
can still be joined as neighbors in Christ, not be divided against
each other, yet understand they speak diverse tongues.

Gods will, will occur 100% guaranteed. Jesus warned the world that they would not know the true God=Father-( John 15:20-21, John 17:3)
99% of all religion is false( Babylon the great)--Its been that way throughout the bible.
You make perfect sense. Unfortunately I see very little evidence that the followers of Jesus have made this world a better place because of what Jesus said and did.

The real followers have. They listen to Jesus over men. That is FEW unfortunately. Jesus started one single religion. Its the only religion he is with--Not 34,000 different ones. That is caused by confusion of believing men and their errors over Jesus.
Sounds like a 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
And rose a Jew.

Tell me again what multiple sects of Christianity means? Arguing there can be no God because everyone doesn’t agree on who God is is illogical AF.

The Jewish religion was cut off of being Gods chosen, the precise moment Jesus died( the renting of the banner in two signified that--as well Matthew 23:37-39--They are cut off. Jesus started a new religion-Acts 24:5--just 1 single religion.
That’s a lot of people you just condemned, don’t you think?

I didn't condemn them. The bible does. I just share-FACTS.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.
So let’s explore your position that God is a sadist. Why would a sadist allow us to have any happiness at all?

Teaching an eternal hellfire is calling God a Sadist. God set this before all-Deut 30:19--

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