The third evil: Not voting at all


Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

You can vote for HRC or you can vote for one of her more active supporters:

I don't mind when people choose not to vote. It just irritates me to no end when those same people try to open their mouths to bit@h, whine, and complain. Oh, NO - sorry, you forfeited that right when you sat your ass down on the sidelines and chose to do nothing.

Depends on how you look at it.

If it were up to me, every voter would have to take a test before voting to see if what kind of knowledge they have about issues and current policies. Nothing too hard, just simple questions like what party does the VP belong to? Who is the Speaker of the House? Were taxes increased during the current administration? What party is the majority in the Senate? Things like that.

I have friends and coworkers that know absolutely nothing about politics, but vote anyhow. They do so to be patriotic. I always say that if you don't know WTF you are even voting on, the most patriotic thing you can do is stay home on election day. Let the knowledgable people vote instead of you.

The problem with our voting is it's become a popularity contest. How do they dress? How do they speak? How hot is their wife? Nothing about issues or current problems.

That's how we ended up with DumBama. That's how we ended up with Trump.
Bernie should do whatever he wants to do. Bobby Jindal and George Pitaki could still be in the race if they wanted to be. All 3 have the same chance of winning; zilch.
I choose not to participate in a farce. Someone suggested Sanders as an alternative, why not more alternatives ? Bernie is a nice guy and all, but free health care and college? Um, if that was feasible, it would have happened years ago, it's a pipe dream. I want reasonable candidates with reasonable expectations. I get Hillary and Trump instead.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all
having a choice of bad (hiLIARy) or worse (Drumpf) is not a choice shortbusknife
It is good that such a choice does not exist.

The statements about not choosing or not voting all have the same false supposition - that we have a duopoly and you can only vote D or R.

It is sad because the same pathetic excuse is used over and over for third parties - people do not vote there because it would be 'throwing' your vote away. In a sick twist in reality, the only reason that this is so because so many people prescribe to it that those parties are unable to garner grater number of votes.

Generating votes effects the national politics EVEN IF THOSE THIRD PARTIES LOSE. It sends a clear message to the other parties that they need to adjust the message/platform to win those votes back or they may lose to much support. Not voting at all does absolutely nothing. All the parties care about is winning and if only 10% vote but vote for them then there is nothing to address - they are winning and will continue to do so.

Less than half the eligible voters actually vote. The portion that does not vote because they are sick of the political bullshit is rather large. If they bothered to vote a 3rd party it is likely that 3rd party would easily win. Not going to happen but it may in the future if you vote for them now and build on that base to make it a viable party. I grantee that the Ds and Rs would respond to any buildup of support for any 3rd party run and adjust accordingly.

Why do you think that Bernie is still running?

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

I totally agree with you about this.
You can't make a difference when the elites own both parties, the media, the corportacracy, when they own it all. You are fooling yourself if you think your vote makes a difference.

I beg to differ....Trump is the example. The people have pushed their choice down the throats of the Establishment for a change. People can make a difference.

The 'people' you're talking about are right-wingers .. and if those people choose a loud-mouth talk show host with no legislative experience for president and a 'difference' .. it only demonstrates how utterly ignorant the process is .. demonstrates why not voting is a valid choice.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

There is nothing stopping anybody from running a third party. The problem is any third party candidate running would be leaning to one side or the other. A vote for that candidate is a red carpet to the White House for the candidate that is opposite of their view.

If Sanders loses and decides to run a third party, that would guarantee a Trump win. If Trump gets upset with the Republicans and decides on a third party run, that guarantees a Hillary win.

That's just the way our politics is and it's not going to change in our lifetime. The best anybody can do is vote the worst person out.

In my opinion, and with all due respect, that's a ridiculous idea that only plays into the colonization of the American people. We are a colonized people who accept our roles as subjects to the Crown, not citizens .. mere observers to our fate.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

People who play the game that you suggest are indeed subjects, not citizens. The best that can be hoped for is 'lesser evil.'

Rights in this country are not determined by what is just, right, fair, humane, honest, or by what Jesus would do. Rights in this country are determined by what you can demand .. and If you cannot demand those rights, they aren't your rights. That's the only way it works in America.

Until the American people stop acting like subjects and demand access to the ballot for 3rd parties, we deserve whatever government we get.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

There is nothing stopping anybody from running a third party. The problem is any third party candidate running would be leaning to one side or the other. A vote for that candidate is a red carpet to the White House for the candidate that is opposite of their view.

If Sanders loses and decides to run a third party, that would guarantee a Trump win. If Trump gets upset with the Republicans and decides on a third party run, that guarantees a Hillary win.

That's just the way our politics is and it's not going to change in our lifetime. The best anybody can do is vote the worst person out.

In my opinion, and with all due respect, that's a ridiculous idea that only plays into the colonization of the American people. We are a colonized people who accept our roles as subjects to the Crown, not citizens .. mere observers to our fate.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

People who play the game that you suggest are indeed subjects, not citizens. The best that can be hoped for is 'lesser evil.'

Rights in this country are not determined by what is just, right, fair, humane, honest, or by what Jesus would do. Rights in this country are determined by what you can demand .. and If you cannot demand those rights, they aren't your rights. That's the only way it works in America.

Until the American people stop acting like subjects and demand access to the ballot for 3rd parties, we deserve whatever government we get.

The lesser of two evils is usually the only choice presented to us. In this year's election we have two candidates who haven't sold their souls to the devil. Sanders is one of them because he's basically as honest as a guy can be in politics - look at his net worth. His only problem is that he thinks massive illegal immigration into this country is the right of anyone that wants to sneak into this country.
Trump is the other candidate who can afford to tell the ownership class to take a hike. He's also a candidate who's telling it like it is. Massive immigration from the third world will turn us into a third world country with no common religion or language. Also the one sided trade deals like the clintons engage in will de industrialize this country and turn it into a third world country.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

There is nothing stopping anybody from running a third party. The problem is any third party candidate running would be leaning to one side or the other. A vote for that candidate is a red carpet to the White House for the candidate that is opposite of their view.

If Sanders loses and decides to run a third party, that would guarantee a Trump win. If Trump gets upset with the Republicans and decides on a third party run, that guarantees a Hillary win.

That's just the way our politics is and it's not going to change in our lifetime. The best anybody can do is vote the worst person out.

In my opinion, and with all due respect, that's a ridiculous idea that only plays into the colonization of the American people. We are a colonized people who accept our roles as subjects to the Crown, not citizens .. mere observers to our fate.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

People who play the game that you suggest are indeed subjects, not citizens. The best that can be hoped for is 'lesser evil.'

Rights in this country are not determined by what is just, right, fair, humane, honest, or by what Jesus would do. Rights in this country are determined by what you can demand .. and If you cannot demand those rights, they aren't your rights. That's the only way it works in America.

Until the American people stop acting like subjects and demand access to the ballot for 3rd parties, we deserve whatever government we get.

The lesser of two evils is usually the only choice presented to us. In this year's election we have two candidates who haven't sold their souls to the devil. Sanders is one of them because he's basically as honest as a guy can be in politics - look at his net worth. His only problem is that he thinks massive illegal immigration into this country is the right of anyone that wants to sneak into this country.
Trump is the other candidate who can afford to tell the ownership class to take a hike. He's also a candidate who's telling it like it is. Massive immigration from the third world will turn us into a third world country with no common religion or language. Also the one sided trade deals like the clintons engage in will de industrialize this country and turn it into a third world country.

Americans ACCEPT the supposed 'lesser of two evils' because we are a colonized people .. colonized minds.

Trump isn't a choice at all for people with brains. You're talking about a talk show host with no legislative experience for president. If bells aren't going off in your mind with the thought of that .. there is a problem..

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

There is nothing stopping anybody from running a third party. The problem is any third party candidate running would be leaning to one side or the other. A vote for that candidate is a red carpet to the White House for the candidate that is opposite of their view.

If Sanders loses and decides to run a third party, that would guarantee a Trump win. If Trump gets upset with the Republicans and decides on a third party run, that guarantees a Hillary win.

That's just the way our politics is and it's not going to change in our lifetime. The best anybody can do is vote the worst person out.

In my opinion, and with all due respect, that's a ridiculous idea that only plays into the colonization of the American people. We are a colonized people who accept our roles as subjects to the Crown, not citizens .. mere observers to our fate.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

People who play the game that you suggest are indeed subjects, not citizens. The best that can be hoped for is 'lesser evil.'

Rights in this country are not determined by what is just, right, fair, humane, honest, or by what Jesus would do. Rights in this country are determined by what you can demand .. and If you cannot demand those rights, they aren't your rights. That's the only way it works in America.

Until the American people stop acting like subjects and demand access to the ballot for 3rd parties, we deserve whatever government we get.

The lesser of two evils is usually the only choice presented to us. In this year's election we have two candidates who haven't sold their souls to the devil. Sanders is one of them because he's basically as honest as a guy can be in politics - look at his net worth. His only problem is that he thinks massive illegal immigration into this country is the right of anyone that wants to sneak into this country.
Trump is the other candidate who can afford to tell the ownership class to take a hike. He's also a candidate who's telling it like it is. Massive immigration from the third world will turn us into a third world country with no common religion or language. Also the one sided trade deals like the clintons engage in will de industrialize this country and turn it into a third world country.

Americans ACCEPT the supposed 'lesser of two evils' because we are a colonized people .. colonized minds.

Trump isn't a choice at all for people with brains. You're talking about a talk show host with no legislative experience for president. If bells aren't going off in your mind with the thought of that .. there is a problem..

Plenty of past presidents with legislative experience have screwed things up royally too. I'm surprised you didn't know that, what with your big brain and all.
I don't mind when people choose not to vote. It just irritates me to no end when those same people try to open their mouths to bit@h, whine, and complain. Oh, NO - sorry, you forfeited that right when you sat your ass down on the sidelines and chose to do nothing.

Depends on how you look at it.

If it were up to me, every voter would have to take a test before voting to see if what kind of knowledge they have about issues and current policies. Nothing too hard, just simple questions like what party does the VP belong to? Who is the Speaker of the House? Were taxes increased during the current administration? What party is the majority in the Senate? Things like that.

I have friends and coworkers that know absolutely nothing about politics, but vote anyhow. They do so to be patriotic. I always say that if you don't know WTF you are even voting on, the most patriotic thing you can do is stay home on election day. Let the knowledgable people vote instead of you.

The problem with our voting is it's become a popularity contest. How do they dress? How do they speak? How hot is their wife? Nothing about issues or current problems.

That's how we ended up with DumBama. That's how we ended up with Trump.

If it were up to me, every candidate for president would have to take a lie detector test. Questions such as....Mrs. Clinton, do you and your husband have money in secret Swiss accounts? Or, Mrs. Clinton, have you or your husband ever used the N word when discussing Obama or while discussing black people in general?
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Ever heard of a Hobson's choice? Voting maters only when you actually have a free choice, not a choice between the lesser of two evils. I would rather NOT participate in that than perpetrate it. Not voting itself IS a statement.
No, it is not. Not voting does not do anything whatsoever to weaken the false dichotomy - it STRENGTHENS IT by keeping the vast majority of votes in the dichotomy.

The ONLY THING that weakens that false choice is choosing outside of it. That is why a 3rd party is NOT throwing your vote away and until the sheep realize it the dichotomy will continue.

If not voting was effective then something would have already changed since the vast majority do not vote.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all
having a choice of bad (hiLIARy) or worse (Drumpf) is not a choice shortbusknife
It is good that such a choice does not exist.

The statements about not choosing or not voting all have the same false supposition - that we have a duopoly and you can only vote D or R.

It is sad because the same pathetic excuse is used over and over for third parties - people do not vote there because it would be 'throwing' your vote away. In a sick twist in reality, the only reason that this is so because so many people prescribe to it that those parties are unable to garner grater number of votes.

Generating votes effects the national politics EVEN IF THOSE THIRD PARTIES LOSE. It sends a clear message to the other parties that they need to adjust the message/platform to win those votes back or they may lose to much support. Not voting at all does absolutely nothing. All the parties care about is winning and if only 10% vote but vote for them then there is nothing to address - they are winning and will continue to do so.

Less than half the eligible voters actually vote. The portion that does not vote because they are sick of the political bullshit is rather large. If they bothered to vote a 3rd party it is likely that 3rd party would easily win. Not going to happen but it may in the future if you vote for them now and build on that base to make it a viable party. I grantee that the Ds and Rs would respond to any buildup of support for any 3rd party run and adjust accordingly.

Why do you think that Bernie is still running?
Of course not - you enjoy being ignorant.
I don't mind when people choose not to vote. It just irritates me to no end when those same people try to open their mouths to bit@h, whine, and complain. Oh, NO - sorry, you forfeited that right when you sat your ass down on the sidelines and chose to do nothing.

Depends on how you look at it.

If it were up to me, every voter would have to take a test before voting to see if what kind of knowledge they have about issues and current policies. Nothing too hard, just simple questions like what party does the VP belong to? Who is the Speaker of the House? Were taxes increased during the current administration? What party is the majority in the Senate? Things like that.

I have friends and coworkers that know absolutely nothing about politics, but vote anyhow. They do so to be patriotic. I always say that if you don't know WTF you are even voting on, the most patriotic thing you can do is stay home on election day. Let the knowledgable people vote instead of you.

The problem with our voting is it's become a popularity contest. How do they dress? How do they speak? How hot is their wife? Nothing about issues or current problems.

That's how we ended up with DumBama. That's how we ended up with Trump.
The problem there is that so many think that voting is a right - a patriotic right that we all must exercize for the good of the nation.

That is a silly idea if you ask me. Voting is a responsibility and one that should be taken seriously and with weight or not taken on at all.

I don't really care if you disagree with me politically as long as you actually know what you are doing.

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