The Talking Heads – Are We Listening To Them Too Much ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Ever watch “Washington Week” on PBS ? Lots of people would say >> “Why bother ? Just a bunch of liberals spouting the usual liberal lines.”

Sure. As it is with most politics on TV. But even among some of my conservative favorites, on radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mike Gallagher, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc), I find a typical flaw. That is a bit of overemphasis on the present, with some perhaps inadvertent lack of caution toward the longer term picture of things.

Having been born in New York City within 2 months of President Trump’s birth there, and having watched his development through his whole public life, one thing is clear. That this is a very shrewd man who sets goals, and rarely fails to achieve them, often confusing onlookers with his unconventional, (but effective) methodical styles.

Critics, pitifully bound to conventional ways, seem to be unable to unlock themselves from their rigid perceptions and perspectives. On Washington Week, the talking heads seemed to agree that Trump has been abandoning some of his fundamental campaign positions. One example they cite, is the friendliness to China, while nudging China to exert pressure on North Korea.

Sure, China has enormous influence over N Korea, by suppling N Korea with much of the oil and food supply, and buying North Korean coal. And yes, although not a typical Chinese position to lean hard on N Korea, the Chinese could go that route (they’re not comfortable with N Korea’s nuclear ambitions either).

But none of this is reason to believe that this is an abandonment of the “America First” ideology, and the tariff policies Trump has proposed, or the 15% corporate tax (10% lower than China’s), which will bring US businesses back to the US, from China. As Pat Buchanan has said, “If China wants a trade war, bring it on. We’d eat their lunch.” No doubt about it. We have everything to gain. And likely, we will have that trade war and win it, hands down. But all that is in the future.

I’m seeing the Trump style in full operation here. Get what you need first, secure it substantially, then later on, negotiate for (through deals if necessary), what you want.

It may take a full 4 year term for a lot of people to really gather how this president operates, since they’re not used to seeing his style. My guess is that, over time, we will see all of Trump’s goals fulfilled, and then some. While most critics scoffed, I had no doubt that Trump would win the primaries, and go on to win the general election, and I still don’t doubt him. Not one bit.

Trump supporters: take heed. The campaign promise work may not all be apparent right now, but it is THERE, and isn’t going away. The talking heads get paid to TALK, not necessarily to be correct.

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