One of the mods posted a bunch of charts showing how many of various religions place their value of their religion above their support of this country among other trends. My problem with that poll is that the Muslims that place their religion above this country REALLY feel that way in a fashion that they are willing to commit suicide to prove their faith. Not so much the Christians. If push came to shove American Christians are far more likely to back the USA. I don't know of ANY that would be suicide bombers to support the Christian church.
Even if only 1% of the Muslims in this country would be a suicide bomber to support Islam that's a hell of a lot of deadly weapons walking around just waiting for their marching orders. In a million Muslims that's 10,000 potential suicide bombs going off. Technically we are looking at 30lbs of well placed C4 each killing maybe 20 Americans a piece or 200.000 innocent victims blown to shit.

How many suicide bombs before what Trump has been saying comes true no matter WHO is president? In say one years time...10? probably not. 100? there would be some talk for sure... 1000? Bye Bye Muslims!!!
One of the mods posted a bunch of charts showing how many of various religions place their value of their religion above their support of this country among other trends. My problem with that poll is that the Muslims that place their religion above this country REALLY feel that way in a fashion that they are willing to commit suicide to prove their faith. Not so much the Christians. If push came to shove American Christians are far more likely to back the USA. I don't know of ANY that would be suicide bombers to support the Christian church.
Maybe things will be different after 8 years of trump. The trump Inquisition
Even if only 1% of the Muslims in this country would be a suicide bomber to support Islam that's a hell of a lot of deadly weapons walking around just waiting for their marching orders. In a million Muslims that's 10,000 potential suicide bombs going off. Technically we are looking at 30lbs of well placed C4 each killing maybe 20 Americans a piece or 200.000 innocent victims blown to shit.

How many suicide bombs before what Trump has been saying comes true no matter WHO is president? In say one years time...10? probably not. 100? there would be some talk for sure... 1000? Bye Bye Muslims!!!
1. If that happens things will get really shitty for Muslims.
Even if only 1% of the Muslims in this country would be a suicide bomber to support Islam that's a hell of a lot of deadly weapons walking around just waiting for their marching orders. In a million Muslims that's 10,000 potential suicide bombs going off. Technically we are looking at 30lbs of well placed C4 each killing maybe 20 Americans a piece or 200.000 innocent victims blown to shit.

How many suicide bombs before what Trump has been saying comes true no matter WHO is president? In say one years time...10? probably not. 100? there would be some talk for sure... 1000? Bye Bye Muslims!!!
1. If that happens things will get really shitty for Muslims.

That could spiral things out of control in a hurry. The moment we seriously start deporting ALL Muslims then the ones that were borderline will probably go off the deep end and accelerate taking the path of suicide bombing.

It could easily jump from 100 to 1000 suicide bombings in just a few weeks. Then non muslim Americans would start shooting Muslims with back packs in public places wholesale. That would be a strange world until it settled down. Even the Mexicans would stop entering the country because they have darker skin and look a little like Mid Easterners. In a heartbeat ALL immigrants with darker skin would be at risk.
Even if only 1% of the Muslims in this country would be a suicide bomber to support Islam that's a hell of a lot of deadly weapons walking around just waiting for their marching orders. In a million Muslims that's 10,000 potential suicide bombs going off. Technically we are looking at 30lbs of well placed C4 each killing maybe 20 Americans a piece or 200.000 innocent victims blown to shit.

How many suicide bombs before what Trump has been saying comes true no matter WHO is president? In say one years time...10? probably not. 100? there would be some talk for sure... 1000? Bye Bye Muslims!!!
1. If that happens things will get really shitty for Muslims.

That could spiral things out of control in a hurry. The moment we seriously start deporting ALL Muslims then the ones that were borderline will probably go off the deep end and accelerate taking the path of suicide bombing.

It could easily jump from 100 to 1000 suicide bombings in just a few weeks. Then non muslim Americans would start shooting Muslims with back packs in public places wholesale. That would be a strange world until it settled down. Even the Mexicans would stop entering the country because they have darker skin and look a little like Mid Easterners. In a heartbeat ALL immigrants with darker skin would be at risk.
Look at how less religious us american Christians have become in 100 years. My hop is Muslim grandkids will Americanize.

But stop letting more in
Even if only 1% of the Muslims in this country would be a suicide bomber to support Islam that's a hell of a lot of deadly weapons walking around just waiting for their marching orders. In a million Muslims that's 10,000 potential suicide bombs going off. Technically we are looking at 30lbs of well placed C4 each killing maybe 20 Americans a piece or 200.000 innocent victims blown to shit.

How many suicide bombs before what Trump has been saying comes true no matter WHO is president? In say one years time...10? probably not. 100? there would be some talk for sure... 1000? Bye Bye Muslims!!!
1. If that happens things will get really shitty for Muslims.

That could spiral things out of control in a hurry. The moment we seriously start deporting ALL Muslims then the ones that were borderline will probably go off the deep end and accelerate taking the path of suicide bombing.

It could easily jump from 100 to 1000 suicide bombings in just a few weeks. Then non muslim Americans would start shooting Muslims with back packs in public places wholesale. That would be a strange world until it settled down. Even the Mexicans would stop entering the country because they have darker skin and look a little like Mid Easterners. In a heartbeat ALL immigrants with darker skin would be at risk.
Look at how less religious us american Christians have become in 100 years. My hop is Muslim grandkids will Americanize.

But stop letting more in

You? were right that the Fundi Christians like having the Muslims here because it gives them cover for their own brand of insane beliefs.
Science has already disproved the basis of many, perhaps Most, gods.

Never has a more ignorant thing been stated. Science never disproves anything, much less things that aren't physical. Most people learn this the first week they take a Science class.

There is no difference between macro and micro, just continued mutation for continued distance.
Science, through the Fossil Record, DNA, etc, already Strongly "supports" Evolution

There is a huge difference and no, it doesn't. Even IF it did... "strongly supports" is not "proven fact" and never will be.

And if you think coming in here and spewing ignorant statements makes you right and proves me wrong, you're mentally disturbed.
The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

And yet... That's EXACTLY what you do with Evolution, Origin, Abiogenesis and God.

Wrong again. See why I love this website?

There are no absolute truths in science; all laws, theories and conclusions can become obsolete if they are found in contradiction with new evidence. However, a scientific theory is the highest honor any scientific principle can obtain, for they comprise all the evidence, laws and models relevant to an observed phenomena.

Science is an exercise in falsifiability. Unlike religious dogma, which presumes the truth, the scientific method is a self correcting process, an ever sharpening blade. The models used by science to explain observations and make predictions are simply the ‘most correct’ at the time. The greatest skepticism should always be reserved for inflexible positions whose proponents insist that they and their assertions are above question and examination.

Number 40.

And you want me to type this myself rather than cut and paste when this site debunks every point you make so brilliantly?

Why there is no god

I'm perfectly ok with finding out macro evolution isn't real. I would LOVE to find out that the reptiles and birds and amphibians and fish are not related to us. If the scientific community ever decides this, I'll be the first one to admit you were right.

Science can't disprove your faith.
Macro evolution is not real until it is supported with science.
Micro evolution is only real in certain circumstances.

Science has not disproved God and never can.
Just as Science can never prove God.

You are copying and pasting OPINIONS from blogs! That's not Science!!!
Scientists look at what humans look like the day they are conceived and they look at all other animals and it appears we all start off the same.

This is just one of 1000 reasons they believe common ancestry but that seems to confuse you. You can argue the 999 other reasons macro evolution is real.

You don't believe we all crawled out of the water. So you don't believe in evolution. That's a fact not a theory

Of course, science is not simply looking at something and claiming a fact based on how it looks. As a matter of fact, this is specifically WHY Science was invented. If we're going to say that facts are based on how things appear, then it's a fact the Earth is flat and the universe revolves around it. We need not question this because it's how things look and science has proved it.

You've not shown any evidence to support the idea that we crawled out of water. All you can show are theories, opinions, ideas... there is no science to support it.
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked.

Thanks for admitting that I was right and you're a sniveling little coward in real life who can't stand up for your own convictions. You'd rather let your family pay thousands of dollars and all their time praying over you to send you into an afterlife you believe is a joke and doesn't exist.

So, first you revealed that you became this "atheist-agnostic" because your buddies ridiculed you believing in God. Now, you don't have the courage to be honest with your family about what you really believe.

It's sad that in order for you to feel good about yourself, you need to come here and ridicule others as you hide behind the anonymity of your keyboard. Your little band of friends chiming in to decorate your posts with ornaments of appreciation makes you feel like a big person.

It's really about as pathetic as you can be.
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked.

Thanks for admitting that I was right and you're a sniveling little coward in real life who can't stand up for your own convictions. You'd rather let your family pay thousands of dollars and all their time praying over you to send you into an afterlife you believe is a joke and doesn't exist.

So, first you revealed that you became this "atheist-agnostic" because your buddies ridiculed you believing in God. Now, you don't have the courage to be honest with your family about what you really believe.

It's sad that in order for you to feel good about yourself, you need to come here and ridicule others as you hide behind the anonymity of your keyboard. Your little band of friends chiming in to decorate your posts with ornaments of appreciation makes you feel like a big person.

It's really about as pathetic as you can be.
I've hinted to my brother I don't believe. In fact you know I've told my father there is no God and he and my brother have discussed how I don't believe.

I just haven't had the discussion with my brother because he's a Christian.

My father admits organized religions are man made so I can tell him how I feel but you can't tell a Christian Mary was a whore. They take it too personally.
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked.

Thanks for admitting that I was right and you're a sniveling little coward in real life who can't stand up for your own convictions. You'd rather let your family pay thousands of dollars and all their time praying over you to send you into an afterlife you believe is a joke and doesn't exist.

So, first you revealed that you became this "atheist-agnostic" because your buddies ridiculed you believing in God. Now, you don't have the courage to be honest with your family about what you really believe.

It's sad that in order for you to feel good about yourself, you need to come here and ridicule others as you hide behind the anonymity of your keyboard. Your little band of friends chiming in to decorate your posts with ornaments of appreciation makes you feel like a big person.

It's really about as pathetic as you can be.
I became a fully committed atheist after watching the cosmos with an atheist.

Do you think it's something to be proud of that despite all the information you've been given you still suffer from delusions?

I think it takes a very smart and courageous person to look up and realize that there is no God.

It's not because I'm unhappy. It isn't because I was ridiculed and it's not because I'm mad at God. I now just realize there is no God.

It was all in my head. And now it's gone.

This is the best place to take on God. I believe this is what God invented the internet for.
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

"I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us."


I'd suggest you confine your posting to topics about which you know anything...but then you'd be mute.

Today's vocabulary lesson:

the attempted reconciliation or union of differentor opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
the definition of syncretic
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked.

Thanks for admitting that I was right and you're a sniveling little coward in real life who can't stand up for your own convictions. You'd rather let your family pay thousands of dollars and all their time praying over you to send you into an afterlife you believe is a joke and doesn't exist.

So, first you revealed that you became this "atheist-agnostic" because your buddies ridiculed you believing in God. Now, you don't have the courage to be honest with your family about what you really believe.

It's sad that in order for you to feel good about yourself, you need to come here and ridicule others as you hide behind the anonymity of your keyboard. Your little band of friends chiming in to decorate your posts with ornaments of appreciation makes you feel like a big person.

It's really about as pathetic as you can be.
I've hinted to my brother I don't believe. In fact you know I've told my father there is no God and he and my brother have discussed how I don't believe.

I just haven't had the discussion with my brother because he's a Christian.

My father admits organized religions are man made so I can tell him how I feel but you can't tell a Christian Mary was a whore. They take it too personally.

Atheists, unlike christians, are of a 'live, and let live" philosophy. We do not feel that it is necessary to piss on Christians' parades. My brother, too, is as fundy, and I am sure that he knows that I am an unbeliever, But, since I expect him not to preach to me, i respect him by not preaching to him. Nothing positive can come out of that. if he finds comfort in his religious persuasions, who am I to ruin his peace? It has nothing to do with being a coward. I found out after my mother's funeral that she had wanted cremation, but he intervened, and has his way. If I had know that at the time, I would have spoken up for her. To make sure that does not happen to me, I have prepared a will, and a living will. Just to be sure, I have also made pre-need arrangements and have paid for the cremation myself.
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

"I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us."


I'd suggest you confine your posting to topics about which you know anything...but then you'd be mute.

Today's vocabulary lesson:

the attempted reconciliation or union of differentor opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
the definition of syncretic
Aren't you a warrior for the babies?

But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked.

Thanks for admitting that I was right and you're a sniveling little coward in real life who can't stand up for your own convictions. You'd rather let your family pay thousands of dollars and all their time praying over you to send you into an afterlife you believe is a joke and doesn't exist.

So, first you revealed that you became this "atheist-agnostic" because your buddies ridiculed you believing in God. Now, you don't have the courage to be honest with your family about what you really believe.

It's sad that in order for you to feel good about yourself, you need to come here and ridicule others as you hide behind the anonymity of your keyboard. Your little band of friends chiming in to decorate your posts with ornaments of appreciation makes you feel like a big person.

It's really about as pathetic as you can be.
I've hinted to my brother I don't believe. In fact you know I've told my father there is no God and he and my brother have discussed how I don't believe.

I just haven't had the discussion with my brother because he's a Christian.

My father admits organized religions are man made so I can tell him how I feel but you can't tell a Christian Mary was a whore. They take it too personally.

Atheists, unlike christians, are of a 'live, and let live" philosophy. We do not feel that it is necessary to piss on Christians' parades. My brother, too, is as fundy, and I am sure that he knows that I am an unbeliever, But, since I expect him not to preach to me, i respect him by not preaching to him. Nothing positive can come out of that. if he finds comfort in his religious persuasions, who am I to ruin his peace? It has nothing to do with being a coward. I found out after my mother's funeral that she had wanted cremation, but he intervened, and has his way. If I had know that at the time, I would have spoken up for her. To make sure that does not happen to me, I have prepared a will, and a living will. Just to be sure, I have also made pre-need arrangements and have paid for the cremation myself.
I don't want to piss on his parade either. You should see him he is so sweet when we get started on a long trip he makes the sign of the cross, grabs his cross on his rear view mirror and I think he kisses his fingers??? Now I can't remember the exact motions he makes but I think it is sweet and he is such a good man no fucking way I would tell him I think he is delusional and brainwashed. But he is. Doesn't mean I hate him. Doesn't make him a bad person. It just makes him the typical gullible theist who clearly has cognitive dissonance issues.

I'm curious to see if his kids will continue to go to church after they grow up. I can't see that happening unless they marry Greek women and continue the Greek Orthodox religion. If they marry Americans you can forget about them going to church every Sunday like they do now. Unless of course they marry a Catholic Lutheran Protestant Presbyterian or Born Again but I don't see that happening either. Chances are they'll meet a nice American girl who says she believes in God but doesn't go to church. That's what most of us are today.

Right now they ask me why I don't go to church. I tell them I do, I'm a muslim and I go to a mosque. They know I'm kidding but luckily they don't push it too much. But if they did I would just tell them I don't think church is necessary to have a relationship with god. Technically I'm not lying, right Boss? Boss doesn't go to church but he's just as devout as any christian fundy bible thumper.
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

"I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us."


I'd suggest you confine your posting to topics about which you know anything...but then you'd be mute.

Today's vocabulary lesson:

the attempted reconciliation or union of differentor opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
the definition of syncretic
Aren't you a warrior for the babies?

Ready for your vocabulary test?
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

"I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us."


I'd suggest you confine your posting to topics about which you know anything...but then you'd be mute.

Today's vocabulary lesson:

the attempted reconciliation or union of differentor opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
the definition of syncretic

You act like all Christians think and act the same. You would be wrong.

Cult members get death sentence over McDonald's killing -

Yang Xiangbin, left, and the group's founder, Zhao Weishan. Group members believe Yang is the reincarnation of Jesus.

A court statement said the victim, a 37-year-old woman named Wu Shuoyan, was attacked after refusing to give her phone number to the group, who were allegedly attempting to recruit new members.
Zhang Fan and Lyu called her an "evil spirit," before Zhang bludgeoned her head with a chair, then jumped on her and trampled her head, the statement said.
Zhang Lidong bashed the victim's head with a mop hard enough to break it, and stomped on her face and head, while Lyu kicked her waist and prevented McDonald's staff from intervening, the court statement said.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

"I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us."


I'd suggest you confine your posting to topics about which you know anything...but then you'd be mute.

Today's vocabulary lesson:

the attempted reconciliation or union of differentor opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
the definition of syncretic
Aren't you a warrior for the babies?

Ready for your vocabulary test?

Liberals are criticizing conservative talk show host Bill O'Reilly for his harsh comments about Dr. George Tiller, who was shot to death while attending church on May 31, 2009, in Wichita, Kan.

Their argument is that O'Reilly repeatedly named Tiller as a late-term abortion provider and called him a "baby killer." That publicity contributed to Tiller's death, they say. Antiabortion activist Scott Roeder, 51, has been charged with Tiller's murder.
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked.

Thanks for admitting that I was right and you're a sniveling little coward in real life who can't stand up for your own convictions. You'd rather let your family pay thousands of dollars and all their time praying over you to send you into an afterlife you believe is a joke and doesn't exist.

So, first you revealed that you became this "atheist-agnostic" because your buddies ridiculed you believing in God. Now, you don't have the courage to be honest with your family about what you really believe.

It's sad that in order for you to feel good about yourself, you need to come here and ridicule others as you hide behind the anonymity of your keyboard. Your little band of friends chiming in to decorate your posts with ornaments of appreciation makes you feel like a big person.

It's really about as pathetic as you can be.
Are you going to suggest they don't really have evidence for this?

“Our discovery, if confirmed, would explain how these monster black holes were born,” said Fabio Pacucci, lead author of the study, of Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy. "This new result helps to explain why we see supermassive black holes less than one billion years after the Big Bang."

For years astronomers have debated how the earliest generation of supermassive black holes formed very quickly, relatively speaking, after the Big Bang. Now, an Italian team has identified two objects in the early Universe that seem to be the origin of these early supermassive black holes. Using data from Hubble and two other space telescopes, Italian researchers have found the best evidence yet for the seeds that ultimately grow into these cosmic giants.

Now you and my dad can't understand the science behind this so you are skeptical about what you don't understand. And trust me, if you ask a question about it, you can bet science has already asked and answered that question.

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