The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

And yet... That's EXACTLY what you do with Evolution, Origin, Abiogenesis and God.

Wrong again. See why I love this website?

There are no absolute truths in science; all laws, theories and conclusions can become obsolete if they are found in contradiction with new evidence. However, a scientific theory is the highest honor any scientific principle can obtain, for they comprise all the evidence, laws and models relevant to an observed phenomena.

Science is an exercise in falsifiability. Unlike religious dogma, which presumes the truth, the scientific method is a self correcting process, an ever sharpening blade. The models used by science to explain observations and make predictions are simply the ‘most correct’ at the time. The greatest skepticism should always be reserved for inflexible positions whose proponents insist that they and their assertions are above question and examination.

Number 40.

And you want me to type this myself rather than cut and paste when this site debunks every point you make so brilliantly?

Why there is no god

I'm perfectly ok with finding out macro evolution isn't real. I would LOVE to find out that the reptiles and birds and amphibians and fish are not related to us. If the scientific community ever decides this, I'll be the first one to admit you were right.

Science can't disprove your faith.
Macro evolution is not real until it is supported with science.
Micro evolution is only real in certain circumstances.

Science has not disproved God and never can.
Just as Science can never prove God.

You are copying and pasting OPINIONS from blogs! That's not Science!!!
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D
Who knows what people are on the fence, read Boss' bullshit and say, "yup, I'm an atheist"

And it doesn't happen overnight. Unless you never believed, it takes time to wake up. Took me 30-40 years. Although I never truly believed Christianity I always believed I had a personal relationship with god. What a twit I was.
Twit! :lol:
Science can't disprove your faith.
Science has already disproved the basis of many, perhaps Most, gods.
ie, If you are a Christian Biblical Literalist/Young Earth Creationist, Science proved YOU wrong long ago.

Boss said:
Macro evolution is not real until it is supported with science.
Micro evolution is only real in certain circumstances.
There is no difference between macro and micro, just continued mutation for continued distance.
Science, through the Fossil Record, DNA, etc, already Strongly "supports" Evolution

Boss said:
You are copying and pasting OPINIONS from blogs! That's not Science!!!
And you Lose every debate/page/post.
Your Lack of semantic cleverness/perversions makes things even worse for an already wrong opinion.
You have no science knowledge to debate, so I take pleasure in Porking your Disingenuity attempts.
Many strings of mine below await your 'spiritual rebuttal' but remain Untouched.
Last edited:
Bullshit Atheism has become a religion there is no denying it no matter how much spin you want to put on it


You wanting to paint atheism as a religion does not make it so. I understand that you need to vilify atheists to fit into your version of reality. It must be a shock to your entire belief system that the foundation, god, is rejected.

By no sane measure can you assign "religion" as a definition to someone not believing in a god. I have no faith in your delusions. There has been nothing discovered in 2000 years that resembles actual proof in your god or any component in your religion's bible. That alone makes being an atheist the most logical conclusion.

Atheists have no documents we must refer to.

Atheists have no need to gather together to arrive at the understanding that no god exists.

By any and all measure being an atheist is nothing like what those that believe in gods and fairy tales believe and act like.

You and silly boo boo spending all this time defending and posting the atheist bible on here...

You guys are just confirming what I knew all along that atheism is a New religion.


Some one who don't believe is just that someone who don't believe and wouldn't waste their time on what they would consider nonsense...

It's that important to me the human race stops this religion bullshit. If you don't see the problem with more than 50% of the population believing a lie, you're part of the problem.

Yup Atheism is a religion to you.

You must stop the belief in something you don't believe in

And have to constantly preach about it.

You ilk is as bad as the bible thumpers.


Watch your mouth ingrate. Start being a rude little fuck and this conversation is over.
This argument that atheism is just another religion tells me people who don't believe in evolution are just being defensive.

Notice there isn't one shred of evidence theists can point to that unequivocally proves their God is real? And nobody today believes moses really talked to God. Most people don't believe Mohammad or Joseph Smith talked to God.

In fact we are all athiests. I just believe in one less God than you do.

When you understand why Mormonism is bullshit, why don't you see so is yours?
The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

And yet... That's EXACTLY what you do with Evolution, Origin, Abiogenesis and God.

Wrong again. See why I love this website?

There are no absolute truths in science; all laws, theories and conclusions can become obsolete if they are found in contradiction with new evidence. However, a scientific theory is the highest honor any scientific principle can obtain, for they comprise all the evidence, laws and models relevant to an observed phenomena.

Science is an exercise in falsifiability. Unlike religious dogma, which presumes the truth, the scientific method is a self correcting process, an ever sharpening blade. The models used by science to explain observations and make predictions are simply the ‘most correct’ at the time. The greatest skepticism should always be reserved for inflexible positions whose proponents insist that they and their assertions are above question and examination.

Number 40.

And you want me to type this myself rather than cut and paste when this site debunks every point you make so brilliantly?

Why there is no god

I'm perfectly ok with finding out macro evolution isn't real. I would LOVE to find out that the reptiles and birds and amphibians and fish are not related to us. If the scientific community ever decides this, I'll be the first one to admit you were right.

Science can't disprove your faith.
Macro evolution is not real until it is supported with science.
Micro evolution is only real in certain circumstances.

Science has not disproved God and never can.
Just as Science can never prove God.

You are copying and pasting OPINIONS from blogs! That's not Science!!!
Scientists look at what humans look like the day they are conceived and they look at all other animals and it appears we all start off the same.

This is just one of 1000 reasons they believe common ancestry but that seems to confuse you. You can argue the 999 other reasons macro evolution is real.

You don't believe we all crawled out of the water. So you don't believe in evolution. That's a fact not a theory
Science can't disprove your faith.
Science has already disproved the basis of many, perhaps Most, gods.
ie, If you are a Christian Biblical Literalist/Young Earth Creationist, Science proved YOU wrong long ago.

Boss said:
Macro evolution is not real until it is supported with science.
Micro evolution is only real in certain circumstances.
There is no difference between macro and micro, just continued mutation for continued distance.
Science, through the Fossil Record, DNA, etc, already Strongly "supports" Evolution

Boss said:
You are copying and pasting OPINIONS from blogs! That's not Science!!!
And you Lose every debate/page/post.
Your Lack of semantic cleverness/perversions makes things even worse for an already wrong opinion.
You have no science knowledge to debate, so I take pleasure in Porking your Disingenuity attempts.
Many strings of mine below await your 'spiritual rebuttal' but remain Untouched.
Who is he to reject so much evidence? And he's using young earth creation arguments even though he denies being one. He's a cherry picker.

Actually boss is giving us a glimpse of what this debate must have been like before moses lied and scared superstitious primitive men into believing God talked to him. After moses atheists started getting their heads cut off and still are today.

And they ask why I don't think religion is good for us. What lie ever is? Is it virtue to be gullible?
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

I don't know about that. I'm not really that paranoid. Plus, I don't usually go around announcing my beliefs on the streets. :D
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked. Boss is asking for it.

Interesting so many theists wouldn't even entertain this topic. What makes boss come here?
Since religion seems to develop independently in all societies, it appears to me that man has a psychological need to convince himself that he is in partnership with a spirit who will give him eternal life. I find that really amusing. Then when priests create their own power structure, which is then used to control the population to their advantage, religion usually starts requiring some sort of sacrifice, like the Aztecs did. That creates fear, which intensifies priestly power. Sooner or later, the priests become as powerful as the heads of state. this inevitably leads to war, which was pretty much lasted throughout the dark ages.Then, when religions conflict with each other, the whole "Us against them" psychology comes in to play, giving us hundred of years of war between Ireland and Britain, not to mention the muslims against the christians.

The whole thing is so obviously a man made invention as a path to power and control, that it amazes me why anyone does not recognize that.
Since religion seems to develop independently in all societies, it appears to me that man has a psychological need to convince himself that he is in partnership with a spirit who will give him eternal life. I find that really amusing. Then when priests create their own power structure, which is then used to control the population to their advantage, religion usually starts requiring some sort of sacrifice, like the Aztecs did. That creates fear, which intensifies priestly power. Sooner or later, the priests become as powerful as the heads of state. this inevitably leads to war, which was pretty much lasted throughout the dark ages.Then, when religions conflict with each other, the whole "Us against them" psychology comes in to play, giving us hundred of years of war between Ireland and Britain, not to mention the muslims against the christians.

The whole thing is so obviously a man made invention as a path to power and control, that it amazes me why anyone does not recognize that.
There are a lot more atheists and agnostics than you think. Even in places like Saudi Arabia. Only in Saudi Arabia you can't admit you don't believe.

In America a lot of people who call themselves Christians don't take the bible literally. They understand its a book of allegories and Jesus was just a really good guy like ghandi. And we all know real Christians wouldn't consider them Christians if they didn't want the numbers on their side.

Boss is very liberal on this. He only cares that you have any spirituality. Any delusion will do
You wanting to paint atheism as a religion does not make it so. I understand that you need to vilify atheists to fit into your version of reality. It must be a shock to your entire belief system that the foundation, god, is rejected.

By no sane measure can you assign "religion" as a definition to someone not believing in a god. I have no faith in your delusions. There has been nothing discovered in 2000 years that resembles actual proof in your god or any component in your religion's bible. That alone makes being an atheist the most logical conclusion.

Atheists have no documents we must refer to.

Atheists have no need to gather together to arrive at the understanding that no god exists.

By any and all measure being an atheist is nothing like what those that believe in gods and fairy tales believe and act like.

You and silly boo boo spending all this time defending and posting the atheist bible on here...

You guys are just confirming what I knew all along that atheism is a New religion.


Some one who don't believe is just that someone who don't believe and wouldn't waste their time on what they would consider nonsense...

It's that important to me the human race stops this religion bullshit. If you don't see the problem with more than 50% of the population believing a lie, you're part of the problem.

Yup Atheism is a religion to you.

You must stop the belief in something you don't believe in

And have to constantly preach about it.

You ilk is as bad as the bible thumpers.


Watch your mouth ingrate. Start being a rude little fuck and this conversation is over.
This argument that atheism is just another religion tells me people who don't believe in evolution are just being defensive.

Notice there isn't one shred of evidence theists can point to that unequivocally proves their God is real? And nobody today believes moses really talked to God. Most people don't believe Mohammad or Joseph Smith talked to God.

In fact we are all athiests. I just believe in one less God than you do.

When you understand why Mormonism is bullshit, why don't you see so is yours?

I considered joining the Elks Club a few years back, but found out that you will not be accepted as a member unless you swear that you believe in god. That, in itself was amusing, considering that the primary thing that members do at the club is to get together and drink in the bar in the evening. I guess they don't want to drink with an atheist, although, technically, a muslim could join.
You and silly boo boo spending all this time defending and posting the atheist bible on here...

You guys are just confirming what I knew all along that atheism is a New religion.


Some one who don't believe is just that someone who don't believe and wouldn't waste their time on what they would consider nonsense...

It's that important to me the human race stops this religion bullshit. If you don't see the problem with more than 50% of the population believing a lie, you're part of the problem.

Yup Atheism is a religion to you.

You must stop the belief in something you don't believe in

And have to constantly preach about it.

You ilk is as bad as the bible thumpers.


Watch your mouth ingrate. Start being a rude little fuck and this conversation is over.
This argument that atheism is just another religion tells me people who don't believe in evolution are just being defensive.

Notice there isn't one shred of evidence theists can point to that unequivocally proves their God is real? And nobody today believes moses really talked to God. Most people don't believe Mohammad or Joseph Smith talked to God.

In fact we are all athiests. I just believe in one less God than you do.

When you understand why Mormonism is bullshit, why don't you see so is yours?

I started writing to you, got pulled away, came back and finished the thought but forgot who I was talking to.

I do believe we are on the cusp of a great Enlightenment. It's why I don't want to let any more Muslims in the country. They are the worst. So you know the rich and churches are for bringing in more muslims in hopes that it will drive whites back to church but I don't see that happening. But I do see having to deal with radical Islam for another 500 years.
I've decided that it's pretty much a waste of time trying to talk to those who are brainwashed and WANT to be brainwashed. I can see where the fairy tales give them comfort. Why ruin it for them? As the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

I don't know about that. I'm not really that paranoid. Plus, I don't usually go around announcing my beliefs on the streets. :D
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked. Boss is asking for it.

Interesting so many theists wouldn't even entertain this topic. What makes boss come here?

I can easily understand the motivation to defend what one believes in. The problem they run into is that they have an arrogant idea that they believe atheism has no foundation therefore it should be simple to brush it away. Theism has several billion followers so how could that many people possibly be wrong? Stalin was wrong. Pol pot was wrong. Hitler was wrong as was the emperor of Japan. The people in North Korea are wrong. There were/are billions of examples of human beings getting tricked into believing nonsense. It's funny how the Christians can point at the Muslims who are just as devout as they if not more so is garbage yet you never see a Christian flying a plane into a building or blowing themselves up. They both believe that they have a heaven waiting for them. Funny. Maybe the Muslims believe in their religion a tad more than the Christians believe in theirs. Obviously they are BOTH wrong.

Why do theists refuse to accept that there is no god nor heaven? They would have to accept that the generations of their relatives died and went nowhere. It was all a lie. That would be hard to accept. I get that.
I considered joining the Elks Club a few years back, but found out that you will not be accepted as a member unless you swear that you believe in god. That, in itself was amusing, considering that the primary thing that members do at the club is to get together and drink in the bar in the evening. I guess they don't want to drink with an atheist, although, technically, a muslim could join.
A lot of those guys lie to get in. But that's a great example of how for thousands of years we've been brainwashed and bullied by theists. I think it was Plato or Socrates that had a choice, either teach the masses science or religion and they didn't think the common man could handle the truth so they went with religion and slavery instead
But it's not a waste of time.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

Pew Survey Predicts Rise In Atheism In US, Europe Despite Growing Religiosity Worldwide

Why ruin it for them? Because I don't want a 15 year old boy thinking if he blows me and himself up for Allah he will have 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven. Because I don't want stem cell research stopped because of these stupid fuckers. Because I don't want gay people feeling bad about themselves because these people have been brainwashed by a cult.

I truly believe religion has held us back 10,000 years

And how has that worked out for you so far in this thread? :D

The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Atheist Law Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

I'm sure Christians wish they could behead us.

I don't know about that. I'm not really that paranoid. Plus, I don't usually go around announcing my beliefs on the streets. :D
But boss suggested I tell my christian brother who I get along with great what I think. He might not chop my head off but I'm sure he'd be highly offended. But at least he's not forcing his religion on me so I won't insult his God.

Now if he comes to this thread I'll let him have it. Any theist who comes here should expect to be mocked. Boss is asking for it.

Interesting so many theists wouldn't even entertain this topic. What makes boss come here?

I can easily understand the motivation to defend what one believes in. The problem they run into is that they have an arrogant idea that they believe atheism has no foundation therefore it should be simple to brush it away. Theism has several billion followers so how could that many people possibly be wrong? Stalin was wrong. Pol pot was wrong. Hitler was wrong as was the emperor of Japan. The people in North Korea are wrong. There were/are billions of examples of human beings getting tricked into believing nonsense. It's funny how the Christians can point at the Muslims who are just as devout as they if not more so is garbage yet you never see a Christian flying a plane into a building or blowing themselves up. They both believe that they have a heaven waiting for them. Funny. Maybe the Muslims believe in their religion a tad more than the Christians believe in theirs. Obviously they are BOTH wrong.

Why do theists refuse to accept that there is no god nor heaven? They would have to accept that the generations of their relatives died and went nowhere. It was all a lie. That would be hard to accept. I get that.
My English boss learned in school all the history of war between Catholics and Protestants. He agrees with me that Muslims are us hundreds of years ago.

We understand that primitive tribes on the Amazon live in the past but don't want to admit just how backward/fucked up Muslims in Turkey are.
It's that important to me the human race stops this religion bullshit. If you don't see the problem with more than 50% of the population believing a lie, you're part of the problem.

Yup Atheism is a religion to you.

You must stop the belief in something you don't believe in

And have to constantly preach about it.

You ilk is as bad as the bible thumpers.


Watch your mouth ingrate. Start being a rude little fuck and this conversation is over.
This argument that atheism is just another religion tells me people who don't believe in evolution are just being defensive.

Notice there isn't one shred of evidence theists can point to that unequivocally proves their God is real? And nobody today believes moses really talked to God. Most people don't believe Mohammad or Joseph Smith talked to God.

In fact we are all athiests. I just believe in one less God than you do.

When you understand why Mormonism is bullshit, why don't you see so is yours?

I started writing to you, got pulled away, came back and finished the thought but forgot who I was talking to.

I do believe we are on the cusp of a great Enlightenment. It's why I don't want to let any more Muslims in the country. They are the worst. So you know the rich and churches are for bringing in more muslims in hopes that it will drive whites back to church but I don't see that happening. But I do see having to deal with radical Islam for another 500 years.

That is probably the best reason to keep Muslims out of the country. Some of them are far more devout AKA brainwashed than ANY Christians. We don't need any more 9/11's. I don't believe that even the most mild mannered Muslims do not believe that 9/11 was Allah's will.

It is easy to feel empathy towards the recent wave of refugees from the Mid east. The problem is that they carry a mental disease with them potentially just as deadly as bubonic plague. The a-holes that got pilot training here and flew those planes into the towers looked as normal as any one of us. We are stupid giving them such an advantage as just being here if they choose or are told to snap and defend their religion against Americans.
Yup Atheism is a religion to you.

You must stop the belief in something you don't believe in

And have to constantly preach about it.

You ilk is as bad as the bible thumpers.


Watch your mouth ingrate. Start being a rude little fuck and this conversation is over.
This argument that atheism is just another religion tells me people who don't believe in evolution are just being defensive.

Notice there isn't one shred of evidence theists can point to that unequivocally proves their God is real? And nobody today believes moses really talked to God. Most people don't believe Mohammad or Joseph Smith talked to God.

In fact we are all athiests. I just believe in one less God than you do.

When you understand why Mormonism is bullshit, why don't you see so is yours?

I started writing to you, got pulled away, came back and finished the thought but forgot who I was talking to.

I do believe we are on the cusp of a great Enlightenment. It's why I don't want to let any more Muslims in the country. They are the worst. So you know the rich and churches are for bringing in more muslims in hopes that it will drive whites back to church but I don't see that happening. But I do see having to deal with radical Islam for another 500 years.

That is probably the best reason to keep Muslims out of the country. Some of them are far more devout AKA brainwashed than ANY Christians. We don't need any more 9/11's. I don't believe that even the most mild mannered Muslims do not believe that 9/11 was Allah's will.

It is easy to feel empathy towards the recent wave of refugees from the Mid east. The problem is that they carry a mental disease with them potentially just as deadly as bubonic plague. The a-holes that got pilot training here and flew those planes into the towers looked as normal as any one of us. We are stupid giving them such an advantage as just being here if they choose or are told to snap and defend their religion against Americans.
Even Christians must admit Muslims are just too God damned religious.

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