The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia's runoff


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
With an important runoff election about to take place in Georgia, which will determine if our socialist revolutionaries will take control of the United States Senate, let us explore how Stacey Abrams found a way to defeat Georgia’s law forbidding ballot harvesting.

The phrase “ballot harvesting”, in general, is an activity where an activist shows up at your house, a homeless shelter, a nursing home, etc., and helps you to fill out your ballot, or simply collets it and later submits it with a bunch of other ballots obtained in the same way.

In 2019 a law was passed in Georgia regulating against “ballot harvesting”. It required the voter to personally mail their ballot or have it delivered by "the elector's mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or an individual residing in the household of such elector." In other words, the law was intentionally designed to stop a random activist from influencing and meddling in the casting of your ballot.

Well, leave it to Stacey Abrams, who to this very day does not accept she lost the election, to figure out a way to defeat H.B. 316, Georgia’s law designed to prevent ballot harvesting.

During the 2020 election, an activist group Stacey Abrams founded, “Fair Fight Action” convinced Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to ignore current voting practices, and to place hundreds of unregulated, unsupervised, ballot drop boxes throughout the State. And thus provided the opening for an illegal third party to obtain and introduce hundreds, perhaps thousands, of illegally harvested ballots into the system. Keep in mind it would only take a few hundred activists to collect hundreds of thousands of harvested ballots in a short period of time, and this is what Stacey Abrams has planned for Georgia’s Senate runoff race.

In fact, Stacey Abrams has recently boasted about Georgians having already requested over 600,000 mail in ballots. How many have been sent to homeless shelters, nursing homes, etc., where a ballot harvester will show up and offer a gift certificate to help complete the ballot and turn it in. Think this is outlandish? If so See: Massive voter fraud uncovered in Harris County, Texas

“They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. Also, they offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail.”

And let us not forget Andrew Yang, actually encouraged people to move to Georgia to vote in the runoff election, which would be an intentional subversion of the law.

The bottom line is, these socialist revolutionaries will stop at nothing to seize control of our government and fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist wasteland like Cuba, Venezuela, etc. In fact, Chuck Schumer was crystal clear to what the game plan is:


We need to call these scoundrels what they really are! They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.
With an important runoff election about to take place in Georgia, which will determine if our socialist revolutionaries will take control of the United States Senate, let us explore how Stacey Abrams found a way to defeat Georgia’s law forbidding ballot harvesting.

The phrase “ballot harvesting”, in general, is an activity where an activist shows up at your house, a homeless shelter, a nursing home, etc., and helps you to fill out your ballot, or simply collets it and later submits it with a bunch of other ballots obtained in the same way.

In 2019 a law was passed in Georgia regulating against “ballot harvesting”. It required the voter to personally mail their ballot or have it delivered by "the elector's mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or an individual residing in the household of such elector." In other words, the law was intentionally designed to stop a random activist from influencing and meddling in the casting of your ballot.

Well, leave it to Stacey Abrams, who to this very day does not accept she lost the election, to figure out a way to defeat H.B. 316, Georgia’s law designed to prevent ballot harvesting.

During the 2020 election, an activist group Stacey Abrams founded, “Fair Fight Action” convinced Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to ignore current voting practices, and to place hundreds of unregulated, unsupervised, ballot drop boxes throughout the State. And thus provided the opening for an illegal third party to obtain and introduce hundreds, perhaps thousands, of illegally harvested ballots into the system. Keep in mind it would only take a few hundred activists to collect hundreds of thousands of harvested ballots in a short period of time, and this is what Stacey Abrams has planned for Georgia’s Senate runoff race.

In fact, Stacey Abrams has recently boasted about Georgians having already requested over 600,000 mail in ballots. How many have been sent to homeless shelters, nursing homes, etc., where a ballot harvester will show up and offer a gift certificate to help complete the ballot and turn it in. Think this is outlandish? If so See: Massive voter fraud uncovered in Harris County, Texas

“They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. Also, they offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail.”

And let us not forget Andrew Yang, actually encouraged people to move to Georgia to vote in the runoff election, which would be an intentional subversion of the law.

The bottom line is, these socialist revolutionaries will stop at nothing to seize control of our government and fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist wasteland like Cuba, Venezuela, etc. In fact, Chuck Schumer was crystal clear to what the game plan is:


We need to call these scoundrels what they really are! They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.

Helping shut ins evil.
With an important runoff election about to take place in Georgia, which will determine if our socialist revolutionaries will take control of the United States Senate, let us explore how Stacey Abrams found a way to defeat Georgia’s law forbidding ballot harvesting.

The phrase “ballot harvesting”, in general, is an activity where an activist shows up at your house, a homeless shelter, a nursing home, etc., and helps you to fill out your ballot, or simply collets it and later submits it with a bunch of other ballots obtained in the same way.

In 2019 a law was passed in Georgia regulating against “ballot harvesting”. It required the voter to personally mail their ballot or have it delivered by "the elector's mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or an individual residing in the household of such elector." In other words, the law was intentionally designed to stop a random activist from influencing and meddling in the casting of your ballot.

Well, leave it to Stacey Abrams, who to this very day does not accept she lost the election, to figure out a way to defeat H.B. 316, Georgia’s law designed to prevent ballot harvesting.

During the 2020 election, an activist group Stacey Abrams founded, “Fair Fight Action” convinced Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to ignore current voting practices, and to place hundreds of unregulated, unsupervised, ballot drop boxes throughout the State. And thus provided the opening for an illegal third party to obtain and introduce hundreds, perhaps thousands, of illegally harvested ballots into the system. Keep in mind it would only take a few hundred activists to collect hundreds of thousands of harvested ballots in a short period of time, and this is what Stacey Abrams has planned for Georgia’s Senate runoff race.

In fact, Stacey Abrams has recently boasted about Georgians having already requested over 600,000 mail in ballots. How many have been sent to homeless shelters, nursing homes, etc., where a ballot harvester will show up and offer a gift certificate to help complete the ballot and turn it in. Think this is outlandish? If so See: Massive voter fraud uncovered in Harris County, Texas

“They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. Also, they offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail.”

And let us not forget Andrew Yang, actually encouraged people to move to Georgia to vote in the runoff election, which would be an intentional subversion of the law.

The bottom line is, these socialist revolutionaries will stop at nothing to seize control of our government and fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist wasteland like Cuba, Venezuela, etc. In fact, Chuck Schumer was crystal clear to what the game plan is:


We need to call these scoundrels what they really are! They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.

Scared? She ain't ballot harvesting and there's no widespread fraud..except in the minds of right wingers. She's running the ground game, getting people to register to vote, calling attention to the importance of these races for people of color.
And she just might help pull off something that I thought was not possible three weeks ago. Two more Senate seats in the Democrats column.
Bottom line: the thread premise is a lie.

No one is seeking to 'seize control' of the US government; no one wishes to turn the US into Cuba.
Your Democratic leaders have told you in their words and actions how they intend to create one party rule. They will use every illegal trick in the book to get Warnock and that Beto clone over the finish line. The GOP better be all over their treachery, or it's game over for the USA.
Bottom line: the thread premise is a lie.

No one is seeking to 'seize control' of the US government; no one wishes to turn the US into Cuba.
Your Democratic leaders have told you in their words and actions how they intend to create one party rule. They will use every illegal trick in the book to get Warnock and that Beto clone over the finish line. The GOP better be all over their treachery, or it's game over for the USA.

They have told us, in their own words, what they intend to do! Everything is on the table!


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
My favorite line:

“They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. Also, they offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail.”

Who's paying for the $50 gift cards - George Soros, Hugo Chavez, My Cousin Vinnie, or Elvis?

Bottom line: the thread premise is a lie.

No one is seeking to 'seize control' of the US government; no one wishes to turn the US into Cuba.
Your Democratic leaders have told you in their words and actions how they intend to create one party rule. They will use every illegal trick in the book to get Warnock and that Beto clone over the finish line. The GOP better be all over their treachery, or it's game over for the USA.

They have told us, in their own words, what they intend to do! Everything is on the table!


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

Same thing Republicans and conservatives are angling to do. ^Shrug^.
That's been their game with the SC now for decades. The minority gets to impose their "values and beliefs" on the majority.
Using the courts and legislation to do it.
I don't have a problem with Democrats and progressives talking about leveling the playing field.
Unfortunately, the SC has become a political tool. Mostly the fault of Republicans.
Helping shut ins evil.

Paying shut-ins to fill out their ballot a certain way is illegal.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.
My favorite line:

“They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. Also, they offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail.”

Who's paying for the $50 gift cards - George Soros, Hugo Chavez, My Cousin Vinnie, or Elvis?

Helping shut ins evil.

Paying shut-ins to fill out their ballot a certain way is illegal.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

So now the allegation is the other side is paying people to vote?

Keep flinging it....someday something may stick to the wall.
Bottom line: the thread premise is a lie.

No one is seeking to 'seize control' of the US government; no one wishes to turn the US into Cuba.
Your Democratic leaders have told you in their words and actions how they intend to create one party rule. They will use every illegal trick in the book to get Warnock and that Beto clone over the finish line. The GOP better be all over their treachery, or it's game over for the USA.

You are absolutely correct!

If radical socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership [i.e., Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Mazie Hirono, Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, etc.,] succeed in winning the two Senate seats in the Georgia runoff election, they will then have absolute control of the Presidency, the House and Senate, and have already promised to fundamentally transform America’s very system of government.

In addition to creating a new state to allow two new hand-picked revolutionary Senators, and ending the filibuster in the Senate which would create an overwhelming revolutionary vote advantage, they will then add a few new members to the Supreme Court in addition to existing members [court packing] so a majority of the Court can easily embrace as constitutional, any and every communist socialist piece of legislation passed by the House and Senate, just as is now happening in Venezuela.

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, and it begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

In other words, the Democrat Party, now controlled by socialist revolutionaries, if given the opportunity, intend to add enough new Supreme Court Justices so the Court’s majority can dictate the Democrat Party Revolutionary Leadership’s view of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “rule of law’, even though such rulings are not in harmony with our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

I suggest everyone view the following video which gives a peek into our nation’s future should the Georgia runoff be won by Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, and our Supreme Court is packed with a few more Justices hand selected by the socialist revolutionary Leadership which now controls the Democrat Party.

Forewarned is forearmed!


They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.
Bottom line: the thread premise is a lie.

No one is seeking to 'seize control' of the US government; no one wishes to turn the US into Cuba.
I do not want the Village as the norm. We have seen what it has done to swaths of our nation. We have seen what it did to the first settlers at Plymouth Rock until they changed their political system a bit.
Helping shut ins evil.

Paying shut-ins to fill out their ballot a certain way is illegal.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

So now the allegation is the other side is paying people to vote?
Stacey Abrams argued a 50 cent stamp needed to mail in a ballot constituted a poll tax, for Blacks, who didn’t want to risk voting in person during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Raffensperger caved in to such an absurdity.

But the real purpose of the drop boxes was to make it easier to engage in ballot harvesting and swing an election.


They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.
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Helping shut ins evil.

Paying shut-ins to fill out their ballot a certain way is illegal.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

So now the allegation is the other side is paying people to vote?
Stacey Abrams argued a 50 cent stamp needed to mail in a ballot constituted a poll tax, for Blacks, who didn’t want to risk voting in person during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Raffensperger caved in to such an absurdity.

But the real purpose of the drop boxes was to make it easier to engage in ballot harvesting and swing an election.


They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.
The stamp thing is silly and I agree with you. But That's playing the game. It's the same thing that 2nd Amendment honks do when they argue that the amendment gives them the right to own bazookas.

The rest of your post is sad myths. Really.
A little respect for the Honorable Stacey Abrams, please.

She is the next governor of Georgia and probably the nation's President down the line.

America is so lucky to have people of her sterling character governing our nation!

What a beautiful future this country has!
Bottom line: the thread premise is a lie.

No one is seeking to 'seize control' of the US government; no one wishes to turn the US into Cuba.
Your Democratic leaders have told you in their words and actions how they intend to create one party rule. They will use every illegal trick in the book to get Warnock and that Beto clone over the finish line. The GOP better be all over their treachery, or it's game over for the USA.

We have survived 4yrs of Trump, so we will survive Joe Biden.

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