The Sound of Settled Science

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I've never read a scientific article on GW from an oil company.. And I've read a lot of them...

Yawn, you climate deniers are like Flat-Earthers and Moon Landing Conspiracy theorists.... The problem isn't the quality of the evidence, it's that you fear the conclusions of what to do about them.

Which evidence is that? I asked you for a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. You aren't going to be able to produce even that...what excuse will you give? Or will you just keep saying denier over and over in an a denial of your inability to provide that single piece of evidence I asked for? Laughable...absolutely laughable.....if it weren't so sad.
Spoken like a true denier. The fact is that actual science is rarely ever settled.


Gravity is pretty much settled science. Evolution is pretty much settled science. AGW is settled science.

again, the problem with you deniers isn't what the science or evidence is. It's your fear of losing 'Freedoms' when the government mandates the things we are inevitably going to have to do stave off the effects.

What's the matter guy...

That you are stupid or evil or some combination of both. That's what's the matter.

Do you even believe the shit you spout?

Gravity is pretty much settled science. Evolution is pretty much settled science. AGW is settled science.

You really don't spend much time on research before you spew do you? The fact is that there are numerous competing hypotheses on the nature of gravity. Sure there is agreement that gravity exists, but much heated discussion on what causes it...Among the competing mainstream theories on the nature of gravity are Einstein's General Relativity, Brans-Dicke Generic Scalar, Tensor, Ni, Will-Nordtveldt, Rastall, and VMT. There are more than 40 theories on gravity being bandied about.

And among paleontologists, the debate over evolution still rages...Every discovery of a new fossil flares up a whole new discussion. That is the nature of sciecne.

again, the problem with you deniers isn't what the science or evidence is. It's your fear of losing 'Freedoms' when the government mandates the things we are inevitably going to have to do stave off the effects.

I asked you to provide a single piece of observed, measured evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...are you going to just pretend that the question is still there remaining unanswered...are you going to pretend that you can't provide a single piece of such evidence?

That you are stupid or evil or some combination of both. That's what's the matter.

Alas, it is you who is stupid, or evil or both. I am prepared to provide actual observed, measured evidence to support my name calling all you have? If so, so much for the claim of settled science.

Do you even believe the shit you spout?

Of course...and I, unlike you, can provide actual observed, measured evidence to support my claims...all you can do apparently is call names and ignore requests for some evidence to support your claims.
You really don't spend much time on research before you spew do you?

Whatever, guy, I'm done with you deniers... you are irrelevant to the conversation.

Shhh... the grown ups are talking about how to fix the problem.

As soon as you get asked to provide some actual evidence to support your belief you tuck tail and predictable. So much for settled science. In other fields of science, if you challenge the mainstream hypothesis, you get bombarded from every direction with more observed, measured evidence than you ever wanted to see in support of the mainstream hypothesis...and it becomes very clear, very fast that the science is certainly not settled...

Challenge the AGW hypothesis, and ask for just a single piece of observed, measured evidence that supports it over natural variability and you get called names, and your opponent tucks tail and runs...or fabricates endless excuses for not being able to produce a single piece of observed, measured evidence to support his belief over the null hypothesis.

And you still stupid is that? Could you possibly be a bigger dupe?

You know what they call belief in a thing when there is no actual evidence to support that belief? They call that faith...congratulations, you are a fundamentalist in the cult of man made climate change...strong on faith...short on actual evidence to support your belief.
As soon as you get asked to provide some actual evidence

Guy, there's no point in presenting evidence to a denier.

On another thread, I get into these arguments with Sandy Hook Deniers. They go into these elaborate conspiracy theories about how all the kids were crisis actors or some such shit. Nothing really deters them.

Same with Climate Deniers... They don't have evidence. They simply don't want it to be true.

So one more time... Shhhh.. the Grown Ups are talking about how to solve the problem.
Guy, there's no point in presenting evidence to a denier.

On another thread, I get into these arguments with Sandy Hook Deniers. They go into these elaborate conspiracy theories about how all the kids were crisis actors or some such shit. Nothing really deters them.

Same with Climate Deniers... They don't have evidence. They simply don't want it to be true.

So one more time... Shhhh.. the Grown Ups are talking about how to solve the problem.
I agree with you. All of the really avid deniers don't know much at all about science. They disagree with the tenets of thermodynamics. They often make up their own science or give self serving false definitions to current science terminology. One has disparaged quantum mechanics as fairy dust.

They will try to snow you with words they copy from the web and pretend that they know what they are talking about. To them it is a game of "winning" not of science. There is even a thread,
More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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As soon as you get asked to provide some actual evidence

Guy, there's no point in presenting evidence to a denier.

Let the excuse making begin...I know full well that you can't provide any such may be ignorant of that fact...and not willing to find go ahead and keep running.

On another thread, I get into these arguments with Sandy Hook Deniers. They go into these elaborate conspiracy theories about how all the kids were crisis actors or some such shit. Nothing really deters them.

I am asking for one single solitary piece of observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...I am not talking about conspiracy...I am asking for just a single piece of evidence...that you can't provide...

Same with Climate Deniers... They don't have evidence. They simply don't want it to be true.

Like I said...I can provide evidence to support my on the other hand can't..

So one more time... Shhhh.. the Grown Ups are talking about how to solve the problem.

Pretending to be informed when it is clear that you are nothing more than a useful idiot is hardly a good strategy...if grown ups were taking, they would be discussing the evidence that supports their position...children on the other hand talk about fantasy and don't need no stinking evidence...
Guy, there's no point in presenting evidence to a denier.

On another thread, I get into these arguments with Sandy Hook Deniers. They go into these elaborate conspiracy theories about how all the kids were crisis actors or some such shit. Nothing really deters them.

Same with Climate Deniers... They don't have evidence. They simply don't want it to be true.

So one more time... Shhhh.. the Grown Ups are talking about how to solve the problem.
I agree with you. All of the really avid deniers don't know much at all about science. They disagree with the tenets of thermodynamics. They often make up their own science or give self serving false definitions to current science terminology. One has disparaged quantum mechanics as fairy dust.

They will try to snow you with words they copy from the web and pretend that they know what they are talking about. To them it is a game of "winning" not of science. There is even a thread,
More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!


You are laughable...what's the matter...need someone to stroke your bruised ego over here? Poor baby....

Pathetic wuwei...absolutely pathetic....
I've never read a scientific article on GW from an oil company.. And I've read a lot of them...

Yawn, you climate deniers are like Flat-Earthers and Moon Landing Conspiracy theorists.... The problem isn't the quality of the evidence, it's that you fear the conclusions of what to do about them.
Let the excuse making begin...I know full well that you can't provide any such evidence...

Don't have to.. 95% of SCIENTISTS WHO STUDY THIS THING say it's a problem.

Now, if you saw 20 Doctors about that pain, and 19 of htem told you it was cancer, showed you the x-rays and shit... but the one quack who is on the pay of the Tobacco lobby tells you are fine... have another cigarette.. I'm sure that you'd go for that, too.

if grown ups were taking, they would be discussing the evidence that supports their position...

The Grownups have. IT's why most of the world has signed treaties to reduce CO2 emissions. The Tantrum thrower in the White House, on the other hand.


The problem with the modern right wing is that it's science resistance.

Evolution and Climatology is just as true for the Socialist as the Capitalist.
You are laughable...what's the matter...need someone to stroke your bruised ego over here? Poor baby....

Pathetic wuwei...absolutely pathetic..
Speaking of that,
Have you discovered a spontaneous process according to your definition yet?
Have you figured out where all that radiation from Venus goes?
Have you got a reason yet why you think black body radiation fails near a hotter object?
So far your answers have always been irrelevant caustic ad hominem.

It's been amply demonstrated in this thread you're absolutely clueless about science.

NOt really... i just don't waste time with Denier Science paid for by the Koch Brothers... two assholes who will thankfully be dead by the time all the really bad stuff starts happening.
There may be bad stuff going to happen, but it won't be because of American coal and'll be because morons ignorant of history will wreck the economies of the Western world in a ridiculous attempt to "save the planet".
There may be bad stuff going to happen, but it won't be because of American coal and'll be because morons ignorant of history will wreck the economies of the Western world in a ridiculous attempt to "save the planet".

Yeah, buddy, I realize that you don't like the science, but it still remains true whether you believe in it or not.

Unlike religion.
There may be bad stuff going to happen, but it won't be because of American coal and'll be because morons ignorant of history will wreck the economies of the Western world in a ridiculous attempt to "save the planet".

Yeah, buddy, I realize that you don't like the science, but it still remains true whether you believe in it or not.

Unlike religion.
...says the Klimate Kultist.
A new tropical Atlantic subsurface temperature reconstruction indicates it was 7°C warmer than today during the Younger Dryas/Bølling-Allerød (~15,000-11,500 years ago), when CO2 concentrations hovered around 210-220 ppm.
There is no such thing as settled science. If Republicans went to school, they would know that.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
...says the Klimate Kultist.

Climate Change is based on science. You increase the amount of CO2, more heat is trapped and the temperature goes up.

You know, unlike your favorite book with the talking snakes and the Zombies in it.
You just demonstrated that your kult is based on an experiment with maybe three variables, and you claim it accurate predicts the behavior of a system with literally millions of variables.

Stupid kultist. No socialism for you!
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