The left can't touch this thread, they can't deal with their hateful violence...


The Left has raised America’s political temperature to the boiling point.
June 16, 2017

Seth Barron

Democrats may be horrified by Wednesday's attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive, but their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

We don’t have to look too hard to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page.


Following the shooting, liberal Twitter erupted in cynical snark. Op-ed writer Malcolm Harris wondered if the shooter could plead self-defense, in the event he had a pre-existing condition. Sonia Gupta, a Louisiana former prosecutor, counseled her followers not to be too sad about the wounding of Representative Steve Scalise, because “he’s a racist piece of shit and hateful bigot.” David Frum, though not a liberal, reminded us that “the president is the country's noisiest inciter of political violence,” though the violence he has supposedly incited appears to be mostly from the other side.

Trump’s opponents in the media, academia, and politics can pretend that their calls for radical action were meant metaphorically or in a nonviolent sense. But they are the ones who opened this box of fear, panic, and rage. Let them take responsibility for the climate that now exists.

Incitement to Violence
STILL going on about a few antifa punks in Berkeley? As if they're Dems...
Left Wing Hate Groups

One of the biggest of the Left’s Big Lies is that conservative political groups and movements are universally motivated by hatred--of blacks, Hispanics and other ethnic groups; of homosexuals, transsexuals and other gender minorities; of immigrants, Muslims and others who are “marginalized” and therefore vulnerable.

This Big Lie is also an exercise in what Freud called “projection.” There are indeed haters on the right, but for the most part they are on its fringe— demented individuals or tiny groups with little more than a post office box and a toxic website. For the left, however, the politics of hatred is fundamental. It is in its bloodstream and has been since the French Revolution. Unlike the fringe hatred of the right, left hate groups swim successfully in the American mainstream. Because of the leftist bias in our culture and media, their followers can posture as idealists and protectors of the downtrodden. For them, hatred is no fault.

Left Wing Hate Groups, ten portraits adapted 2 from Discover The Networks, the leading digital encyclopedia of the left, shows this hatred in action. The Southern Poverty Law Center, for instance, spews hate while enriching itself through a direct mail campaign that fabricates a vision of conservative hate groups. The same savage irony is apparent in another leading hate group of the left, Black Lives Matter, which justifies the racist murder of police while claiming to oppose racist violence against black males. Code Pink protests U.S. military activities abroad in the name of humanity and gleefully mocks wounded and disabled U.S. military personnel here at home.

Among left wing hate groups are well regarded lobbying organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which claims only to advance the interests of Muslims while covertly supporting terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah who target Jews. Given standing in the left wing hegemony of the university, powerful campus groups like Students for Justice in Palestine and the Muslim Student Association do not need to be covert in their support for terror, but rather can shamelessly function as apologists for the Hamas terrorists and promote Jew hatred without fear of censure.

I did not hear about this in the MSM???

Trump Supporter Stabbed 9 Times at ‘Free Speech’ Rally

“You’re getting the shank, white boy.”


Trey Sanchez

Here’s something getting zero air time in the mainstream media. Remember how the networks covered every hoax attack before the election? But not this!

A Trump supporter was stabbed nine times at a so-called “free speech” rally in Santa Monica, California, on Saturday, after attending a “free speech” and sanctuary-city protest. As of Wednesday evening, he was in intensive care.

According to Fox LA, Tony Foreman was in his car in a parking garage when another car smashed into his and two men jumped out and got violent. The suspects hurled racial slurs at Foreman, though Santa Monica police are not treating it as a hate crime.

From WND about Foreman:


While recovering in the hospital, Foreman received a Trump/Pence bumper sticker signed by the president. His friends said he smiled real big.

Trump Supporter Stabbed 9 Times at ‘Free Speech’ Rally
June 28, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

There's an endless demand for "Enemies of the People" to destroy. "Problematic" behavior is everywhere and must be stamped out. Even the most minor offenses summon the Intersectional Inquisition.

You might just be an Idaho pizza store owner making a goofy local commercial by dressing a shark. And maybe you decided to make your homemade shark costume work by painting your face black to match the blackness of a shark's mouth or a crybully's heart. And then suddenly your children are being threatened and you're forced to apologize for your sharky racism.


It's another victory for social justice. All hail social justice. Who's next? Maybe a bookstore owner in Topeka or a mattress store in Seattle. Somewhere, someone has offended, and must pay


"Social Justice Warriors" Harass Idaho Pizzeria Owner Dressed Like a Shark
Oh fuck you, silly asshole,the fat senile old orange clown is going to go down hard. Either impeachment or the 25th amendment. Such dumbass cocksucks as you simply don't get the fact that if you offend enough people, you pay the price.
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
Felony Espionage
Illegal Sharing of Classified
Illegal unmasking
Illegal spying
Calls for assassination
Calls for military coups
Suppression of Freedom of Speech
Destruction of property
Fake News

Oh fuck you, silly asshole,the fat senile old orange clown is going to go down hard. Either impeachment or the 25th amendment. Such dumbass cocksucks as you simply don't get the fact that if you offend enough people, you pay the price.
OldBalls, listen up you ssob as many on your side are the dumbass cocksuckers of the alt left that already paid a big price and will pay a bigger price in 2018-2020-2022-2024- etc, etc now go lay down and stfu...
And guess who defines what constitutes 'hate speech'?
July 17, 2017

Mark Tapson


The left has spent decades successfully normalizing the intentionally vague term “hate speech” in the culture, even going so far as to insist that it should not be protected by the First Amendment. But what is “hate speech”? It’s anything the left wants it to be, of course. When the media elites of CNN or HBO or The View or late night talk shows openly bash Christians or the traditional values of flyover Americans, it is never, ever condemned as hate speech; but those same elites leap to denounce virtually everything the right says as such. It is a brilliantly effective way to delegitimize conservatives and their ideas, and to exclude them from the public sphere.

Now illiberals want to take the concept of hate speech to the next level, redefining the word “violence” to include emotionally hurtful language, and Barrett and the New York Times are attempting to legitimize this scientifically.

Barrett’s premise is that words can have “a powerful effect on your nervous system.” The stress they cause can “make you sick, alter your brain — even kill neurons — and shorten your life.” Thus “certain types of speech… can be a form of violence.” She notes that this concept is the sort of thing that has led to campus controversies about “microaggressions,” which have “stuck [sic] many as a coddling or infantilizing of students, as well as a corrosive influence on the freedom of expression necessary for intellectual progress.”


Defenders of the First Amendment must never budge an inch on this issue. Free speech protections must never be restricted to exclude what some consider offensive speech. As free speech proponents these days are constantly compelled to explain, the whole point of the First Amendment is to protect speech we find offensive or with which we disagree. That’s why the left craves so badly to limit it, all the while waging literal violence against the right.

The Left's Next Step: Redefining 'Hate Speech' as Violence
The Left has written its values into our laws.
August 25, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."


But as religious belief declined, politics replaced it as the repository of moral and ethical values. This transformation began on the left. The left was the least religious in the traditional sense. And the most likely to build up an ideology of secular values with which to displace traditional religious values.

The last century witnessed an extensive effort to scrub religious values out of government. But this effort was matched by an equally comprehensive project to replace them with the left’s own values. Unlike the wall between church and state, there were few legal safeguards against writing values into legislation if they were irreligious ones. The church was deemed to be the true threat. Not the state.

But the end result looks very much like an establishment of religion. Even in the church sense.

The values written into the legislation reflect those of certain churches, but not others. When nuns are forced to pay for birth control and Christian photographers with traditional beliefs are compelled to participate in gay weddings, the government is picking religious establishment “winners and losers”.


They’re a religious war. The left has established its religion. And violence against heretics swiftly follows.

America is in the midst of an ugly conflict because our political system was hijacked by the Church of the Left. The legislative and judicial hijacking of our system has turned our politics into a culture war. To end the conflict we must return to a true understanding of the First Amendment. It is not the role of government to tell us what to think or what to believe. And any government that embarks on such a totalitarian enterprise will tear apart our society and destroy our way of life.

As the left has been doing.

Restoring the Constitution and ending the violence will require unwriting the left’s values from our laws.

The Church of the Left
I just want to say to the UN a big FUCK YOU, they have bigger things to worry about. What's funny about this is they never brought this up before...

Hypocrites lecture America on “hate speech.”
August 25, 2017

Joseph Klein

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, acting under its “Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedures,” intervened in the ongoing controversy over the deadly violence in Charlottesville and the Trump administration’s response. The urgent warning procedure is supposed to short circuit the normal periodic country human rights review process, which takes place about every five years. It is to be invoked only in those situations that could “spiral into terrible events” and require immediate action, according to Anastasia Crickley, chair of the committee, which monitors implementation of the global convention on prohibiting racial discrimination.

The early warning procedure has been used only 20 times since 2003. It was invoked two times regarding Sudan in 2004 and 2005 without any specific condemnation of the Sudanese leaders for their racist incitements and ethnic cleaning. It was used twice to condemn a law in Israel, the UN’s perennial punching bag, which restricted marriage between an Israeli citizen and a person residing in the West Bank or Gaza. The procedure was used once before in 2006 regarding the United States when the committee criticized the U.S. government for not respecting the alleged rights of an Indian tribe. Moral equivalence was the UN committee’s calling card then and it remains so today.

Indeed, the UN committee was so anxious to pillory the Trump administration that it decided to lump the United States together with Burundi, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria as the only UN member states, out of a total of 193 states, meriting its “early warning” notice during the last decade.


The Trump administration should completely disregard what the United Nations has to say regarding the Charlottesville tragedy. Its human rights apparatus, including the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, is a living example of double standards on steroids.

U.N. Issues 'Warning' To U.S. on Charlottesville
Oh fuck you, silly asshole,the fat senile old orange clown is going to go down hard. Either impeachment or the 25th amendment. Such dumbass cocksucks as you simply don't get the fact that if you offend enough people, you pay the price.
So you approve of assaulting Trump supporters?

I'll bet you imagine you aren't some Nazi brownshirt thug.

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