The Santorum Strategy

He is talking about freedom of religion. As any candidate would be, and as they are, when the President tries to force a Church to act contrary to their beliefs.

And it's actually the cultural problems we face that are leading to our current economic problems. Unless we fix our culture, our time as a dominant economic power is over.

What is wrong with our culture?

40% of births are out of wedlock. In the African American community, that number is 65%.

Divorce rate is 50%.

one out of three pregnancies end in abortion. (Not that I think abortion should be outlawed, but it should be safe, legal and rare, as Bill Clinton said. We need to work on the rare part.)

The policies of the GOP in demolishing middle class salaries are part of the problem, but so are the Democratic policies that government is an adequate substitute for family.
"How have Santorum's religious views become so dominant in political discourse lately? "

Because the NeoCon jerks can't talk about the economy. THey have no answers.

Neither do the Democrats.

So if you want to argue, "who can manage the decline better", we can do that.

Of course, if you don't see that the social problems and the economic problems are linked, you aren't going to see a solution.
Your entire premise is that the GOP needs to play down the social issues to win.

No I am not necessarily saying that. But every election has the issues that are pivotal and on the minds of the American people and those issues depend on what is happening at the time. This election is going to be about the economy because that's the problem we are currently facing. I think that very few people are actually going to base their vote on issues like contraception and religious faith this time around. If the economy was rocking, unemployment was at around 4% then sure; those social issue gain more importance. But right now they are largely irrelevant to the voters.

So Santorum providing the liberal media with juicy sound bytes that they can use to paint him as a religious lunatic doesn't seem to be a very good idea. There's little to gain because voters are not concerned with those issues and a lot to lose because his positions on them are so extreme that he looks like a nut. This is the major point I am making. It may help him with the religious right but it will turn moderates and Independents away in droves. Indeed that seems to be exactly what's happening as Santorum's poll numbers are predictably beginning to slip.
Stating that religious people have a right to participate in the political process is challenging the First Amendment now? Since when? It specifically gives us the right to speak and exercise our religion freely.

As for the culture, it's not obvious?

Economic prosperity requires people who are willing to work, be honest, provide service for one another, think about others needs, eliminate corruption in our lives, personal accountability etc.

If you look at the economic problems we face, it's because of dishonesty, corruption, idleness, and a refusal of people to accept responsibility for their lives. If we fix those problems, our economy will boom. The government windowdressing may help a bit, but it's our cultural problems causing our economic problems.

so we should fire most everyone in Congress?
I have been thinking about this a lot the last week or so. How have Santorum's religious views become so dominant in political discourse lately? The conservatives blame the press for asking the questions and attempting to focus the conversation, but on the other hand Santorum is stupid enough to get caught in the trap. If these social issues are truly "non-issues" then why bother to talk about them? Why not simply say "I have my own personal beliefs but let's discuss the economy"? I have concluded that a) he is as stupid as a post and can't keep his mouth shut or b) facing a critical primary tomorrow in Michigan (he can forget about Arizona, Romney has that one locked up) and with Super Tuesday a mere week away (a situation where he cannot possibly hope to contend financially with Romney) he is doubling down with the strategy that his comments will focus the national dialogue on him (thereby giving him free publicity in states where he doesn't have the money to campaign) and the religious right will bail him out. I personally think it's more B than A but......
Great points.


1) If A and he is simply too stupid to avoid media traps shouldn't we be concerned about his intellectual capacity as POTUS?

There is a reason he lost by 16 points in the last election where he was running. Like most conservatives, he's all or nothing and since he has to take an extreme view of most issues, he ends up looking like a dumbass.

2) If B and he is engaging in a political strategy will it work?
The strategy may work in the micro sample size of the Republican primary in Michigan. In the Macro, the country is far left of the Republican base so he has no hope of becoming the nominee unless Romney has another unscripted moment in front of a camera.

3) If B and it does work will he be able to convincingly move back to center if he gets the nomination (which is vital in order to to gain support from moderates and Independents)?

Not a chance
Santorum is appealing to Christian fanatics who have a taste for authoritarianist societies based on a rather primative and ignorant form of Christianity.

That is who he is, and that is what he thinks this nation ought to be.

It's about that simple, really.

Not a syllable too long.

Great post.
Your entire premise is that the GOP needs to play down the social issues to win.

No I am not necessarily saying that. But every election has the issues that are pivotal and on the minds of the American people and those issues depend on what is happening at the time. This election is going to be about the economy because that's the problem we are currently facing. I think that very few people are actually going to base their vote on issues like contraception and religious faith this time around. If the economy was rocking, unemployment was at around 4% then sure; those social issue gain more importance. But right now they are largely irrelevant to the voters.

So Santorum providing the liberal media with juicy sound bytes that they can use to paint him as a religious lunatic doesn't seem to be a very good idea. There's little to gain because voters are not concerned with those issues and a lot to lose because his positions on them are so extreme that he looks like a nut. This is the major point I am making. It may help him with the religious right but it will turn moderates and Independents away in droves. Indeed that seems to be exactly what's happening as Santorum's poll numbers are predictably beginning to slip.

The liberal media is going to attack the REpublican no matter what he does. The solid GOP Candidate is the one who can talk over the media bullshit.

Santorum's numbers were in single digits only two months ago. Romney's been at this for five years and he's still at the same level he's always been at. YOu tell me who has the stronger message.

Already, Romney is trying to write off Michigan as "Democratic Mischeif".
Your entire premise is that the GOP needs to play down the social issues to win.

No I am not necessarily saying that. But every election has the issues that are pivotal and on the minds of the American people and those issues depend on what is happening at the time. This election is going to be about the economy because that's the problem we are currently facing. I think that very few people are actually going to base their vote on issues like contraception and religious faith this time around. If the economy was rocking, unemployment was at around 4% then sure; those social issue gain more importance. But right now they are largely irrelevant to the voters.

So Santorum providing the liberal media with juicy sound bytes that they can use to paint him as a religious lunatic doesn't seem to be a very good idea. There's little to gain because voters are not concerned with those issues and a lot to lose because his positions on them are so extreme that he looks like a nut. This is the major point I am making. It may help him with the religious right but it will turn moderates and Independents away in droves. Indeed that seems to be exactly what's happening as Santorum's poll numbers are predictably beginning to slip.

Well, he might just be positioning himself as the best gop pick for veep. The gop won't win just on moderates and independents, it needs the nutroots invested as well. They win when they appeal to emotional wedge issues, a sense of shared (if contrived) values, and common resentments.
Santorum's numbers were in single digits only two months ago. Romney's been at this for five years and he's still at the same level he's always been at. YOu tell me who has the stronger message.

Well let's have a look at the charts.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

It's true that Santorum was in single digits but a closer look at every candidate's polling lines tells a slightly different tale. Romney bottomed out in September and since then he's been on a slow steady climb. During that time the other candidates peaked and quickly tanked. Perry, followed by Cain, then Gingrich (twice), and now it's Santorum's turn. But so far no one has held that for more than a couple weeks and true to the trend Santorum is starting to creep down. My prediction is that he will tank like the others haveand after Super Tuesday it will be pretty much in the books.

Already, Romney is trying to write off Michigan as "Democratic Mischeif".

Well Romney won soooooo.......
Well, he might just be positioning himself as the best gop pick for veep. The gop won't win just on moderates and independents, it needs the nutroots invested as well. They win when they appeal to emotional wedge issues, a sense of shared (if contrived) values, and common resentments.

Well yes....sort of. It's true that a candidate needs their base but the nation is pretty evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. It jockeys around a bit depending on what is going on but for the most part each party gets about a third or so of the electorate. Even with a highly charged base though, that's not enough to win an election. You MUST get support for the Independents. So the traditional method is to campaign hard toward your party base to secure the nomination, them immediately pull a u-turn and move back to center to get the Independents.

The theory is that once the nomination is secure going back to center is safe because the party base will suck it up and vote for their party's candidate whether they are totally in love with him or not because it's better than letting the other party win. With the extreme rhetoric Santorum is laying out lately on social issues I am not sure he is going to be able to effectively move back to center and gain Independent support.

After last night and what I think will be a big night for Romney next Tuesday I think it will end up being academic, but...well....there it is
Your entire premise is that the GOP needs to play down the social issues to win.

No I am not necessarily saying that. But every election has the issues that are pivotal and on the minds of the American people and those issues depend on what is happening at the time. This election is going to be about the economy because that's the problem we are currently facing. I think that very few people are actually going to base their vote on issues like contraception and religious faith this time around. If the economy was rocking, unemployment was at around 4% then sure; those social issue gain more importance. But right now they are largely irrelevant to the voters.

So Santorum providing the liberal media with juicy sound bytes that they can use to paint him as a religious lunatic doesn't seem to be a very good idea. There's little to gain because voters are not concerned with those issues and a lot to lose because his positions on them are so extreme that he looks like a nut. This is the major point I am making. It may help him with the religious right but it will turn moderates and Independents away in droves. Indeed that seems to be exactly what's happening as Santorum's poll numbers are predictably beginning to slip.

Well, he might just be positioning himself as the best gop pick for veep. The gop won't win just on moderates and independents, it needs the nutroots invested as well. They win when they appeal to emotional wedge issues, a sense of shared (if contrived) values, and common resentments.

I would be shocked if he gets the VP pick. Aside from the baggage...he adds absolutely nothing to the ticket. Conservatives will go for whoever gets picked. What they need on the ticket is an appeal to Democrats and Independents..or someone who doesn't detract from Romney.

Look for Santorum to be the next "hot" new FOX pundit. :lol:
I would be shocked if he gets the VP pick. Aside from the baggage...he adds absolutely nothing to the ticket. Conservatives will go for whoever gets picked. What they need on the ticket is an appeal to Democrats and Independents..or someone who doesn't detract from Romney.

Look for Santorum to be the next "hot" new FOX pundit. :lol:

I would as well. My strong prediction is that Marco Rubio will be the VP pick to lock of the critical state of Florida and appeal to Hispanic voters. Whether the latter works or not is a subject for debate on another thread, but that's my guess of what will happen.
Rubio is not going to run. If he did, he would be relentlessly attacked as a flip-flopper and sink the entire election.
The Santorum Strategy: Say anything.

That certainly appears to be the case. I mean compared to Santorum, Romney is a steady consistent guy and it's tough to bitch about Romney's faith when Santorum is running around burning condoms and hoping to legislate from the Bible. Ok, ok.....hyperbole I know, but you get the point. :lol:
It's absolutely perplexing that this man is gaining any speed at this point. He's a slime ball to the core when it comes to politics. He's also a religious pandering hack. He was pro-choice before he got into congress.

He literally will say anything to get the seat. ANYTHING.

He has no principles and his moral code lacks consistency.
Democrats are scrambling over the Santorum vote. Surely such a outspoken Christian would get very little support even from mainstream republicans. But he's proven to be quite popular. Democrats had no idea there were this many Christians left in the US. They thought it would be just a few, easily overcome When democrats look at Santorum, they don't see a political candidate, they see the numbers. It's proving to be a bit harder to drag the nation into secular socialism than they thought.
Stating that religious people have a right to participate in the political process is challenging the First Amendment now? Since when? It specifically gives us the right to speak and exercise our religion freely.
Yeah.....that really worked-out for Ricky "The Spaz"!!!!


"But the most striking feature of Santorum’s double-header defeat Tuesday was his failure to win a majority of his fellow Catholic faithful, who went for the Mormon Romney by a 6-point margin in both Arizona and Michigan."​

It's absolutely perplexing that this man is gaining any speed at this point. He's a slime ball to the core when it comes to politics. He's also a religious pandering hack. He was pro-choice before he got into congress.

He literally will say anything to get the seat. ANYTHING.

He has no principles and his moral code lacks consistency.

He's not. He is sliding back down. After the losses in Arizona and Michigan that slide will pick up a little speed...probably not a ton since no one believed he had a prayer in hell of winning Arizona and Michigan is Mitt's home state so a Romney sweep is what one would expect. But regardless it will sting a little.

The real problem is that with those losses his fundraising will almost certainly slow and it will make it very difficult for him to compete financially with Romney on Super Tuesday next week. It takes a lot of cash to campaign in 10 states at once. Romney has the backing needed to do that....Santorum doesn't and after last night he won't get it. To make matters worse for Santorum, Georgia is the crown jewel of Super Tuesday and that's Gingrich's home state so he can forget about that.

My guess is that Santorum will focus on Ohio and maybe Oklahoma and/or Virginia and let Romney take the rest. Of critical watch is Idaho, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Ohio because those are proportional states unless one candidate get's over 50% of the vote and then it's winner take all. Vermont is like that too but with only 17 delegates it's not worth spending a lot of money on.

In the end though Romney should lay down with a convincing win next week and at that point there's very little chance for anyone else to take him out.
Democrats are scrambling over the Santorum vote. Surely such a outspoken Christian would get very little support even from mainstream republicans. But he's proven to be quite popular. Democrats had no idea there were this many Christians left in the US. They thought it would be just a few, easily overcome When democrats look at Santorum, they don't see a political candidate, they see the numbers. It's proving to be a bit harder to drag the nation into secular socialism than they thought.

Oh I don't know....Santorum took a whuppin last night. I would hardly say that supporting Romney is "dragging the nation into secular socialism" but Santorum's strength may be vastly overestimated by his supporters.

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