The same people who profited off slavery are profiting off illegal aliens...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Washington Post 2018

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida seeks to hire 78 foreign workers
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Fair point.

Except that we all profit by lower food costs that are the result of the cheaper pay for farm workers where the federal minimum wage does not apply. In our industrial agriculture industry, it is true that the large industries cash in on cheap labor however, the consumers benefit as well.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Washington Post 2018

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida seeks to hire 78 foreign workers
But that is not treason because Trump is doing it...
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Fair point.

Except that we all profit by lower food costs that are the result of the cheaper pay for farm workers where the federal minimum wage does not apply. In our industrial agriculture industry, it is true that the large industries cash in on cheap labor however, the consumers benefit as well.
Cheap labor costs is too high a price to pay if we all lose our jobs as part of the bargain.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.
So. Let's hold them accountable. How about that?
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Fair point.

Except that we all profit by lower food costs that are the result of the cheaper pay for farm workers where the federal minimum wage does not apply. In our industrial agriculture industry, it is true that the large industries cash in on cheap labor however, the consumers benefit as well.
Cheap labor costs is too high a price to pay if we all lose our jobs as part of the bargain.
You know that those who run businesses that hire illegals could care less about you, right?
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Fair point.

Except that we all profit by lower food costs that are the result of the cheaper pay for farm workers where the federal minimum wage does not apply. In our industrial agriculture industry, it is true that the large industries cash in on cheap labor however, the consumers benefit as well.
Yeah but those consumers used to have those skilled jobs. When your job is scabbed by an illegal, how do you qualify for a new home loan or afford to go on cruises?

We see the extravagance industries tanking these days because the middle class are all losing their jobs to slaves. SF CA is literally run by Hispanic immigrants. As are most cities in CA.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.
This would be more meaningful if Trump and his companies were not hiring illegals. He's part of the problem.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Fair point.

Except that we all profit by lower food costs that are the result of the cheaper pay for farm workers where the federal minimum wage does not apply. In our industrial agriculture industry, it is true that the large industries cash in on cheap labor however, the consumers benefit as well.
Cheap labor costs is too high a price to pay if we all lose our jobs as part of the bargain.

The American economy has always depended on a large supply of cheap labour. At the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it was the black slaves in the South. Later it was the Chinese "guest workers" who helped build the railways. Now it's the illegal immigrants.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.

Fair point.

Except that we all profit by lower food costs that are the result of the cheaper pay for farm workers where the federal minimum wage does not apply. In our industrial agriculture industry, it is true that the large industries cash in on cheap labor however, the consumers benefit as well.
Yeah but those consumers used to have those skilled jobs. When your job is scabbed by an illegal, how do you qualify for a new home loan or afford to go on cruises?

We see the extravagance industries tanking these days because the middle class are all losing their jobs to slaves. SF CA is literally run by Hispanic immigrants. As are most cities in CA.

We had a discussion over in the bullpen about that the other day. Growing up, my dad went to work for the grocery chain he worked for....he worked for them in various capacities for 31 years, had a pension and supported a family of four. He was a product of the generation that lived by the mantra of this; you go to work, you work while you're there, you show up every day, and you work for 30 years because the job is going to be there. Today? You can be the most dedicated employee in the history of the time clock and donate a kidney to your wife's boss and the next day you could be furloughed, downsized, laid off etc... Things definitely changed.

We were talking about as a kid, you think of your parents as these two giant rocks (or at least you did in my day). They were there, steady. His job was to work, my mom's job was to cook and our job was to go to school and stay out of trouble. Now, if you're a kid, you live under the specter of your mom or dad losing their job daily. It has to put pressure on you doing your studies, trying to excel, etc... Scary times.

As for your post...the only answer is to be forever adaptable. Not a great way to go through life. I'm personally on my 2nd career and do consulting on the side. If I had suggested to my father that he stop doing his job and move on to internal audit..he would have hit me with his wrench. LOL.
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.
So stop blaming liberals for illegal immigrants. Republicans defend these corporations who know they are accepting fake ids
Well, Jesus trims my citrus tree every year, but I did not chain him to a boat and buy him slave market, separate him from his family, and forbid him to leave my 2 bedroom plantation home. Other than that.....
Well, Jesus trims my citrus tree every year, but I did not chain him to a boat and buy him slave market, separate him from his family, and forbid him to leave my 2 bedroom plantation home. Other than that.....
Have you ever thought about time sharing yer slave?
...big agriculture, big business, the moneyed elite who need gardeners, maids, nannies on the cheap. These are the people who brought in blacks as slaves and are now bringing in illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.

But the price of cheap labor is high: a permanent underclass that is a net drain on the nation's resources and a barrier to good paying jobs for Americans.

Last time we had to have a civil war to resolve the problem. This time, we have Trump, but the forces that drive illegal aliens will stop at nothing, including treason, to stop him from solving the problem.

They have set the tone of the Trump Presidency with their divisive rhetoric and attempts to depose the President with talks of impeachment, with endless investigations to further that treasonous goal.
So stop blaming liberals for illegal immigrants. Republicans defend these corporations who know they are accepting fake ids

You can blame all politicians at the federal level for not enforcing the laws on the books. It's spanned generations and everyone is to blame.

I will say this though; at the same time of this cognitive dissonance toward illegal immigration, our society has become more productive, less violent, and more inclusive. Our economy has grown. Our military has grown. Our influence across the globe has grown. Maybe they knew what they were doing by turning a blind eye?

As for the politics on the's particularly amusing to think that the Presidents who have spent decades in public service, their advisory boards that were laden with intellectual heavyweights, the dedicated congress members who have looked at it etc... are all wrong and the disgusting orange blob is the one who is right!

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