The same liberals who laughed at Trump cause they thought he was lying about building a wall.....

only the fantastical right wing doesn't believe enforcement costs money; how much is our war on illegals going to cost.

we need a tax estimate.
Well, at least you called them illegals.

Look, from my point of view, I am betting there will be some sort of amnesty granted. That will anger many on the right, but rounding up millions upon millions is impossible. I get it.

However, I do think those that are convicted fellons, especially violent fellons (convicted) will be shipped out.

You have a problem with that? If so, please tell us why. You want the stats of violent acts from murder to rape by ILLEGALS around the country every year?

What is your position on the kate steinle case? Please try not using the the left wing buzzwords and soros talking points.

Let us know.
you're just building scarecrows to tear them down No dem wants to keep convicted or violent illegal felons here

So what about Kathryn Steinle?
Special Ed indeed....
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

we're not paying for his f'ing wall

and mexico isn't paying for his f'ing wall.


.....and Trump will never get past the primaries,he cant beat hillary...blah,blah,blah,blah.
I will take any kind of human barrier over nothing.
I imagine most posters on here have jobs that are not threatened by illegals or pay that fluctuates depending on illegal populations so you have no reason to care. Your selfish attitudes of if I don't see it or it doesn't affect me so I don't care are detrimental to many Americans, including legal immigrants

Why must there be a physical barrier there, especially since it doesn't work. Half of the illegals in the country overstayed their visas. Contrary to Trump's statements, Mexicans are NOT pouring across the border by the millions.

There is no wall or even fence between Canada and the US, maybe that's because the vast majority of Canadians have no desire or wish to live the in the USA
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

The way Trump is going, the left is done. He has STORMED into office and kept more promises in a week than that pile of shit Obama did in 8 years.

"STORMED into office"????

He showed up with no staff begging Obama's people to stay on.

He's on track to sign more Executive Orders in one month than Obama did in 8 years.

And other than cut taxes for millionaires, and healthcare for everyone else, and cancel global warming tweets, he' hasn't kept any promises.

Shrink government - he just authorized hiring 5000 people to build a useless wall.

Balance the budget - cutting taxes and hiring people to build a $25 billion useless wall isn't going to do it.

Jobs, jobs, jobs - nothing. Crickets. Well there are the 350 Carrier jobs he saved. Woot woot.

You gotta stop watching fake news.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said

Did Trump phrase his promise like this: "You American taxpayers will be paying for the fence/wall and eventually, by some miracle, Mexico will pay for it..."???

How much traction would he have gotten on his promise if he told the TRUTH?
You want the stats of violent acts from murder to rape by ILLEGALS around the country every year?

Yes, I do. Oh wait, I can get those myself.

Voices: How violent are undocumented immigrants?

Using data from the 2010 Census, the report found that 1.6% of foreign-born males are in jail, compared with 3.3% of the native-born population.


How about the Center for Immigration Studies, which opposes any kind of plan to grant legal status to undocumented immigrants and regularly testifies in Congress against them.

"There's no evidence that immigrants are either more or less likely to commit crimes than anyone else in the population," Janice Kephart, a CIS researcher, said last week on the PBS NewsHour.
I'm not a Democrat, I'm a Liberal. I have no interest in or allegiance to George Soros, I am a Canadian, living in Canada.

You're not a liberal, you're a leftist. You have nothing in common with liberals.

Liberals promote individualism and Laissez Faire Capitalism, as the expression of the freedom of man to trade as one sees fit, Put down Marx and Chomsky, pick of Paine or Mason.

Leftists like you promote collectivism and the rule of the state over the individual, who is to be herded into groups where privilege is metted out based on the favorability of the group to the ruling elite.

I don't support terrorism from anyone. I don't support violent protest. I think the so-called Christians who shot up abortion clinics should be imprisoned for life with no chance of parole. I do not believe in the death penalty.

That's nice, but they are so rare as to be irrelevant, a statistical outlier. You only invoke them as a means of promoting leftist hate.

I especially don't support the sort of racism, threats to those of other religions, or immigrants that are being pursued now in the United States.

The racism is over, Obama is gone, The open hatred of people for having skin that is white ends with the loss by the hate filled left.

Merit rules now, we judge men by the content of their character, rather than by the color of their skin, as you of the left do.

You have elected a very dangerous man as President. Good luck with that. The world is watching and laughing, laughing, laughing at you stupid people.

He is dangerous to the goal of one world dictatorship, but he is a champion for those who still support liberty.

That would be liberals, like me.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

The funny thing...the same morons who told us that there was absolutley no way Trump was going to build the wall...still tell us that Mexico is not going to pay for is amazing how often libtard morons can be wrong, over and over again, and still insist they know what the f**k they are talking about...

We can't, and shouldn't build it. It would be prohibitively expensive, it would not stop illegal immigration, and it would steal private land from landowners, and destroy various wild habitats.

It's stupid, stupid, stupid.

So naturally, people like you cheerlead it.
We can't, and shouldn't build it. It would be prohibitively expensive, it would not stop illegal immigration, and it would steal private land from landowners, and destroy various wild habitats.

It's stupid, stupid, stupid.

So naturally, people like you cheerlead it.

My friend, the lawsuits for taking away private lands, and the estimated $40 billion for building that wall, and the constant needed maintenance as "aliens" did tunnels under it, will constitute the BIGGEST FIASCO which, of course, will have Trump's name all over it.......

Trump is a narcissistic clown........eventually, even the most moronic right winger will realize what a dangerous failure he really is..
We can't, and shouldn't build it. It would be prohibitively expensive, it would not stop illegal immigration, and it would steal private land from landowners, and destroy various wild habitats.

It's stupid, stupid, stupid.

So naturally, people like you cheerlead it.

My friend, the lawsuits for taking away private lands, and the estimated $40 billion for building that wall, and the constant needed maintenance as "aliens" did tunnels under it, will constitute the BIGGEST FIASCO which, of course, will have Trump's name all over it.......

Trump is a narcissistic clown........eventually, even the most moronic right winger will realize what a dangerous failure he really is..

To be fair, gigantic fiascos, positive or negative, keep Trump hard. He gets as much satisfaction from assfucking Atlantic City with a failed casino as he would from an Emmy for the Apprentice.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

we're not paying for his f'ing wall

and mexico isn't paying for his f'ing wall.


.....and Trump will never get past the primaries,he cant beat hillary...blah,blah,blah,blah.

Well, this one won't be decided by crybaby, old white men in Michigan. There are hard numbers, a huge deficit, and Congress to consider here.
I will take any kind of human barrier over nothing.
I imagine most posters on here have jobs that are not threatened by illegals or pay that fluctuates depending on illegal populations so you have no reason to care. Your selfish attitudes of if I don't see it or it doesn't affect me so I don't care are detrimental to many Americans, including legal immigrants

Why must there be a physical barrier there, especially since it doesn't work. Half of the illegals in the country overstayed their visas. Contrary to Trump's statements, Mexicans are NOT pouring across the border by the millions.

There is no wall or even fence between Canada and the US, maybe that's because the vast majority of Canadians have no desire or wish to live the in the USA
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

The way Trump is going, the left is done. He has STORMED into office and kept more promises in a week than that pile of shit Obama did in 8 years.

"STORMED into office"????

He showed up with no staff begging Obama's people to stay on.

He's on track to sign more Executive Orders in one month than Obama did in 8 years.

And other than cut taxes for millionaires, and healthcare for everyone else, and cancel global warming tweets, he' hasn't kept any promises.

Shrink government - he just authorized hiring 5000 people to build a useless wall.

Balance the budget - cutting taxes and hiring people to build a $25 billion useless wall isn't going to do it.

Jobs, jobs, jobs - nothing. Crickets. Well there are the 350 Carrier jobs he saved. Woot woot.
That pretty much sums it up.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

we're not paying for his f'ing wall

and mexico isn't paying for his f'ing wall.


.....and Trump will never get past the primaries,he cant beat hillary...blah,blah,blah,blah.

Well, this one won't be decided by crybaby, old white men in Michigan. There are hard numbers, a huge deficit, and Congress to consider here.

If barry had done his job and not racked up record debt we wouldnt be here.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

we're not paying for his f'ing wall

and mexico isn't paying for his f'ing wall.


.....and Trump will never get past the primaries,he cant beat hillary...blah,blah,blah,blah.

Well, this one won't be decided by crybaby, old white men in Michigan. There are hard numbers, a huge deficit, and Congress to consider here.

If barry had done his job and not racked up record debt we wouldnt be here.

Barry cut the deficit by 2/3rds after inheriting historically low revenues as a percentage of GDP. Then Congress demanded we keep taxes low for millionaires, and insisted we increase defense spending.

Can you even think?
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,

we're not paying for his f'ing wall

and mexico isn't paying for his f'ing wall.


.....and Trump will never get past the primaries,he cant beat hillary...blah,blah,blah,blah.

Well, this one won't be decided by crybaby, old white men in Michigan. There are hard numbers, a huge deficit, and Congress to consider here.

If barry had done his job and not racked up record debt we wouldnt be here.

Barry cut the deficit by 2/3rds after inheriting historically low revenues as a percentage of GDP. Then Congress demanded we keep taxes low for millionaires, and insisted we increase defense spending.

Can you even think?

You should really ease up on the shrooms....
If barry had done his job and not racked up record debt we wouldnt be here.

Not to interfere with your stupidity (and latent racism), Obama's debt was caused by:

1. 700,000 jobs lost per month under GWB
2. Two expensive wars that NEVER made it into the budget
3. Medicare Advantage that was ALSO never accounted for in the previous budgets

Ohhhhhh, and all the above while giving HUGE tax cuts to his buddies.

There, that should give you some perspective......
If barry had done his job and not racked up record debt we wouldnt be here.

Not to interfere with your stupidity (and latent racism), Obama's debt was caused by:

1. 700,000 jobs lost per month under GWB
2. Two expensive wars that NEVER made it into the budget
3. Medicare Advantage that was ALSO never accounted for in the previous budgets

Ohhhhhh, and all the above while giving HUGE tax cuts to his buddies.

There, that should give you some perspective......

You progressives never cease to amaze....

"STORMED into office"????

He showed up with no staff begging Obama's people to stay on.

Oh, blatant lying, how clever.

He's on track to sign more Executive Orders in one month than Obama did in 8 years.

Considering his EO's are merely reversing the ones by Barry, your lie is absurd.

And other than cut taxes for millionaires, and healthcare for everyone else, and cancel global warming tweets, he' hasn't kept any promises.

Yawn, typical leftist demagoguery. The nation is tired of you filth.

Shrink government - he just authorized hiring 5000 people to build a useless wall.

You sure do lie a lot.

Balance the budget - cutting taxes and hiring people to build a $25 billion useless wall isn't going to do it.

Jobs, jobs, jobs - nothing. Crickets. Well there are the 350 Carrier jobs he saved. Woot woot.

LOL, poor butthurt snowflake. It's going to be a LONG 16 years for you. (if you Communists can even regain power after Pence completes his second term!)
Trump keeping 50 Obama administration officials

Out of the 690 administration posts that require Senate confirmation, only 29 have even been named, let alone confirmed.

Trump asks 50 Obama staff to stay on

I wonder how many said no? Of course they may have asked 200 to stay, but only fifty said yes. Then they will say they only asked 50 to begin with and they all said yes.
If barry had done his job and not racked up record debt we wouldnt be here.

Not to interfere with your stupidity (and latent racism), Obama's debt was caused by:

1. 700,000 jobs lost per month under GWB
2. Two expensive wars that NEVER made it into the budget
3. Medicare Advantage that was ALSO never accounted for in the previous budgets

Ohhhhhh, and all the above while giving HUGE tax cuts to his buddies.

There, that should give you some perspective......
Do you think bush started the "two" expensive wars?

Do you deny the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before bush took office?
If so, why?

Do you deny hillary voted for the Iraq war? If so, why?

Do deny clinton passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation? If so, why?

Do you deny Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods? If so, why?

Why do we need to say these facts over and over again and then watch people like you ignore them? They are facts.

Again, why is it you insist Bush started two wars? Are you a truther?
Again, why is it you insist Bush started two wars? Are you a truther?

MORON...........The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote the ACA.....and you call it Obamacare
You claim that democrats started the wars....but you REFUSE to mention WHO gave the order to invade and call it Bush's wars......

Besides, idiot, my response was over the fact that the war costs of TRILLIONS never made it into the budget.....

But, you always have other right wing jerk offs calling your post "enlightening" because they're just as fucked uo as you are.
Again, why is it you insist Bush started two wars? Are you a truther?

MORON...........The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote the ACA.....and you call it Obamacare
You claim that democrats started the wars....but you REFUSE to mention WHO gave the order to invade and call it Bush's wars......

Besides, idiot, my response was over the fact that the war costs of TRILLIONS never made it into the budget.....

But, you always have other right wing jerk offs calling your post "enlightening" because they're just as fucked uo as you are.
A truther.

Wait, so obama had nothing to do with affordable care act?

So, you are on Trump's side with repealing it? No one can tell.

No one invaded anything. It was a liberation. I suppose the US Army "invaded" Germany. Did Germany attack pearl harbor? Don't recall that.

Oh wait, let's get back to the "two" wars. What do you mean he started two wars? You are a truther.

You and every parrot like you are thoroughly brainwashed and pure hypocrites. Really about everything too.

No need to communicate with pure ignorance like you.

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