The Russian Interference Problem Is Very Simple


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump has done a good job of obstructing the truth. It's what he does. It's how he got elected.

So here is the situation. It is extremely simple.

There are only two questions:

1. Did Russia interfere in our election?

2. Did Trump or any of his people collude with the Russians?

Trump is deliberately muddying the water, which is a really stupid strategy.

Everyone but the most stupid know now that Russia did interfere in our election process. Even the people of the Trump Administration and their surrogates openly admit this. They no longer deny it.

So the first question is answered. And that answer is yes.

You won't hear Trump admit it. He is no longer denying it, but he won't admit it. His ego just can't handle that he got the job as President with a leg up by Putin.

It's important to understand this, because this goes to the motive behind Trump's obfuscations and obstructions of the investigation. In this way, he is like Nixon. The attempts to cover up the truth of Russia's interference in our election are becoming worse than the interference itself.

Russia interfered in the election, and Trump's ego demands he throw up as much smoke around this fact as possible.

Trump is his own worst enemy. By trying to cover up the facts, Trump is feeding the media's desire to find collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. They see Trump's smoke, and think there is a fire behind it.

It is my opinion there probably isn't a fire there. There probably was no collusion between the Trump camp and Russia. If there was any collusion at all, Trump did not know about it.

As for Trump's ridiculous lie that Obama wiretapped him, it didn't happen. I know the tard herd is working double overtime to prove this lie is true, but it simply didn't happen.

Trump recruited chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to help him make this lie even bigger, which is simply amazing.

The whole point of that committee is to act as a CHECK AND BALANCE on the Executive's power, and Nunes has completely compromised himself in this respect. He should step down.

Now, about this masking thing. Once again, the tard herd is jumping to conclusions without knowing a single fact.

Here's the thing about masking and unmasking: We do not not exactly what was masked and then unmasked. We don't even know if it was a conversation by Trump or anyone else. It most likely didn't even involved a recording between a Trump associate and a Russian.

For example, if Vladimir Putin called the Russian ambassador and said, "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get Donald Trump elected as President of the United States", that conversation between two foreign nationals would have the mention of an American's name masked, and would look like this: "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get ************** elected as President of the United States."

If our national security leader was informed Russians were plotting against the US election, it would make sense she would want to know who the ************* was in the recording.

If "Donald Trump" was then unmasked, that in no way is a wiretapping of Donald Trump by Barack Obama.

Like always, the 24 hour propaganda channels make shit up to fill the airwaves when they have no facts, and the tard herd gobbbles it right down.
Your post is too well written and asks embarrassing questions of right wingers who were dumb enough to back the orange demagogue......ergo, no responses since Sean Hannity is not helping them,
If you are going to type a crazy rant, use proper English, complete sentences, paragraphs, etc.! Second, did y'all see Tucker pwnd Congressman Sherman in regards to the "Russia hacked the election" hoax? He asked Brad Sherman if there was any evidence Russia hacked Podesta's emails and Sherman said there was no evidence, but Comey said it was so, so it was so. :p
Right when FBI Director James Comey, NSA Director Mike Rogers, and former Attorney General Sally Yates were all slated to testify about Russia's interference in our election in front of the House Intelligence committee, Chairman Deven Nunes called off the hearing and acted on Trump's behalf to obstruct the investigation.

Nunes should step down. He is brazenly running interference for Trump's ego.
If y'all could show some real proof, a MSM story isn't proof, that us Trumpsters could actually see something was there then maybe we would change sides.
Ok here goes either y'all will ignore me because there is no proof or you will call me a name, so lay it out for us Trumpsters.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's not surprising that people on the left can't see the easiest method of preventing something like this from happening again.
Namely, don't run candidates that are so sleazy that reading their emails dooms their chances of being elected.
Trump has done a good job of obstructing the truth. It's what he does. It's how he got elected.

So here is the situation. It is extremely simple.

There are only two questions:

1. Did Russia interfere in our election?

2. Did Trump or any of his people collude with the Russians?

Trump is deliberately muddying the water, which is a really stupid strategy.

Everyone but the most stupid know now that Russia did interfere in our election process. Even the people of the Trump Administration and their surrogates openly admit this. They no longer deny it.

So the first question is answered. And that answer is yes.

You won't hear Trump admit it. He is no longer denying it, but he won't admit it. His ego just can't handle that he got the job as President with a leg up by Putin.

It's important to understand this, because this goes to the motive behind Trump's obfuscations and obstructions of the investigation. In this way, he is like Nixon. The attempts to cover up the truth of Russia's interference in our election are becoming worse than the interference itself.

Russia interfered in the election, and Trump's ego demands he throw up as much smoke around this fact as possible.

Trump is his own worst enemy. By trying to cover up the facts, Trump is feeding the media's desire to find collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. They see Trump's smoke, and think there is a fire behind it.

It is my opinion there probably isn't a fire there. There probably was no collusion between the Trump camp and Russia. If there was any collusion at all, Trump did not know about it.

As for Trump's ridiculous lie that Obama wiretapped him, it didn't happen. I know the tard herd is working double overtime to prove this lie is true, but it simply didn't happen.

Trump recruited chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to help him make this lie even bigger, which is simply amazing.

The whole point of that committee is to act as a CHECK AND BALANCE on the Executive's power, and Nunes has completely compromised himself in this respect. He should step down.

Now, about this masking thing. Once again, the tard herd is jumping to conclusions without knowing a single fact.

Here's the thing about masking and unmasking: We do not not exactly what was masked and then unmasked. We don't even know if it was a conversation by Trump or anyone else. It most likely didn't even involved a recording between a Trump associate and a Russian.

For example, if Vladimir Putin called the Russian ambassador and said, "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get Donald Trump elected as President of the United States", that conversation between two foreign nationals would have the mention of an American's name masked, and would look like this: "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get ************** elected as President of the United States."

If our national security leader was informed Russians were plotting against the US election, it would make sense she would want to know who the ************* was in the recording.

If "Donald Trump" was then unmasked, that in no way is a wiretapping of Donald Trump by Barack Obama.

Like always, the 24 hour propaganda channels make shit up to fill the airwaves when they have no facts, and the tard herd gobbbles it right down.

1. How did Russia interfere in the election? Be specific so I can make fun of you

2. Prove Trump and his team was not wire tapped, be specific. So I can make fun of you, because you just admitted him and his crew was wire tapped

Got to love the spin and moron paid liberal posters here.

Trump has done a good job of obstructing the truth. It's what he does. It's how he got elected.

So here is the situation. It is extremely simple.

There are only two questions:

1. Did Russia interfere in our election?

2. Did Trump or any of his people collude with the Russians?

Trump is deliberately muddying the water, which is a really stupid strategy.

Everyone but the most stupid know now that Russia did interfere in our election process. Even the people of the Trump Administration and their surrogates openly admit this. They no longer deny it.

So the first question is answered. And that answer is yes.

You won't hear Trump admit it. He is no longer denying it, but he won't admit it. His ego just can't handle that he got the job as President with a leg up by Putin.

It's important to understand this, because this goes to the motive behind Trump's obfuscations and obstructions of the investigation. In this way, he is like Nixon. The attempts to cover up the truth of Russia's interference in our election are becoming worse than the interference itself.

Russia interfered in the election, and Trump's ego demands he throw up as much smoke around this fact as possible.

Trump is his own worst enemy. By trying to cover up the facts, Trump is feeding the media's desire to find collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. They see Trump's smoke, and think there is a fire behind it.

It is my opinion there probably isn't a fire there. There probably was no collusion between the Trump camp and Russia. If there was any collusion at all, Trump did not know about it.

As for Trump's ridiculous lie that Obama wiretapped him, it didn't happen. I know the tard herd is working double overtime to prove this lie is true, but it simply didn't happen.

Trump recruited chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to help him make this lie even bigger, which is simply amazing.

The whole point of that committee is to act as a CHECK AND BALANCE on the Executive's power, and Nunes has completely compromised himself in this respect. He should step down.

Now, about this masking thing. Once again, the tard herd is jumping to conclusions without knowing a single fact.

Here's the thing about masking and unmasking: We do not not exactly what was masked and then unmasked. We don't even know if it was a conversation by Trump or anyone else. It most likely didn't even involved a recording between a Trump associate and a Russian.

For example, if Vladimir Putin called the Russian ambassador and said, "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get Donald Trump elected as President of the United States", that conversation between two foreign nationals would have the mention of an American's name masked, and would look like this: "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get ************** elected as President of the United States."

If our national security leader was informed Russians were plotting against the US election, it would make sense she would want to know who the ************* was in the recording.

If "Donald Trump" was then unmasked, that in no way is a wiretapping of Donald Trump by Barack Obama.

Like always, the 24 hour propaganda channels make shit up to fill the airwaves when they have no facts, and the tard herd gobbbles it right down.

1. How did Russia interfere in the election? Be specific so I can make fun of you

2. Prove Trump and his team was not wire tapped, be specific. So I can make fun of you, because you just admitted him and his crew was wire tapped

Got to love the spin and moron paid liberal posters here.

The FBI will furnish all the proof, just relax and enjoy
Trump's behavior is making him look like he has something to hide. Rather than defend our country and root out the weaknesses which continue to make us vulnerable to inference from a hostile power, Trump's obstruction of justice is enabling the enemy. One can be forgiven for thinking this means he was, and is, colluding with that enemy.

I have my doubts Trump colluded, but his actions are making him look guilty as shit.

Trump sure as hell is putting the lie to his "America First" rhetoric. He is clearly putting his fragile ego above the security of our country.

He is starting to border on treason.
Trump has done a good job of obstructing the truth. It's what he does. It's how he got elected.

So here is the situation. It is extremely simple.

There are only two questions:

1. Did Russia interfere in our election?

2. Did Trump or any of his people collude with the Russians?

Trump is deliberately muddying the water, which is a really stupid strategy.

Everyone but the most stupid know now that Russia did interfere in our election process. Even the people of the Trump Administration and their surrogates openly admit this. They no longer deny it.

So the first question is answered. And that answer is yes.

You won't hear Trump admit it. He is no longer denying it, but he won't admit it. His ego just can't handle that he got the job as President with a leg up by Putin.

It's important to understand this, because this goes to the motive behind Trump's obfuscations and obstructions of the investigation. In this way, he is like Nixon. The attempts to cover up the truth of Russia's interference in our election are becoming worse than the interference itself.

Russia interfered in the election, and Trump's ego demands he throw up as much smoke around this fact as possible.

Trump is his own worst enemy. By trying to cover up the facts, Trump is feeding the media's desire to find collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. They see Trump's smoke, and think there is a fire behind it.

It is my opinion there probably isn't a fire there. There probably was no collusion between the Trump camp and Russia. If there was any collusion at all, Trump did not know about it.

As for Trump's ridiculous lie that Obama wiretapped him, it didn't happen. I know the tard herd is working double overtime to prove this lie is true, but it simply didn't happen.

Trump recruited chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to help him make this lie even bigger, which is simply amazing.

The whole point of that committee is to act as a CHECK AND BALANCE on the Executive's power, and Nunes has completely compromised himself in this respect. He should step down.

Now, about this masking thing. Once again, the tard herd is jumping to conclusions without knowing a single fact.

Here's the thing about masking and unmasking: We do not not exactly what was masked and then unmasked. We don't even know if it was a conversation by Trump or anyone else. It most likely didn't even involved a recording between a Trump associate and a Russian.

For example, if Vladimir Putin called the Russian ambassador and said, "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get Donald Trump elected as President of the United States", that conversation between two foreign nationals would have the mention of an American's name masked, and would look like this: "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get ************** elected as President of the United States."

If our national security leader was informed Russians were plotting against the US election, it would make sense she would want to know who the ************* was in the recording.

If "Donald Trump" was then unmasked, that in no way is a wiretapping of Donald Trump by Barack Obama.

Like always, the 24 hour propaganda channels make shit up to fill the airwaves when they have no facts, and the tard herd gobbbles it right down.

1. How did Russia interfere in the election? Be specific so I can make fun of you

2. Prove Trump and his team was not wire tapped, be specific. So I can make fun of you, because you just admitted him and his crew was wire tapped

Got to love the spin and moron paid liberal posters here.

The FBI will furnish all the proof, just relax and enjoy

Lo you just don't want to admit all the Russians did was leak evidence to the press that team Hillary threw the DNC nomination and is a corrupt lying bitch

Trump has done a good job of obstructing the truth. It's what he does. It's how he got elected.

So here is the situation. It is extremely simple.

There are only two questions:

1. Did Russia interfere in our election?

2. Did Trump or any of his people collude with the Russians?

Trump is deliberately muddying the water, which is a really stupid strategy.

Everyone but the most stupid know now that Russia did interfere in our election process. Even the people of the Trump Administration and their surrogates openly admit this. They no longer deny it.

So the first question is answered. And that answer is yes.

You won't hear Trump admit it. He is no longer denying it, but he won't admit it. His ego just can't handle that he got the job as President with a leg up by Putin.

It's important to understand this, because this goes to the motive behind Trump's obfuscations and obstructions of the investigation. In this way, he is like Nixon. The attempts to cover up the truth of Russia's interference in our election are becoming worse than the interference itself.

Russia interfered in the election, and Trump's ego demands he throw up as much smoke around this fact as possible.

Trump is his own worst enemy. By trying to cover up the facts, Trump is feeding the media's desire to find collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. They see Trump's smoke, and think there is a fire behind it.

It is my opinion there probably isn't a fire there. There probably was no collusion between the Trump camp and Russia. If there was any collusion at all, Trump did not know about it.

As for Trump's ridiculous lie that Obama wiretapped him, it didn't happen. I know the tard herd is working double overtime to prove this lie is true, but it simply didn't happen.

Trump recruited chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to help him make this lie even bigger, which is simply amazing.

The whole point of that committee is to act as a CHECK AND BALANCE on the Executive's power, and Nunes has completely compromised himself in this respect. He should step down.

Now, about this masking thing. Once again, the tard herd is jumping to conclusions without knowing a single fact.

Here's the thing about masking and unmasking: We do not not exactly what was masked and then unmasked. We don't even know if it was a conversation by Trump or anyone else. It most likely didn't even involved a recording between a Trump associate and a Russian.

For example, if Vladimir Putin called the Russian ambassador and said, "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get Donald Trump elected as President of the United States", that conversation between two foreign nationals would have the mention of an American's name masked, and would look like this: "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get ************** elected as President of the United States."

If our national security leader was informed Russians were plotting against the US election, it would make sense she would want to know who the ************* was in the recording.

If "Donald Trump" was then unmasked, that in no way is a wiretapping of Donald Trump by Barack Obama.

Like always, the 24 hour propaganda channels make shit up to fill the airwaves when they have no facts, and the tard herd gobbbles it right down.

1. How did Russia interfere in the election? Be specific so I can make fun of you

2. Prove Trump and his team was not wire tapped, be specific. So I can make fun of you, because you just admitted him and his crew was wire tapped

Got to love the spin and moron paid liberal posters here.

The FBI will furnish all the proof, just relax and enjoy

Lo you just don't want to admit all the Russians did was leak evidence to the press that team Hillary threw the DNC nomination and is a corrupt lying bitch

does anyone really give a shit about your opinion?
Trump has done a good job of obstructing the truth. It's what he does. It's how he got elected.

So here is the situation. It is extremely simple.

There are only two questions:

1. Did Russia interfere in our election?

2. Did Trump or any of his people collude with the Russians?

Trump is deliberately muddying the water, which is a really stupid strategy.

Everyone but the most stupid know now that Russia did interfere in our election process. Even the people of the Trump Administration and their surrogates openly admit this. They no longer deny it.

So the first question is answered. And that answer is yes.

You won't hear Trump admit it. He is no longer denying it, but he won't admit it. His ego just can't handle that he got the job as President with a leg up by Putin.

It's important to understand this, because this goes to the motive behind Trump's obfuscations and obstructions of the investigation. In this way, he is like Nixon. The attempts to cover up the truth of Russia's interference in our election are becoming worse than the interference itself.

Russia interfered in the election, and Trump's ego demands he throw up as much smoke around this fact as possible.

Trump is his own worst enemy. By trying to cover up the facts, Trump is feeding the media's desire to find collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. They see Trump's smoke, and think there is a fire behind it.

It is my opinion there probably isn't a fire there. There probably was no collusion between the Trump camp and Russia. If there was any collusion at all, Trump did not know about it.

As for Trump's ridiculous lie that Obama wiretapped him, it didn't happen. I know the tard herd is working double overtime to prove this lie is true, but it simply didn't happen.

Trump recruited chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to help him make this lie even bigger, which is simply amazing.

The whole point of that committee is to act as a CHECK AND BALANCE on the Executive's power, and Nunes has completely compromised himself in this respect. He should step down.

Now, about this masking thing. Once again, the tard herd is jumping to conclusions without knowing a single fact.

Here's the thing about masking and unmasking: We do not not exactly what was masked and then unmasked. We don't even know if it was a conversation by Trump or anyone else. It most likely didn't even involved a recording between a Trump associate and a Russian.

For example, if Vladimir Putin called the Russian ambassador and said, "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get Donald Trump elected as President of the United States", that conversation between two foreign nationals would have the mention of an American's name masked, and would look like this: "I want you to do everything you can to help Wikileaks get ************** elected as President of the United States."

If our national security leader was informed Russians were plotting against the US election, it would make sense she would want to know who the ************* was in the recording.

If "Donald Trump" was then unmasked, that in no way is a wiretapping of Donald Trump by Barack Obama.

Like always, the 24 hour propaganda channels make shit up to fill the airwaves when they have no facts, and the tard herd gobbbles it right down.

1. How did Russia interfere in the election? Be specific so I can make fun of you

2. Prove Trump and his team was not wire tapped, be specific. So I can make fun of you, because you just admitted him and his crew was wire tapped

Got to love the spin and moron paid liberal posters here.

The FBI will furnish all the proof, just relax and enjoy

Lo you just don't want to admit all the Russians did was leak evidence to the press that team Hillary threw the DNC nomination and is a corrupt lying bitch

The Russians did much more than that. You are clearly blocking out information which contradicts your bias. You probably only listen to propaganda channels which keep that information from you.

Lies of omission are what the puppeteers are best at.
Time for tinfoil party hats. These Trump bashing Putin picked our president and the DFL has no responsibility for its own failure threads ate better suited for the Conspiracy pages.
Here we go with more its the russians loonbat stuff again. This is beyond hilarious.
It will be just as hilarious when Trump is thrown out of office

Not going to happen.
You must be aware of facts that no one else is. So tell us.........

News flash the Republican just used the Harry Reid option so you think they would help the democrats impeach him....

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