The Russian/American Reset Is

America simply left the head of the table of world affairs. We got out of the chair and left the room.
That vacuum is being filled.
And Putin is filling that void. And the Chinese are whispering in his ear.
The dominance of the U.S. in world politics is over, and the dominance of Russia has begun thanks to Obama.

What this all leads to, who knows. They can squeeze us out in so many ways now and there's nothing we can do about it.

with the leadership we have we are looking at another Cold War....but this time the U.S. crumbles...

I don't agree. This is not an end all scenario. People are changing the world over. The United States will simply share responsibility for building a more peaceful world, instead of acting as a policeman for a vision jaded only by what a select few Americans think is right.

Everything is going to be fine.

Yes, weakness is strength and we can count on our friends (whichever are left) to bail us out of a jamb from now on.

Good thinking.
The videos just show the degree as to how out of touch/uninformed Obama was and is.
The infamous "I can be more flexible after the election" - just showed his incredible and amazing lack of understanding Russian affairs.
It is easy to blame Obama for this, as he is the President. And no matter who is, the other side will always do so.
Having said that however, Obama gave very clear signals to Putin that he is not terribly interested, and has little resolve.
The dominance of the U.S. in world politics is over, and the dominance of Russia has begun thanks to Obama.


Wishful thinking on your part.

Russia barely ranks as a Third World country.

Yeah...all 3rd world countries have these:






The dominance of the U.S. in world politics is over, and the dominance of Russia has begun thanks to Obama.

What this all leads to, who knows. They can squeeze us out in so many ways now and there's nothing we can do about it.

with the leadership we have we are looking at another Cold War....but this time the U.S. crumbles...

I don't agree. This is not an end all scenario. People are changing the world over. The United States will simply share responsibility for building a more peaceful world, instead of acting as a policeman for a vision jaded only by what a select few Americans think is right.

Everything is going to be fine.
You need to wake up - the world does not want peace - so we shall not have it! The US needs the biggest military it can have! That is the best insurance. There are plenty of wasteful entitlement spending that shoud be used to that end.

Obama will be our undoing :eusa_pray: He is a weak, pathetic excuse for a leader - all of you who voted for him might as well be retarded - you really fucked U.S. good :evil:

This article is from 2005. Astonishing how well the author describes the plan here! Wow....

To understand what is happening today, one must understand certain military tenets of warfare. These include:

Infiltrate the enemy country with advance forces and spies.

Pre-position supplies close to the anticipated battleground.

Destroy the enemy’s will to resist.

Destroy the enemy population’s morals and morale.

Sew confusion among the enemy population.

Cut lines of communication.

Create diversions.

Control all information and media outlets.

Attack on many fronts.

Destroy the enemy’s capability to wage war.

Reduce or destroy enemy’s military bases.

Strike only when ready and when enemy is at his weakest.
In the intelligence world, what we do is take pieces of information, like pieces of a puzzle, and “put them on the wall and see what picture develops.” Lord Wellington of Waterloo once said “I’ve spent my entire military career wondering what the chap on the other side of the hill was doing.” In intelligence circles, information gathering is chief among tasks, followed by “okay, what are they up to?”

Let us examine some current “intelligence indicators” and see what picture forms.

Over the last few decades, ever since Nixon went to China in 1972 to open trade relations, we have seen the Communist Chinese grow from a third-rate military force whose strength lay only in numbers to a very modern and well-equipped force ready to do battle on a global scale. Unlike Russia, the Chinese have done this very quietly, trying not to draw attention to their efforts, and with one goal in mind: destroy the United States and any allies. And we have helped them toward that goal. In fact, we continue to help them every day when we buy Chinese-made products. But beyond that, let’s examine events that have strengthened China’s military endeavors while weakening ours:

Carter gave away the Panama Canal, and now China operates it—and has total control of who uses it, what ships come and go, and who disembarks from those ships in Panama (such as Chinese males of military age that disappear into the hinterlands and later surface in Mexico close to our southern border).

Bill Clinton gave China “most favored nation” trading status, opening our market to cheap slave-labor-made goods, which also destroyed many US companies and costing us jobs by underselling the market with cheap products. At the same time we turned our back on long-time ally, Nationalist China. All of this to “appease” the Red Chinese.

Under the Clinton administration, Loral and Hughes were allowed to sell China missile technology and guidance systems for “communications satellites.” Within months we were told that China now bragged about being able to deliver a nuclear warhead to Los Angeles.

Also under the Clinton watch, Chinese spies were discovered at Los Alamos and in other places, some of which stole nuclear secrets for the People’s Liberation Army. (“All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him” -- Sun Tzu)

While all of this was happening, our southern border was being invaded by illegal aliens to the point that besides Mexicans, we have many reports of Asians, Central Americans, and Middle-easterners coming unhindered into the U.S.

Couple this with COSCO, the China Ocean Shipping Company, which is the Merchant Marine arm of the Chinese Navy, taking over not only the Panama Canal, but establishing a huge transshipment center in Freeport, Bahamas, just off the Florida coast. This huge complex contains some of the biggest cranes in the world, plus hundreds upon hundreds of Sealift containers the size of semi-trucks being stored there. When I see this I can’t help but think of Diego Garcia, our forward deployment base in the Pacific.

It is well known in the military that the easiest thing to move is troops. The hardest to move is material. You can order troops to march onto a ship or airplane, but it takes forklifts, cranes and manpower to move supplies. By forward deploying your logistics you are already half a battle ahead.

And Freeport is not the only suspect position for Chinese pre-deployment stocks. Reports have surfaced about COSCO ships unloading in Mexico and Canada, plus several ports inside the US itself. A few years back we read of a shipment in a Sealift container that came into Long Beach, California, loaded with automatic AK-47s, machine guns, grenades and explosives. We were told it was intercepted, and that it was probably being smuggled in to street gangs. We may never know of how many other shipments went undetected, and are still being smuggled in and pre-positioned. And not for street gangs!

Add to all this the fact that our own troops have been over-extended, our military suffering a continuing “build down” by base closings, reducing the numbers of aircraft in our squadrons and ships in our fleets, and reduction of war stocks by expenditure without restocking, plus using up our reserves and national guard forces in extended overseas missions, and we have the recipe for disaster. In other words, there ain’t no one home watching the chickens, and the wolf is prowling the broken fence line.

There are those who say that China is being influenced by prosperity, and that they are reaping the rewards of capitalism, and because of this have no reason to use military might to forward Mao’s version of Communism. These pie-in-the-sky wishers do not understand the Chinese. What we are really doing is financing their military buildups, technology, and monetary base. Those who have forgotten history need to be reminded that we did the same thing in the 1930s when we sold scrap metal to Japan, only to reap the whirlwind when they used our metal in the ships and planes and bombs that attacked Pearl Harbor. Hitler’s Germany also prospered from “free trade” by using our technology in the petroleum industry to manufacture fuels and lubricants by synthetic means. Still, we continue to feed the Chinese dragon and think nothing of where our money goes when we buy those items “Made in China.”

click link to read further........
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I have to laugh when I read that China is now allying with Russia. The trust between them doesn't exist and border conflicts between the two have been numerous. Both want to lead and neither is willing to put the others interests ahead of their own. China will not seek to cripple the US economy as it is its biggest client. Russia has nothing to offer in return. On the other hand, a weak Russia is to China's advantage. Russia's economy is already taking a huge hit because of the invasion and if they remain in the Ukraine it could send the Russian economy into a long-term downward spiral.

With Russia severely weakened, China could seek to play a more important role with Central Asian nations that were once part of the Soviet Bloc - countries like Kazakhstan which are rich in oil reserves and with whom they have sought to increase their influence and purchases of oil.

"In January 2013, Kazakhstan proclaimed that it would limit its imports of oil products from Russia, a prospect that invoked skepticism among several Russian analysts. Yet in April 2013, Kazakhstan limited Russia’s gasoline sales in the country and took other restrictive measures related to oil in dealing with Russia. Moscow assumed that Kazakhstan would have no choice and would finally cave into Russia’s demands. However, Moscow was wrong and China presented a viable alternative. Kazakhstan now sends its oil to Chinese refineries instead of Russian ones. In addition, Kazakhstan demanded a higher price for gas it had already committed to Russia and would otherwise divert deliveries to China. In July 2013, Kazakhstan sold a US$ 5 billion stake in the Kashagan oil field, one of the largest in the world, to China’s CNPC."

Kazakhstan Drifts to China Amid Tension with Russia

China may be encouraging Russia to act foolishly but it is only to China's advantage.

The dominance of the U.S. in world politics is over, and the dominance of Russia has begun thanks to Obama.


Wishful thinking on your part.

Russia barely ranks as a Third World country.

That is what they wanted you to believe before. Now? They don't care as we can see by Putins latest provocative moves on Ukraine and China's towards Taiwan. You know, people in the United States still believe China has a weak military too. Nothing could be further from the truth. Read this article from 2005 and realize they are now ready and in position today:

To understand what his happening today, one must understand certain military tenets of warfare. These include:

Infiltrate the enemy country with advance forces and spies.

Pre-position supplies close to the anticipated battleground.

Destroy the enemy’s will to resist.

Destroy the enemy population’s morals and morale.

Sew confusion among the enemy population.

Cut lines of communication.

Create diversions.

Control all information and media outlets.

Attack on many fronts.

Destroy the enemy’s capability to wage war.

Reduce or destroy enemy’s military bases.

Strike only when ready and when enemy is at his weakest.
In the intelligence world, what we do is take pieces of information, like pieces of a puzzle, and “put them on the wall and see what picture develops.” Lord Wellington of Waterloo once said “I’ve spent my entire military career wondering what the chap on the other side of the hill was doing.” In intelligence circles, information gathering is chief among tasks, followed by “okay, what are they up to?”

Let us examine some current “intelligence indicators” and see what picture forms.

Over the last few decades, ever since Nixon went to China in 1972 to open trade relations, we have seen the Communist Chinese grow from a third-rate military force whose strength lay only in numbers to a very modern and well-equipped force ready to do battle on a global scale. Unlike Russia, the Chinese have done this very quietly, trying not to draw attention to their efforts, and with one goal in mind: destroy the United States and any allies. And we have helped them toward that goal. In fact, we continue to help them every day when we buy Chinese-made products. But beyond that, let’s examine events that have strengthened China’s military endeavors while weakening ours:

Carter gave away the Panama Canal, and now China operates it—and has total control of who uses it, what ships come and go, and who disembarks from those ships in Panama (such as Chinese males of military age that disappear into the hinterlands and later surface in Mexico close to our southern border).

Bill Clinton gave China “most favored nation” trading status, opening our market to cheap slave-labor-made goods, which also destroyed many US companies and costing us jobs by underselling the market with cheap products. At the same time we turned our back on long-time ally, Nationalist China. All of this to “appease” the Red Chinese.

Under the Clinton administration, Loral and Hughes were allowed to sell China missile technology and guidance systems for “communications satellites.” Within months we were told that China now bragged about being able to deliver a nuclear warhead to Los Angeles.

Also under the Clinton watch, Chinese spies were discovered at Los Alamos and in other places, some of which stole nuclear secrets for the People’s Liberation Army. (“All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him” -- Sun Tzu)

While all of this was happening, our southern border was being invaded by illegal aliens to the point that besides Mexicans, we have many reports of Asians, Central Americans, and Middle-easterners coming unhindered into the U.S.

Couple this with COSCO, the China Ocean Shipping Company, which is the Merchant Marine arm of the Chinese Navy, taking over not only the Panama Canal, but establishing a huge transshipment center in Freeport, Bahamas, just off the Florida coast. This huge complex contains some of the biggest cranes in the world, plus hundreds upon hundreds of Sealift containers the size of semi-trucks being stored there. When I see this I can’t help but think of Diego Garcia, our forward deployment base in the Pacific.

It is well known in the military that the easiest thing to move is troops. The hardest to move is material. You can order troops to march onto a ship or airplane, but it takes forklifts, cranes and manpower to move supplies. By forward deploying your logistics you are already half a battle ahead.

And Freeport is not the only suspect position for Chinese pre-deployment stocks. Reports have surfaced about COSCO ships unloading in Mexico and Canada, plus several ports inside the US itself. A few years back we read of a shipment in a Sealift container that came into Long Beach, California, loaded with automatic AK-47s, machine guns, grenades and explosives. We were told it was intercepted, and that it was probably being smuggled in to street gangs. We may never know of how many other shipments went undetected, and are still being smuggled in and pre-positioned. And not for street gangs!

Add to all this the fact that our own troops have been over-extended, our military suffering a continuing “build down” by base closings, reducing the numbers of aircraft in our squadrons and ships in our fleets, and reduction of war stocks by expenditure without restocking, plus using up our reserves and national guard forces in extended overseas missions, and we have the recipe for disaster. In other words, there ain’t no one home watching the chickens, and the wolf is prowling the broken fence line.

There are those who say that China is being influenced by prosperity, and that they are reaping the rewards of capitalism, and because of this have no reason to use military might to forward Mao’s version of Communism. These pie-in-the-sky wishers do not understand the Chinese. What we are really doing is financing their military buildups, technology, and monetary base. Those who have forgotten history need to be reminded that we did the same thing in the 1930s when we sold scrap metal to Japan, only to reap the whirlwind when they used our metal in the ships and planes and bombs that attacked Pearl Harbor. Hitler’s Germany also prospered from “free trade” by using our technology in the petroleum industry to manufacture fuels and lubricants by synthetic means. Still, we continue to feed the Chinese dragon and think nothing of where our money goes when we buy those items “Made in China.”

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