The roots of Antifa

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

This is a fantastic video & is supported by links in the description that expose Antifa for what it is. A violent movement that has been around much longer than you think.
A link is also supplied in the description to sign a Whitehouse petition demanding recognition of this problem.
I know the video is long but I highly recommend you watch it when you have time.
It might shock you to know this group existed BEFORE the Nazi party rose to power in Germany.
I know they've been rioting in Germany, Austria, Italy, Finland, Françe, etc. Surprisingly, not in North Korea, Cambodia, Syria, etc. Anti-Fascist my ass. They are anti-capitalist, anti-West and decidedly anti-American.

This is a global, terrorist hate group determined to bring down Western culture.
I stopped at 43 seconds in because the fat douchebag host implies "racism" exists anywhere but in non-White communities. The fact is only Whites face "racism" in the post modern world.
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I stopped at 43 seconds in because the fat douchebag host implies "racism" exists anywhere but in non-White communities. The fact is only Whites face "racism" in the post modern world.
He never implied any such thing. He also never even hinted at any race
ANTIFA is short for ANTI-FASCIST. why exactly are YOU not Antifa? Are you not anti-fascist?
ANTIFA is short for ANTI-FASCIST. why exactly are YOU not Antifa? Are you not anti-fascist?

They use the German communist party emblem and are using German fascists tactics, while saying it's all about anti fascism.
Can it get any more insane? Apparently yes.
Most in this country are anti fascists, anti socialist and anti communist.
ANTIFA is short for ANTI-FASCIST. why exactly are YOU not Antifa? Are you not anti-fascist?

They use the German communist party emblem and are using German fascists tactics, while saying it's all about anti fascism.
Can it get any more insane? Apparently yes.
Most in this country are anti fascists, anti socialist and anti communist.
If he just watched the video his real character would come out. Either he's okay with their tactics because of Trump or he will recognize that a line is being crossed.
ANTIFA is short for ANTI-FASCIST. why exactly are YOU not Antifa? Are you not anti-fascist?

They use the German communist party emblem and are using German fascists tactics, while saying it's all about anti fascism.
Can it get any more insane? Apparently yes.
Most in this country are anti fascists, anti socialist and anti communist.

Some are, some are not it's a very fuzzy association.

I don't think it's ANTIFA that is the problem, but PRO-COMMUNISM and PRO-VIOLENCE.
ANTIFA is short for ANTI-FASCIST. why exactly are YOU not Antifa? Are you not anti-fascist?
Watch the video and educate yourself. Or perhaps you already know the truth and are trying to deceive others?

Still, would it kill you to answer the question?
You won't watch the video because you are afraid of the truth.

LOL, no silly, I just can't watch videos now, even the ones with some guy's surely ranting mug and a title of "This week in Stupid"

You've seen it, and I assume you fancy yourself to have understood it, so you should have no problem making a counter case.

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