The Right Wing's Lies About Most Everything

Christ moonbeam. I am not a religious person but I pray every night that you were born with extraordinary looks.
The best military leaders are those who can win without firing a shot. Considering Reagan beat the Soviets without firing a shot, it puts him in a very strong position in my book.

Besides, it's not the right wing that lies about Reagan being a hawk. It's the left.

Reagan beat the Soviets? :rofl:

Reagan was not a military leader. D'Oh!

Apparently Dante is too stupid, too ignorant, or trying very hard to forget the Cold War, as it went through Truman's "Containment," Ford's "Detente" and finally Reagan's "Spending 'em into hell!"

But SORRY! There are those of us who were born under and grew up during the Cold War.

We REMEMBER ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE! The old push of that cartoon was to make fun of the Cold War. Something that anyone who watches it now, and didn't live durng the Cold War will miss.

And if anyone would have told me (in the 60s) that I would see a day when the Soviet Union was not pointing missles at us, I would not have believed them.


You can protest (too much) otherwise, but your protests will fall on too well informed ears.

Let us start with President Reagan's military defense toughness myth:

:laugh2: What a joke.

Sure...on the ultimate test of hawkdom -- the willingness to send U.S. troops into harm's way -- Reagan was no bird of prey. He launched exactly one land war, against Grenada, whose army totaled 600 men. It lasted two days. And his only air war -- the 1986 bombing of Libya -- was even briefer....

In fact, Reagan was terrified of war. He took office eager to vanquish Nicaragua's Sandinista government and its rebel allies in El Salvador, both of which were backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union. But at an early meeting, when Secretary of State Alexander Haig suggested that achieving this goal might require bombing Cuba, the suggestion "scared the shit out of Ronald Reagan," according to White House aide Michael Deaver. Haig was marginalized, then resigned, and Reagan never seriously considered sending U.S. troops south of the border, despite demands from conservative intellectuals like Norman Podhoretz and William F. Buckley. "Those sons of bitches won't be happy until we have 25,000 troops in Managua," Reagan told chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein near the end of his presidency, "and I'm not going to do it."

Think Again: Ronald Reagan - By Peter Beinart | Foreign Policy


Oh, because a liberal reinvents history, that makes it true!

Too bad there are too many of us, that remember those days, and it was LIBERALS who were terrified of war.

Every five minutes they were wringing their hands that Reagan would get us into a war.

Now you want to lie to people who were born after those times and tell them, it never happened??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, well keep trying!

Remember when Reagan made the joke in his Christmas Radio speech that he had just declared the Soviet Union illegal and the bombs start dropping in five minutes? Then he said, "Just kidding!"

I laughed my butt off. That sound like a man afraid of war?

The Democrats actually made an attack ad over it, claiming this proved Reagan was blood thirsty for war.

IT FAILED! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Go take your lies and SIT DOWN!

No one believes them except Obamabots who feed on lies, and people too young to remember Reagan AND MOST OF THEM DON'T VOTE ANYWAY!


I think you both are kind of missing the point. Reagan believed in walking with a big stick. If forced to use it then use it, but the idea was simply to use the big stick to prevent anyone from fucking with you so you didn't have to use it in the first place. Luckily it worked out well for Reagan. Had it been a different time, things might have been different.

IS that why reagan illegally traded with Iran?
another right wing lie that won't die:

Myth: Obama denied being natural born in debate with Alan Keyes

There has been a persistent rumor that during the 2005 Keyes/Obama Senate Race Keyes stated

“You are not even a Natural born citizen” to which Barack Obama replied: “That’s OK, I am not running for president, I am only running for Senate.”

The Campaign for Keyes has denied that this happened.


Your instincts are right. That exchange never happened. It was the invention of somebody on the internet, one which seems to have sort of taken on a life of its own.

Thanks for your diligence in getting at the truth.

Tom Hoefling
Chairman, America’s Independent Party
Chairman, Alan Keyes for President 2008
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The best military leaders are those who can win without firing a shot. Considering Reagan beat the Soviets without firing a shot, it puts him in a very strong position in my book.

Besides, it's not the right wing that lies about Reagan being a hawk. It's the left.

Reagan beat the Soviets? :rofl:

Reagan was not a military leader. D'Oh!

Apparently Dante is too stupid, too ignorant, or trying very hard to forget the Cold War, as it went through Truman's "Containment," Ford's "Detente" and finally Reagan's "Spending 'em into hell!"

But SORRY! There are those of us who were born under and grew up during the Cold War.

We REMEMBER ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE! The old push of that cartoon was to make fun of the Cold War. Something that anyone who watches it now, and didn't live durng the Cold War will miss.

And if anyone would have told me (in the 60s) that I would see a day when the Soviet Union was not pointing missles at us, I would not have believed them.


You can protest (too much) otherwise, but your protests will fall on too well informed ears.


They are still pointing their missles at us~duh! Reagan did nothing but escalate the world arming itself for more war.
The GOP would cease to exist if they stopped lying.

Floridian here! I can confirm this. Pink slip rick screwed us all.
Oh yeah, did I mention that they purged the votes of blacks intentionally so they can win?

Thats what the Republican party/GOP has been up to here.
Nixon started the war on drugs, but Reagan greatly expanded it. Reagan is the one that decided that we did not have all those rights to privacy we so loved before he took office.

Are you trying to tell us that there was no fight againt and all those drugs were legal before Nixon????????


What the hell history book are YOU reading??????


Yes they did, but not to the degree that Reagan allowed, along with his rules to judges on how to prosecute and what degree of punishment was to be given was dictated by him.
Reagan pushed the limits of the Constitution and he and his SCOTUS allowed the right to privacy to be infringed.
Reagan military buildup was a paper tiger military. During that period is when I served 1982-1988, we had no shelf stock to repair equipment, because we were operating on a shoe string budget.

Okay you are full of bullshit!

Number one, Reagan's push was to RAMP UP THE ARMS RACE. AKA Star Wars, the B-1B, etc.

You want to whine about shortages in the military? They didn't have TANKS under Clinton!

And you libs are ALWAYS whining about rights being "infringed" upon by Republicans. But you can never tell us how your rights were infringed IN ANYWAY.

Meanwhile, Obama goes merrily on ripping apart the First and 2nd Amendment with you libs full agreement.

Reagan defeated the USSR and collapsed their empire, he left them no choice but to complete their takeover of the Democrat Party

The only point I'll argue here is that it was Reagan, or the US that caused the collapse of the USSR. The USSR collapsed because communism/socialism aren't economic viabilities. They stretched themselves so thin that they withdrew from Afghan because of bankruptcy and the inability to continue their ways.

Otherwise, the rest is true. Communists took over the democrats, but AI think it was happeneing back in the 40s and was completed by the 80s. Evidence shows now that most democrats are nothing short of socialist morons.

There is no resemblance of communism in the Democratic Party. This is where you right wing loons just prove yourselves to be right wing loons.
Let us start with President Reagan's military defense toughness myth:

:laugh2: What a joke.

Sure...on the ultimate test of hawkdom -- the willingness to send U.S. troops into harm's way -- Reagan was no bird of prey. He launched exactly one land war, against Grenada, whose army totaled 600 men. It lasted two days. And his only air war -- the 1986 bombing of Libya -- was even briefer....

In fact, Reagan was terrified of war. He took office eager to vanquish Nicaragua's Sandinista government and its rebel allies in El Salvador, both of which were backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union. But at an early meeting, when Secretary of State Alexander Haig suggested that achieving this goal might require bombing Cuba, the suggestion "scared the shit out of Ronald Reagan," according to White House aide Michael Deaver. Haig was marginalized, then resigned, and Reagan never seriously considered sending U.S. troops south of the border, despite demands from conservative intellectuals like Norman Podhoretz and William F. Buckley. "Those sons of bitches won't be happy until we have 25,000 troops in Managua," Reagan told chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein near the end of his presidency, "and I'm not going to do it."

Think Again: Ronald Reagan - By Peter Beinart | Foreign Policy


Oh, because a liberal reinvents history, that makes it true!

Too bad there are too many of us, that remember those days, and it was LIBERALS who were terrified of war.

Every five minutes they were wringing their hands that Reagan would get us into a war.

Now you want to lie to people who were born after those times and tell them, it never happened??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, well keep trying!

Remember when Reagan made the joke in his Christmas Radio speech that he had just declared the Soviet Union illegal and the bombs start dropping in five minutes? Then he said, "Just kidding!"

I laughed my butt off. That sound like a man afraid of war?

The Democrats actually made an attack ad over it, claiming this proved Reagan was blood thirsty for war.

IT FAILED! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Go take your lies and SIT DOWN!

No one believes them except Obamabots who feed on lies, and people too young to remember Reagan AND MOST OF THEM DON'T VOTE ANYWAY!


I think you both are kind of missing the point. Reagan believed in walking with a big stick. If forced to use it then use it, but the idea was simply to use the big stick to prevent anyone from fucking with you so you didn't have to use it in the first place. Luckily it worked out well for Reagan. Had it been a different time, things might have been different.

"Things might have been different" is another way of saying, "but we could have been right!"

But, you weren't!

Get over it!

Nixon started the war on drugs, but Reagan greatly expanded it. Reagan is the one that decided that we did not have all those rights to privacy we so loved before he took office.
Reagan instituted the JUST SAY NO policy. He expanded it to the idea that people should take responsibility for whether they start or avoid drug use.

Of course, developing character is a real blight to some. :rolleyes:

He also started three stikes which to me is unconstitutional and a waste of taxpayers monies. He believed in the police state which is what the USA is still working on and is almost there.
The best military leaders are those who can win without firing a shot. Considering Reagan beat the Soviets without firing a shot, it puts him in a very strong position in my book.

Besides, it's not the right wing that lies about Reagan being a hawk. It's the left.

Reagan beat the Soviets? :rofl:

Reagan was not a military leader. D'Oh!

Neither was The Pope or Margaret Thatcher, but as a team they worked well together to defeat the Soviet Union and help bring about it's demise.
Nixon started the war on drugs, but Reagan greatly expanded it. Reagan is the one that decided that we did not have all those rights to privacy we so loved before he took office.
Reagan instituted the JUST SAY NO policy. He expanded it to the idea that people should take responsibility for whether they start or avoid drug use.

Of course, developing character is a real blight to some. :rolleyes:

He also started three stikes which to me is unconstitutional and a waste of taxpayers monies. He believed in the police state which is what the USA is still working on and is almost there.

Oh my God. :clap2:
Reagan instituted the JUST SAY NO policy. He expanded it to the idea that people should take responsibility for whether they start or avoid drug use.

Of course, developing character is a real blight to some. :rolleyes:

Another reason liberals hate Reagan.

(But it was Nancy that did the "just say no") Sorry, but had to add that little correction. :eusa_angel:

And since bothh were Hollyweird elites(repubs name), they used their position to blacklist and kill careers that anyway joked or advocated sub-culture values.


What careers??????

You are just moving into pure fantasy now!

You might remember McCarthy was a Democrat! LOL!

And if anyone would have told me (in the 60s) that I would see a day when the Soviet Union was not pointing missles at us, I would not have believed them.


You would not have believed them, because you were always a fearful little twit. Some of us who lied through the cold war weren't as scared as the right wing fear mongers and the left wing scaredy cats.

And the Russians (formerly the USSR) still have missiles pointed at us.

See? You lie and you are stupid.
obama should run against Reagan, that will work.

Running against Bush has run out of steam.

Bush's did the same thing Reagan did. Clinton did not. Obama is not. Things will be just fine if we can stop the endless military actions that we can't fix, but no we have to conquer/rebuild.
Let us start with President Reagan's military defense toughness myth:

:laugh2: What a joke.

Sure...on the ultimate test of hawkdom -- the willingness to send U.S. troops into harm's way -- Reagan was no bird of prey. He launched exactly one land war, against Grenada, whose army totaled 600 men. It lasted two days. And his only air war -- the 1986 bombing of Libya -- was even briefer....

In fact, Reagan was terrified of war. He took office eager to vanquish Nicaragua's Sandinista government and its rebel allies in El Salvador, both of which were backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union. But at an early meeting, when Secretary of State Alexander Haig suggested that achieving this goal might require bombing Cuba, the suggestion "scared the shit out of Ronald Reagan," according to White House aide Michael Deaver. Haig was marginalized, then resigned, and Reagan never seriously considered sending U.S. troops south of the border, despite demands from conservative intellectuals like Norman Podhoretz and William F. Buckley. "Those sons of bitches won't be happy until we have 25,000 troops in Managua," Reagan told chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein near the end of his presidency, "and I'm not going to do it."

Think Again: Ronald Reagan - By Peter Beinart | Foreign Policy


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A whopper of a lie like that, deserves a neg rep!


facts are lies now?

You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the face!


Oh, because a liberal reinvents history, that makes it true!

Too bad there are too many of us, that remember those days, and it was LIBERALS who were terrified of war.

Every five minutes they were wringing their hands that Reagan would get us into a war.

Now you want to lie to people who were born after those times and tell them, it never happened??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, well keep trying!

Remember when Reagan made the joke in his Christmas Radio speech that he had just declared the Soviet Union illegal and the bombs start dropping in five minutes? Then he said, "Just kidding!"

I laughed my butt off. That sound like a man afraid of war?

The Democrats actually made an attack ad over it, claiming this proved Reagan was blood thirsty for war.

IT FAILED! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Go take your lies and SIT DOWN!

No one believes them except Obamabots who feed on lies, and people too young to remember Reagan AND MOST OF THEM DON'T VOTE ANYWAY!


I think you both are kind of missing the point. Reagan believed in walking with a big stick. If forced to use it then use it, but the idea was simply to use the big stick to prevent anyone from fucking with you so you didn't have to use it in the first place. Luckily it worked out well for Reagan. Had it been a different time, things might have been different.

IS that why reagan illegally traded with Iran?

Reagan traded some parts that didn't work to Iran TO GET HOSTAGES BACK THAT HAD BEEN SITTING IN IRANIAN ARMS FOR YEARS!

Carter refused to do anything about it, Democrats refused to do anything about it.

So the families appealed personally to Reagan. He traded some airplane parts that DIDN'T WORK for them.

Democrats made a big deal about it, because they didn't care that the Iranians had been skunked, all they cared about was getting Reagan.

That's why when Oliver North was allowed to testify it backfired on the Democrats.

Democrats didn't care if those people EVER came home. All they cared about was getting Reagan.



On that you lose!

Let us start with President Reagan's military defense toughness myth:

:laugh2: What a joke.

Sure...on the ultimate test of hawkdom -- the willingness to send U.S. troops into harm's way -- Reagan was no bird of prey. He launched exactly one land war, against Grenada, whose army totaled 600 men. It lasted two days. And his only air war -- the 1986 bombing of Libya -- was even briefer....

In fact, Reagan was terrified of war. He took office eager to vanquish Nicaragua's Sandinista government and its rebel allies in El Salvador, both of which were backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union. But at an early meeting, when Secretary of State Alexander Haig suggested that achieving this goal might require bombing Cuba, the suggestion "scared the shit out of Ronald Reagan," according to White House aide Michael Deaver. Haig was marginalized, then resigned, and Reagan never seriously considered sending U.S. troops south of the border, despite demands from conservative intellectuals like Norman Podhoretz and William F. Buckley. "Those sons of bitches won't be happy until we have 25,000 troops in Managua," Reagan told chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein near the end of his presidency, "and I'm not going to do it."

Think Again: Ronald Reagan - By Peter Beinart | Foreign Policy


New reputation!
Hi, you have received -368 reputation points from teapartysamurai.
Reputation was given for this post.

A whopper of a lie like that, deserves a neg rep!


facts are lies now?

No facts, just opinion. And are you whining about a neg? Awwwwwwwwww poor baby

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