The Right Wing POLITICS of Race


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It's funny how the republican right tries controlling us as black people. If we vote for a black candidate (Obama), we are voting because he is black so we are racists. However we must support the right wing black, no matter how fucked up their ideas arre fhor blacks just because they are black. If we call them sellouts we have to hear the madness coming from the right.

Black candidates have run and lost before. Most of them have not been called sellouts. But when you have a Larry Elder or Winsome Sears, who are black right wing extremists, they are sellouts.


The ORIGINAL version, which of course reflects the real Winsome Sears:

  • “The baby in the womb wants to live! God creates life: whether by test-tube or natural means. As a mother, I understand the importance of protecting life. As the next Lt. Governor of Virginia, I will fight to protect life, not devalue it. Furthermore, late-term abortion and infanticide (killing of the baby after birth) is also murder. What is happening at the hands of Democrat lawmakers (like our Governor) across this country is wicked; therefore, I will do everything in my power to stop this act from taking place in Virginia.”
  • “I will defend our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We have seen the continued whittling away of this right. I believe the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individual gun ownership. Gun control laws infringe on the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety. Gun control laws DO NOT deter crime; rather it is gun ownership that deters crime.”
  • “I believe in parental school choice.”
  • “Poll watchers and inspectors must have complete and unrestricted viewership access to all vote counting, ballot transportation, and vote by mail intake. This applies to all parties, campaigns, and election integrity organizations.”
  • “Hypocritical COVID-19 shutdowns have decimated the Virginia small business community. “
“Poll watchers and inspectors must have complete and unrestricted viewership access to all vote counting, ballot transportation, and vote by mail intake. This applies to all parties, campaigns, and election integrity organizations.”
For instance, what is wrong with this idea?
It's funny how the republican right tries controlling us as black people. If we vote for a black candidate (Obama), we are voting because he is black so we are racists. However we must support the right wing black, no matter how fucked up their ideas arre fhor blacks just because they are black. If we call them sellouts we have to hear the madness coming from the right.

Black candidates have run and lost before. Most of them have not been called sellouts. But when you have a Larry Elder or Winsome Sears, who are black right wing extremists, they are sellouts.

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The ORIGINAL version, which of course reflects the real Winsome Sears:

  • “The baby in the womb wants to live! God creates life: whether by test-tube or natural means. As a mother, I understand the importance of protecting life. As the next Lt. Governor of Virginia, I will fight to protect life, not devalue it. Furthermore, late-term abortion and infanticide (killing of the baby after birth) is also murder. What is happening at the hands of Democrat lawmakers (like our Governor) across this country is wicked; therefore, I will do everything in my power to stop this act from taking place in Virginia.”
  • “I will defend our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We have seen the continued whittling away of this right. I believe the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individual gun ownership. Gun control laws infringe on the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety. Gun control laws DO NOT deter crime; rather it is gun ownership that deters crime.”
  • “I believe in parental school choice.”
  • “Poll watchers and inspectors must have complete and unrestricted viewership access to all vote counting, ballot transportation, and vote by mail intake. This applies to all parties, campaigns, and election integrity organizations.”
  • “Hypocritical COVID-19 shutdowns have decimated the Virginia small business community. “

However we must support the right wing black, no matter how fucked up their ideas arre fhor blacks just because they are black.

and, if we didn't vote for Obama because of his policies, why are we accused of being racist because we didn't vote for a black man?
and, if we didn't vote for Obama because of his policies, why are we accused of being racist because we didn't vote for a black man?
Mainly because most whites didn't oppose Obama based on policy. Amerihca has a continuing history of white anti black racism. You can use the claimof opposing his policies as plausible deniability but you and others here have opposed or disagreed with anything blacks have tried to do.
Mainly because most whites didn't oppose Obama based on policy. Amerihca has a continuing history of white anti black racism. You can use the claimof opposing his policies as plausible deniability but you and others here have opposed or disagreed with anything blacks have tried to do.
Wrong you lying racist MOST people on this board even POSTED what they disagreed with and were still called racist by you and your buddies.
Not even remotely true I call out white racists all the time. Un fact I was recently put on ignore by one cause I pointed out how racist he was being. remind me when you EVER called out a black racist?
Of course yo do.

I have yet to see a black racist here. Thereis a difference between speaking the truth to whites pertaining to the racism we see posted here and racism.
Wrong you lying racist MOST people on this board even POSTED what they disagreed with and were still called racist by you and your buddies.
Most of what you guys have disagreed with were supported by documented fact and were true. So like I said...
It's funny how the republican right tries controlling us as black people. If we vote for a black candidate (Obama), we are voting because he is black so we are racists. However we must support the right wing black, no matter how fucked up their ideas arre fhor blacks just because they are black. If we call them sellouts we have to hear the madness coming from the right.

Black candidates have run and lost before. Most of them have not been called sellouts. But when you have a Larry Elder or Winsome Sears, who are black right wing extremists, they are sellouts.

View attachment 561832

The ORIGINAL version, which of course reflects the real Winsome Sears:

  • “The baby in the womb wants to live! God creates life: whether by test-tube or natural means. As a mother, I understand the importance of protecting life. As the next Lt. Governor of Virginia, I will fight to protect life, not devalue it. Furthermore, late-term abortion and infanticide (killing of the baby after birth) is also murder. What is happening at the hands of Democrat lawmakers (like our Governor) across this country is wicked; therefore, I will do everything in my power to stop this act from taking place in Virginia.”
  • “I will defend our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We have seen the continued whittling away of this right. I believe the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individual gun ownership. Gun control laws infringe on the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety. Gun control laws DO NOT deter crime; rather it is gun ownership that deters crime.”
  • “I believe in parental school choice.”
  • “Poll watchers and inspectors must have complete and unrestricted viewership access to all vote counting, ballot transportation, and vote by mail intake. This applies to all parties, campaigns, and election integrity organizations.”
  • “Hypocritical COVID-19 shutdowns have decimated the Virginia small business community. “

You missed by a mile. The Democrat Party is the party of race, victimhood, hatred, lies, dependence, and the murder of millions of unborn black children. We didn't do those things to you. You've allowed white Democrats to do those things to you and like the fool you are, you just beg for more.
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