The Right-Wing Doesn’t Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let’s Talk About it


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
We hear a lot of about Muslim barbarism, but if you look at history, the same things were also done in the name of Christianity. Christ insanity is not some benign innocent religion either, as it's followers claim. It was only after the enlightenment that Christianity was defanged and declawed on a state level. The same thing must be done with radical Islam while keeping an eye on those who want to go back in time like our own christian extremists

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities - Americans Against the Tea Party
They're all crazy. The only difference is the degree of craziness. These days, the Moslems are in the lead for craziest.
Any form of radicalism is horrible and should never be condone, and yes it is true Christianity has it deep roots in genocide and spreading fear and hate in our history of the world, but it does not excuse Islam radicalism and those hijacking the religion to spread their genocide, fear and hate...

Also I have said this many times in the past and if you ever noticed a good majority of the Islamic nutters are usually western born idiots radicalized because they are the loner that usually end up being a serial killer, and radical Islam gives them the outlet of carrying out their fantasies...


I wrote radical Islam and not all of Islam. I know many Persians that are not radical, and are hard working, God fearing, and great Americans, and know the difference between being radical and not...
We hear a lot of about Muslim barbarism, but if you look at history, the same things were also done in the name of Christianity. Christ insanity is not some benign innocent religion either, as it's followers claim. It was only after the enlightenment that Christianity was defanged and declawed on a state level. The same thing must be done with radical Islam while keeping an eye on those who want to go back in time like our own christian extremists

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities - Americans Against the Tea Party
You must be referring to the pagan catholic church and the Jesuits. It is estimated that they killed over 60 million people in Europe during the counter-reformation. People that would not pledge loyalty to the Pope were tortured and killed. The Jesuits infiltrated the United States in the early 1800's much to the chagrin of our founding fathers. The number of Jesuit trained people in government and influential places of power is absolutely staggering. Most of the men that died when the beaches were stormed in Normandy were protestant. In the military they ask you if you are catholic or protestant. Protestants were put in units that had a higher chance of heavy fighting than catholics because many of our military leaders were Jesuit trained at the 29 universities they have. Every last CIA director has been Jesuit trained. Bush and Kerry's Skull and Bones is a Jesuit secret society at Yale. I do not consider the roman catholic church to be anything more than a cult because it is not based on Biblical teachings.
Oh look, another troll thread from the most racist, bigoted troll on the entire site.
How dare Christians take up arms against the Muslims.
Lets just have them get slaughtered without defending themselves eh?
The Christians are not the ones beheading innocents because they refuse to join Christianity.
Celtic druids used to sacrifice children. The Romans destroyed their religion before they (the romans) were Christian.A lot of these heathen religions aren't good.

And good Christians are good people. Good Muslims are bad people because the Christian ideology is good while islam ideology is bad.Bad muslims are good people.

Most religious people don't follow the rules of their religion.
Guno is a cu@nto. If you want to discuss history, then fine. But to do it with a chip on your shoulder, purporting to reveal some perceived hypocrisy reveals what an angry fucker you are. The premise is just silly. Morality changes over time, radically. You are either too stupid to know this, or you know it but your emotive impulses are too strong for your weak intellect to overcome.
They're all crazy. The only difference is the degree of craziness. These days, the Moslems are in the lead for craziest.

there is that. but the reality is that jihadis do need to be defanged. but not in the way the rightwingnuts want.

The leftwingnut way is not working because their numbers are growing.

so who do you bomb? michigan?


You put up an insane reply and call me crazy? LOL
We hear a lot of about Muslim barbarism, but if you look at history, the same things were also done in the name of Christianity. Christ insanity is not some benign innocent religion either, as it's followers claim. It was only after the enlightenment that Christianity was defanged and declawed on a state level. The same thing must be done with radical Islam while keeping an eye on those who want to go back in time like our own christian extremists

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities - Americans Against the Tea Party
So why aren't you talking about it then? Where's your list of accusations?
We hear a lot of about Muslim barbarism, but if you look at history, the same things were also done in the name of Christianity. Christ insanity is not some benign innocent religion either, as it's followers claim. It was only after the enlightenment that Christianity was defanged and declawed on a state level. The same thing must be done with radical Islam while keeping an eye on those who want to go back in time like our own christian extremists

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities - Americans Against the Tea Party

He ever writes like Rdean
"BUT THE CRUSADES, BUT THE MIDDLE AGES!!!!" Yes, evil was done in the name of Christianity. What the OP refuses to acknowledge, however, is that Christians learned from the evil that corrupted the church and threw it off. Apparently, some cannot move on.

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