The Right To Bear Arms

And I am telling you that it is beyond stupid to reclassify one specific Semiautomatic rifle because of the way it looks and no other reason.

You can fight it but the genie is out of the bottle. While the School Children that have been terrorized and traumatized can't vote, their parents can and in a few short years the children turn 18. And they agree with what I have said all along. Even many of the large Republican Donors are starting to remove support for anyone that will not go along those lines. Yes, these folks give millions each year to various Republican Candidates but they will not contribute to those that still spew the NRA Boilerplate responses. It's happening more and more each day. The Last Mass Shooting was the straw that broke the camels back. Too bad it didn't get a sore back 25 years ago.

And what will you all do when banning that rifle does nothing to stop the next piece of shit from shooting up a school ?

Give it a chance. If it works that's great. If it doesn't we can put it back the way it was. My money is that within 2 years we may still have attacks but they won't be "Mass" killings since that tool won't be available.
It won't work we already had a so called assault weapons ban in effect for 10 years
In fact the assault weapons ban was in effect when Columbine got shot up

Gee look at that real data not opinion.

Oh goody. I get to fact check on this one. The columbine shooting happened in 1999. The Ban of Assault Rifles (ie AR) ras allowed to runout in 1998. Adn the shooting was done by 2 handguns, 1 shotgun and a 9mm semi auto rifle with a few 32 shot mags (clisp to piss one person off) adn two dud bombs. Even with all that, they still only managed to kill 12. If they had been armed with a pair of ARs the body count could have easily topped 50 or 100.
As I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.
And you cannot prove it would have been worse with other weapons.

It's your entire argument that a gun ban will prevent school shootings

You are wrong
WRong answer once again. Part of it is a culture. The Weapon I am specifically referring to is very much part of a culture. Now, name that Weapon. Go ahead and be very specific.

It matters not what any gun looks like only how it performs an the Ar 15 that you are so afraid of performs no differently than any other semiautomatic in existence

Now, was that painful? I hope not. The AR style has become a cult weapon. You can say how others are just as deadly but the AR is the weapon of choice for mass shootings. I am not saying we need to outlaw that specific weapon but we can up it in the firearms where you can't just walk into a store and purchase it in less than 30 minutes or you can't mail order it or buy it at a gunshow with no background check. If you wanted to keep yours then you can keep it. Just pay the 200 bucks that would be required, register the weapon and yourself and become responsible for the weapon and it's uses. ALL AR types used in the mass shootings were purchased legally so let's stop with the "Oh Yah, what about the Criminal". Hand Grenades do a much better job at killing but the people that legally buy them pay the 200 bucks and just don't use them for mass killings no matter what the movies say. People that own Automatic Weapons pay the 200 bucks and are not the problem. But an 18 year old kid with a score to settle that buys it without paying the 200 bucks IS the problem. Actually, it isn't limited to age as the shootings can attest. You just have to be 18 years old or older. Not a problem if the 18 year old pays the 200 bucks for the license to possess one. There are many young people that have at least a class 4 or class D firearms license and you just don't hear about them doing these insane things.

Sorry to bust your bubble but I am not out to take your guns. I just suggest that we reclassify one specific weapon.
You have no right to reclassify any rifles, ARs are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less.
There is no better rifle out there for varmints, pigs, coyotes and such...

BTW... Firearm registration is nothing more than firearm confiscation… Fact

It's a sporting rifle as long as you are hunting People.

As for Varmints I already listed at least two that blow the AR away. If you want to use the AR for a sporting rifle as you claim, I suggest you go to Syria where you can use it for the game it was designed for.
Na, not really...

Sometimes I use a Screwdriver as a hammer it it works. Doesn't make it as good as a hammer.
and 86% of them are reported stolen.


So much for the narrative of "responsible gun owners"...they report a gun is stolen less than 9 out of 10 times. That's fucking pathetic. You can sure as shit bet 100% of car thefts are reported.

Now, why would a "responsible gun owner" not report their gun as stolen!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What could be the only reason?

Yes! So thanks for proving my point...states with shitty gun laws see more gun thefts than states with good gun laws. So again, it's the "responsible gun owners" who are to blame. This is exactly what I am talking about when I say that guns are trafficked to cities and blue states via "iron pipelines". A practice that could be all but eliminated by requiring all gun transactions and transfers require a background check.

gun thefts are not equally distributed among the states and gee high crime areas have more gun thefts. Imagine that.

The states you listed in your cut and paste that had the highest rates of gun theft are all pro-gun, red states. So the guns get stolen from "responsible gun owners" in those states and then trafficked into the other states with stricter gun laws. That's exactly what the "iron pipeline" is.

Millions of people own guns and never have one stolen

As of now. But they can't pretend it will never happen because it happens 234,000 times a year, on average.
You can fight it but the genie is out of the bottle. While the School Children that have been terrorized and traumatized can't vote, their parents can and in a few short years the children turn 18. And they agree with what I have said all along. Even many of the large Republican Donors are starting to remove support for anyone that will not go along those lines. Yes, these folks give millions each year to various Republican Candidates but they will not contribute to those that still spew the NRA Boilerplate responses. It's happening more and more each day. The Last Mass Shooting was the straw that broke the camels back. Too bad it didn't get a sore back 25 years ago.

And what will you all do when banning that rifle does nothing to stop the next piece of shit from shooting up a school ?

Give it a chance. If it works that's great. If it doesn't we can put it back the way it was. My money is that within 2 years we may still have attacks but they won't be "Mass" killings since that tool won't be available.
It won't work we already had a so called assault weapons ban in effect for 10 years
In fact the assault weapons ban was in effect when Columbine got shot up

Gee look at that real data not opinion.

Oh goody. I get to fact check on this one. The columbine shooting happened in 1999. The Ban of Assault Rifles (ie AR) ras allowed to runout in 1998. Adn the shooting was done by 2 handguns, 1 shotgun and a 9mm semi auto rifle with a few 32 shot mags (clisp to piss one person off) adn two dud bombs. Even with all that, they still only managed to kill 12. If they had been armed with a pair of ARs the body count could have easily topped 50 or 100.
As I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.

You can scream gun ban until your are blue in the face. They can't just ban them. But they can regulate them. And by getting the most efficient killing weapon out of the hands of the mainstream hands by regulating them doesn't stop the shooting but it does keep the body count down. Or are you getting your nut off when a high number of people die due to Mass Murders?
and 86% of them are reported stolen.


So much for the narrative of "responsible gun owners"...they report a gun is stolen less than 9 out of 10 times. That's fucking pathetic. You can sure as shit bet 100% of car thefts are reported.

Now, why would a "responsible gun owner" not report their gun as stolen!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What could be the only reason?

Yes! So thanks for proving my point...states with shitty gun laws see more gun thefts than states with good gun laws. So again, it's the "responsible gun owners" who are to blame. This is exactly what I am talking about when I say that guns are trafficked to cities and blue states via "iron pipelines". A practice that could be all but eliminated by requiring all gun transactions and transfers require a background check.

gun thefts are not equally distributed among the states and gee high crime areas have more gun thefts. Imagine that.

The states you listed in your cut and paste that had the highest rates of gun theft are all pro-gun, red states. So the guns get stolen from "responsible gun owners" in those states and then trafficked into the other states with stricter gun laws. That's exactly what the "iron pipeline" is.

Millions of people own guns and never have one stolen

As of now. But they can't pretend it will never happen because it happens 234,000 times a year, on average.

you really like to ask stupid questions.

How the fuck do I know why someone wouldn't report a gun or anything else stolen?
And what will you all do when banning that rifle does nothing to stop the next piece of shit from shooting up a school ?

Give it a chance. If it works that's great. If it doesn't we can put it back the way it was. My money is that within 2 years we may still have attacks but they won't be "Mass" killings since that tool won't be available.
It won't work we already had a so called assault weapons ban in effect for 10 years
In fact the assault weapons ban was in effect when Columbine got shot up

Gee look at that real data not opinion.

Oh goody. I get to fact check on this one. The columbine shooting happened in 1999. The Ban of Assault Rifles (ie AR) ras allowed to runout in 1998. Adn the shooting was done by 2 handguns, 1 shotgun and a 9mm semi auto rifle with a few 32 shot mags (clisp to piss one person off) adn two dud bombs. Even with all that, they still only managed to kill 12. If they had been armed with a pair of ARs the body count could have easily topped 50 or 100.
As I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.

You can scream gun ban until your are blue in the face. They can't just ban them. But they can regulate them. And by getting the most efficient killing weapon out of the hands of the mainstream hands by regulating them doesn't stop the shooting but it does keep the body count down. Or are you getting your nut off when a high number of people die due to Mass Murders?

Not going to work.

Want to know why?

Because there are millions of other .223 caliber semiautomatic rifles
You'd scream like a school girl and faint if you ever touched a gun. Just like if your BFF said she was getting married and showed you her ring. Or if your boyfriend showed you a new tapestry he bought ...

So thanks for confirming that all a gun does, really, is cure insecurity. Of course, it's more likely your gun will be stolen and used in a crime, than it is your gun will ever be used to defend yourself and/or your family.

If as many as 600,000 guns are stolen a year and that's what "responsible gun ownership" looks like, then fuuuuuuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. None of you are responsible gun owners. It's not something you can prove. "Responsible gun ownership" would mean *0* guns are stolen a year. So when 0 guns are stolen a year, then you can argue that they serve as some kind of protection or deterrent. Until then, kindly shut the fuck up.

Just strawmen, lies, and misapplication of statistics.

There are virtually zero accidental shootings by people with CC permits. You're just a lying troll
It's a fact a gun in the home is more likely to kill its owner than an intruder.

And there is no evidence guns act as a deterrent to crime.

"There are virtually zero accidental shootings by people with CC permits."


Having a concealed weapon license doesn't make one "immune" from an accidental shooting.

Clearly you're in no position to accuse others of lying.

Wrong...that is a lie........I have posted studies that show concealed carry rates help reduce violent crime....

And with over 16,300,000 concealed carry permit holders in the United States, there were 450 accidental gun deaths...and over 36,000 accidental car deaths......

Do some basic research....
And you can't prove that it would have been worse can you?

If instead of the shotgun and handguns that did the majority of the killing, they had an AR-15...YES, there absolutely would have been more bloodshed. Without a doubt. 100%.

But as I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.

They do if the gun ban is universal and all guns were confiscated. Then there wouldn't be any shootings at all, and you'd have to figure out another way to cure your crippling insecurity, you irresponsible gun owner.
"Straw purchasers" must be the leftist meme du jour. Too bad for you that the Department of Justice AND the latest surveys of actual prison inmates don't agree.

Don't agree with what? Straw purchasing is exactly how guns get from low, lazy, and lax gun law states to places like Chicago. No gun "falls off a truck". All guns are initially purchased legally, then are stolen or "transferred" with no record of a background check.
na, You’re naïve

OR, you could be wrong. Since you seem to have a squishy definition of "responsibility", it would seem you're the one who needs to get your shit together and stop being a sucker. After all, you were suckered into owning a gun by gun companies who prey on the fear instilled in you by NRA propaganda, and now you're trying to future proof yourself against responsibility.

Otherwise, how are guns getting to Chicago? Magic? Unicorns? Teleportation devices?
other criminals, south of the border
And I am telling you that it is beyond stupid to reclassify one specific Semiautomatic rifle because of the way it looks and no other reason.

You can fight it but the genie is out of the bottle. While the School Children that have been terrorized and traumatized can't vote, their parents can and in a few short years the children turn 18. And they agree with what I have said all along. Even many of the large Republican Donors are starting to remove support for anyone that will not go along those lines. Yes, these folks give millions each year to various Republican Candidates but they will not contribute to those that still spew the NRA Boilerplate responses. It's happening more and more each day. The Last Mass Shooting was the straw that broke the camels back. Too bad it didn't get a sore back 25 years ago.

And what will you all do when banning that rifle does nothing to stop the next piece of shit from shooting up a school ?

Give it a chance. If it works that's great. If it doesn't we can put it back the way it was. My money is that within 2 years we may still have attacks but they won't be "Mass" killings since that tool won't be available.
It won't work we already had a so called assault weapons ban in effect for 10 years
In fact the assault weapons ban was in effect when Columbine got shot up

Gee look at that real data not opinion.

Oh goody. I get to fact check on this one. The columbine shooting happened in 1999. The Ban of Assault Rifles (ie AR) ras allowed to runout in 1998. Adn the shooting was done by 2 handguns, 1 shotgun and a 9mm semi auto rifle with a few 32 shot mags (clisp to piss one person off) adn two dud bombs. Even with all that, they still only managed to kill 12. If they had been armed with a pair of ARs the body count could have easily topped 50 or 100.

If they had used a rental truck they could have killed a lot more....

The Vegas shooter used 2 rifles, firing over 1,000 rounds of ammo into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people......

murderd 58

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and in 5 minutes?

Murdered 86.

Rental trucks are deadlier than the AR-15 rifle....

All mass shootings since 2017.....35 years....murdered 795 people....all of

Knives are used to murder over 1,600 people every single year........

Knives also murder more people every single year than all rifle types combined....

So...according to you...we need to ban knives and rental trucks....since they are both deadlier than AR-15 rifles...right?
you really like to ask stupid questions.

Just because you can't answer it truthfully doesn't mean it's a stupid question; it means you're a stupid person.

So why aren't 100% of stolen guns reported?
You are trying to make the case that gun owners are responsible, but they can't even get an 'A' when it comes to reporting stolen weapons. Less than 90% of stolen guns are reported as stolen. Not very responsible group of people there, huh?

How the fuck do I know why someone wouldn't report a gun or anything else stolen?

How about you use that brain of yours to make some presumptions? You seem to have no problem making presumptions about what gun control advocates want, but you suddenly stop short here? What gives?
Does this mean I'm responsible if someone murders me? Does this mean that all murder victims are collectively responsible for murders? Does this mean that I am responsible and at fault if my neighbor is murdered?

No, but if you're going to claim these instruments of murder are handled by "responsible gun owners", then "responsible gun owners" get the blame when the guns they had stolen from them get used in crimes. And as many as 600,000 guns a year are stolen from "responsible gun owners".

First of all, guns are not instruments of murder until somebody uses one to commit murder. The truck that killed eighty six people in Paris became an instrument of murder. Before that it was just a truck. And, if what you say is true then the company that rented the truck to Lahouaiej-Bouhlel is responsible.

If you're going to espouse a principle of blaming the owners then it applies to all thefts of all things. You can't have it both ways just because you hate gun owners.

So if 600,000 stolen guns a year is what "responsible gun ownership" looks like, fuck that bullshit.

765,484 vehicles were stolen in 2016. Are you suggesting none of them were responsible car owners? Or that they were all at fault in some way?

There is no such thing as "responsible gun ownership", so let's stop pretending like gun owners are responsible people.

I will, as soon as you stop pretending you don't hate gun owners.

If what you say is true then every victim of murder, assault, robbery or theft is responsible for the crime against them and against others.

This is the mentality of gun owners; that these victims are to blame for not arming themselves.

Huh? How the hell did you get that from what I wrote? I said: "IF WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE then every victim of murder, assault, robbery or theft is responsible for the crime against them and against others."

Let's not forget who the bad guy is here. The bad guy is the thief that broke the law and stole the gun and the bad guy is the one who broke the law and used it to kill someone. Responsible gun owners (I understand you hate that term but, so what) use their firearms for hunting, target shooting, shooting competitions, etc.
You'd scream like a school girl and faint if you ever touched a gun. Just like if your BFF said she was getting married and showed you her ring. Or if your boyfriend showed you a new tapestry he bought ...

So thanks for confirming that all a gun does, really, is cure insecurity. Of course, it's more likely your gun will be stolen and used in a crime, than it is your gun will ever be used to defend yourself and/or your family.

If as many as 600,000 guns are stolen a year and that's what "responsible gun ownership" looks like, then fuuuuuuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. None of you are responsible gun owners. It's not something you can prove. "Responsible gun ownership" would mean *0* guns are stolen a year. So when 0 guns are stolen a year, then you can argue that they serve as some kind of protection or deterrent. Until then, kindly shut the fuck up.

It's not 600000 a year

Bureau of Justice Statistics Firearms Stolen during Household Burglaries and Other Property Crimes, 2005-2010


I said "as many as 600,000".


So there's no such thing as a "responsible gun owner". It's just something you like to say to make you feel better about being an irresponsible jackass.

How many guns across the southern border you fight to keep open?
And you can't prove that it would have been worse can you?

If instead of the shotgun and handguns that did the majority of the killing, they had an AR-15...YES, there absolutely would have been more bloodshed. Without a doubt. 100%.

But as I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.

They do if the gun ban is universal and all guns were confiscated. Then there wouldn't be any shootings at all, and you'd have to figure out another way to cure your crippling insecurity, you irresponsible gun owner.

Wrong......the Vegas shooter used 2...AR-15 rifles and killed 58.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and murdered 86.

Knives murder more people every single year than all rifle types....every single year.....

Knives and rental trucks are deadlier than AR-15 rifles....

do you want to ban knives and rental trucks?
And you can't prove that it would have been worse can you?

If instead of the shotgun and handguns that did the majority of the killing, they had an AR-15...YES, there absolutely would have been more bloodshed. Without a doubt. 100%.

But as I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.

They do if the gun ban is universal and all guns were confiscated. Then there wouldn't be any shootings at all, and you'd have to figure out another way to cure your crippling insecurity, you irresponsible gun owner.

They banned guns in Britain and their gun crime rate has gone up every single was up 23% just last year all across England and Wales, and up 42% in Britain....gun crime is also up in Australia.......where they also banned and confiscated guns...both are island nations......and their gun control and bans did not work.
Wrong...that is a lie........I have posted studies that show concealed carry rates help reduce violent crime....

None of those studies prove anything beyond the juvenile and flawed "correlation is causation" argument.

However, as many as 600,000 guns are stolen a year from "responsible gun owners" we can attribute most gun crime to you guys, who aren't even responsible enough to manage your own guns. Since as many as 600,000 guns are stolen a year from "responsible gun owners", then there is no such thing as "responsible gun ownership" until that number gets to *ZERO*. But you seem incapable of being responsible enough for your guns. So why the fuck should you be allowed to have them?

And with over 16,300,000 concealed carry permit holders in the United States, there were 450 accidental gun deaths...and over 36,000 accidental car deaths......

So you're making the case that there is no such thing as a "responsible gun owner", that you pose a danger and threat to society, and that your weapons are more likely to be stolen and used in a crime, than they ever will be used as self-defense.

Your insecurities puts society at risk. What a bunch of selfish, irresponsible losers.
And you can't prove that it would have been worse can you?

If instead of the shotgun and handguns that did the majority of the killing, they had an AR-15...YES, there absolutely would have been more bloodshed. Without a doubt. 100%.

But as I said gun bans do not prevent school shootings.

They do if the gun ban is universal and all guns were confiscated. Then there wouldn't be any shootings at all, and you'd have to figure out another way to cure your crippling insecurity, you irresponsible gun owner.

you really think making all guns illegal will stop it?

Worked real well with drugs didn't it

Worked real well with alcohol when we tried it too

Did you ever think that if these idiots who shoot up schools couldn't just walk in undetected that these shootings would have been prevented or at least minimized?

Of course you didn't because you think a gun ban is the answer and it's all your room temperature IQ can handle
You'd scream like a school girl and faint if you ever touched a gun. Just like if your BFF said she was getting married and showed you her ring. Or if your boyfriend showed you a new tapestry he bought ...

So thanks for confirming that all a gun does, really, is cure insecurity. Of course, it's more likely your gun will be stolen and used in a crime, than it is your gun will ever be used to defend yourself and/or your family.

If as many as 600,000 guns are stolen a year and that's what "responsible gun ownership" looks like, then fuuuuuuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. None of you are responsible gun owners. It's not something you can prove. "Responsible gun ownership" would mean *0* guns are stolen a year. So when 0 guns are stolen a year, then you can argue that they serve as some kind of protection or deterrent. Until then, kindly shut the fuck up.

Just strawmen, lies, and misapplication of statistics.

There are virtually zero accidental shootings by people with CC permits. You're just a lying troll
It's a fact a gun in the home is more likely to kill its owner than an intruder.

And there is no evidence guns act as a deterrent to crime.

"There are virtually zero accidental shootings by people with CC permits."


Having a concealed weapon license doesn't make one "immune" from an accidental shooting.

Clearly you're in no position to accuse others of lying.

New York Times Concealed Handgun Crime Numbers Are Bogus | National Review
you really like to ask stupid questions.

Just because you can't answer it truthfully doesn't mean it's a stupid question; it means you're a stupid person.

So why aren't 100% of stolen guns reported?
You are trying to make the case that gun owners are responsible, but they can't even get an 'A' when it comes to reporting stolen weapons. Less than 90% of stolen guns are reported as stolen. Not very responsible group of people there, huh?

How the fuck do I know why someone wouldn't report a gun or anything else stolen?

How about you use that brain of yours to make some presumptions? You seem to have no problem making presumptions about what gun control advocates want, but you suddenly stop short here? What gives?
There is no truthful answer to that question.

I don't know what motivates others to do what they do and newsflash, neither do you, Corky. isn't a cult is an easy to use rifle, that allows for customization....and it is very easy for women and small framed humans to use it for self defense, competition, hunting and collecting....

There are 8 million of them in private hands....

And how does anything you propose stop any criminal or mass shooter....dipshit? This shooter and all the others would pay your 200 dollars, register their guns and then go and shoot people....moron.

Nothing you or the other anti gunners propose would stop a criminal or a mass shooter...and that is the guys want to baby step the restrictions on guns and the fees, and the taxes.....and the paperwork so that normal, law abiding people are too afraid to own legal guns...for fear of failing some step of the process that will lead to a felony conviction for a paperwork mistake....

Meanwhile, criminals don't care....

By the way, genius......felons do not have to register their illegal guns...the Supreme Court, in Haynes v. United States ruled that forcing criminals to register their illegal guns violates their 5th Amendment Rights against self if it violates their Rights, it violates my Rights.....doofus.

Actually, you brought up a couple of good point amongst the crap you spew. You left out a few things.

The AR is no longer under Copyright. Even you can get a license to manufacture, sell and distribute them. About 3 percent of the population have used the M-16 and feel comfortable using the AR. Yes, it's versitile but it's till made for one reason and one reason only. To kill people. If you bought one to put food on the table then you really should have bought a few sides of beef and installed a root cellar instead. Other rifles do a much better job at getting the groceries.

You can currently buy an AR for less than 400 bucks. Okay, it's pretty basic and you had best not fire the MIl Grad Ammo. But it works just fine with the stock 223 loads. It's not nearly as pretty. But for less than 400 bucks, exactly what do you expect?

For Varmints, the AR isn't in my picture. I prefer the Remington model 700 VSSF II chambered for the 223 with a 50 grain bullet. Okay, it costs twice as much but it can nail anything from a rabbit to coyote at up to about 400 yds. But I would prefer it in 243 or 6mm. It's as accurate out to 400 yds as the 223 but has a much higher hitting power at 90 grains. If you try and go past 50 grains in a 223, you start losing accuracy and range. But a Savage costing less than 400 bucks in 223 or 243 also does a great job, it just won't be a Purty.

So, the only major thing an AR can do is kill people better. It doesn't make the list of the top 5 varmint rifles on any list done by reputable testers. So why would you buy an AR to go varmint shooting when the Remington on the high end and the Savage on the low end does a better job?

BTW, I shoot a Mauser Shavetail 22 long rifle for Ground Hogs. Now, that's a sport. I stopped shooting it when I found out just how rare a bird it really is.
That is your opinion, up here in the wide open northern plains, An AR has no equal for the hunting I do up here. Mule deer and under, the accessorizing and customizations are truly unlimited. ARs are extremely affordable for new people to get into the sport, and out of the box $500 ar can easily shoot 1” MOA at a 100... providing the shooter is up to it.
Shit for brains, ARs are available in multiple cartridges, such as .300, 6.8 spc, 6.5 creedmoor, etc. and they are every bit as good if not better than a bolt gun for hunting.
AR15s are not made for killing people, they are just sporting rifles.

Get over yourself ya old coot... lol

This old coot has the background to know the difference. What I can see is that your little bunch has shouted down and bullied until the other person stops posting. You can give that one up. I am fully retired as of last week. I have the time. If you doubt my predictions, in the Military area here, I made certain predictions and ALL have come true. If I weren't pretty sure that the AR is going to be raised one level on the firearms category I wouldn't have made that prediction. It's an election year so look for some changes real fast at the Federal Level if the Congress Critter try and go against this.
ARs are no different than any other sporting rifle, your Prejudices is childish

you keep parroting the same thing over and over. If there wasn't something different about it, it wouldn't hold the record in the US for the highest body count It doesn't matter if there really is a difference or not, it's that it's perceived that there is by individuals that use it in the Mass Shootings.
Handguns are used to kill far more people...

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