The Republican Bengazhi Poutrage Is A PRIME Example of Why

Damn, you really want me to prove you are an idiot, don't you?

What McCain did there is express frustration that, after asking multiple people who changed the talking points, one of them being James Caller, and all of them saying that they had nothing to do with the changes, he finds out from a press release that they actually did change the talking points. He also pointed out that this is why he, among others, is so suspicions of the actions of the administration.

You should learn to actually read your posts instead of relying on ThinkRegress and PuffingHost for your news.

I don't think you understood my comments or his.

Why don't you explain which part of his statement I misunderstood?

“I am somewhat surprised and frustrated to read reports that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was responsible for removing references to Al-Qaeda from the unclassified talking points about the Benghazi attack that Ambassador Susan Rice and other officials used in the early days after September 11, 2012.

I guess you are right, he didn't say what I thought he said, he actually said he is surprised and frustrated to not hear it directly.

Wait, isn't that what I said he said?

I participated in hours of hearings in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence last week regarding the events in Benghazi, where senior intelligence officials were asked this very question, and all of them – including the Director of National Intelligence himself – told us that they did not know who made the changes. Now we have to read the answers to our questions in the media.

Damn, I said that too.

There are many other questions that remain unanswered. But this latest episode is another reason why many of us are so frustrated with, and suspicious of, the actions of this Administration when it comes to the Benghazi attack.”

Damn, you are right, I totally got that wrong.
It went on for 7 hours....there was help within an hour away.
Maybe those men still would have been killed, but we'll never know now.
At least our government would have TRIED to save them. They sat on their asses and watched!

There were two engagements. The first lasted about an hour and ended about 1:00 AM. The second started about 5:15 AM and lasted about 15 minutes.

■11:56 p.m.: CIA officers at the annex are attacked by a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms. Sporadic attacks continue for about another hour. The attacks stop at 1:01 a.m., and some assume the fight is over.

■1:15 a.m.: CIA reinforcements arrive on a 45-minute flight from Tripoli in a plane they've hastily chartered. The Tripoli team includes four GRS security officers, a CIA case officer and two U.S. military personnel on loan to the agency. They don't leave the Benghazi airport until 4:30 a.m. The delay is caused by negotiations with Libyan authorities over permission to leave the airport; obtaining vehicles; and the need to frame a clear mission plan. The first idea is to go to a Benghazi hospital to recover Stevens, who they rightly suspect is already dead. But the hospital is surrounded by the al-Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Shariah militia that mounted the consulate attack.

■5:04 a.m.: The team from Tripoli arrives at the CIA base. Glen Doherty, one of the GRS men from Tripoli, goes to the roof and joins Woods in firing positions.

■5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never "laser the mortars," as has been reported. They don't know they're in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are they observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sites earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded. [The Washington Post, 11/1/12]

Did this post just fall off the page? If anyone already acknowledged it, my apologies...:doubt:
obviously it is being ignored by the willful ignorant... but what can you do about people CHOOSING to be ignorant???:eusa_eh:


Your source is Fakebook...thanks libnutter for playing.
That piece of shit Obama agreed with Morsi when he told us that we must silence our selve. Guess what??? No american will be silenced as we have a first amendment. This piece of shit failed.

Barbs you're anti-first amendment and a coward and a pussy.
It went on for 7 hours....there was help within an hour away.
Maybe those men still would have been killed, but we'll never know now.
At least our government would have TRIED to save them. They sat on their asses and watched!

There were two engagements. The first lasted about an hour and ended about 1:00 AM. The second started about 5:15 AM and lasted about 15 minutes.

■11:56 p.m.: CIA officers at the annex are attacked by a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms. Sporadic attacks continue for about another hour. The attacks stop at 1:01 a.m., and some assume the fight is over.

■1:15 a.m.: CIA reinforcements arrive on a 45-minute flight from Tripoli in a plane they've hastily chartered. The Tripoli team includes four GRS security officers, a CIA case officer and two U.S. military personnel on loan to the agency. They don't leave the Benghazi airport until 4:30 a.m. The delay is caused by negotiations with Libyan authorities over permission to leave the airport; obtaining vehicles; and the need to frame a clear mission plan. The first idea is to go to a Benghazi hospital to recover Stevens, who they rightly suspect is already dead. But the hospital is surrounded by the al-Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Shariah militia that mounted the consulate attack.

■5:04 a.m.: The team from Tripoli arrives at the CIA base. Glen Doherty, one of the GRS men from Tripoli, goes to the roof and joins Woods in firing positions.

■5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never "laser the mortars," as has been reported. They don't know they're in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are they observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sites earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded. [The Washington Post, 11/1/12]

From the get go, this timeline has been called into question.

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions | Fox News

Fox has been the acknowledged leader in this story, including from the MSM:

...According to a senior U.S. defense official, “This was not one long continuous fight, but two separate incidents at two separate facilities with some separation of time.”

However, British sources who were near the consulate and annex that night tell a different story, saying there was almost continuous fire on the annex after the team fled from the consulate....
There were two engagements. The first lasted about an hour and ended about 1:00 AM. The second started about 5:15 AM and lasted about 15 minutes.

■11:56 p.m.: CIA officers at the annex are attacked by a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms. Sporadic attacks continue for about another hour. The attacks stop at 1:01 a.m., and some assume the fight is over.

■1:15 a.m.: CIA reinforcements arrive on a 45-minute flight from Tripoli in a plane they've hastily chartered. The Tripoli team includes four GRS security officers, a CIA case officer and two U.S. military personnel on loan to the agency. They don't leave the Benghazi airport until 4:30 a.m. The delay is caused by negotiations with Libyan authorities over permission to leave the airport; obtaining vehicles; and the need to frame a clear mission plan. The first idea is to go to a Benghazi hospital to recover Stevens, who they rightly suspect is already dead. But the hospital is surrounded by the al-Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Shariah militia that mounted the consulate attack.

■5:04 a.m.: The team from Tripoli arrives at the CIA base. Glen Doherty, one of the GRS men from Tripoli, goes to the roof and joins Woods in firing positions.

■5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never "laser the mortars," as has been reported. They don't know they're in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are they observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sites earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded. [The Washington Post, 11/1/12]

Did this post just fall off the page? If anyone already acknowledged it, my apologies...:doubt:
obviously it is being ignored by the willful ignorant... but what can you do about people CHOOSING to be ignorant???:eusa_eh:

Point and laugh :D
Look if this administration had no idea what happened just say so.
If this administration knew what happened and just didn't give a fuck
50% of the country will be angry and the other 50% would give them a pat on the back
and will just wait for their government subsidies to keep rolling in.

Why is Obama stalling on this...50% of the country will support him no matter what.
50% of the country are sycophants. It's amazing what free stuff does to people.


Get some glasses or is it mental?
An observation, when many on the left really haven't a good point, they start with photoshop and images found online. While funny sometimes, they really add nothing of value.
Facebook is only a place, a site on the internets where all sorts of other sources provide pages of links. The White House is on face book, CNN is on Facebook, and so are many other news organizations, and most politicians. Did captain magic underpants take his page down yet?
The house should file impeachment charges. This ranks up with water gates.

Obama watched as our men died and lied to our faces.

The Watergate investigation was the result of a hotel break-in. Nobody died. This is much worse. The democrats don't seem to value life ( pro abortion, Benghazi, they went voluntarily and knew the risk ) unless it's a convicted murder on death row.

There is no question 4 American being killed in a terrorist attack is much worse than the attempted espionage by Nixon operatives at the Democratic Headquaters at the Watergate Hotel. However the subsequent investigation into Nixon uncovered massive corruption and illegal actions by the president, and of course, he was heading for a bipartisan impeachment. The investigation into what happened at Benghazi simply does not compare. It is another failed attempt at generating a false equivalence.
Obama watched and Americans died just like Brian Terry in "Fast and Furious". No false equivalence as you ignorantly say.

Where's Eric Witholder?
An observation, when many on the left really haven't a good point, they start with photoshop and images found online. While funny sometimes, they really add nothing of value.

In reality, we take into consideration the limitations regarding the attention spans of many of our friends on the right, and seek to consolidate and illustrate our points as simply as possible.


See how that works?

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