The Reason Why I Don't Have A Single Ounce Of Respect For Any Republican Today


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I am a Republican who stopped voting because of Bush and the maniacs who hijacked what was once a great party. Still registered as a Republican. I guess that makes me a lapsed Republican. :)

Every once in a while I look at Obama and I am sorely tempted to vote again just to get him out.

But then I figure today's GOP deserves Obama.


[ame=]Ron Paul House Floor Speech on Iraq (October 8, 2002) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ron Paul names Neo-Cons on House Floor July 10 2003 - YouTube[/ame]

Try again.
During times of prosperity, the government should be cutting back and storing resources for the lean years.

Instead, the GOP House, Senate, and White House spent like drunken sailors. They doubled the national debt. Doubled it!

When the party boat finally crashed on the rocks, they had no buckets to bail us out of this mess.

And that is unforgivable.

The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!
During times of prosperity, the government should be cutting back and storing resources for the lean years.

Instead, the GOP House, Senate, and White House spent like drunken sailors. They doubled the national debt. Doubled it!

When the party boat finally crashed on the rocks, they had no buckets to bail us out of this mess.

And that is unforgivable.

Thank you.

At least we have ONE honest Republican or former Republican as the case me be.


I applaud you sir....:clap2:
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!

You have not named a single policy or event that supposedly only the Republicans under Bush did. Patriot act was and is Bipartisan. The war was and is Bipartisan. Obama supports all the Bush laws and events. The democrats support and approved repeatedly all the Bush laws and events.

As to 9-11 if a President is responsible for that blame Clinton he created and installed the rules and policies that PREVENTED the differing agencies from collaborating on intel and information. Why? because he was a serial rapist and was afraid he would get caught.
During times of prosperity, the government should be cutting back and storing resources for the lean years.

Instead, the GOP House, Senate, and White House spent like drunken sailors. They doubled the national debt. Doubled it!

When the party boat finally crashed on the rocks, they had no buckets to bail us out of this mess.

And that is unforgivable.

Thank you.

At least we have ONE honest Republican or former Republican as the case me be.


I applaud you sir....:clap2:

Does not change the type of person you are. People like YOU are the reason why liberals get branded "racist". I dont like either party. But geesh your a piece of shit. BIGOT
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Yeah I'm sure that the GOP isn't crying about losing your vote.
It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.

The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Yeah I'm sure that the GOP isn't crying about losing your vote.

They are not crying by any means. Probably glad that POS is not on their side
During times of prosperity, the government should be cutting back and storing resources for the lean years.

Instead, the GOP House, Senate, and White House spent like drunken sailors. They doubled the national debt. Doubled it!

When the party boat finally crashed on the rocks, they had no buckets to bail us out of this mess.

And that is unforgivable.

Thank you.

At least we have ONE honest Republican or former Republican as the case me be.


I applaud you sir....:clap2:

If I recall the first 2 years of barry were like the 8 yrs of bush.
During times of prosperity, the government should be cutting back and storing resources for the lean years.

Instead, the GOP House, Senate, and White House spent like drunken sailors. They doubled the national debt. Doubled it!

When the party boat finally crashed on the rocks, they had no buckets to bail us out of this mess.

And that is unforgivable.

Thank you.

At least we have ONE honest Republican or former Republican as the case me be.


I applaud you sir....:clap2:

Does not change the type of person you are. People like YOU are the reason why liberals get branded "racist". I dont like either party. But geesh your a piece of shit. BIGOT
Thank you, I take your contempt, I welcome your contempt and I return your contempt.
Denzel, two things:

1. I put Bush43 down in the Ninth Circle with the other traitors for betraying Conservatism

2. how many free minutes you get on your Obamaphone?
It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.

I'm STILL waiting for that beady-eyed bastard Hannity to submit to being waterboarded like he promised.

[ame=]Sean Hannity Volunteers to be Tortured! - YouTube[/ame]

When Will Hannity Allow Himself To Be Waterboarded For Charity? | ThinkProgress
It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.


It is the vast silliness of trying to conflate waterboarding and "torture" that makes me laugh at statements like that.

It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.

I'm STILL waiting for that beady-eyed bastard Hannity to submit to being waterboarded like he promised.

[ame=]Sean Hannity Volunteers to be Tortured! - YouTube[/ame]

When Will Hannity Allow Himself To Be Waterboarded For Charity? | ThinkProgress

I am still waiting for you to actually list what it is Bush did that Obama and the dems have not done.

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