The reason illegals aren't illegals


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
So, I was watching Tucker Carlson on Fox last night. He had on Enrique Morones of Border Angels who holds United States and Mexican citizenship.

he says that illegals come here because americans use drugs and the people need to flee those drug infested areas and come here cause the US supports drugs. Something like that.

Claims thousands are killed at the border and blames Trump. huh? Obummer was president. What's wrong with these goof job nut jobs?
Tucker Battles Immigration Activist Who Calls Trump's Plans 'Very Racist'
"They don't have [authorities] rounding up people [on Mexico's southern border]," Morones said.

Carlson disagreed, and noted Mexico's strict laws governing immigration.

Illegal immigration is a felony, and repeated illegal immigration can land someone in a Mexican prison for up to ten years, he said.

Morones called Trump's plan "very racist [and] xenophobic" and "an embarrassment to the whole world."

He contended that United States intervention in the Middle East as well as members of the American public who have purchased drugs from Central America compound the reason for illegal immigration northward..

Dude's you can't make this shit up. We are the reason for the illegals coming here. Not poverty, those using drugs and our involvement in the Middle East cause people from Mexico to want to come here. They want drugs? I mean what kind of idiots are there besides this guy?
So, I was watching Tucker Carlson on Fox last night. He had on Enrique Morones of Border Angels who holds United States and Mexican citizenship.

he says that illegals come here because americans use drugs and the people need to flee those drug infested areas and come here cause the US supports drugs. Something like that.
The argument is that US Citizens create the vast bulk of the demand for illegal drugs and thus are primarily responsible for the Narco State that large swaths of Mexico have become thus justifying the flight of Mexican citizens into the U.S. in violation of our sovereignty. IMHO It's a bullshit argument since it attempts to blame U.S. Citizens for the corrupt, chaotic mess that the Mexican People have allowed there own government to become, they have enormous economic advantages in being our neighbor and benefiting from NAFTA yet have collectively done almost nothing to improve the situation in their own country.
its just more BS that I don't accept , I saw that guy on tely last night and any excuse will work for him .
So, I was watching Tucker Carlson on Fox last night. He had on Enrique Morones of Border Angels who holds United States and Mexican citizenship.

he says that illegals come here because americans use drugs and the people need to flee those drug infested areas and come here cause the US supports drugs. Something like that.
The argument is that US Citizens create the vast bulk of the demand for illegal drugs and thus are primarily responsible for the Narco State that large swaths of Mexico have become thus justifying the flight of Mexican citizens into the U.S. in violation of our sovereignty. IMHO It's a bullshit argument since it attempts to blame U.S. Citizens for the corrupt, chaotic mess that the Mexican People have allowed there own government to become, they have enormous economic advantages in being our neighbor and benefiting from NAFTA yet have collectively done almost nothing to improve the situation in their own country.
I get what he said, I was making sure I heard it correctly. excuse me while I laugh at the nonsense. so instead of going where there are no drugs the people want to go where the drugs are going from where they left? Dude can you hear yourself?
They know that their support comes from the left, therefore they also know that their argument doesn't have to make any goddamned sense.
It shows how fking stupid libturd's actually are.
So, I was watching Tucker Carlson on Fox last night. He had on Enrique Morones of Border Angels who holds United States and Mexican citizenship.

he says that illegals come here because americans use drugs and the people need to flee those drug infested areas and come here cause the US supports drugs. Something like that.
The argument is that US Citizens create the vast bulk of the demand for illegal drugs and thus are primarily responsible for the Narco State that large swaths of Mexico have become thus justifying the flight of Mexican citizens into the U.S. in violation of our sovereignty. IMHO It's a bullshit argument since it attempts to blame U.S. Citizens for the corrupt, chaotic mess that the Mexican People have allowed there own government to become, they have enormous economic advantages in being our neighbor and benefiting from NAFTA yet have collectively done almost nothing to improve the situation in their own country.
I get what he said, I was making sure I heard it correctly. excuse me while I laugh at the nonsense. so instead of going where there are no drugs the people want to go where the drugs are going from where they left? Dude can you hear yourself?

Yeah can you? I wasn't supporting his argument, I was clarifying it for you based on the fact that you said "Something like that" indicating you either didn't get it all or didn't understand it.

Then I explicitly went on to add that I thought it was a bullshit argument and the reasons why I thought that.
Illegals are criminals - they come to this country and try to stay, by-passing / breaking our Immigration laws to do so. Sorry, not going to buy the liberal argument that Illegals are 'Americans who just don't have the proper paperwork yet' crap.
So, I was watching Tucker Carlson on Fox last night. He had on Enrique Morones of Border Angels who holds United States and Mexican citizenship.

he says that illegals come here because americans use drugs and the people need to flee those drug infested areas and come here cause the US supports drugs. Something like that.
The argument is that US Citizens create the vast bulk of the demand for illegal drugs and thus are primarily responsible for the Narco State that large swaths of Mexico have become thus justifying the flight of Mexican citizens into the U.S. in violation of our sovereignty. IMHO It's a bullshit argument since it attempts to blame U.S. Citizens for the corrupt, chaotic mess that the Mexican People have allowed there own government to become, they have enormous economic advantages in being our neighbor and benefiting from NAFTA yet have collectively done almost nothing to improve the situation in their own country.
I get what he said, I was making sure I heard it correctly. excuse me while I laugh at the nonsense. so instead of going where there are no drugs the people want to go where the drugs are going from where they left? Dude can you hear yourself?

Yeah can you? I wasn't supporting his argument, I was clarifying it for you based on the fact that you said "Something like that" indicating you either didn't get it all or didn't understand it.

Then I explicitly went on to add that I thought it was a bullshit argument and the reasons why I thought that.
you didn't see what i stated I guess, I said "I was making sure I heard it correctly". Cause personally it is the most stupidest thing I have ever fking heard of in my life. so someone wants to get away from the drugs and goes to where the drugs end up? dude there is no sense of anything in that. It's all I'm saying.
Illegals are criminals - they come to this country and try to stay, by-passing / breaking our Immigration laws to do so. Sorry, not going to buy the liberal argument that Illegals are 'Americans who just don't have the proper paperwork yet' crap.
well here's a guy who is Mexican telling me a US citizen born here that he gets to decide on what is illegal. Dude, the stupid is just flowing around the airways lately.
Illegals are criminals - they come to this country and try to stay, by-passing / breaking our Immigration laws to do so. Sorry, not going to buy the liberal argument that Illegals are 'Americans who just don't have the proper paperwork yet' crap.
This liberal has wanted them gone since Reagan gave them amnesty..

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