Zone1 The Real Truth About The Talmud

Hmmm... "chosen people"? Sounds supremacist to me.
Should have tried that response on my mom the times she chose me to change one of my siblings' dirty diapers. Another of my siblings got chosen to mow the lawn.

The Jews were chosen for a particular task. Anyone could join them if they were up to it--or, perhaps find their own chosen task.

Don't believe the lies told by antisemites. The Talmud is available in English, so you can read it for yourself.
NOTE: The Talmud is the book of Judaism in which learned rabbis discuss the application of Torah law. The Torah is the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
NOTE: The Talmud is the book of Judaism in which learned rabbis discuss the application of Torah law. The Torah is the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Ya, the heck with the prophets. They are just mere messengers. What do they know. The Great Synagogue of Ezra put those prophets in their place and with prideful hearts, told them to pound sand and leave the interpretation of their prophecies up to them. That's why Jesus had little use for them (San Hedren).
NOTE: The Talmud is the book of Judaism in which learned rabbis discuss the application of Torah law. The Torah is the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
The word "Torah" actually has a variety of meanings and applications. It can refer to a specific teaching or collection of laws, the 5 books of Moses, the entirety of the written corpus (also called the Tanach, which includes the 5 books, the prophets and other writing), the oral law, or the combination of the written and oral laws.

The talmud (that is, the mishna which is the complementary oral law connected to the Sinaitic revelation, and the gemara which is discussion of the mishna, along with the Braita, the Tosefta, and the medrashic content) discusses the development, understanding and application of a variety of ideas including the Tanach text and other stuff.

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