Zone1 The REAL REPARATIONS story that is rarely told, for obvious reasons.

im2 should not be allowed to post here until he tells the truth with pics and timestamp username that shows he is not black.

This is a common theory among the users of the racism/race relations forum. I can't say for certain. If I was to bet I would say he is black but if it turned out he wasn't then I wouldn't make a surprised face at all. It would be a very neutral and indifferent emotion or no emotion at all. I might chuckle a little.
Very interesting. Holy mackerel, what a game changer that would have been!

I would predict that would have been a much more successful nation than Haiti or other African nations. Haiti has the potential to be a very successful country but they are still shackled by a huge debt to the French government. This Lincoln Nation would have been starting off free and clear from a financial perspective. Diplomatically they would have had a lasting alliance with the United States. Tulsa was a thriving community during the days of segregation but sadly it was burned to the ground by angry racists in 1921. Tulsa is a great indicator of what a nation of black Americans could achieve even today. Black Americans have something that White Americans will never have. They are united. It is sad that the liberals have exploited the Black community and held them back from major successes. Who knows? Maybe the Democrats back in the 1860s made sure Lincoln's idea never came to fruition because they enjoyed the control they had over black people that remained in America. I'm optimistic that something will improve in the next few generations.
This is a common theory among the users of the racism/race relations forum. I can't say for certain. If I was to bet I would say he is black but if it turned out he wasn't then I wouldn't make a surprised face at all. It would be a very neutral and indifferent emotion or no emotion at all. I might chuckle a little.

He may not be. I'm guessing that he isn't. His posts have too much depth to them. I would certainly say he is a fraud. There is no way a person could be as dumb as posts suggest. He just like to get everybody riled up for fun. He could be black. He could be white. I hear lots of people accusing him of being a phoney white dude. It wouldn't surprise me but I just think he is a phoney black dude.
While '40 acres and a mule' never happened, Freed Black slaves were able to acquire millions of acres of farmland, largely through claims filed under the Homestead Act. In fact, Black land ownership peaked in 1910 at nearly 19 MILLION ACRES. Don't let anyone tell you that remote descendants of slaves are owed reparations because any freed slave who wanted land got it either through the Homestead Act, sharecropping, or some other means. It is true that Black land ownership dropped by 90% over the next few decades for a variety of reasons, but that is irrelevant to the fact that those DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY SLAVERY got reparations that exceeded 40 acres and a mule. This is one of the few fair minded research articles on the subject that I was able to find.

The Democrats are making extravagant promises to insure the blacks keep voting for them. If I was black I would take the promise of millions of dollars for very black who had slave ancestors with a grain of salt.

The Democrats will fail to deliver on that promise but will blame the racist Republicans for their failure.

The same old same old.
Didn't even bother to look, did ya. If the Supreme Court overturns the ICWA, the states will have the authority to remove Native children from their homes. Just like you fucking assholes have always done. Go after our children like the cowards you are.
America is not a country. It is a crime scene.
That’s pathetic when you resort to include all white people as evil. Can’t define a racist anymore apparent than that.
Now I'm a fucking asshole? You are big on anger, short on common sense.
Post #44.
Sounds like a cherry pick. One case and you blow it up into a White crusade against Native Americans.
Had you done any actual research on ICWA you would know that the one case you spoke of, Haaland v. Brackeen was the reason ICWA came into existence. It was not a cherry pick. As I pointed out in another thread, the court made public its decision, yesterday. That decision (7-2) was to leave ICWA intact. That makes yesterday a very important day to the healing of this country. I fully expected them to rule ICWA unconstitutional. I'm glad I was wrong. If you care to look I also gave the court kudos for doing so.
You know damn well when I say your people I’m talking about white people, not your family.

And the fact is slaves made a very few people wealthy. They picked tobacco, and cotton. And that is all. They did not " build the country", that was the Chinese and Irish who did that.

Learn some history, fool.
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