The REAL reason Donald Trump will never be elected:

The gorilla's in the circus are laying in wait watching the clowns entertain the arena. Soon they will enter the ring and show Trump what really rich means. The Koch brothers will enter the ring angry and seeking revenge. Trump has left a trunk full of half truths, total lies, misrepresentations and impossible to accomplish policy statements for them to belittle, mock and embarrass him with. When fall and winter arrive, the TV watching season, the public will see endless streams of entertaining adds about Trump's failures, misdeeds and his primary campaign summertime spewed nonsense.

Trump has left a trunk full of half truths, total lies, misrepresentations and impossible to accomplish policy statements

More proof he's a democrat in sheeps clothing
In truth, Republicans are just as supportive of big government as Democrats. They are, in practice, the very same party. This is a neofascist state, and has been for years.
Don't attack Trump, attack the majority of Americans who agree with his positions on immigration. Go ahead attack the American people, otherwise you are a gutless coward.
Trump appeals to the fearful, the angry and the discontented. Can he use that group and their peculiar fears to win a general election? Most likely not.

When some say the 'majority' of voters agree with him, they are really saying that they agree with him simply because they do. Polling shows otherwise.

Nominate Trump and lose the election. The handwriting is on the wall.

Nominate Trump and lose the election. The handwriting is on the wall.

Nominate Hillary, same response

I doubt Hillary is electable at this point, she's already drowning and still has to face Trey Gowdy, you know he's going to crucify her

GAWD I hope so. if anyone deserves it, it's her. and then they can go after Obama AND everyone he stuck in his stinking tyrant administration

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