The Rage of Prog Males 'Splained!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix
Can love overcome wokeness…...I dont think I'd attempt that

If a woman is rational enough to value a Real Manly Man, perhaps she can overcome her woke phase.
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix
Why are you surfing the internet when you should be making sandwiches. You better be multi-tasking.
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix
Why are you surfing the internet when you should be making sandwiches. You better be multi-tasking.

^^^ Soy Boy ^^^
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix
Why are you surfing the internet when you should be making sandwiches. You better be multi-tasking.

^^^ Soy Boy ^^^
^^^ dumb ****
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix
Why are you surfing the internet when you should be making sandwiches. You better be multi-tasking.

^^^ Soy Boy ^^^
^^^ dumb ****

^^^ Passive Agressive Soy Boy with Moobs and a teeny weeny peeny ^^^
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix

You sound like you still live in your moms basement.
Any thinking person understands that the reason the hideous harridan hags of the Left hate conservative women is that the latter are on average much prettier and certainly better groomed. But why the insanely hateful rage of Prog Men towards Sexist (Conservative) Men?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Even "woke" Prog women prefer Manly Conservative Men over pussified-neutered Woke ones.

Here’s a warning to all those politically correct “woke” guys out there who jump on feminist bandwagons at a moment’s notice: Girls don’t dig you.

That’s what new research suggests, at any rate.

A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that women prefer men who display “benevolent” sexist attitudes because these indicate men are willing to make an investment — “protect, provide, and commit” — in a relationship....

Research shows women think sexist men are more attractive than 'woke' men - The College Fix

You sound like you still live in your moms basement.

You sound like you are boring.
Classic Prog Rage Explosion from by a Soy Boy:

But at least the company did the proper thing.


And more Prog Rage...this one of the Trans-Bully variety. Progs don't believe in Tolerance and Diversity. You will do what they want, or they will attack you.

It's an amazing time to be alive, full of wonder and terror and confusion all mixed together in a soup of "what could possibly happen next?" that keeps us all on our toes. Today's dose of insanity comes from a viral video of a transgender man who had a testosterone-fueled meltdown because someone called him "sir" in a GameStop in Albuquerque, New Mexico (video below). The minimum-wage employee who took the brunt of the all-male rage-a-thon should win Employee of the Year for trying his hardest to diffuse the situation.

video at the link:

Transgender Man Goes Full Roid Rage after Being 'Misgendered' in GameStop

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