The Photo Dems Fear Most: Kerry with 'Hanoi Jane'


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Democratic Party officials are hoping that no photographs exist of a well-covered Vietnam War protest where soldier-hating actress Jane Fonda and Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry, then an up-and-coming member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, railed against U.S. war policy from the back of the same pickup truck.

"Scores of newspaper articles about the march" exist, according to Kerry biographer Douglas Brinkley.

Dubbed "Operation RAW" (Rapid American Withdrawal), the September 1970 march featured Fonda, Kerry and a motley band of anti-war vets in an 86-mile trek from Morristown, N.J., and Valley Forge, Pa. – two Revolutionary War sites.
Jane Fonda has done pretty well for herself since then. Just because they both had the same view on the war doesn't mean they agreed on every issue now does it? So what if there are pictures of him protesting with Jane Fonda, who cares? Only people who already hate him will care.

Originally posted by acludem
Jane Fonda has done pretty well for herself since then. Just because they both had the same view on the war doesn't mean they agreed on every issue now does it? So what if there are pictures of him protesting with Jane Fonda, who cares? Only people who already hate him will care.


Sure, keep telling yourself that! Wait until Bush begins his campaign, Kerry will cave in just like the previous "frontrunners".

First it was Dean who was the savior. "YAAAAAAARRRGGH"
Some swore Edwards was the right man for the job.
The General was going to be our next President because of his miltary experience.

Now batting cleanup for the final failure - John Kerry.

"Then we're going to Washington.... YAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH"
Jane Fonda, hmmm. I remember seeing wartime footage of her with the north vietnamese on an anti-aircraft gun battery. Seeing that and thinking of our boys fighting and dying fighting these very same people made a very poor image of her. And if there is photographical evidence of Kerry and Fonda marching at the same protest will also make a very poor image.
Originally posted by acludem
Jane Fonda has done pretty well for herself since then. Just because they both had the same view on the war doesn't mean they agreed on every issue now does it? So what if there are pictures of him protesting with Jane Fonda, who cares? Only people who already hate him will care.

It's called disrespect. No matter what my feelings are for my country or its leaders, I would never be caught dead walking next to Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollah or any other evil person out of RESPECT for both my country and the men (or now, women too) who fight and die for it.

There are far better ways to express your opinion than posing with the enemy and calling them friend.
Originally posted by acludem
so what if there are pictures of him protesting with Jane Fonda, who cares? Only people who already hate him will care.


but what about his steller Vietnam record????how he fought for this country???? supported the government of this country???? or was he high????
Matthews: Kerry Has 'Hanoi Jane' Problem

MSNBC "Hardball" host and longtime Democrat Chris Matthews said Tuesday that a photo showing Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry protesting the Vietnam war with "Hanoi" Jane Fonda is a real problem for his party's top candidate.

While offering sharp criticism of President Bush for not serving in Vietnam, Matthews told radio host Don Imus Tuesday morning, "You've got the Jane Fonda problem on the other side. The thing with her is, she was on the other side - she was on Hanoi's side during that war.

"And I'll tell you," Matthews continued, "everybody I knew, including me, who was against the war - I wouldn't have anything to do with a person who supported Hanoi."

Kerry, then head of the radical anti-war group Vietnam Veterans Against the War, worked closely with Fonda on two war protests; a Sept. 1970 rally in Valley Forge, Penn., where Fonda and Kerry spoke from the back of the same pick-up truck. And a Jan. 1971 protest they called "The Winter Solider Investigation," where fabricated testimony of U.S. war atrocities was presented.

Asked about the photo showing Sen. Kerry protesting the war with "Hanoi" Jane at Valley Forge, Matthews observed, "That will be in the Republican [campaign] ads."

Asked about the photo showing Sen. Kerry protesting the war with "Hanoi" Jane at Valley Forge, Matthews observed, "That will be in the Republican [campaign] ads."

and shouldnt they be???? how is kerry going to dodge this bullet??....have to wonder why the other bunch of hunting dogs havent gotten the scent of this yet...or do they choose to remain silent in the hopes of a vp offer??? boat sunk before it left the dock...
Originally posted by acludem
Jane Fonda has done pretty well for herself since then. Just because they both had the same view on the war doesn't mean they agreed on every issue now does it? So what if there are pictures of him protesting with Jane Fonda, who cares? Only people who already hate him will care.


Wrong. People actually interested in the truth will care. I know this doesn't apply to you. Pulling out of vietnam and letting innocents get slaughtered was wrong. Kerry was wrong. Wrong. Wrongy wrong wrongopolis.
with hair cut like it is, you know the first thing that comes to mind?
"babe, i got you babe, i got you babe"

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