The People's Budget

Same old Fabian socialist/progressive boilerplate: Raise taxes and spend....I'm sorry, "invest".... more on asinine social welfare programs that have failed to deliver the goods for decades.

Do you prefer investing in GE?

Whose CEO currently "earns" as much as he did before the Great Recession and whose GE Capital division created so many of the fraudulent loans that helped "deliver the goods" for Wall Street and other assorted parasites?
More like just more of the same-old-same-old false dichotomy class warfare dreck, peddled by the usual socialist/progressive suspects.
What's false about the richest 1% of Americans controlling 40% of America's wealth?

The top 1% of this country pay 38% of the taxes.
38% of all taxes or 38% of all income taxes collected?

Why does Warren Buffett pay taxes at a 17.7% rate while his secretary pays a 32% rate?

Why do billionaires pay taxes at 15%?

Are you claiming the richest 1% currently pay too much in taxes?
From the Congressional Progressive Caucus

"Our Budget’s Bottom Line
• Deficit reduction of $5.6 trillion
• Primary spending cuts of $869 billion
• Net interest savings of $856 billion
• Total spending cuts of $1.7 trillion
• Revenue increase of $3.9 trillion
• Public investment of $1.7 trillion
• Budget surplus of $30.7 billion in 2021, debt at 64.1% of GDP."

Ends the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Starts the "Make it in America" jobs program.
Saves the social safety net.

How about no?
No to Social Security? Medicare and Medicaid? K-12 education or heating oil assistance to low income families and student loans?

Yes to GE and Goldman Sachs?

I say NO to it all. Let's let the country just stop and after the leeches have died off because they don't know how to do anything but cash a check and smoke pot or drink, we can clean the mess up and start over with a clean slate. Just like Jefferson advocated.
What's false about the richest 1% of Americans controlling 40% of America's wealth?

The top 1% of this country pay 38% of the taxes.
38% of all taxes or 38% of all income taxes collected?

Why does Warren Buffett pay taxes at a 17.7% rate while his secretary pays a 32% rate?

Why do billionaires pay taxes at 15%?

Are you claiming the richest 1% currently pay too much in taxes?

People that make 380,000.00 and up pay 38%

The latest numbers from the IRS -- based on 2008 tax returns -- show that the top 1% of income earners paid 38.02% of individual income taxes paid. That's a lot, but it's actually a smaller share of the total tax bill than the top 1% paid in 2007. That year they paid 40.42%. We also learn from the IRS that, in 2008, the richest 1% of Americans made 20% of all the adjusted gross income reported. That's almost twice the 12.75% of total income earned collectively by the lowest-earning 50% of workers. Yes, 1.4 million taxpayers earn 20% of all income reported while 70 million share just 12.75%.

But get this: When it comes to taxes paid, an even wider discrepancy shows itself -- in reverse. Compared with that 38% of taxes paid by the top 1% of earners, the bottom 50% pay just 2.7% of the taxes collected.

If the rich pay more like Obama wants, that is going to bring in 100 Billion. That will not help much of anything when we borrow 1.3 Trillion every year.
It really won't bring in that amount when you consider that the rich can move to anywhere they want and you can bet it would be to a lower income taxed country.
Quite a few are moving to asian countries already.

We need to get rid of the IRS and get a straight sales tax.
It's the middle class that is getting soaked.
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You will never get a serious, intelligent answer from the conservatives, republicans and libertarians online, they are so brain washed they are all interchangeable. They are also the biggest whiners and complainers in the history of this nation, we have become the crybaby nation of we can't do that! Republicans should change their name to the boohoo party. Is it any wonder Hoover failed, you can look at the republicans today and you see the same failures.

"The United States had the strongest period of growth in its history in the three decades following World War II. This undeniable fact should put to rest the idea that our debt levels will threaten the prosperity of future generations. We hand our children a whole economy and society. If we give them a bad education, a decayed infrastructure, a ruined environment, then we will be jeopardizing our children's economic well-being. However, the debt levels we are currently projecting aren't even large enough to make it to the list of serious problems." Dean Baker, Dean Baker: The Budget Deficit Crisis: The Blame Is Bipartisan

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'
You will never get a serious, intelligent answer from the conservatives, republicans and libertarians online, they are so brain washed they are all interchangeable. They are also the biggest whiners and complainers in the history of this nation, we have become the crybaby nation of we can't do that! Republicans should change their name to the boohoo party. Is it any wonder Hoover failed, you can look at the republicans today and you see the same failures.
The only answer arrogant, condescending, overbearing, shitburger tyrants like you will accept as "intelligent" is "I guess you're right, dear".

BTW....Go fuck yourself.
From the Congressional Progressive Caucus

"Our Budget’s Bottom Line
• Deficit reduction of $5.6 trillion
• Primary spending cuts of $869 billion
• Net interest savings of $856 billion
• Total spending cuts of $1.7 trillion
• Revenue increase of $3.9 trillion
• Public investment of $1.7 trillion
• Budget surplus of $30.7 billion in 2021, debt at 64.1% of GDP."

Ends the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Starts the "Make it in America" jobs program.
Saves the social safety net. CPC FY2012 Budget.pdf

Since the socialist budget you posted calls for eliminating things that do not actually exist I am pretty sure that it is full of a bunch of gimmicks that will not actually work. It also seems to be making assumptions based on optimistic projections about future growth, and tying those projections to its estimate of how it will balance the budget.

FYI, allowing companies to deduct business expenses that result from oppressive regulations is not corporate welfare. Farm subsidies, on the other hand, are actually corporate welfare.
Ah the "50% don't pay taxes" myth...


If you work, you pay taxes, period. Income taxes are just one part of the pie, and everybody with a job pays employment taxes.

If you work you pay taxes, and less than half the population works.

More Americans leaving the workforce -

You loose.
Ah the "50% don't pay taxes" myth...


If you work, you pay taxes, period. Income taxes are just one part of the pie, and everybody with a job pays employment taxes.
And sales taxes, excise taxes, sin taxes, and on and on. I'm really tired of hearing how nobody but the rich pay taxes. Yes they do pay a much bigger portion, but then again, they get more untaxable income than most everyone else also.
Ah the "50% don't pay taxes" myth...


If you work, you pay taxes, period. Income taxes are just one part of the pie, and everybody with a job pays employment taxes.

If you work you pay taxes, and less than half the population works.

More Americans leaving the workforce -

You loose.

And approximately 80% of those who don't work are either retired or are too young to work or are still in school. Those who are retired have paid their taxes, and if they still have investment income, then they pay taxes on that. In the end, that leaves somewhere around 10% of the population that doesn't work that could be working.

The argument here is about Willow telling 50% of people to STFU because they don't pay any taxes. It's an untrue statement. Your point that we have a problem because fewer people working is noted. And that is just another reason we need to raise the retirement age. People need to get used to the fact that they are going to have to work longer.
You just nailed Obama's policy but that list represents Obama's speechs.
If Obama wins a second term, Social Security will fall into the hands of Wall Street.

He's the biggest threat to the economic security of 90% of Americans to ever sit in the White House.

SS and all of that needs to go... I think that if SS is privatized we need to have a bank account set up with a good % made off the money invested. The bank has a contract with the Government and you. If you die ALL that money is turned over to family and so on.

I think Mcaide and Mcare and all welfare should be the same, you opt in and it goes into a bank account that only you can draw out of. When that money is gone it’s gone.

The main issue of course is people won't feel they are getting something for nothing and will never support something like that, you know, taking care of ones self.
If you're planning to invest that money in the stock market, what would prevent Wall Street from inflating and crashing another bubble that wipes out all of your savings?

The most recent crimes on Wall Street cost close to $17 trillion in lost wages, savings and retirement benefits?

It isn't likely the Republicans OR the Democrats will care if you lose everything (as long as they get their cut)
Same old Fabian socialist/progressive boilerplate: Raise taxes and spend....I'm sorry, "invest".... more on asinine social welfare programs that have failed to deliver the goods for decades.


My favorite part is they cut spending by $1.7 trillion, and increase spending by $1.7 trillion and then have $4 trillion in tax hikes. Don't you love Obama? Wait, love's not the word...
Here's one of my favorite parts.

"Schakowsky millionaire tax rates proposal (adding 45%, 46%, 47%, 48%, and 49% top rates)
The Schakowsky plan creates five additional income tax brackets, starting at 45 percent for married
couples making over $1 million dollars a year and increasing to 49 percent for people making $1
billion and over. The current top tax rate is 35 percent for people making $379,150 a year or more."

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