"The Organizer" vs. The Community Organizer.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Here in NYC we have long-time art movie establishment, The Film Forum, in Greenwich Village.

Lucky me! They have a Mario Monicelli film festival going on, and I got to see a beautiful, moving classic made way before I was born, "The Organizer," starring Marcello Mastroianni.

2. Shot in black and white, it had the gritty feel of the dark, dreary life of factory workers in the town of Turin, Italy, circa 1880s. Long hard hours...14 a day....dealing with the monotony, noise...and danger...of standing in the cold, dank factory, doing the repetitive motions of machine operations hour after hour, day after day.

3. We get to witness not only the ongoing misery described above, but the terror when the hypnotic activity causes accidents, the loss of an arm caught in the mechanisms.
Not just the abject poverty, but life on the edge of even worse results when those accidents have to be faced without insurance, or appropriate medical care....and no help from the rich owners, beyond the collections that the factory workers themselves provide.

4. The workers want to organize, to have some sort of leverage to have the owners provide better conditions, shorter hours, insurance for those injured.....but fear the loss of their jobs, fines levied by the heartless owners.

5. Even when they agree to stop an hour earlier, they find that human nature being what it is....the agreement falls apart with some of the workers crossing their picket line....

6. We see kindness, caring, wanting better conditions...but not the organizing ability needed to produce concerted actions.

Until 'the organizer,' a 'professor' from another town comes along, running from the police himself.

7. Italy has always had a vibrant communist party, strongly supported by people just like these in the film. And Monicelli makes it clear exactly why! They deserved better. The people he shows us are hard workers, honest, caring for others....yet dealt a poor hand by life. The 'organizer' shows them the further sacrifice and determination they need....

a. "The film had its premiere at the 35th Congress of the Italian Socialist Party." The Organizer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

8. From the reviews:

"Fitting films for a Marxist who accepted reality and its failures. ...well told on a number of levels. A good story about labour-management conflict (almost good enough to use as a training film for unions,... Mastroianni as a traveling professor and all-around agitator.... it depicts industrial life in Turin around the turn of the 19th/20th century.... all the industrial brutality of the time perfectly captured.
...Mastroianni excels in his role as the "sophisticated" union organizer from outside, who tries his best to instill a sense of solidarity and social justice in the workplace,... Particularly impressive are the factory scenes where one feels transposed to a bygone era, which one hopes, even in the third world, has gone forever."

9. If it isn't clear enough from the above, this is a film that would infuse our Leftist pals with a sense of their rectitude....and agreement from the Right, as well.
I hope that they....as well as everyone else....check out the film, available from Amazon for about $10.... Amazon.com The Organizer Criterion Collection Marcello Mastroianni Annie Girardot Mario Monicelli Movies TV
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Better movie about an "Organizer"

I could see that.....

Having seen both, I found "The Organizer" more moving and with deeper context.
And...more significant for our times.
10. My heart goes out to folks like the factory workers in Turin, 1880s, afforded crumbs by the changing, industrializing world into which they were born, with very little chance of bettering their lives.

Under their circumstances, they should be communists,..their boss calls them 'reds,' These folks needed the collective to offer them succor.

Economic and social mobility was missing from that place at that time.

The communist agitator, Professor Sinigaglia (Marcello Mastroianni), was the right person at the right time.

11. Communism in the right place, at the right time. The film documents the need for the collective among those deserving of help. The workers did all they could for themselves, but were faced with insurmountable odds. They worked long and hard, and they had no support from the owners or the government.

Along came 'the organizer.'

There is a most poignant scene were a teenager who works in the factory to support his family, asks his little brother's teacher how he is faring in school, and is told that 'he's not stupid, but doesn't study.'

When he takes the 3rd or 4th grader around the corner he begins to slap him mercilessly..."I'll kill you before I let you become what I have!"

Then, he wipes the little boy's face, and they walk home holding hands.
12. The title of the thread is meant to highlight the stark, Manichean differences between those people and the communist agitator, as featured by Sinigaglia (Marcello Mastroianni), ...
...and the criminal underclass we all saw in Ferguson the other night...and the Saul Alinsky type of agitator embodied in Holder and a President who told the 'protesters' to 'stay the course.'
Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit

13. I have no doubt that many Liberals, supporters of this administration, do so based on the mistaken notion that the folks endorsed, modeled, advanced by today's communist agitators are exactly like the workers portrayed in "The Organizer."

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Nor are the agitators themselves anything like Professor Sinigaglia.....

a. The communists then have mutated into a variety, today, who are out to stamp out the Judeo-Christian ethic, and the bourgeoisie values

"...We were taught to work jolly hard. We were taught to prove yourself (sic). We were taught self-reliance. We were taught to live within our income. You were taught that cleanliness is next to godliness. You were taught always to give a hand to your neighbour. You were taught tremendous pride in your country.. All of these things are Victorian values. They are also perennial values.”
Margaret Thatcher's views in the Evening Standard of April 15, 1983.

Do you see any of that in the Obama-Clinton-Holder version of values?
14. While the workers in "The Organizer" exhibited the characteristics that we deem desirable in our citizenry, the folks represented by today's community organizers sit home and accept taxpayer largesse, engage in every criminality and social disgrace, and demand, at the same time, that they be given the respect given to the behavior of the folks in "The Organizer."

No, they should not.

I urge everyone....both sides of the aisle, to see "The Organizer," ...
available from Amazon for about $10.... Amazon.com The Organizer Criterion Collection Marcello Mastroianni Annie Girardot Mario Monicelli Movies TV

...for both the aesthetics, and to judge for yourself what has happened to the political divide.

I'll bet that both Left and Right would see the beauty of those workers shining through the dirt and grime of their lives, and agree that it is on their side that we add our support.

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