The Obamanations Praise for Lion Hunting!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Thanks to Rush Limbaugh we have this little gem!... Raise your many are going to picket the White House over this?

Are you people aware that Barack Hussein Obama has written favorably about lion hunting in one of his books? I have it right here from The Daily Caller, August 1st, over the weekend. It was Saturday. "Obama Impressed by Lion-Killing -- President Obama was really impressed by lion-killing years before his administration started investigating the killing of Cecil the Lion. Obama, whose administration is assisting the Zimbabwean government in an investigation into Cecil's killing by [the] Minnesota dentist ... didn't used to have a problem with lion-killing, according to his 1995 book 'Dreams From My Father.'

"Obama detailed his conversation with Masai guardsmen protecting him during a visit to Kenya. Obama explained that the guardsmen 'had each killed a lion to prove their manhood.' The guardsmen engaged in illegal lion-hunting," and Obama wrote about how impressed he was with it. Don't doubt me. I've got it right here. Here's the passage in question from Dreams From My Father, page 192: "At night, after dinner, we spoke further with our Masai guardsmen. Wilson told us that both he and his friend had recently been members of the bachelor class of young warriors who were at the center of the Masai legend. They had each killed a lion to prove their man has had.

"They had participated in numerous cattle raids. But now there were no wars, and even cattle raids had become complicated. Only last year another friend had been shot by a rancher. Wilson had finally decided being a Moran was a waste of time. He had gone to Nairobi in search of work. But he had little schooling. He ended up as a security guard at a bank. The boredom drove him crazy and eventually he had returned to the valley to marry and return to his cattle. Recently one of his cattle had been killed by a lion, and although it was illegal now, he and four others had hunted the lion into the preserve.

"'How do you kill a lion?' I asked. 'Five men surround it and throw their spears,' Wilson said. 'The lion will choose one man to pounce. That man, he curls under his shield while the other four finish the job.'" Obama writes, "'It sounds dangerous,' I said stupidly. Wilson shrugged. 'Usually there are only scratches. But sometimes only four will come back.' The man didn't sound like he was boasting – more like a mechanic trying to explain a difficult repair…'" That's Barack Obama in his own book talking about the art of proving one's manhood in Kenya, by virtue of killing a lion and then describing how it's done.

Cecil Speaks from the Grave Obama s Praise for Lion Hunting -- and Other Animal Rights Hysteria - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Thanks to Rush Limbaugh we have this little gem!... Raise your many are going to picket the White House over this?

Are you people aware that Barack Hussein Obama has written favorably about lion hunting in one of his books? I have it right here from The Daily Caller, August 1st, over the weekend. It was Saturday. "Obama Impressed by Lion-Killing -- President Obama was really impressed by lion-killing years before his administration started investigating the killing of Cecil the Lion. Obama, whose administration is assisting the Zimbabwean government in an investigation into Cecil's killing by [the] Minnesota dentist ... didn't used to have a problem with lion-killing, according to his 1995 book 'Dreams From My Father.'

"Obama detailed his conversation with Masai guardsmen protecting him during a visit to Kenya. Obama explained that the guardsmen 'had each killed a lion to prove their manhood.' The guardsmen engaged in illegal lion-hunting," and Obama wrote about how impressed he was with it. Don't doubt me. I've got it right here. Here's the passage in question from Dreams From My Father, page 192: "At night, after dinner, we spoke further with our Masai guardsmen. Wilson told us that both he and his friend had recently been members of the bachelor class of young warriors who were at the center of the Masai legend. They had each killed a lion to prove their man has had.

"They had participated in numerous cattle raids. But now there were no wars, and even cattle raids had become complicated. Only last year another friend had been shot by a rancher. Wilson had finally decided being a Moran was a waste of time. He had gone to Nairobi in search of work. But he had little schooling. He ended up as a security guard at a bank. The boredom drove him crazy and eventually he had returned to the valley to marry and return to his cattle. Recently one of his cattle had been killed by a lion, and although it was illegal now, he and four others had hunted the lion into the preserve.

"'How do you kill a lion?' I asked. 'Five men surround it and throw their spears,' Wilson said. 'The lion will choose one man to pounce. That man, he curls under his shield while the other four finish the job.'" Obama writes, "'It sounds dangerous,' I said stupidly. Wilson shrugged. 'Usually there are only scratches. But sometimes only four will come back.' The man didn't sound like he was boasting – more like a mechanic trying to explain a difficult repair…'" That's Barack Obama in his own book talking about the art of proving one's manhood in Kenya, by virtue of killing a lion and then describing how it's done.

Cecil Speaks from the Grave Obama s Praise for Lion Hunting -- and Other Animal Rights Hysteria - The Rush Limbaugh Show
So, you equate the killing of a lion with spears to protect your herd with trophy hunting. And I bet that dentist had someone with an H and H standing behind him just in case.

As far as the Masai manhood killing of a lion, traditionally, that involved one man, one spear, one lion, and no backup for anybody. Vastly differant from trophy hunting.
Thanks to Rush Limbaugh we have this little gem!... Raise your many are going to picket the White House over this?

Are you people aware that Barack Hussein Obama has written favorably about lion hunting in one of his books? I have it right here from The Daily Caller, August 1st, over the weekend. It was Saturday. "Obama Impressed by Lion-Killing -- President Obama was really impressed by lion-killing years before his administration started investigating the killing of Cecil the Lion. Obama, whose administration is assisting the Zimbabwean government in an investigation into Cecil's killing by [the] Minnesota dentist ... didn't used to have a problem with lion-killing, according to his 1995 book 'Dreams From My Father.'

"Obama detailed his conversation with Masai guardsmen protecting him during a visit to Kenya. Obama explained that the guardsmen 'had each killed a lion to prove their manhood.' The guardsmen engaged in illegal lion-hunting," and Obama wrote about how impressed he was with it. Don't doubt me. I've got it right here. Here's the passage in question from Dreams From My Father, page 192: "At night, after dinner, we spoke further with our Masai guardsmen. Wilson told us that both he and his friend had recently been members of the bachelor class of young warriors who were at the center of the Masai legend. They had each killed a lion to prove their man has had.

"They had participated in numerous cattle raids. But now there were no wars, and even cattle raids had become complicated. Only last year another friend had been shot by a rancher. Wilson had finally decided being a Moran was a waste of time. He had gone to Nairobi in search of work. But he had little schooling. He ended up as a security guard at a bank. The boredom drove him crazy and eventually he had returned to the valley to marry and return to his cattle. Recently one of his cattle had been killed by a lion, and although it was illegal now, he and four others had hunted the lion into the preserve.

"'How do you kill a lion?' I asked. 'Five men surround it and throw their spears,' Wilson said. 'The lion will choose one man to pounce. That man, he curls under his shield while the other four finish the job.'" Obama writes, "'It sounds dangerous,' I said stupidly. Wilson shrugged. 'Usually there are only scratches. But sometimes only four will come back.' The man didn't sound like he was boasting – more like a mechanic trying to explain a difficult repair…'" That's Barack Obama in his own book talking about the art of proving one's manhood in Kenya, by virtue of killing a lion and then describing how it's done.

Cecil Speaks from the Grave Obama s Praise for Lion Hunting -- and Other Animal Rights Hysteria - The Rush Limbaugh Show
So, you equate the killing of a lion with spears to protect your herd with trophy hunting. And I bet that dentist had someone with an H and H standing behind him just in case.

As far as the Masai manhood killing of a lion, traditionally, that involved one man, one spear, one lion, and no backup for anybody. Vastly differant from trophy hunting.
The dentist use a bow-and-arrow....
Can you do better????

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