The new America is starting to begin in the United Arab Emirati’s and Saudi Arabia


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Meaning that what used to be America is kind of what the United Arab Emirati’s is today and in five or six years that’s what Saudi Arabia will be like. Two middle eastern countries where Black people and white people can have success they can walk down the street without having to worry about being robbed.

Check out the last five minutes of this incredibly informative interview. Anybody can walk down the streets of Dubai or Riyadh with a $1 million watch on nobody would think about robbing you because of the Islamic faith. We have that in some parts of the Christian world but it’s very much different these days.

Look at the ugliness in the United States of America. We have good areas, so many good Americans, but the US government and the major players in the media and the sports world are pumping up LGBT storytime and drag shows for children. Young boys being able to go into a girls bathroom. Men being able to play on women sports teams these are unthinkable and they Are a sin.

Nobody would fathom selling drugs in Saudi Arabia, or the UAE, because people there don’t put up with that nonsense. This is what diversity looks like me a white Christian being able to pay homage to the arab Muslims, who are building a civilized world in the Middle East. But in America a hundred thousand people a year die from fetnal abuse. What about those fellow human beings ..their life matters.

Praise be to God.. hope everyone’s having a wonderful day. God bless everyone and their family.
Meaning that what used to be America is kind of what the United Arab Emirati’s is today and in five or six years that’s what Saudi Arabia will be like. Two middle eastern countries where Black people and white people can have success they can walk down the street without having to worry about being robbed.

Check out the last five minutes of this incredibly informative interview. Anybody can walk down the streets of Dubai or Riyadh with a $1 million watch on nobody would think about robbing you because of the Islamic faith. We have that in some parts of the Christian world but it’s very much different these days.

Look at the ugliness in the United States of America. We have good areas, so many good Americans, but the US government and the major players in the media and the sports world are pumping up LGBT storytime and drag shows for children. Young boys being able to go into a girls bathroom. Men being able to play on women sports teams these are unthinkable and they Are a sin.

Nobody would fathom selling drugs in Saudi Arabia, or the UAE, because people there don’t put up with that nonsense. This is what diversity looks like me a white Christian being able to pay homage to the arab Muslims, who are building a civilized world in the Middle East. But in America a hundred thousand people a year die from fetnal abuse. What about those fellow human beings ..their life matters.

Praise be to God.. hope everyone’s having a wonderful day. God bless everyone and their family.

I don't care what any Atheist says, a deep religious Faith makes a big difference in society. This is equally applied to the Good Guys and the Bad Guys.
Meaning that what used to be America is kind of what the United Arab Emirati’s is today and in five or six years that’s what Saudi Arabia will be like. Two middle eastern countries where Black people and white people can have success they can walk down the street without having to worry about being robbed.

Check out the last five minutes of this incredibly informative interview. Anybody can walk down the streets of Dubai or Riyadh with a $1 million watch on nobody would think about robbing you because of the Islamic faith. We have that in some parts of the Christian world but it’s very much different these days.

Look at the ugliness in the United States of America. We have good areas, so many good Americans, but the US government and the major players in the media and the sports world are pumping up LGBT storytime and drag shows for children. Young boys being able to go into a girls bathroom. Men being able to play on women sports teams these are unthinkable and they Are a sin.

Nobody would fathom selling drugs in Saudi Arabia, or the UAE, because people there don’t put up with that nonsense. This is what diversity looks like me a white Christian being able to pay homage to the arab Muslims, who are building a civilized world in the Middle East. But in America a hundred thousand people a year die from fetnal abuse. What about those fellow human beings ..their life matters.

Praise be to God.. hope everyone’s having a wonderful day. God bless everyone and their family.

Have you been to Saudi Arabia or the Emirates? You're really full of shit. New America?
Meaning that what used to be America is kind of what the United Arab Emirati’s is today and in five or six years that’s what Saudi Arabia will be like. Two middle eastern countries where Black people and white people can have success they can walk down the street without having to worry about being robbed.

In 30 years the oil is going to run out and the corrupt monarchies that have been buying their people off all this time will find themselves replaced by Jihadists.
I don't care what any Atheist says, a deep religious Faith makes a big difference in society. This is equally applied to the Good Guys and the Bad Guys.
And there are atheists who donate to the poor and Christians Who could care less about the poor. There’s good and bad everywhere..

I agree 100% with what you’re saying. 30 years ago 40 years ago the Middle East, with exception of countries like Lebanon and Turkey and Israel was a very strict place. But now it’s a new world there’s change in the Middle East now Israel and the united Arab Emirati’s are allies thanks in some part to the Donald Trump presidency. Why didnt Donald Trump get a Nobel peace prize for bringing together Israel and the UAE?
In 30 years the oil is going to run out and the corrupt monarchies that have been buying their people off all this time will find themselves replaced by Jihadists.
The gulf countries are finding alternative ways to make things work. Like the Liv golf tour brought to us by Saudi Arabia, a brilliant campaign by the Saudis to give them selves and economic alternative right there, my friend

As for the groups like Al-Qaeda, nobody even hears about them anymore. They’re gone pretty much been crushed. There’s pockets of them in Africa… they’re trying to cause chaos in places like Niger but the good people of those countries are Christians and Muslims. They won’t allow that to happen.

I’m a Democrat I’m a liberal and I believe in the goodness of other people who maybe they’re not like me …maybe they’re not Catholic maybe they’re Jewish maybe they’re Muslim it is an undeniable fact that conservative portions of the Israeli people and the Saudi people are doing the right thing. I can say that as a white Christian.
Meaning that what used to be America is kind of what the United Arab Emirati’s is today and in five or six years that’s what Saudi Arabia will be like. Two middle eastern countries where Black people and white people can have success they can walk down the street without having to worry about being robbed.

Check out the last five minutes of this incredibly informative interview. Anybody can walk down the streets of Dubai or Riyadh with a $1 million watch on nobody would think about robbing you because of the Islamic faith. We have that in some parts of the Christian world but it’s very much different these days.

Look at the ugliness in the United States of America. We have good areas, so many good Americans, but the US government and the major players in the media and the sports world are pumping up LGBT storytime and drag shows for children. Young boys being able to go into a girls bathroom. Men being able to play on women sports teams these are unthinkable and they Are a sin.

Nobody would fathom selling drugs in Saudi Arabia, or the UAE, because people there don’t put up with that nonsense. This is what diversity looks like me a white Christian being able to pay homage to the arab Muslims, who are building a civilized world in the Middle East. But in America a hundred thousand people a year die from fetnal abuse. What about those fellow human beings ..their life matters.

Praise be to God.. hope everyone’s having a wonderful day. God bless everyone and their family.

Same with Russia,the cia controlled media is lying about them on putin being Hitler,I contrary to the medias lies it’s much safer living in the streets of Russia than the major cities in the us because they are off the dollar so they are trying to start a war with them.Saudi Arabia i has fled the US dollar as well. :thup:
And there are atheists who donate to the poor and Christians Who could care less about the poor. There’s good and bad everywhere..

I agree 100% with what you’re saying. 30 years ago 40 years ago the Middle East, with exception of countries like Lebanon and Turkey and Israel was a very strict place. But now it’s a new world there’s change in the Middle East now Israel and the united Arab Emirati’s are allies thanks in some part to the Donald Trump presidency. Why didnt Donald Trump get a Nobel peace prize for bringing together Israel and the UAE?
Yes, Trump encouraged peaceful conditions and discussion in the M.E.
Same with Russia,the cia controlled media is lying about them on putin being Hitler,I contrary to the medias lies it’s much safer living in the streets of Russia than the major cities in the us because they are off the dollar so they are trying to start a war with them.Saudi Arabia i has fled the US dollar as well. :thup:

^^^lol lunatics just can't keep from babbling dumb shit.
Same with Russia,the cia controlled media is lying about them on putin being Hitler,I contrary to the medias lies it’s much safer living in the streets of Russia than the major cities in the us because they are off the dollar so they are trying to start a war with them.Saudi Arabia i has fled the US dollar as well. :thup:
I know numerous people from Russia, who say that their economy is red hot and the streets of Moscow are much safer than the streets of New York City. The idea that Putin is Hitler is an outrage, and is an offense to the many Soviet Jews that stood tall in the fight against the brutal Nazis trying to exterminate them.

Russia does not have the same types of high wages that Saudi Arabia does. But the cost of living in Russia is much less compared to Saudi Arabia or the UAE.

I do not agree with communism. I don’t want communism for America. And I think it’s the dumbest thing around that people can’t recognize the good things the Soviets did for the world or that they can’t recognize that there are good things going on in Russia. Russians and Americans have a ton in common ..when the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba We reacted to it when NATO Tried to get super close to Russia They reacted to it. That’s just humanity for you.

Im a Proud American I recognize the
sacrifices of the allies of World War II.

I don’t agree with everything Russia does. Obviously Russia and America are not Ally’s now and that’s unfortunate because under the presidencies of Clinton, Yeltsin, Putin, Obama, George W. Bush, and Trump and Medvedev we were friends.

And that is the only post I will be making about Russia , ww2 and Putin, in this thread, as to not derail the thread.

We need the United States of America to learn from its glorious past. To learn from the greatest generation, the World War II generation. Back in those days, our streets were safer, the middle class was stronger for black and white people. I love America, and I think that we will come back as a country there’s no doubt about it. We got through the world wars we got through the great depression… we will get through this current trouble We are facing on both the social and economic front.
I know numerous people from Russia, who say that their economy is red hot and the streets of Moscow are much safer than the streets of New York City. The idea that Putin is Hitler is an outrage, and is an offense to the many Soviet Jews that stood tall in the fight against the brutal Nazis trying to exterminate them.

Russia does not have the same types of high wages that Saudi Arabia does. But the cost of living in Russia is much less compared to Saudi Arabia or the UAE.

I do not agree with communism. I don’t want communism for America. And I think it’s the dumbest thing around that people can’t recognize the good things the Soviets did for the world or that they can’t recognize that there are good things going on in Russia. Russians and Americans have a ton in common ..when the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba We reacted to it when NATO Tried to get super close to Russia They reacted to it. That’s just humanity for you.

Im a Proud American I recognize the
sacrifices of the allies of World War II.

I don’t agree with everything Russia does. Obviously Russia and America are not Ally’s now and that’s unfortunate because under the presidencies of Clinton, Yeltsin, Putin, Obama, George W. Bush, and Trump and Medvedev we were friends.

And that is the only post I will be making about Russia , ww2 and Putin, in this thread, as to not derail the thread.

We need the United States of America to learn from its glorious past. To learn from the greatest generation, the World War II generation. Back in those days, our streets were safer, the middle class was stronger for black and white people. I love America, and I think that we will come back as a country there’s no doubt about it. We got through the world wars we got through the great depression… we will get through this current trouble We are facing on both the social and economic front.
Why are you consistently attracted to the worst leaders in society? Trump, Putin, Saudi government, etc.?

Back in the 1940's blacks had to drink out of different drinking fountains in America. I wouldnt call that "glorious" like you would. But then again you're an immoral monster.
Actually it doesnt. I wasnt breaking windows of the Capitol on Jan 6th like your kind was.
"My kind"? Former MBA student,.scholastic award wiinner for top of class wnd corporate Executive Award nominee?..That type? Oh, and I took permanent physical damage for.not ratting out on others and I was still a kid myself. Do tell me about "my type", I've never been to a protest in my life.
I know numerous people from Russia, who say that their economy is red hot and the streets of Moscow are much safer than the streets of New York City. The idea that Putin is Hitler is an outrage, and is an offense to the many Soviet Jews that stood tall in the fight against the brutal Nazis trying to exterminate them.

Russia does not have the same types of high wages that Saudi Arabia does. But the cost of living in Russia is much less compared to Saudi Arabia or the UAE.

I do not agree with communism. I don’t want communism for America. And I think it’s the dumbest thing around that people can’t recognize the good things the Soviets did for the world or that they can’t recognize that there are good things going on in Russia. Russians and Americans have a ton in common ..when the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba We reacted to it when NATO Tried to get super close to Russia They reacted to it. That’s just humanity for you.

Im a Proud American I recognize the
sacrifices of the allies of World War II.

I don’t agree with everything Russia does. Obviously Russia and America are not Ally’s now and that’s unfortunate because under the presidencies of Clinton, Yeltsin, Putin, Obama, George W. Bush, and Trump and Medvedev we were friends.

And that is the only post I will be making about Russia , ww2 and Putin, in this thread, as to not derail the thread.

We need the United States of America to learn from its glorious past. To learn from the greatest generation, the World War II generation. Back in those days, our streets were safer, the middle class was stronger for black and white people. I love America, and I think that we will come back as a country there’s no doubt about it. We got through the world wars we got through the great depression… we will get through this current trouble We are facing on both the social and economic front.
This will also be my last message on here on Russia so the thread is not derailed.yeah I know for a fact thst the streets of Russia are much safer to live in than ny and others here in the states because my cousin lives there and she says she feels much safer there than she does when she comes back home to visit in the states,the us is like Russia was under Stalin and they are like our country was in 1776 fir the most part.LGBT is prohibited there,you get jailed there if you take part in that as you should be.send me a pm of the numerous people you know from Russia.

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