The Negligence Here Is Misplaced


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Overland Park’s insurance company sent a letter accusing Goodman and her husband of negligence for failing to keep an eye on the boy, the paper reported.

Kansas City artist Bill Lyons created the sculpture. He told the paper it was uninsured and damaged beyond repair.

1) Okay, so which is it? If uninsured, why is an insurance company involving itself?

2) Why did the city have an expensive sculpture out in the open and unsecured in a public area where children are permitted? That is where the negligence lies.

3) The city is fortunate the child was not injured, else they'd be facing a diarrhea-inducing lawsuit.

Kansas city bills parents $132,000 after child damages glass sculpture
the parents were wrong and yes, the sculpture should've been secured somehow
...this is the classic of parents not paying attention/not caring....I always see kids screaming, running around-in the way-running into adults, toddlers not watched, etc...some humans are just not only not good at parenting--they are negligent-careless in many aspects of their own lives...
The city almost certainly has an insurance policy on the contents of the rec center if they regularly display art there. The scultor who loaned the art may not have had it insured personally. Insurance companies being what they are I'm sure the city's provider doesn't want to pay and that's why the bill was sent to the parents.
i've heard about this happening , just watched the video . Parent or 2 girls parents team look like hip hoppish types . Probably school teacher types . Hang them !!
Overland Park’s insurance company sent a letter accusing Goodman and her husband of negligence for failing to keep an eye on the boy, the paper reported.

Kansas City artist Bill Lyons created the sculpture. He told the paper it was uninsured and damaged beyond repair.

1) Okay, so which is it? If uninsured, why is an insurance company involving itself?

2) Why did the city have an expensive sculpture out in the open and unsecured in a public area where children are permitted? That is where the negligence lies.

3) The city is fortunate the child was not injured, else they'd be facing a diarrhea-inducing lawsuit.

Kansas city bills parents $132,000 after child damages glass sculpture
Hey, billy. As a former Department Store worker, I've seen kids destroy all manner of merchandise right under the eyes of unconcerned parents. OTOH as a parent, I know how quickly they can bolt and do damage. I'm ambivalent on this one, but not offended the parents were charged. 'You broke it, you buy it' is an old American custom.

Also, just recently there is the news item of the 19 mo. old daughter of some sports figure who broke away and drowned in almost an instant. A very sad reminder of how life can change in the twinkling of an eye. I thank God as a parent that I have never faced so much as a broken window over my kids' rambunctious behavior. Don't know how I got away with it.
the parents were wrong and yes, the sculpture should've been secured somehow
...this is the classic of parents not paying attention/not caring....I always see kids screaming, running around-in the way-running into adults, toddlers not watched, etc...some humans are just not only not good at parenting--they are negligent-careless in many aspects of their own lives...

I agree, but that statue unsecured would fall under the "attractive nuisance doctrine", similar to an unsecured swimming pools, piles of lumber, etc. The degree of reasonable care is quite high where children are invitees.
Overland Park’s insurance company sent a letter accusing Goodman and her husband of negligence for failing to keep an eye on the boy, the paper reported.

Kansas City artist Bill Lyons created the sculpture. He told the paper it was uninsured and damaged beyond repair.

1) Okay, so which is it? If uninsured, why is an insurance company involving itself?

2) Why did the city have an expensive sculpture out in the open and unsecured in a public area where children are permitted? That is where the negligence lies.

3) The city is fortunate the child was not injured, else they'd be facing a diarrhea-inducing lawsuit.

Kansas city bills parents $132,000 after child damages glass sculpture
Hey, billy. As a former Department Store worker, I've seen kids destroy all manner of merchandise right under the eyes of unconcerned parents. OTOH as a parent, I know how quickly they can bolt and do damage. I'm ambivalent on this one, but not offended the parents were charged. 'You broke it, you buy it' is an old American custom.

Nor am I offended, it's easily expected, but the parents and their insurance company will likely prevail in this case. The law of torts prevails over custom.
the parents were wrong and yes, the sculpture should've been secured somehow
...this is the classic of parents not paying attention/not caring....I always see kids screaming, running around-in the way-running into adults, toddlers not watched, etc...some humans are just not only not good at parenting--they are negligent-careless in many aspects of their own lives...

I agree, but that statue unsecured would fall under the "attractive nuisance doctrine", similar to an unsecured swimming pools, piles of lumber, etc. The degree of reasonable care is quite high where children are invitees.
invitees or trespassers? how does that work?
I've always thought that swimming pool deal was ridiculous/stupid/etc
1. kids should not be trespassing on private property
2. if they are not old enough to learn/understand that--the parents should know where the kids are all the time can't make rules for everything
...I thought most of the children pool deaths were people ''invited'' to the pool/went to a public pool--and the parents are not paying attention--not that a kid ''found'' a pool to play in...?
Overland Park’s insurance company sent a letter accusing Goodman and her husband of negligence for failing to keep an eye on the boy, the paper reported.

Kansas City artist Bill Lyons created the sculpture. He told the paper it was uninsured and damaged beyond repair.

1) Okay, so which is it? If uninsured, why is an insurance company involving itself?

2) Why did the city have an expensive sculpture out in the open and unsecured in a public area where children are permitted? That is where the negligence lies.

3) The city is fortunate the child was not injured, else they'd be facing a diarrhea-inducing lawsuit.

Kansas city bills parents $132,000 after child damages glass sculpture

And I'll bet that Kansas City fines homeowners when burglars are hurt breaking into their houses.

Government: Fining and random taxing Normal People instead of dealing with the those who are actually responsible.
Overland Park’s insurance company sent a letter accusing Goodman and her husband of negligence for failing to keep an eye on the boy, the paper reported.

Kansas City artist Bill Lyons created the sculpture. He told the paper it was uninsured and damaged beyond repair.

1) Okay, so which is it? If uninsured, why is an insurance company involving itself?

2) Why did the city have an expensive sculpture out in the open and unsecured in a public area where children are permitted? That is where the negligence lies.

3) The city is fortunate the child was not injured, else they'd be facing a diarrhea-inducing lawsuit.

Kansas city bills parents $132,000 after child damages glass sculpture

And I'll bet that Kansas City fines homeowners when burglars are hurt breaking into their houses.

Government: Fining and random taxing Normal People instead of dealing with the those who are actually responsible.
you can't put booby traps in your house--I say if a burglar gets hurt or killed by one--good!!

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