The Mystery Of The Shemitah


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Flew down to Charlotte to do a site inspection on a new potential acquisition. Rented a car from Avis, hit the scan button to find a decent radio station (car didn't have Bluetooth or none of this would have happened). Caught a snippet of ..."the Shemitah" and thought how unusual that was for NC.

Listened for about 15 minutes and made a note to myself to buy the book on Amazon. At the airport on the way back home, bought a water and staring right at me on the book display "The Mystery of the Shemitah" by Johnathan Cahn. Started reading and could not put the book down.

God reveals himself to a nation and a people. When they understand that blessings come from God, they are blessed and prosper. When they turn away and respond with arrogance, they soon discover that arrogance and ego are forces that cannot sustain a nation. In the years before 586 BC the Israelite refused to follow God's laws, refused to honor the Sabbath of Years and turned away in arrogance. They were given plenty of opportunity to turn back to Source, instead they greeted the warnings with arrogance, contempt and ego. They would rebuilt! In 586 BC the nation was leveled and lay fallow for the 70 years of rest they thought they could ignore.

Without providing spoilers, the authors draws several stark, irrefutable comparisons between the judgement that fell on Israel and what is befalling the formerly great nation known as America.
I have not bought that book yet, Frank, but it is one I'm interested in reading. I have a stack I just received about a week ago and am finishing up with a few left to go. I'm thinking by your last statement you are speaking of the Harbinger judgment and I would agree. The LORD has clearly been giving us signs for some time now - even back on 9/11. I would also advise you order Man through the Fire by Dumitru Duduman and if you cannot find it on Amazon you can get it through Michael Boldea Jr. Ministry on Google. it is a book about the testimony of one Christian in Romania and how God sent him to America to warn America of the judgment that was coming to our nation. What he wrote about back in the 80's is now coming to pass very quickly - even the nations that were mentioned in the book - Russia - China - it is all coming to pass.

Another interesting event - the 4 blood moons - that they all fall on Jewish holy days - is significant - I believe - although I am careful about not reading too much into those types of events.

One thing I would like to point out about the captivity - it was noticed by that great prayer warrior, Charles Finney. Finny stated that in the case of Daniel and the return of the Jews from captivity - Daniel said this, "I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of years specified by the word of the LORD through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

Here we see Daniel studying the scriptures and and understanding the length of the captivity to be seventy years. What did Daniel do then? Did he settle himself on the promise and say, God has pledged Himself to put an end to the captivity in seventy years, and the time has expired, and there is no need to do anything?

No. He did not. Instead Daniel said, Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes Daniel 9: 3 - He set himself at once to pray the end of captivity would come to pass. He prayed in faith. What did he pray in faith? He prayed what he believed in the written prophecy. So it is with us says Finney. We are to seek to understand prophecy in the Word of God and pray by faith in that matter - this is the privledge of the servants of the Lord. This is what it means in Ezekiel 36:37 I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them.

Frank, when a person becomes a believer in Jesus Christ who becomes born again - they repent of their sins - they believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is LORD - they believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins and shed his blood for their pardon of sins - that he resurrected on the third day and later ascended up to heaven - all who believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and are graffed into the Family of Abraham have the same privledge of prayer to God in praying the will of God in a matter - we have have that privledge as children of God. Because we are justified by faith not by works. Our salvation is a free gift - we didn't earn it - it isn't possible to earn salvation. The bible tells us this.

It is a tremendous privledge to pray and while much of the church has missed it with either rituals and false teachings - ( which shut down the Spirit of God from operating until there is repentance ) - or they focus on praying about earthly comforts - another false church focused on gathering up the riches of this world ( love of the world is enmity with God ) but for those who desire to be followers of Jesus Christ and obey Him and do what the bible teaches us to do? It is an open heaven and we will receive answers to prayer.

Consider this. Jesus said,

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.
- John 15:7

The power of that promise has yet to be realized fully by the believers who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Words abiding in them. It is literally a promise that says to you, if have your life in Jesus Christ and His Words are dwelling in you? You can ask for anything. So ask big, Frank. Ask very, very big! Our God is a big God! He can handle it!

Believe God to move mountains of difficulty coming against this nation - coming against the believers - Believe God to expose evil at the highest echelons and pray for it to come to pass- Believe God for the servants of God to prevail against their enemies and to convert many to Jesus Christ - the power of prayer is tremendous!

Pray for the brethren not to get sidetracked because the enemy is our accuser and truly the two things Satan accuses us of is what we say and what we do. He cannot read our minds but his demons can most certainly see what we do and what we say and they report back and accuse -this is what we can petition God for - to harm this christian because they said such and such on such and such a day - that is how Satans kingdom operates, Frank!

Which is why Christians must keep a short account with God - watch our words - our actions - make sure we are in the flow of the Spirit with what He is doing and stay with Him on it rather than veering off track. This is something I have to keep a tight rein on for myself. To not get sidetracked because there are battles on all sides that are valid and need attention but it is the battle that the LORD is focused on that is the place that we need to be ourselves.

We have a very subtle enemy. Satan is very subtle. VERY. We have to have the Spirit of God leading us because.......
it is not by might and not by power but by My Spirit sayeth the LORD! ( that is a bible verse which clearly identifies the battle is the LORD's and His Spirit is Mighty to save! ) here is something to think upon, Frank. It is appointed for men to live once and then we die and then comes the judgment. We were chosen to be born into this particular end time generation. The LORD has fully equipped us for this time we are living in. There is no question that he had a purpose and a plan for us having been born into this world at this specific time in history. It is a glorious thing to think about. God has a great plan for the lives of His people!
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I have not bought that book yet, Frank, but it is one I'm interested in reading. I have a stack I just received about a week ago and am finishing up with a few left to go. I'm thinking by your last statement you are speaking of the Harbinger judgment and I would agree. The LORD has clearly been giving us signs for some time now - even back on 9/11. I would also advise you order Man through the Fire by Dumitru Duduman and if you cannot find it on Amazon you can get it through Michael Boldea Jr. Ministry on Google. it is a book about the testimony of one Christian in Romania and how God sent him to America to warn America of the judgment that was coming to our nation. What he wrote about back in the 80's is now coming to pass very quickly - even the nations that were mentioned in the book - Russia - China - it is all coming to pass.

Another interesting event - the 4 blood moons - that they all fall on Jewish holy days - is significant - I believe - although I am careful about not reading too much into those types of events.

One thing I would like to point out about the captivity - it was noticed by that great prayer warrior, Charles Finney. Finny stated that in the case of Daniel and the return of the Jews from captivity - Daniel said this, "I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of years specified by the word of the LORD through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

Here we see Daniel studying the scriptures and and understanding the length of the captivity to be seventy years. What did Daniel do then? Did he settle himself on the promise and say, God has pledged Himself to put an end to the captivity in seventy years, and the time has expired, and there is no need to do anything?

No. He did not. Instead Daniel said, Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes Daniel 9: 3 - He set himself at once to pray the end of captivity would come to pass. He prayed in faith. What did he pray in faith? He prayed what he believed in the written prophecy. So it is with us says Finney. We are to seek to understand prophecy in the Word of God and pray by faith in that matter - this is the privledge of the servants of the Lord. This is what it means in Ezekiel 36:37 I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them.

Frank, when a person becomes a believer in Jesus Christ who becomes born again - they repent of their sins - they believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is LORD - they believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins and shed his blood for their pardon of sins - that he resurrected on the third day and later ascended up to heaven - all who believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and are graffed into the Family of Abraham have the same privledge of prayer to God in praying the will of God in a matter - we have have that privledge as children of God. Because we are justified by faith not by works. Our salvation is a free gift - we didn't earn it - it isn't possible to earn salvation. The bible tells us this.

It is a tremendous privledge to pray and while much of the church has missed it with either rituals and false teachings - ( which shut down the Spirit of God from operating until there is repentance ) - or they focus on praying about earthly comforts - another false church focused on gathering up the riches of this world ( love of the world is enmity with God ) but for those who desire to be followers of Jesus Christ and obey Him and do what the bible teaches us to do? It is an open heaven and we will receive answers to prayer.

Consider this. Jesus said,

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.
- John 15:7

The power of that promise has yet to be realized fully by the believers who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Words abiding in them. It is literally a promise that says to you, if have your life in Jesus Christ and His Words are dwelling in you? You can ask for anything. So ask big, Frank. Ask very, very big! Our God is a big God! He can handle it!

Believe God to move mountains of difficulty coming against this nation - coming against the believers - Believe God to expose evil at the highest echelons and pray for it to come to pass- Believe God for the servants of God to prevail against their enemies and to convert many to Jesus Christ - the power of prayer is tremendous!

Pray for the brethren not to get sidetracked because the enemy is our accuser and truly the two things Satan accuses us of is what we say and what we do. He cannot read our minds but his demons can most certainly see what we do and what we say and they report back and accuse -this is what we can petition God for - to harm this christian because they said such and such on such and such a day - that is how Satans kingdom operates, Frank!

Which is why Christians must keep a short account with God - watch our words - our actions - make sure we are in the flow of the Spirit with what He is doing and stay with Him on it rather than veering off track. This is something I have to keep a tight rein on for myself. To not get sidetracked because there are battles on all sides that are valid and need attention but it is the battle that the LORD is focused on that is the place that we need to be ourselves.

We have a very subtle enemy. Satan is very subtle. VERY. We have to have the Spirit of God leading us because.......
it is not by might and not by power but by My Spirit sayeth the LORD! ( that is a bible verse which clearly identifies the battle is the LORD's and His Spirit is Mighty to save! ) here is something to think upon, Frank. It is appointed for men to live once and then we die and then comes the judgment. We were chosen to be born into this particular end time generation. The LORD has fully equipped us for this time we are living in. There is no question that he had a purpose and a plan for having been born into this world at this specific time in history. It is a glorious thing to think about. God has a great plan for the lives of His people!

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist." -- from "The Usual Suspects

I was born in these times because I wanted to see what happens next
OK, this is freaky.

Just went to Amazon to look up Man through the Fire by Dumitru Duduman and the first page that popped up before I entered the book was all MRE and survival equipment
One thing I wanted to mention about authors of books, Frank. When the writer draws you closer to the LORD through what they have written?

You know they were led by the LORD to write the book.

We could have one big huge bon - fire with all the self - help books, the "new age Jesus books", the 103 ways to be happy without repentance & a full surrender to Jesus Christ, how to have a non Christ centered - driven life, etc... the nonsense books that serve only to confuse people and cause them to drift further and further from God!

The best books are the ones that draw us nearer to God - be it a prophetic book, an autobiography of someone's life on the mission field - like Hudson Taylor or Mrs. Cowman's Streams in the Desert, or Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest, or William Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour - Charles Spurgeon, Finney, men and women who lived for Jesus - there are books that are most edifying to our spirit and draw us to read the bible more and meditate on the goodness of God more and these are the very best books in my opinion. The book you describe sounds like such a book in that it is turning our eyes towards the LORD and what he requires. A nation that turns away from God is a nation facing an impending judgment. It is good to read books that remind us of this too.
I have not bought that book yet, Frank, but it is one I'm interested in reading. I have a stack I just received about a week ago and am finishing up with a few left to go. I'm thinking by your last statement you are speaking of the Harbinger judgment and I would agree. The LORD has clearly been giving us signs for some time now - even back on 9/11. I would also advise you order Man through the Fire by Dumitru Duduman and if you cannot find it on Amazon you can get it through Michael Boldea Jr. Ministry on Google. it is a book about the testimony of one Christian in Romania and how God sent him to America to warn America of the judgment that was coming to our nation. What he wrote about back in the 80's is now coming to pass very quickly - even the nations that were mentioned in the book - Russia - China - it is all coming to pass.

Another interesting event - the 4 blood moons - that they all fall on Jewish holy days - is significant - I believe - although I am careful about not reading too much into those types of events.

One thing I would like to point out about the captivity - it was noticed by that great prayer warrior, Charles Finney. Finny stated that in the case of Daniel and the return of the Jews from captivity - Daniel said this, "I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of years specified by the word of the LORD through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

Here we see Daniel studying the scriptures and and understanding the length of the captivity to be seventy years. What did Daniel do then? Did he settle himself on the promise and say, God has pledged Himself to put an end to the captivity in seventy years, and the time has expired, and there is no need to do anything?

No. He did not. Instead Daniel said, Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes Daniel 9: 3 - He set himself at once to pray the end of captivity would come to pass. He prayed in faith. What did he pray in faith? He prayed what he believed in the written prophecy. So it is with us says Finney. We are to seek to understand prophecy in the Word of God and pray by faith in that matter - this is the privledge of the servants of the Lord. This is what it means in Ezekiel 36:37 I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them.

Frank, when a person becomes a believer in Jesus Christ who becomes born again - they repent of their sins - they believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is LORD - they believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins and shed his blood for their pardon of sins - that he resurrected on the third day and later ascended up to heaven - all who believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and are graffed into the Family of Abraham have the same privledge of prayer to God in praying the will of God in a matter - we have have that privledge as children of God. Because we are justified by faith not by works. Our salvation is a free gift - we didn't earn it - it isn't possible to earn salvation. The bible tells us this.

It is a tremendous privledge to pray and while much of the church has missed it with either rituals and false teachings - ( which shut down the Spirit of God from operating until there is repentance ) - or they focus on praying about earthly comforts - another false church focused on gathering up the riches of this world ( love of the world is enmity with God ) but for those who desire to be followers of Jesus Christ and obey Him and do what the bible teaches us to do? It is an open heaven and we will receive answers to prayer.

Consider this. Jesus said,

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.
- John 15:7

The power of that promise has yet to be realized fully by the believers who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Words abiding in them. It is literally a promise that says to you, if have your life in Jesus Christ and His Words are dwelling in you? You can ask for anything. So ask big, Frank. Ask very, very big! Our God is a big God! He can handle it!

Believe God to move mountains of difficulty coming against this nation - coming against the believers - Believe God to expose evil at the highest echelons and pray for it to come to pass- Believe God for the servants of God to prevail against their enemies and to convert many to Jesus Christ - the power of prayer is tremendous!

Pray for the brethren not to get sidetracked because the enemy is our accuser and truly the two things Satan accuses us of is what we say and what we do. He cannot read our minds but his demons can most certainly see what we do and what we say and they report back and accuse -this is what we can petition God for - to harm this christian because they said such and such on such and such a day - that is how Satans kingdom operates, Frank!

Which is why Christians must keep a short account with God - watch our words - our actions - make sure we are in the flow of the Spirit with what He is doing and stay with Him on it rather than veering off track. This is something I have to keep a tight rein on for myself. To not get sidetracked because there are battles on all sides that are valid and need attention but it is the battle that the LORD is focused on that is the place that we need to be ourselves.

We have a very subtle enemy. Satan is very subtle. VERY. We have to have the Spirit of God leading us because.......
it is not by might and not by power but by My Spirit sayeth the LORD! ( that is a bible verse which clearly identifies the battle is the LORD's and His Spirit is Mighty to save! ) here is something to think upon, Frank. It is appointed for men to live once and then we die and then comes the judgment. We were chosen to be born into this particular end time generation. The LORD has fully equipped us for this time we are living in. There is no question that he had a purpose and a plan for having been born into this world at this specific time in history. It is a glorious thing to think about. God has a great plan for the lives of His people!

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist." -- from "The Usual Suspects

I was born in these times because I wanted to see what happens next

I didn't read the Usual Suspects but a friend of mine did - that is the book by Stephen Baldwin, I believe. I do believe that he had a wonderful encounter with Jesus Christ and is very sincere in his heart towards the LORD. It is not many who will walk away from a life of riches and fame to follow Christ. I commend him for choosing to follow Jesus. He made the right decision.
OK, this is freaky.

Just went to Amazon to look up Man through the Fire by Dumitru Duduman and the first page that popped up before I entered the book was all MRE and survival equipment

Interesting - they must have the site fixed to pick up on selling anything related to end times catastrophic events, etc. When I think of prophetic books that I have read over the years, Frank, by Christians, I would say this.

There has never been any book that has ever come close to the impact that Man through the Fire by Dumitru Duduman had on me. I am deeply grateful for Dumitru writing that book and sharing the things he suffered, the message he was given for America which specifically lists the nations who will be involved in our destruction. It is very specific even the type of attack, etc. The book changed my life. I was already following the LORD and had a very serious walk with the LORD before I read the book but after reading it - many things made sense to me which I had read in Scripture. It was a book that just brought it all together for me and I am very grateful for Dumtiru Duduman writing the book. I support his grandsons' ministry - he has a ministry to orphans and I also adopted an orphan at his orphanage which I financially support. Michael Boldea Jr. is a young man still but quite mature in his faith having been a translator for His Romanian grandfather for approximately 11 yrs. You'll definitely be amazed by that book! It's a great book.
This is interesting, Frank! I just signed off the board - and the Lord gave me this scripture!

John 16:13 Look it up! You'll be amazed!

Time for me to get back to my reading. Have a great day!

Ebola makes its first ever appearance in the USA as the Year of Shemitah opens.

The Time is Now

Ebola makes its first ever appearance in the USA as the Year of Shemitah opens.

The Time is Now

I have got to buy that book! I have a few more to finish from Rebecca Brown M.D. and Rev. Daniel Yoder and another by W. Phillip Keller. For a fantastic revelation on Psalm 23 you have got to check out A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23, Frank. You won't be disappointed - you will be so blessed it will open up Psalm 23 and the meaning of the relationship between Shepherd and sheep as you have never understood it before. Unless you've been a shepherd tending sheep!

W. Phillip Keller was, he had a flock of 30 starting out I believe... and so he breaks down all 12 verses of Psalm 23 ( into 12 short chapters ) and quite interesting but even the number 12 is significant. Jesus is so in Psalm 23 - it is the total relationship of the LORD being our shepherd! It's an astounding little paperback book - can be read easily in an evening. You will love it!

As for the Ebola virus? Does the book, The Shemitah, actually mention plagues?
One thing I wanted to mention about authors of books, Frank. When the writer draws you closer to the LORD through what they have written?

You know they were led by the LORD to write the book.

We could have one big huge bon - fire with all the self - help books, the "new age Jesus books", the 103 ways to be happy without repentance & a full surrender to Jesus Christ, how to have a non Christ centered - driven life, etc... the nonsense books that serve only to confuse people and cause them to drift further and further from God!

The best books are the ones that draw us nearer to God - be it a prophetic book, an autobiography of someone's life on the mission field - like Hudson Taylor or Mrs. Cowman's Streams in the Desert, or Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest, or William Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour - Charles Spurgeon, Finney, men and women who lived for Jesus - there are books that are most edifying to our spirit and draw us to read the bible more and meditate on the goodness of God more and these are the very best books in my opinion. The book you describe sounds like such a book in that it is turning our eyes towards the LORD and what he requires. A nation that turns away from God is a nation facing an impending judgment. It is good to read books that remind us of this too.

I know I was lead to the book in the OP.

I also keep a postcard of Hiroshige "Great Wave off Kanagawa" with me. It literally dropped on me as I was walking past the library in my den. I made a thread on it, how it's message to me was "Embrace adversity".


Ebola makes its first ever appearance in the USA as the Year of Shemitah opens.

The Time is Now

I have got to buy that book! I have a few more to finish from Rebecca Brown M.D. and Rev. Daniel Yoder and another by W. Phillip Keller. For a fantastic revelation on Psalm 23 you have got to check out A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23, Frank. You won't be disappointed - you will be so blessed it will open up Psalm 23 and the meaning of the relationship between Shepherd and sheep as you have never understood it before. Unless you've been a shepherd tending sheep!

W. Phillip Keller was, he had a flock of 30 starting out I believe... and so he breaks down all 12 verses of Psalm 23 ( into 12 short chapters ) and quite interesting but even the number 12 is significant. Jesus is so in Psalm 23 - it is the total relationship of the LORD being our shepherd! It's an astounding little paperback book - can be read easily in an evening. You will love it!

As for the Ebola virus? Does the book, The Shemitah, actually mention plagues?

No, it's careful not to predict what may happen, but more so to be mindful of the timing of when thing probably will happen (unless we return to God)
One thing I wanted to mention about authors of books, Frank. When the writer draws you closer to the LORD through what they have written?

You know they were led by the LORD to write the book.

We could have one big huge bon - fire with all the self - help books, the "new age Jesus books", the 103 ways to be happy without repentance & a full surrender to Jesus Christ, how to have a non Christ centered - driven life, etc... the nonsense books that serve only to confuse people and cause them to drift further and further from God!

The best books are the ones that draw us nearer to God - be it a prophetic book, an autobiography of someone's life on the mission field - like Hudson Taylor or Mrs. Cowman's Streams in the Desert, or Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest, or William Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour - Charles Spurgeon, Finney, men and women who lived for Jesus - there are books that are most edifying to our spirit and draw us to read the bible more and meditate on the goodness of God more and these are the very best books in my opinion. The book you describe sounds like such a book in that it is turning our eyes towards the LORD and what he requires. A nation that turns away from God is a nation facing an impending judgment. It is good to read books that remind us of this too.

I know I was lead to the book in the OP.

I also keep a postcard of Hiroshige "Great Wave off Kanagawa" with me. It literally dropped on me as I was walking past the library in my den. I made a thread on it, how it's message to me was "Embrace adversity".


Here is what I like to always keep in mind and tell others about adversity, Frank. First the Book of Proverbs tell us that it is a poor specimen that cannot handle the pressures of adversity. That is a given. Take a look at the most wealthy citizens during the stock market crash who indulged themselves with un-necessary luxuries and pampered their flesh (making it ripe for hell!) they chose to dive out of tall buildings to their deaths rather than to trust God, Frank. That is ridiculous and you and I both know it! Because God is Able! Well able!

It is also in the heat of the greatest adversities that God shows up mightily! Who doesn't want to see God show up? Seriously! Some folks just do not know what they are missing, Frank! Because they are too afraid of a little bit of suffering! I tell you the truth - I think it was Avila - who said - if we knew what suffering did for us we'd be begging God for more of it! I tell you the truth! She was onto something huge - with that one! Flesh and blood certainly didn't reveal it to her! That gem came through experience - and I can tell you from my own experiences that nothing has been so great a blessing from God to me than my own trials, sufferings and times of absolute - pitch black dark night - can't see two steps in front of myself - must trust God Alone times - bar none - suffering is magnificent for the soul while it is quite the destroyer of the flesh! King David knew the refining qualities of suffering - both mentally and physically!

Now for my little gem on adversity and you should write this one down - because I am told science can confirm this truth - and what is true in the natural is true in the spiritual realm as well - the natural is just a reflection of what is going on in the spiritual realm and if you get ahold of that truth you'll know strategically how to pray about something - and speak life to it.

Back to adversity - here it is - Frank - Pressure is equal to the amount of resistance you put up. If you do not resist? You won't feel the pressure - if you resist? You will feel the pressure along the same exact lines you are resisting.

This is true in everything - including the matter of worry. If you have faith in God you cannot worry. It is not possible, Frank. How can doubt and worry live in the same room together? Much less in your own heart? You will be filled with one or the other but you cannot have both or you'll be come double minded and unstable in all your ways. No. There is only one thing to do and that is to trust God and what God gives us we should always embrace as a gift. Just discern the thing. If it is from God? Embrace it. If it is from the enemy? Take authority over that fear, doubt, obstacle and tell it to get out of your way. Faith moves things out of the way - it doesn't fret - it just uses its authority and walks right through the situation! To the other side!!

Ebola makes its first ever appearance in the USA as the Year of Shemitah opens.

The Time is Now

I have got to buy that book! I have a few more to finish from Rebecca Brown M.D. and Rev. Daniel Yoder and another by W. Phillip Keller. For a fantastic revelation on Psalm 23 you have got to check out A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23, Frank. You won't be disappointed - you will be so blessed it will open up Psalm 23 and the meaning of the relationship between Shepherd and sheep as you have never understood it before. Unless you've been a shepherd tending sheep!

W. Phillip Keller was, he had a flock of 30 starting out I believe... and so he breaks down all 12 verses of Psalm 23 ( into 12 short chapters ) and quite interesting but even the number 12 is significant. Jesus is so in Psalm 23 - it is the total relationship of the LORD being our shepherd! It's an astounding little paperback book - can be read easily in an evening. You will love it!

As for the Ebola virus? Does the book, The Shemitah, actually mention plagues?

No, it's careful not to predict what may happen, but more so to be mindful of the timing of when thing probably will happen (unless we return to God)

Keep this in mind, CrusaderFrank. Even if God's mind is made up about a nation - it does not mean His mind is made up about the people in it - there has always been a remnant that will hold fast to God - even in the midst of a perverse society - God knows how to keep His own. Never doubt it. You know, Frank. The thing that delights God more than any other thing is how much faith we show in Him in the heat of a battle. The more faith we show in Him and not what is around us - the more He sits up and takes notice and delights in us. Faith is what pleases God. Without faith we cannot please God, Frank.

It is our faith in God in all things that really makes Him happy and who does not want to make God happy? To just even think about making God happy is am amazing thought. God created the universe, the planets, the solar system, the earth, God created man - through Adam and Eve whom He created beginning in Genesis 1 - we were created in His Own Image - what an honor! What a gift! What a blessed thing God did in deciding to create us in His very own Image!

To think we could delight His heart and please him? Makes me want to curl in a ball and cry my eyes out! Who is man that thou art mindful of him, O God? King David asked God that in Psalm 8 and then goes on to speak of how God gave us dominion over the fowl of the air, the beasts of the field, to take dominion in the earth! ........ which is confirmed in Genesis but truly what was God thinking and why did He decide to do that for us? The God of the Universe desires to have a relationship, a family, a heart to heart interaction with us! It didn't work out in Genesis because of Adam's fall but through the second Adam - through Him coming in the flesh to earth to us - the Word became flesh - yes, Jesus Christ through His shed Blood, his death on the cross and resurrection we have been reconciled back to Him to know Him intimately - what a life! What a God! Is there any God like Him? NONE! I know not any!!!

I thank Jesus!
One thing I wanted to mention about authors of books, Frank. When the writer draws you closer to the LORD through what they have written?

You know they were led by the LORD to write the book.

We could have one big huge bon - fire with all the self - help books, the "new age Jesus books", the 103 ways to be happy without repentance & a full surrender to Jesus Christ, how to have a non Christ centered - driven life, etc... the nonsense books that serve only to confuse people and cause them to drift further and further from God!

The best books are the ones that draw us nearer to God - be it a prophetic book, an autobiography of someone's life on the mission field - like Hudson Taylor or Mrs. Cowman's Streams in the Desert, or Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest, or William Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour - Charles Spurgeon, Finney, men and women who lived for Jesus - there are books that are most edifying to our spirit and draw us to read the bible more and meditate on the goodness of God more and these are the very best books in my opinion. The book you describe sounds like such a book in that it is turning our eyes towards the LORD and what he requires. A nation that turns away from God is a nation facing an impending judgment. It is good to read books that remind us of this too.

I know I was lead to the book in the OP.

I also keep a postcard of Hiroshige "Great Wave off Kanagawa" with me. It literally dropped on me as I was walking past the library in my den. I made a thread on it, how it's message to me was "Embrace adversity".


Here is what I like to always keep in mind and tell others about adversity, Frank. First the Book of Proverbs tell us that it is a poor specimen that cannot handle the pressures of adversity. That is a given. Take a look at the most wealthy citizens during the stock market crash who indulged themselves with un-necessary luxuries and pampered their flesh (making it ripe for hell!) they chose to dive out of tall buildings to their deaths rather than to trust God, Frank. That is ridiculous and you and I both know it! Because God is Able! Well able!

It is also in the heat of the greatest adversities that God shows up mightily! Who doesn't want to see God show up? Seriously! Some folks just do not know what they are missing, Frank! Because they are too afraid of a little bit of suffering! I tell you the truth - I think it was Avila - who said - if we knew what suffering did for us we'd be begging God for more of it! I tell you the truth! She was onto something huge - with that one! Flesh and blood certainly didn't reveal it to her! That gem came through experience - and I can tell you from my own experiences that nothing has been so great a blessing from God to me than my own trials, sufferings and times of absolute - pitch black dark night - can't see two steps in front of myself - must trust God Alone times - bar none - suffering is magnificent for the soul while it is quite the destroyer of the flesh! King David knew the refining qualities of suffering - both mentally and physically!

Now for my little gem on adversity and you should write this one down - because I am told science can confirm this truth - and what is true in the natural is true in the spiritual realm as well - the natural is just a reflection of what is going on in the spiritual realm and if you get ahold of that truth you'll know strategically how to pray about something - and speak life to it.

Back to adversity - here it is - Frank - Pressure is equal to the amount of resistance you put up. If you do not resist? You won't feel the pressure - if you resist? You will feel the pressure along the same exact lines you are resisting.

This is true in everything - including the matter of worry. If you have faith in God you cannot worry. It is not possible, Frank. How can doubt and worry live in the same room together? Much less in your own heart? You will be filled with one or the other but you cannot have both or you'll be come double minded and unstable in all your ways. No. There is only one thing to do and that is to trust God and what God gives us we should always embrace as a gift. Just discern the thing. If it is from God? Embrace it. If it is from the enemy? Take authority over that fear, doubt, obstacle and tell it to get out of your way. Faith moves things out of the way - it doesn't fret - it just uses its authority and walks right through the situation! To the other side!!

Right! you make a good point. That's what I mean -- and learned, by embrace adversity! It's part of live woven into the fabric of life. You can either complain or bemoan or accept it.
One thing I wanted to mention about authors of books, Frank. When the writer draws you closer to the LORD through what they have written?

You know they were led by the LORD to write the book.

We could have one big huge bon - fire with all the self - help books, the "new age Jesus books", the 103 ways to be happy without repentance & a full surrender to Jesus Christ, how to have a non Christ centered - driven life, etc... the nonsense books that serve only to confuse people and cause them to drift further and further from God!

The best books are the ones that draw us nearer to God - be it a prophetic book, an autobiography of someone's life on the mission field - like Hudson Taylor or Mrs. Cowman's Streams in the Desert, or Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest, or William Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour - Charles Spurgeon, Finney, men and women who lived for Jesus - there are books that are most edifying to our spirit and draw us to read the bible more and meditate on the goodness of God more and these are the very best books in my opinion. The book you describe sounds like such a book in that it is turning our eyes towards the LORD and what he requires. A nation that turns away from God is a nation facing an impending judgment. It is good to read books that remind us of this too.

I know I was lead to the book in the OP.

I also keep a postcard of Hiroshige "Great Wave off Kanagawa" with me. It literally dropped on me as I was walking past the library in my den. I made a thread on it, how it's message to me was "Embrace adversity".


Here is what I like to always keep in mind and tell others about adversity, Frank. First the Book of Proverbs tell us that it is a poor specimen that cannot handle the pressures of adversity. That is a given. Take a look at the most wealthy citizens during the stock market crash who indulged themselves with un-necessary luxuries and pampered their flesh (making it ripe for hell!) they chose to dive out of tall buildings to their deaths rather than to trust God, Frank. That is ridiculous and you and I both know it! Because God is Able! Well able!

It is also in the heat of the greatest adversities that God shows up mightily! Who doesn't want to see God show up? Seriously! Some folks just do not know what they are missing, Frank! Because they are too afraid of a little bit of suffering! I tell you the truth - I think it was Avila - who said - if we knew what suffering did for us we'd be begging God for more of it! I tell you the truth! She was onto something huge - with that one! Flesh and blood certainly didn't reveal it to her! That gem came through experience - and I can tell you from my own experiences that nothing has been so great a blessing from God to me than my own trials, sufferings and times of absolute - pitch black dark night - can't see two steps in front of myself - must trust God Alone times - bar none - suffering is magnificent for the soul while it is quite the destroyer of the flesh! King David knew the refining qualities of suffering - both mentally and physically!

Now for my little gem on adversity and you should write this one down - because I am told science can confirm this truth - and what is true in the natural is true in the spiritual realm as well - the natural is just a reflection of what is going on in the spiritual realm and if you get ahold of that truth you'll know strategically how to pray about something - and speak life to it.

Back to adversity - here it is - Frank - Pressure is equal to the amount of resistance you put up. If you do not resist? You won't feel the pressure - if you resist? You will feel the pressure along the same exact lines you are resisting.

This is true in everything - including the matter of worry. If you have faith in God you cannot worry. It is not possible, Frank. How can doubt and worry live in the same room together? Much less in your own heart? You will be filled with one or the other but you cannot have both or you'll be come double minded and unstable in all your ways. No. There is only one thing to do and that is to trust God and what God gives us we should always embrace as a gift. Just discern the thing. If it is from God? Embrace it. If it is from the enemy? Take authority over that fear, doubt, obstacle and tell it to get out of your way. Faith moves things out of the way - it doesn't fret - it just uses its authority and walks right through the situation! To the other side!!

Right! you make a good point. That's what I mean -- and learned, by embrace adversity! It's part of live woven into the fabric of life. You can either complain or bemoan or accept it.

It's a Romans 8:28 life, Frank! Nothing in the world compares to it! Whatever comes our way? God is in full control.... always.
The end of a significant seven-year cycle and a rare fourth blood moon...

A Shaking? What Shemitah Means for Israel, US
Sunday, September 13, 2015 -- For Israel and the Jewish people, the High Holy Days this year mark the end of a significant seven-year cycle and a rare fourth blood moon. Some believe that combination could have a huge impact on the world.
That's why many Christians and others believe that this September could be significant in Jewish, American, and world history. The Bible tells the Jewish people to sow the land and reap its produce for six consecutive years. Then, on the seventh year, they're commanded to let the land lie fallow. "Shemitah means the sabbatical," Rabbi Tuly Weisz told CBN News. "There's a year of rest for the land of Israel and for people all over the world."

Israel keeps the shemitah every seven years. It ends on the 29th of the Hebrew month of Elul, which this year falls on Sunday, September 13. Weisz says many non-Jews are also paying close attention this year. "People from all over the world who've never heard of shemitah are all of a sudden looking and trying to explore what is the significance of shemitah because of all the global events that are happening that seem a bit unusual," he said.

Author Jonathan Cahn raised the idea of the shemitah's connection to the global economy in his book, The Mystery of the Shemitah, which warns of trouble ahead for America. "I believe a great shaking is coming to America and the world, but America. I believe a shaking is coming that strikes the financial realm, economic realm and even be a shaking that's greater than that," Cahn said on The 700 Club this week.

He and others believe there's a correlation between financial downturns in the United States and the end of the shemitah year. "[In] 1980 you have recession and then the stock market collapses; you have '87 stock market collapses and the shemitah of that, and you have 'Black Monday' the worst point percentage crash in history," Cahn explained. "Shemitah of 1994, the bond market collapses, called the bond market massacre -- greatest in history; 2001 you have the stock market collapsing, recession. You have the greatest point crash in world history and you have 9/11, which is the shaking. Shemitah also means shaking."


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