The Multiverse????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. What the heck has happened to science??

I mean real science, the kind that is based on testable ideas, with real data, reproducible experimental results....i.e., the vaunted Scientific Method?

Since the Enlightenment, the attempt has been made to replace religion with science, and the view that mankind can explain, and, ultimately replace, God and religion. In actuality,the faith and belief that was once invested in religion is now, in the same way and to the same degree, in what we call 'science.'

Whatever comes out of the mouths.....computers.....of scientists is given the same acceptance as was once attributed to the utterances of priests.

You know, there are more working 'scientists' today than the total of all of 'em in earlier, perhaps the glut, the overabundance, has done to intelligent exploration just as the government's working the monetary printing presses overtime has done to the value of money.

Science today suffers from inflation.

How else to explain the nonsense that passes for science today?

2. Case in point: at one time, science endeavored to discover the laws that explain our world, our universe, and how it came into existence. Science, today, seems content to accept every crackpot view with a thoughtful look and sincere stroking of one's chin, as though it actually made sense.

a. "The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them."
Multiverse - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

3. Brian Greene, "an American theoretical physicist and string theorist. He has been a professor at Columbia University since 1996 and chairman of the World Science Festival since co-founding it in 2008. (Brian Greene - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia"

"The Hidden Reality is a book by Brian Greene published in 2011 which explores the concept of the multiverse and the possibility of parallel universes. It has been nominated for the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books for 2012.
(The Hidden Reality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia"

a. From an Amazon review of the book:
"...on the state of post-relativistic physics and cosmology as it is currently accepted by the majority of the academic physics community.
That is just the problem. None of string theory may be true at all. There has been no experimental verification of any of the elements of mathematically based string theory after 30 years or so of work, and, in fact, the theory may not even be "falsifiable." That is, it appears not to be subject to the rigors of the experimental scientific method, although the string theorists hope that with higher energy colliders and the like it may, someday, be testable." Customer Reviews The Hidden Reality Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos

4. Science today.
Well, OK....'scientists' have to make a living, too. But there are dunces who not only accept this nonsense, but they try to use this kind of ordure as an attack on religion. You can see an interview with Greene about this book, here: Book Discussion Hidden Reality Video

Asked to elaborate about the multiverse theory, or about any experimental proof, the professor would say "the math tells us so, and I believe the math." Faith in a new religion.

a. Dr. Berlinski points out the absurdity of using the new religion of 'science' in hypothetical mathematics, and using it to attack religion:

"Quantum cosmology is a branch of mathematical metaphysics that provides no cause for the emergence of the universe, the ‘how,’ nor reason thereof, the ‘why.’ If the mystification induced by its mathematics were removed from the subject, what remains would appear remarkably similar to the various creation myths in which the origin of the universe is attributed to sexual congress between primordial deities."
David Berlinski, "The Devil's Delusion," chapter five. many scientists can dance on the head of a pin??
If ya don't like science and disbelieve in it, how is it you're on a plastic electronic computer right now? If you don't udnerstand something that'sfine, but because you personally don't udnerstand things doesn't mean they aren't in fact true or likely.

There's observational evidence for the multiverse theory. Isn't simply something some drunk physicist came up with one night and jotted down on a bar napkin.

Mysterious dark flow at the edge of the universe -
If ya don't like science and disbelieve in it, how is it you're on a plastic electronic computer right now? If you don't udnerstand something that'sfine, but because you personally don't udnerstand things doesn't mean they aren't in fact true or likely.

There's observational evidence for the multiverse theory. Isn't simply something some drunk physicist came up with one night and jotted down on a bar napkin.

Mysterious dark flow at the edge of the universe -

Could you point out what it is you've gleaned from the OP that I don't understand?


Of course not.

1. But I can easily prove the absurdity of the multiverse theory, and, at the same time, that you are a moron talking through his hat.

Are you ready to expound on a belief that there are universes where objects 'fall' upwards and friction causes cold?

See what I mean?
You're a moron.

2. In short....there will never be a time when you understand more than I.
Pc talking about science is like mike huckabee talking about growing up a black inner city atheist in america
Other verses (universe means 1, 'universes' is an oxymoron,) doesn't mean physics work differently or absurdly. Should ask yourself though why you seem to believe it does.
In actuality,the faith and belief that was once invested in religion is now, in the same way and to the same degree, in what we call 'science.'
What's your interpretation of the difference between "faith" and "belief"?

Faith vs Belief Ethics Defined

I'm gonna stick to this thread...and you may benefit from what it will contain before I conclude....

....but you may wish to review this one:
America Without God No Moral Facts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Political Chic, when the foundation is faulty? The builders work will be faulty. And nothing shall stand. That is what you are seeing.

These Scientists are godless men albeit some will promote a false religion out of their hatred of God. They are building their work on sinking sand - not on the Rock - the ONLY Rock - Jesus Christ which is the true foundation. All else is sinking sand. ALL else is sinking sand.
There is a whole range of science, mostly physics, that I lack the mathmatical capacity to understand. That doesn't mean it isn't science.
Pc can disprove the multiverse about as precise as rush limbaugh can disprove addiction as a phenomena.
There is a whole range of science, mostly physics, that I lack the mathmatical capacity to understand. That doesn't mean it isn't science.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it's scientific.

Sometimes bullshit is simply bullshit.
There is no question that God could have created multiple universes or that He will in the future but that will never change the fact that we are the first to be created "in His Image and after His Likeness" and when one considers that - we must also consider that those who are His and are called kings and priests - (born again Believers) that will rule and reign with Him - one must consider that everything we are doing now is being recorded and will perhaps one day be studied and known throughout the universe on other planets - imagine the honor God offers His children? To be recorded and studied by others for thousands of years to come -because we are his first creation, His first fruits as it were - made in His Image. We are truly blessed for such a great opportunity and how grieved will people be to learn what they could have had? What might have been? But missed it because of pride, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life! Imagining this I can only surmise they will regret tremendously all the time wasted pursuing other things.
There should be only one pursuit in life. Not to find other universes but to Know God and Worship His Son. There is no higher calling. NONE.

If the works of the disciples of Christ and their words were studied throughout the world since Christ was crucified and resurrected - what do you believe the works of the disciples of Christ will be to the universe (s) in the future considering we are not the first wine but the last? The best wine for last was the new wine! The ones chosen to be here during the end times - ushering in the Great Tribulation? I cannot imagine it - but truly it is great! Very, very great!
Political Chic, when the foundation is faulty? The builders work will be faulty. And nothing shall stand. That is what you are seeing.

These Scientists are godless men albeit some will promote a false religion out of their hatred of God. They are building their work on sinking sand - not on the Rock - the ONLY Rock - Jesus Christ which is the true foundation. All else is sinking sand. ALL else is sinking sand.


I don't want us to forget the motivation for so many of these godless atheist scientists....

" The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes..." Multiverse - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

...wherein each has physical laws which contradict those of other universes....

Absurd, unprovable, untestable....clearly without a foundation....but not without an agenda.

5. One can see several reasons why atheists would embrace a theory such as 'the multiverse,' after all....if there were an infinite number of universes, well, ours is hardly a big deal....and there is less a necessity to bend one's knee to a Creator.

a. And, there is this....the real dunces don't understand that there is no science behind the theory, and believe that they have some sort of 'I know something you don't know' leg up on the theological folks.

6. When one looks as the conglomeration of scientific atheists, for whom antipathy for religion is their sine qua non, there are two characteristics that seem to appear with metronomic regularity:

a. They tend to be Marxist, whose love affair with materialism makes them automatic enemies of any spiritual view.

b. They offer and champion truly crackpot ideas.

7. Marxism cannot co-exist with belief in God.
Take as an example of Marxism in science, the most famous neo-Darwinist, and popularizer of evolution, Stephen Jay Gould:

"He was active in the anti-Vietnam War movement, in the work of Science for the People, and of the New York Marxist School.
He identified himself as a Marxist but, like Darwinism, it is never quite certain what that identification implies. Despite our close comradeship in many things over many years, we never had a discussion of Marx’s theory of history or of political economy. More to the point, however, by insisting on his adherence to a Marxist viewpoint, he took the opportunity offered to him by his immense fame and legitimacy as a public intellectual to make a broad public think again about the validity of a Marxist analysis."
Stephen Jay Gould What Does it Mean to Be a Radical
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There is a whole range of science, mostly physics, that I lack the mathmatical capacity to understand. That doesn't mean it isn't science.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it's scientific.

Sometimes bullshit is simply bullshit.

And sometimes science is science.

I have little idea how a computer, the internet, the cloud etc - these days works. I depend on others for expertise in that area. However, the evidence that it works in a logical (albeit frustrating) manner is compelling and I know there isn't some wizard waving a wand somewhere directing his hamster minions to operate my machinary.

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