The Mueller report is a big nothing burger

I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay, then tell us what impeachable offense is contained in the Mueller report.
Are you trying to convince those who already agree with you or those that never will?

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I'm just taking a little time to gloat.

The game is not over yet.

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Yeah, there's still the 2020 election for you sleazy lying retards to lose.
Trump support will continue to decrease as more and more of his supporters deal with the embarrassment of admitting their support for such an immoral liar and dishonest jerk.
Sadly I doubt that. If those morons gave two shits about honesty or morality they would have abandoned him long before now.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
The whole report is one-sided you fucking retard
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

Its funny watching Trump's reaction.
He sure seems mad about a report that "totally exonerates" him.

Mueller's key findings
● Mueller rejects the argument that the president is shielded from obstruction laws.
●Trump, when told of appointment of special counsel Mueller, said: “This is the end of my presidency.”
● “Substantial evidence” supports Comey over Trump in account of Flynn meeting.
●Trump campaign attempted to obtain Hillary Clinton’s private emails.
● Campaign expected to benefit from stolen information released by the Russians.
● Mueller probe spawned 14 other investigations, including two unidentified cases that remain ongoing.
● Putin stepped up outreach to Trump after election.
● Special counsel team concluded Trump intended to obstruct probe in tweeting support for Manafort.
● Mueller appears to kick obstruction question to Congress.
And Yet Mueller himself stated that the Russians were not allowed into the campaign by its staff and had NO INFLUENCE.. Again you retards fail to read the damn report...
What the Mueller Report Tells Us About Russian Influence Operations

The redacted Special Counsel report released this morning confirms that the Russian government, through various proxies, carried out a multi-pronged campaign against the United States before, during, and after the 2016 election. That campaign involved three distinct elements:

  1. A social media influence and infiltration operation led by the Internet Research Agency (IRA);
  2. A cyber hacking operation carried out by the Russian military intelligence (GRU); and
  3. An infiltration operation of the Trump campaign.
The report describes in stunning detail the inner workings of the full Russian operation. To date, the report is the most comprehensive account (in addition to the previously released indictment of IRA and GRU operatives) of how the Russian operation evolved over time, how successful it was in targeting and duping Americans, and the Kremlin’s motivation.
... and still no Russian connection
Doesn't matter how many times you say that, it still isn't true.
Bottom line: All four "investigations" lol! started from Killaries bought and paid $12M un-proven document. Obammy regime used that to use the Fed Govt departments to open spying on DJT associates (ensnaring DJT in the trap). Everything after that is non-starter. They thought Beast would win....nobody would be able to find out what they did.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay. You believe Mueller found collusion and obstruction. So then, why no prosecution?
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
The whole report is one-sided you fucking retard
That's not what your conservitard brethren seem to think.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

Its funny watching Trump's reaction.
He sure seems mad about a report that "totally exonerates" him.

Mueller's key findings
● Mueller rejects the argument that the president is shielded from obstruction laws.
●Trump, when told of appointment of special counsel Mueller, said: “This is the end of my presidency.”
● “Substantial evidence” supports Comey over Trump in account of Flynn meeting.
●Trump campaign attempted to obtain Hillary Clinton’s private emails.
● Campaign expected to benefit from stolen information released by the Russians.
● Mueller probe spawned 14 other investigations, including two unidentified cases that remain ongoing.
● Putin stepped up outreach to Trump after election.
● Special counsel team concluded Trump intended to obstruct probe in tweeting support for Manafort.
● Mueller appears to kick obstruction question to Congress.
And Yet Mueller himself stated that the Russians were not allowed into the campaign by its staff and had NO INFLUENCE.. Again you retards fail to read the damn report...
What the Mueller Report Tells Us About Russian Influence Operations

The redacted Special Counsel report released this morning confirms that the Russian government, through various proxies, carried out a multi-pronged campaign against the United States before, during, and after the 2016 election. That campaign involved three distinct elements:

  1. A social media influence and infiltration operation led by the Internet Research Agency (IRA);
  2. A cyber hacking operation carried out by the Russian military intelligence (GRU); and
  3. An infiltration operation of the Trump campaign.
The report describes in stunning detail the inner workings of the full Russian operation. To date, the report is the most comprehensive account (in addition to the previously released indictment of IRA and GRU operatives) of how the Russian operation evolved over time, how successful it was in targeting and duping Americans, and the Kremlin’s motivation.
... and still no Russian connection
Doesn't matter how many times you say that, it still isn't true.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
The whole report is one-sided you fucking retard
That's not what your conservitard brethren seem to think.
The whole report was written by Hildabeast supporting lawyers...

... and still no Russian connection
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
The whole report is one-sided you fucking retard
That's not what your conservitard brethren seem to think.
Like who?
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay, then tell us what impeachable offense is contained in the Mueller report.
I don't get to decide what is impeachable and what isn't.

Read the report. It is full incidents of cooperation between campaign staff and Russians as well as tRumps inept attempts to obstruct the investigation into them.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay. You believe Mueller found collusion and obstruction. So then, why no prosecution?
That's up to Congress.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay, then tell us what impeachable offense is contained in the Mueller report.
I don't get to decide what is impeachable and what isn't.

Read the report. It is full incidents of cooperation between campaign staff and Russians as well as tRumps inept attempts to obstruct the investigation into them.
Na, not really
Innocent until proven guilty... and still no Russian connection
That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
The whole report is one-sided you fucking retard
That's not what your conservitard brethren seem to think.
Like who?
What don't you start with the OP?
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

Its funny watching Trump's reaction.
He sure seems mad about a report that "totally exonerates" him.

Mueller's key findings
● Mueller rejects the argument that the president is shielded from obstruction laws.
●Trump, when told of appointment of special counsel Mueller, said: “This is the end of my presidency.”
● “Substantial evidence” supports Comey over Trump in account of Flynn meeting.
●Trump campaign attempted to obtain Hillary Clinton’s private emails.
● Campaign expected to benefit from stolen information released by the Russians.
● Mueller probe spawned 14 other investigations, including two unidentified cases that remain ongoing.
● Putin stepped up outreach to Trump after election.
● Special counsel team concluded Trump intended to obstruct probe in tweeting support for Manafort.
● Mueller appears to kick obstruction question to Congress.
And Yet Mueller himself stated that the Russians were not allowed into the campaign by its staff and had NO INFLUENCE.. Again you retards fail to read the damn report...
What the Mueller Report Tells Us About Russian Influence Operations

The redacted Special Counsel report released this morning confirms that the Russian government, through various proxies, carried out a multi-pronged campaign against the United States before, during, and after the 2016 election. That campaign involved three distinct elements:

  1. A social media influence and infiltration operation led by the Internet Research Agency (IRA);
  2. A cyber hacking operation carried out by the Russian military intelligence (GRU); and
  3. An infiltration operation of the Trump campaign.
The report describes in stunning detail the inner workings of the full Russian operation. To date, the report is the most comprehensive account (in addition to the previously released indictment of IRA and GRU operatives) of how the Russian operation evolved over time, how successful it was in targeting and duping Americans, and the Kremlin’s motivation.
... and still no Russian connection
NYT finds plenty of contacts between Trump and Russia.

During the 2016 presidential campaign and transition, Donald Trump and at least 17 campaign officials and advisers had contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, a New York Times analysis has found.

Among these contacts are more than 100 in-person meetings, phone calls, text messages, e-mails and private messages on Twitter. Trump and his campaign repeatedly denied having such contacts with Russians during the 2016 election.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay, then tell us what impeachable offense is contained in the Mueller report.
I don't get to decide what is impeachable and what isn't.

Read the report. It is full incidents of cooperation between campaign staff and Russians as well as tRumps inept attempts to obstruct the investigation into them.

Even if partially true.....joesixpack says "so what"? How is this anything different than the Manchurian muslim and Killary antics? Polotics with DEM is non-stop dirty.
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
The whole report is one-sided you fucking retard
That's not what your conservitard brethren seem to think.
Like who?
What don't you start with the OP?
Why don't YOU tell me which CONSERVATIVES are anti Trump.
I just love watching all the Trump haters chasing their tails and trying to prove that "no collusion" really means there was collusion.

That is a delusional lie.

Read the report, nutcase
I did read it: no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence.
If you actually read it and came to that conclusion then you didn't understand what you read.
Okay, then tell us what impeachable offense is contained in the Mueller report.
I don't get to decide what is impeachable and what isn't.

Read the report. It is full incidents of cooperation between campaign staff and Russians as well as tRumps inept attempts to obstruct the investigation into them.

Impeachable can be for anything. Easy way to show, we're mad we lost and dont like DJT. Means nothing to regular Americans. Sigh....

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