The MSM tells us that.."if you drank bleach you may be okay" ?

"or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay"said Biden

Trump never said drink bleach. NEVER but the MSM and idiots like you insisted that.

Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach.

Drinking bleach or not. The funny is that "giving up restriction by learning to how to live with C19" is the REAL solution :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
YOU are so right! TView attachment 693029he BIASED MSM after donating 96% to the loser Hillary in 2016 spent next 4 year including totally blowing out of proportion AND never pointing out the term "comorbidity" in Covid deaths... they donated 90% to getting Biden elected including repeating Biden's LIE:
And when it comes to COVID-19, after months of doing nothing, other than predicting the virus would disappear, or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay, Trump has simply given up," said Biden

Trump proven by never said "drink bleach"!
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach

thanks for the facts, that highlight Joey Xiden is the real bleacher
"or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay"said Biden

Trump never said drink bleach. NEVER but the MSM and idiots like you insisted that.

Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach.

He said neither - you Nazi were doing what you always do - lying.

I mean, feel FREE to post Trump's exact words - not some little Goebbels from the Reich propaganda corps, but what TRUMP said.

Of course you won't - slander and defamation are your tools.

Facts are a disinfectant on the virus that is you Nazis.

You once again prove yourself to be the dumbest of all fucks.

There is your Trumpen-Fuhrer telling you like it is.
Biden said to get out your shotgun and shoot it at the sky to scare away home invaders. Biden says lots of stupid shit and not one of you lefties act like a word came out of his mouf.

The idiot also said these things:

"Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house."

“Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because if you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
Wrap up smear...libs use it a lot. One of them say it then tell the media that Trump said it then the media reports it and uses that lib who told them the story in the first place as an anonymous insider and then the dem who started it uses the media as a source for the legitimacy. THAT is a wrap up smear. Reid uses it, Pelosi uses it, all Ene-Media uses it.
How stupid! What a dumb FALSE photo!
See this is why MORE and more people are finding dummies like you so laughable!
This woman was protesting TRUMP NOT supporting Trump... you are so dumb!
Here is the real TRUTH not your made up stupid LIE!

Screen Shot 2022-09-07 at 2.39.59 PM.png

Protester who screamed at Trump's inauguration: 'This is not America'​

Jessica Starr made no attempt to disguise her emotions on Pennsylvania Avenue today.
She was sitting on the ground in silent protest when the announcement blared over loudspeakers: "Donald J Trump is the president of the United States".
Suddenly, involuntarily, Jessica erupted into a visceral, primal scream.

Sobbing, she apologised to the world: "I'm so sorry, I love people, this is not America, this is not what we want", she told me.

Do you understand the totally stupidity of putting totally FALSE statement?
She didn't want Trump probably for the VERY same gross uninformed reasons you do!
Frankly your ignorance about a President that did what only 2 other presidents did of the 46 presidents!
Frankly you and her are totally pawns of the very very angry BIASED and ignorant MSM that Like you obviously hate America.
How stupid! What a dumb FALSE photo!
See this is why MORE and more people are finding dummies like you so laughable!
This woman was protesting TRUMP NOT supporting Trump... you are so dumb!
Here is the real TRUTH not your made up stupid LIE!

View attachment 693071

Protester who screamed at Trump's inauguration: 'This is not America'​

Jessica Starr made no attempt to disguise her emotions on Pennsylvania Avenue today.
She was sitting on the ground in silent protest when the announcement blared over loudspeakers: "Donald J Trump is the president of the United States".
Suddenly, involuntarily, Jessica erupted into a visceral, primal scream.

Sobbing, she apologised to the world: "I'm so sorry, I love people, this is not America, this is not what we want", she told me.

Do you understand the totally stupidity of putting totally FALSE statement?
She didn't want Trump probably for the VERY same gross uninformed reasons you do!
Frankly your ignorance about a President that did what only 2 other presidents did of the 46 presidents!
Frankly you and her are totally pawns of the very very angry BIASED and ignorant MSM that Like you obviously hate America.

That was awesome! Six years later, and they're still screaming all over USMB. :laughing0301:

How stupid! What a dumb FALSE photo!
See this is why MORE and more people are finding dummies like you so laughable!
This woman was protesting TRUMP NOT supporting Trump... you are so dumb!
Here is the real TRUTH not your made up stupid LIE!

View attachment 693071

Protester who screamed at Trump's inauguration: 'This is not America'​

Jessica Starr made no attempt to disguise her emotions on Pennsylvania Avenue today.
She was sitting on the ground in silent protest when the announcement blared over loudspeakers: "Donald J Trump is the president of the United States".
Suddenly, involuntarily, Jessica erupted into a visceral, primal scream.

Sobbing, she apologised to the world: "I'm so sorry, I love people, this is not America, this is not what we want", she told me.

Do you understand the totally stupidity of putting totally FALSE statement?
She didn't want Trump probably for the VERY same gross uninformed reasons you do!
Frankly your ignorance about a President that did what only 2 other presidents did of the 46 presidents!
Frankly you and her are totally pawns of the very very angry BIASED and ignorant MSM that Like you obviously hate America.



There there Trig, it's going to be okay. Just you wait and see......

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