The merger of Wall Street and woke far left politics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Here was a great conversation between Jordan Peterson and republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy…..

What was possibly the most interesting point brought up in the conversation is the clear-cut alliance between far left Democrats and Wall Street. Major corporations like Nike, Amazon many big banks have agreed to fund far left groups like BLM and similar groups with billions of dollars. All of this money billions of dollars going toward donations to far left groups like BLM and to so-called minority owned businesses or minority owned banks. Or for example the transgender movement like for example Nike sponsoring Dylan Mulvaney ….. what the major corporations get in turn is support from far left wing athletes, celebrities endorsements from the very people they are giving millions of dollars to. And clear-cut protections from politicians.

Imagine that…. when just not too long ago we had the occupy Wall Street movement. We saw many Democrats protesting on the streets about the corruption of big business. But now today big business has bought off the BLM leaders and the far left wing social media personalities at the expense of regular every day Democrats who don’t get anything they don’t get a damn penny out of any of this. And this includes Instagram and TikTok who also are buying off left wing celebrities and left-wing athletes to support their cause. While banning conservative speakers.

Look at these major corporations and social platforms in America, like Amazon, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Nike, Walmart, target… they all pump billions of dollars into “social justice” causes in other words literally giving away tons of money to BLM leaders and similar so-called civil rights organizations which are in reality far left almost terrorist organizations. All the meanwhile today the economy is in the tank in America, gas prices are once again high, grocery prices are high, homes are astronomically high in price, the price of a loan on a home mortgage has tripled since Biden has taken office. And this should be the major concern of our lives how bad the economy is today but it doesn’t mean anything to Democrats because they’re brainwashed by the corporations and the media working hand-in-hand.

In the past the left-wing celebrities and athletes would’ve been speaking out against big corporations and businesses now they’re all bought off by them you can’t make this irony up …it’s extraordinary.

Of course the major difference between big businesses and corporations today compared to the past is that in the past big business big-time corporations produced millions of middle-class jobs for Americans of all backgrounds Black people white people you name it. Now today Walmart is a big corporation Nike is a big-time corporation that makes most of their money here in America… but they don’t give us good jobs.

It’s all a big bust out it’s all a big game and it’s extraordinary to see how Wall Street and big business by their support of BLM and other far left politics has been able to win over the democrats.

Instead of Democrats today protesting against corrupt big businesses or corrupt banks as they should be, they’re protesting against politicians that want to make their lives better. Politicians are called racist by Democrats for standing up for American history.

Instead of protesting against high grocery prices, high gas prices the astronomical price of a home, Democrats are so brainwashed by BLM and the view that white people are the problem …. they have forgotten about the real issues facing Americans of all backgrounds.
Here was a great conversation between Jordan Peterson and republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy…..

What was possibly the most interesting point brought up in the conversation is the clear-cut alliance between far left Democrats and Wall Street. Major corporations like Nike, Amazon many big banks have agreed to fund far left groups like BLM and similar groups with billions of dollars. All of this money billions of dollars going toward donations to far left groups like BLM and to so-called minority owned businesses or minority owned banks. Or for example the transgender movement like for example Nike sponsoring Dylan Mulvaney ….. what the major corporations get in turn is support from far left wing athletes, celebrities endorsements from the very people they are giving millions of dollars to. And clear-cut protections from politicians.

Imagine that…. when just not too long ago we had the occupy Wall Street movement. We saw many Democrats protesting on the streets about the corruption of big business. But now today big business has bought off the BLM leaders and the far left wing social media personalities at the expense of regular every day Democrats who don’t get anything they don’t get a damn penny out of any of this. And this includes Instagram and TikTok who also are buying off left wing celebrities and left-wing athletes to support their cause. While banning conservative speakers.

All the meanwhile look at these major corporations and social platforms in America, like Amazon, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Nike, Walmart, target… they all pump billions of dollars into “social justice” causes in other words literally giving away tons of money to BLM leaders and similar so-called civil rights organizations which are in reality far left almost terrorist organizations. All the meanwhile today the economy is in the tank in America, gas prices are once again high, grocery prices are high, homes are astronomically high in price, the price of a loan on a home mortgage has tripled since Trump has taken office. And this should be the major concern of our lives how bad the economy is today but it doesn’t mean anything to Democrats because they’re brainwashed by the corporations and the media working hand-in-hand.

In the past the left-wing celebrities and athletes would’ve been speaking out against big corporations and businesses now they’re all bought off by them you can’t make this irony up it’s extraordinary.

Of course the major difference between big businesses and corporations today compared to the past is that in the past big business big-time corporations produced millions of middle-class jobs for Americans of all backgrounds Black people white people you name it. Now today Walmart is a big corporation Nike is a big-time corporation that makes most of their money here in America… but they don’t give us they don’t give us good jobs.

It’s all a big bust out it’s all a big game and it’s extraordinary to see how Wall Street and big business by their support of BLM and other far left politics has been able to win over the democrats.

Instead of Democrats today protesting against corrupt big businesses or corrupt banks as they should be, they’re protesting against politicians that want to make their lives better. Politicians are called racist by Democrats for standing up for American history.

Instead of protesting against high grocery prices, high gas prices the astronomical price of a home, Democrats are so brainwashed by BLM and the view that white people are the problem …. they have forgotten about the real issues facing Americans of all backgrounds.

this has been building for years. Left wing corporate statism.
I gotta say, many conservatives may be depressed these days seeing how all the powers that be array against them. But I say, maybe all that has changed is that the blinders are finally off

The Left, however, are still true believers and, as you notice, no longer rail against corporate America. They are still drinking the cool aid.

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