The Melting Pot is Still Simmering Along


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011

We see a lot of panic-posts here about how "these immigrants today ain't nothin' like dem immigrants back in the day!" but it's largely nonsense. Granpa Joe from Europastan did NOT step off the boat and magically master English in a few weeks no matter what family fable anyone wants very badly to believe. Non-native English speaking immigrants today DO recognize the value of learning English and work damn hard at it. More importantly, they make damn sure their children work even harder at it.

No need to panic. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

"By the third generation (both parents born in the U.S.), all young people report that they speak English at least “well,” and the vast majority (96%) do not report speaking another language at home. …"
Says you. If immigrants are so proficient, why was the article you posted available in both English and Spanish?


BTW, look at the date it was written.

Apparently you are stuck in your own little bubble world there.
It can be nice, but it limits your vision of the world.

You need to take a month off here and there and travel across this country and see whats REALLY going on.
Are you arguing with yourself?
What does that have to do with it?

What it has to do with it is this: If immigrants were so "proficient" in the English language in 2011, why did the article titled "English Proficiency of Immigrant" by have to include a Spanish translation? Why, for that matter, do we still see government-mandated signs everywhere in both English and Spanish?

Apparently your sense of irony is not as finely-tuned as mine. :auiqs.jpg:
What it has to do with it is this: If immigrants were so "proficient" in the English language in 2011, why did the article titled "English Proficiency of Immigrant" by have to include a Spanish translation? Why, for that matter, do we still see government-mandated signs everywhere in both English and Spanish?

Apparently your sense of irony is not as finely-tuned as mine. :auiqs.jpg:
Apparently your sense of logic is very poorly tuned.
What it has to do with it is this: If immigrants were so "proficient" in the English language in 2011, why did the article titled "English Proficiency of Immigrant" by have to include a Spanish translation? Why, for that matter, do we still see government-mandated signs everywhere in both English and Spanish?

Apparently your sense of irony is not as finely-tuned as mine. :auiqs.jpg:
English is not the US language. Deal. Deal just like my ancestors were beaten when they spoke Cajun French and not English.
Anyone born in the US who loves this country will not come away with a dry eye at a naturalization ceremony.
Many decades ago a lifelong friend went for his ceremony. We cried together.

Later my mean as a snake dad (ex DI so mean to everyone outside the family) dressed inhis blues and saluted him.
The pot has burned, turned black, and is stinking up the country.

I blame those goddamned French. They were the ones who gave us that big statue that now resides in a harbor in New York City. Then they had to put Lazarus’s damned sonnet on there, the one that read “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore...etc. etc."

Yeah, "wretched refuse" indeed. Let's allow every stinking cesspool of a country in the world use America for a dumping ground for their lowest common denominator. Fling open the prisons of the world, put them on ships and boats, and send them to those stupid, gullible Americans. Sure, they'll take them no questions asked. And when those wretched refuse of your teeming shore which you have so graciously taken in, slips into your bedrooms and slits your throats in the night while you sleep, don't fucking say someone didn't tried to warn you, because you gullible fucks got exactly what you deserved.
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Russobot says what?

Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine, and fuck you, for that matter. You're not any kind of a person I'd want watching my six if or when this country should ever collapse or undergo an attack from a foreign country such as China.

We all know who the Russian coalitionists were in 2016: That was you Democrats, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. I'd trust you folks as little as I could pick up and throw this house I'm living in.
I blame those goddamned French. They were the ones who gave us that big statue that now resides in a harbor in New York City. Then they had to put Lazarus’s damned sonnet on there, the one that read “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore...etc. etc."

Yeah, "wretched refuse" indeed. Let's allow every stinking cesspool of a country in the world use America for a dumping ground for their lowest common denominator. Fling open the prisons of the world, put them on ships and boats, and send them to those stupid, gullible Americans. Sure, they'll take them no questions asked. And when those wretched refuse of your teeming shore which you have so graciously taken in, slips into your bedrooms and slits your throats in the night while you sleep, don't fucking say someone didn't tried to warn you, because you gullible fucks got exactly what you deserved.
That "sonnet" was nothing more than a contest winner issued in a paper. Total Cracker Jack winner. It means nothing.
That "sonnet" was nothing more than a contest winner issued in a paper. Total Cracker Jack winner. It means nothing.

A third-grader could have written that, by today's standards. Or a fucking AI robot.


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