The Meaning of the Hasan Shooting

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Nicely put. Bottom line: the creedal nation is a lie.

Hassan was not only an officer—officers are supposed to be more highly vetted for personality stability—but he was also a psychiatrist. This means he had an MD and a PHD in psychology. He is thus among that superstratum of the most highly educated Americans.

What does this mean for us? It means we have by this unhappy incident, been supplied with an incredibly ugly and persuasive example of the failure of conditioning. All the head-shrinking, social-engineering fiddling that goes into diversity training and all the rest of that stuff—totally failed on this fellow. He was one of the very class of social programmers, one of those most central to the government’s core program of racial, ethnic, and religious egalitarianism—and he through his homicidal outburst has become the most striking and clear example of the failure of modern psychological tinkering on human nature.

Core to human nature is tribal identity and indeed religious identity. Yet this is the exact thing that is denied by the diversity chetniks with their “creedal nation” shibboleths.

From the start “America” has been premised on the false Enlightenment fancy that neither tribe nor religion is “good” or necessarily integral to human nature. The premise was that you could have a “melting pot” where people would through education, political sloganeering, and even intertribal, inter-national, and indeed even inter-racial miscegenation, gradually eliminate the “evils of tribalism and nationalism” etc. To the extent this did not go as far as racial in the time of the Founders, by the Civil war the logical extremes had caught up in Abolitionist thought and conduct. Today our government pursues a policy of aggressive tolerance programming that would make the insane extremists of the Abolition era proud. And yet this result.

With Hassan the premise was that the US educational, medical, and military establishment could take a tiger and change his stripes. The government policy is that you can take an Arab and make him a tool of the military establishment which has to console those GIs whose job it is to go out there and kill Arabs on command and sometimes develop PTSD over it. The policy is based likewise on the notion that it can take a Muslim and somehow get him to believe and act according to the collective international social interests of non-Muslims, which is contrary to the essentials of the Muslim faith as I understand it. Now the Jewish sponsored media and social control establishment is ginning up a lot of sympathy for Mr PTSD Hassan—suddenly a victim of PTSD instead of a therapist tasked with curing and treating it—and why? Simply, because the same thought process that goes into a person repudiating the lie that an Arab-Muslim can be programmed to deny his own ethnic and religious interests, is the same thought process that goes into motion when a person repudiates the lie that Jewish people (at least as a group) are ever going to repudiate their own tribal-religious interests in favor of some socalled “creedal nation.” Jews understand that they have to protect tolerance against Muslims in order to protect tolerance of Jews. This is even more important to the Jewish tribal survival mission than Zionism. Zionism is an alternative strategy for the Jewish Diaspora, ie, to become a non-Diaspora, and from time to time the Zionist mission and the Diaspora missions will necessarily conflict. In America, the Diaspora will act to maintain its own physical security within our borders time after time, advancing Israeli interests but not so far as to completely endanger their own.

This incident repudiates the lie of the melting pot, of the creedal nation, of the bogus idea that people are not inherently and integrally influenced in their behavior by ethnicity and religion.
Nicely put. Bottom line: the creedal nation is a lie.

Hassan was not only an officer—officers are supposed to be more highly vetted for personality stability—but he was also a psychiatrist. This means he had an MD and a PHD in psychology. He is thus among that superstratum of the most highly educated Americans.

What does this mean for us? It means we have by this unhappy incident, been supplied with an incredibly ugly and persuasive example of the failure of conditioning. All the head-shrinking, social-engineering fiddling that goes into diversity training and all the rest of that stuff—totally failed on this fellow. He was one of the very class of social programmers, one of those most central to the government’s core program of racial, ethnic, and religious egalitarianism—and he through his homicidal outburst has become the most striking and clear example of the failure of modern psychological tinkering on human nature.

Core to human nature is tribal identity and indeed religious identity. Yet this is the exact thing that is denied by the diversity chetniks with their “creedal nation” shibboleths.

From the start “America” has been premised on the false Enlightenment fancy that neither tribe nor religion is “good” or necessarily integral to human nature. The premise was that you could have a “melting pot” where people would through education, political sloganeering, and even intertribal, inter-national, and indeed even inter-racial miscegenation, gradually eliminate the “evils of tribalism and nationalism” etc. To the extent this did not go as far as racial in the time of the Founders, by the Civil war the logical extremes had caught up in Abolitionist thought and conduct. Today our government pursues a policy of aggressive tolerance programming that would make the insane extremists of the Abolition era proud. And yet this result.

With Hassan the premise was that the US educational, medical, and military establishment could take a tiger and change his stripes. The government policy is that you can take an Arab and make him a tool of the military establishment which has to console those GIs whose job it is to go out there and kill Arabs on command and sometimes develop PTSD over it. The policy is based likewise on the notion that it can take a Muslim and somehow get him to believe and act according to the collective international social interests of non-Muslims, which is contrary to the essentials of the Muslim faith as I understand it. Now the Jewish sponsored media and social control establishment is ginning up a lot of sympathy for Mr PTSD Hassan—suddenly a victim of PTSD instead of a therapist tasked with curing and treating it—and why? Simply, because the same thought process that goes into a person repudiating the lie that an Arab-Muslim can be programmed to deny his own ethnic and religious interests, is the same thought process that goes into motion when a person repudiates the lie that Jewish people (at least as a group) are ever going to repudiate their own tribal-religious interests in favor of some socalled “creedal nation.” Jews understand that they have to protect tolerance against Muslims in order to protect tolerance of Jews. This is even more important to the Jewish tribal survival mission than Zionism. Zionism is an alternative strategy for the Jewish Diaspora, ie, to become a non-Diaspora, and from time to time the Zionist mission and the Diaspora missions will necessarily conflict. In America, the Diaspora will act to maintain its own physical security within our borders time after time, advancing Israeli interests but not so far as to completely endanger their own.

This incident repudiates the lie of the melting pot, of the creedal nation, of the bogus idea that people are not inherently and integrally influenced in their behavior by ethnicity and religion.

Since this is not your thoughts where is the link?
hopefully the Ft Hood shootings will convince those in charge that everybody has to be held to the same standards, instead of just ignoring faults and warning signs in minorities, all in the name of 'diversity'.
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

what comes out of any investigation by this administration is going to be carefully strained, covered with musk, and not the truth.. so don't hold your breath.
An enormous pile of swiss cheese thinking, psychos like Hasan exist everywhere in all cultures and all societies, but they do not define any essential element of humanity especially over time. Hasan is that horrible combination of religious fanatic and grievance obsessed lunatic. Given a large population they are rare but there, given the right situation they act out their evil. Advertise for them I'm sure you'll find many.

Interesting piece on evil.

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on
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I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

what comes out of any investigation by this administration is going to be carefully strained, covered with musk, and not the truth.. so don't hold your breath.

no kidding. look how long it took just to find out that the wounded lady cop wasn't the one who shot Hassam
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

what comes out of any investigation by this administration is going to be carefully strained, covered with musk, and not the truth.. so don't hold your breath.

no kidding. look how long it took just to find out that the wounded lady cop wasn't the one who shot Hassam

Hell, what you talking about? It took all day to find out they weren't dead. :lol::lol::lol: I think that is a history making pile o poop don't you?
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

what comes out of any investigation by this administration is going to be carefully strained, covered with musk, and not the truth.. so don't hold your breath.

In the thread started by Political Chic I had a look at some of those assertions and why they're being made. But I would think it would be nigh impossible to cover up anything that happened along the lines being claimed, if in fact those claims are valid. Not that I think this administration is pure as the driven snow (jeez wouldn't like some of that right now), they're politicians, but it would be hard pressed to conceal events that could be proven in an open court.
Nothing like a fucking racist to exploit a mass murder to further his own pitifully petty and unbelievably narrow agenda. Does Stormfront let you post this much on other boards unless you make sure you try to spread their ignorant doctrine? Anyone who does not denounce this is as guilty as the author.
Nothing like a fucking racist to exploit a mass murder to further his own pitifully petty and unbelievably narrow agenda. Does Stormfront let you post this much on other boards unless you make sure you try to spread their ignorant doctrine? Anyone who does not denounce this is as guilty as the author.

you have devalued your racist card.. :lol::lol::lol: pull your victim card next,, see how that works for ya. the same thought process that goes into motion when a person repudiates the lie that Jewish people (at least as a group) are ever going to repudiate their own tribal-religious interests in favor of some socalled “creedal nation.” Jews understand that they have to protect tolerance against Muslims in order to protect tolerance of Jews. This is even more important to the Jewish tribal survival mission than Zionism. Zionism is an alternative strategy for the Jewish Diaspora, ie, to become a non-Diaspora, and from time to time the Zionist mission and the Diaspora missions will necessarily conflict. In America, the Diaspora will act to maintain its own physical security within our borders time after time, advancing Israeli interests but not so far as to completely endanger their own.

This part of the OP is very true.
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

Is this REALLY your feeling? I think there are times when it is inappropriate to jump to conclusions. But sometimes you've got all the information you need right in front of you. I hate to quote a mainstreamer like Bill O'Reilly, but WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED?

I think we want to hide our head in the sand on this issue because we're essentially being shown the futility of the multiracial exercise.

There are other juicy examples as well, like the whole Professor Gates arrest incident (black Harvard professor v. white cop). I mean, if the multiracial society were going to work, you'd think that these two men would be the perfect conditions for that:

1. He's a black HARVARD PROFESSOR who STUDIES "multiculturalism" or whatever.
2. He's a highly respected police officer who did DIVERSITY TRAINING.
3. And there's a BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in office.

And yet in ONE INCIDENT, all this careful preparation and planning BLOWS TO PIECES, torn asunder by the IMMUTABLE REALITY of racial and ethnic difference and conflict.

Back to Hasan. If anyone were to say that Muslim Palestinians could be successfully integrated into our Multi-Hued Empire of America, it would be him. We paid for his education. We gave him weapons. We gave him every reason to be proud of his country.

Yet it failed. He blew away 13 in the name of "Allah."

If you want to ascribe any of this to craziness, sure... how about, "the mental illness that is the multiracial belief?" It's a belief that, like the Earth at the center of the universe, just won't square with reality.

But, if you guys all insist that the multiracial society will work, can you give me a date and time when it's all going to come together?
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

Is this REALLY your feeling? I think there are times when it is inappropriate to jump to conclusions. But sometimes you've got all the information you need right in front of you. I hate to quote a mainstreamer like Bill O'Reilly, but WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED?

I think we want to hide our head in the sand on this issue because we're essentially being shown the futility of the multiracial exercise.

There are other juicy examples as well, like the whole Professor Gates arrest incident (black Harvard professor v. white cop). I mean, if the multiracial society were going to work, you'd think that these two men would be the perfect conditions for that:

1. He's a black HARVARD PROFESSOR who STUDIES "multiculturalism" or whatever.
2. He's a highly respected police officer who did DIVERSITY TRAINING.
3. And there's a BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in office.

And yet in ONE INCIDENT, all this careful preparation and planning BLOWS TO PIECES, torn asunder by the IMMUTABLE REALITY of racial and ethnic difference and conflict.

Back to Hasan. If anyone were to say that Muslim Palestinians could be successfully integrated into our Multi-Hued Empire of America, it would be him. We paid for his education. We gave him weapons. We gave him every reason to be proud of his country.

Yet it failed. He blew away 13 in the name of "Allah."

If you want to ascribe any of this to craziness, sure... how about, "the mental illness that is the multiracial belief?" It's a belief that, like the Earth at the center of the universe, just won't square with reality.

But, if you guys all insist that the multiracial society will work, can you give me a date and time when it's all going to come together?

Two issues conflated. Multiculturalism is one, the other is the defendant. I'm really not inclined to jump to conclusions about his guilt. Multiculturalism is another issue and frankly seizing on this incident as some sort of evidence that the social policies of multiculturalism have failed is a bit rich. Multiculturalism as a policy should be examined on its merits.

One thing I will say, like a criminal trial, all the evidence (allowing for exclusion and admissibility decisions occur in a criminal trial) on the policy should be examined and any preconceived ideas should be put aside.

It's human nature to be suspicious of others who are different from us, but overcoming human nature is the key to progress. The further we get away from the instincts of our ancestors the further we progress. We are able to reason, we should do so.
An enormous pile of swiss cheese thinking, psychos like Hasan exist everywhere in all cultures and all societies, but they do not define any essential element of humanity especially over time. Hasan is that horrible combination of religious fanatic and grievance obsessed lunatic. Given a large population they are rare but there, given the right situation they act out their evil. Advertise for them I'm sure you'll find many.

Interesting piece on evil.

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on

I don't really have a problem with what you said, I just wish it was how the Left approached the same sort of tragedy when perpetrated by someone that calls themselves a Christian. It seems to me that quite a lot of the Left's rhetoric revolves around the idea that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, which is a nice thought, but when tested we often see that the Left can talk the talk but fails to walk the walk.
An enormous pile of swiss cheese thinking, psychos like Hasan exist everywhere in all cultures and all societies, but they do not define any essential element of humanity especially over time. Hasan is that horrible combination of religious fanatic and grievance obsessed lunatic. Given a large population they are rare but there, given the right situation they act out their evil. Advertise for them I'm sure you'll find many.

Interesting piece on evil.

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on

I don't really have a problem with what you said, I just wish it was how the Left approached the same sort of tragedy when perpetrated by someone that calls themselves a Christian. It seems to me that quite a lot of the Left's rhetoric revolves around the idea that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, which is a nice thought, but when tested we often see that the Left can talk the talk but fails to walk the walk.
Concerning "the Left", are you a grievance obsessed lunatic?
I'll be interested to see what comes out of the investigation, any associated inquiries, any medical or other examinations of the defendant and of course evidence produced at any trial. Until then we're all speculating.

Is this REALLY your feeling? I think there are times when it is inappropriate to jump to conclusions. But sometimes you've got all the information you need right in front of you. I hate to quote a mainstreamer like Bill O'Reilly, but WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED?

I think we want to hide our head in the sand on this issue because we're essentially being shown the futility of the multiracial exercise.

There are other juicy examples as well, like the whole Professor Gates arrest incident (black Harvard professor v. white cop). I mean, if the multiracial society were going to work, you'd think that these two men would be the perfect conditions for that:

1. He's a black HARVARD PROFESSOR who STUDIES "multiculturalism" or whatever.
2. He's a highly respected police officer who did DIVERSITY TRAINING.
3. And there's a BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in office.

And yet in ONE INCIDENT, all this careful preparation and planning BLOWS TO PIECES, torn asunder by the IMMUTABLE REALITY of racial and ethnic difference and conflict.

Back to Hasan. If anyone were to say that Muslim Palestinians could be successfully integrated into our Multi-Hued Empire of America, it would be him. We paid for his education. We gave him weapons. We gave him every reason to be proud of his country.

Yet it failed. He blew away 13 in the name of "Allah."

If you want to ascribe any of this to craziness, sure... how about, "the mental illness that is the multiracial belief?" It's a belief that, like the Earth at the center of the universe, just won't square with reality.

But, if you guys all insist that the multiracial society will work, can you give me a date and time when it's all going to come together?

You're clueless as usual. Crowley didn't do diversity training......he did a very short class a couple of times a year about racial profiling. In short he would say "Don't look at the black suspect as more dangerous than the white one."

But hey, in your sick mind you need to lie, twist, and exploit every possible incident to justify your disease. God forbid someone chokes for even a couple of seconds on a black and white'd say "See! Mixing colors is dangerous and life threatening!"

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