The Lost Art of the Steal

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Here is an amusing and educational article about mainstream political parties and U.S. elections. It’s a stroll down history lane, pointing out some unsavory cases of “arranged” and “stolen” elections. It also hazards a few guesses why Trump is failing so dismally in stealing an election he only lost by some 6 million votes:

What’s the matter with Donald Trump and the Republican Party that they are making such a hash of stealing an election? Why are they making such a mockery of our finest political tradition? Have they no sense of history?...

Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....

Coming into the home stretch of the election, the Biden campaign brought in $952 million while Trump raised $612 million, a gap that not even Deutsche Bank could bridge....

When it comes to stealing a presidential election, what works best is power and money ... and having something to trade for off-balance sheet votes....

In 2020, what does Trump have to offer Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona in order to overrule the popular vote in those states and send electors for Trump to Washington? The answer is: not much. For one thing, for all his spin, Trump doesn’t “do deals.” He runs scams, in which he alone is the winner....

Actually, the Republicans in Pennsylvania might be happier with the current results, in which, after getting rid of Trump, they get a conservative Supreme Court, a Republican majority in the Senate, and a corporatist, pro-fracking president who grew up in Scranton....

In 2020 all Trump has to trade is bluster and unpaid legal bills, and nobody seems to want either.

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Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....
Trump has plenty of money. And when it comes right down to it, there is nothing really all that costly (beyond paying for "the usual" mowing and watering) about hitting a ball with a stick on a green lawn. Some older folks carry a cane, some take a walk on the green and swing a golf club to work out.
Here is an amusing and educational article about mainstream political parties and U.S. elections. It’s a stroll down history lane, pointing out some unsavory cases of “arranged” and “stolen” elections. It also hazards a few guesses why Trump is failing so dismally in stealing an election he only lost by some 6 million votes:

What’s the matter with Donald Trump and the Republican Party that they are making such a hash of stealing an election? Why are they making such a mockery of our finest political tradition? Have they no sense of history?...

Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....

Coming into the home stretch of the election, the Biden campaign brought in $952 million while Trump raised $612 million, a gap that not even Deutsche Bank could bridge....

When it comes to stealing a presidential election, what works best is power and money ... and having something to trade for off-balance sheet votes....

In 2020, what does Trump have to offer Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona in order to overrule the popular vote in those states and send electors for Trump to Washington? The answer is: not much. For one thing, for all his spin, Trump doesn’t “do deals.” He runs scams, in which he alone is the winner....

Actually, the Republicans in Pennsylvania might be happier with the current results, in which, after getting rid of Trump, they get a conservative Supreme Court, a Republican majority in the Senate, and a corporatist, pro-fracking president who grew up in Scranton....

In 2020 all Trump has to trade is bluster and unpaid legal bills, and nobody seems to want either.

We getting the supreme court, the Senate, and President Trump not bribe taking pedo supporting biden.
Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....
Trump has plenty of money. And when it comes right down to it, there is nothing really all that costly (beyond paying for "the usual" mowing and watering) about hitting a ball with a stick on a green lawn. Some older folks carry a cane, some take a walk on the green and swing a golf club to work out.
Actually perhaps his bragging about how much money he has is part of the reason lots of folks don’t want to kick in to his latest scam to “pay for his legal challenges.” Read the whole article!
Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....
Trump has plenty of money. And when it comes right down to it, there is nothing really all that costly (beyond paying for "the usual" mowing and watering) about hitting a ball with a stick on a green lawn. Some older folks carry a cane, some take a walk on the green and swing a golf club to work out.

If Rump "has plenty of money" why is he millions in debt? Pffffffft.
Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....
Trump has plenty of money. And when it comes right down to it, there is nothing really all that costly (beyond paying for "the usual" mowing and watering) about hitting a ball with a stick on a green lawn. Some older folks carry a cane, some take a walk on the green and swing a golf club to work out.
Actually perhaps his bragging about how much money he has is part of the reason lots of folks don’t want to kick in to his latest scam to “pay for his legal challenges.” Read the whole article!

Indeed the only source for anyone believing Rump has "plenty of money" is that he says so.
The same guy who ran around repeatedly claiming his father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany (the Bronx) among some twenty thousand other lies. The same clown who had to settle an active fraud suit before the Electoral College voted in 2016. The same asscrack who swore over and over that he'd release his taxes and then blocked them every time. THERE's a reliable source. Wonder how many bridges these Gullibles have stored in their garage.
Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....
Trump has plenty of money. And when it comes right down to it, there is nothing really all that costly (beyond paying for "the usual" mowing and watering) about hitting a ball with a stick on a green lawn. Some older folks carry a cane, some take a walk on the green and swing a golf club to work out.

If Rump "has plenty of money" why is he millions in debt? Pffffffft.

Carrying debt is actually a very good financial strategy at times.
Anyone with a mortgage does.
And financial advisors will tell you paying off a mortgage is not usually a good idea.

You will know all of this, once you advance past your GED
Indeed the only source for anyone believing Rump has "plenty of money" is that he says so.
The same guy who ran around repeatedly claiming his father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany (the Bronx) among some twenty thousand other lies. The same clown who had to settle an active fraud suit before the Electoral College voted in 2016. The same asscrack who swore over and over that he'd release his taxes and then blocked them every time. THERE's a reliable source. Wonder how many bridges these Gullibles have stored in their garage.

waaa! waaa! waaa!
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"
"Orange Man Bad !!!!"

Democrat Broken Record Syndrome to compliment TDS
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Money, or more precisely the lack thereof, is another reason why Trump has been unable to steal the 2020 election, as at the moment the golfing-obsessed Trump is looking financially tapped out....
Trump has plenty of money. And when it comes right down to it, there is nothing really all that costly (beyond paying for "the usual" mowing and watering) about hitting a ball with a stick on a green lawn. Some older folks carry a cane, some take a walk on the green and swing a golf club to work out.

If Rump "has plenty of money" why is he millions in debt? Pffffffft.

Carrying debt is actually a very good financial strategy at times.
Anyone with a mortgage does.
And financial advisors will tell you paying off a mortgage is not usually a good idea.

You will know all of this, once you advance past your GED
Quite true, in fact, the U.S. Federal Reserve sells Treasuries which are American debt. America's ability to repay that debt at interest is what our economy is based on.
"Actually, the Republicans in Pennsylvania might be happier with the current results, in which, after getting rid of Trump, they get a conservative Supreme Court, a Republican majority in the Senate, and a corporatist, pro-fracking president who grew up in Scranton.... " ibid


Cons have no reason to be all upset and depressed.
"Actually, the Republicans in Pennsylvania might be happier with the current results, in which, after getting rid of Trump, they get a conservative Supreme Court, a Republican majority in the Senate, and a corporatist, pro-fracking president who grew up in Scranton.... " ibid


Cons have no reason to be all upset and depressed.
Conservatives that voted for Trump have every reason to be upset at the hypocrites on the left who spent the past 4 years trying to nullify the 2016 election and now want us all to roll over. Ain't gonna happen and Biden will have a lot to pay for.

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