The Liberal War on Men


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Author brings up so many excellent points. Liberals often have to believe two opposing views at once in order to support their narrative.

I've been concerned for a long time about the way schools are forcing boys, and even girls, to suppress their natural instincts. The zero tolerance forces all students to suppress their emotions. Most men I know had a fight at least once on the playground. Almost all say that the guy they got into a fist fight with became a good friend. It seemed like the natural way boys dealt with each other when they were young. Distasteful perhaps, but natural. Boys always flirted with girls and vice versa. All these things now are treated as serious offenses that will get kids expelled from school. I've always felt that the increase in violence was largely due to years of teens being forced to suppress their feelings. The climate in schools these days is tense. Students are being conditioned to fear speaking much of the time, at least until they check the ever-growing list of acceptable opinions or words. We have them walking on eggshells until they slowly become mind-numbed robots that toe the liberal line.

Of course, the time will come when a person just snaps. Men today are afraid to look at a woman for more than a second out of fear of being accused of sexual harassment. Boys don't dare fight on the playground to settle their disputes. Young children can't even say they don't like brownies for fear of the teacher calling the cops and accusing them of bigotry. That actually happened. No wonder children are growing up with mental problems. The rules set by liberals defy human nature and they force children from the start to ignore their natural feelings and are told they are evil if they like playing with toy guns or even say they'd like to kiss a girl. So, they are taught to only use "acceptable" language and are expected to behave in ways that they might find unsettling, such as not being allowed to say no when someone asks them to dance at a school dance or not being allowed to have a best friend. They are being used in liberal social experiments and it's taking a toll.

Of course, starting in the 90s, so many kids were diagnosed with ADHD and turned into zombies. Seemed to me like an easy way to control those kids who were resisting the new oppressive rules of the school. Of course, since teachers were slowly taking over the role of parenting for too many lazy parents, they did what was easy for them. It was often the teachers that told parents to see the doctor about ADHD meds. Doctors were dispensing Ritalin like candy. We have yet to see the full extent of the long term damage from that.

They can't be themselves so they hold it in until they eventually explode. No wonder things have gotten more violent. School shootings and drive by shootings have replaced the school yard fight.

Fighting isn't good, but it's a damn sight better. Boys especially get things out of their system. Years ago, before zero tolerance (which has zero common sense), boys got in trouble for fighting, but not expelled. It was something handled easily and in ways that parents and teachers agreed on. Sure, there were always consequences but none that destroyed a child's future. Too many high school students have literally had their futures destroyed by overzealous liberal teachers. If you fail to toe the liberal line, there is hell to pay. Liberals have a piss poor understanding of human nature. It shows in all their policies, from school discipline to economics.

Leftists claim that men, particularly white men, are the cause of all the problems in society. Their answer was to force men to become more feminine. The leftists hate men, especially ones who are born leaders or demonstrate strong character traits. They see it as men trying to dominate. And only liberal leaders are allowed to do that.

So, on one hand, the left says that people are not either men or women because people are fluid. On the other, they quickly judge ALL men. If you were born with a penis, you are evil. No wonder that the leftists encourage sex change operations, most of which are done on men. I think it's their way of getting even with men for, well, being men. A high number of men become severely depressed and many commit suicide. The ones who keep their parts are slowly becoming feminized, which many feel is not natural for them. It's about suppressing those perfectly normal male traits. No wonder so many snap these days.

"One of Dawn’s statistics was that 52% of women who are murdered, are murdered by male husbands or partners. Dawn has now blocked me, so I can’t ask her for sources, but I did find this article, on The Guardian, which says that 93.9% of all murders are committed by men. The National Library of Medicine says that women commit 15% of all murders (significantly more than what The Guardian claims), but regardless, I have to concur with Dawn that men really do commit more murders than do women. Dawn wanted society to act.

I was in a somewhat playful mood, and asked Dawn if it wasn’t silly to blame ‘men’ for the murder of ‘women’ when there is no such thing as a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’. Who was Dawn, I asked, to assume the gender of either the murdered or the murderer? Dawn knew I don’t really believe that (something Dawn often claims), so she told me if I could not give a serious discussion, she wasn’t going to talk to me at all.

I found it odd that when I parroted Dawn’s belief that genders are fluid, suddenly her belief changed; it seems that what liberals call ‘facts’ are even more fluid than what they call ‘gender’. Regardless – Dawn was one of the few liberals I can generally have a rational conversation with, so I decided to tell her exactly why men are more prone to violence than are women.

There are physical and biological differences between the sexes, and men are, on average, both faster and more aggressive than women. I don’t know how much the differences between men and women are driven by having different hormonal balances (testosterone vs estrogen, for example), and how much these differences are driven by other things, but we have seen natural gender roles throughout all of human history, and we see gender roles in other species of animals. The differences are real.

In times past, boys were encouraged to channel their aggressive spirits through sports, and/or other forms of competition. Women competed as well, but it was considered necessary for boys to do so. Learning to channel aggression and strength into productive activities helped teach boys to become men.

Dawn is a lot younger than I am. She is a millennial. Dawn believes that our Western Patriarchy is the cause of most of the pain and hunger in the world today, and that the whole concept of men and women being in any way different is offensive (though she is quick to claim that men are worse than women in a whole myriad of ways).

Men used to be taught to have honor, courage, integrity, and a spirit of chivalry, along with compassion and empathy. We were taught to hold our emotions in check, such that we can support others in times of need. We were taught to be the pillars of our families, and to defend our families, as well as the honor of the women in our lives, against anything that might do them harm. The boys of Dawns generation have been taught to have compassion and empathy, but that chivalry is sexist, and that the old concepts of honor and courage have to be modified to make them less masculine. Masculinity has become a negative trait that must be destroyed.

Imagine being a boy who grows up believing that masculine traits are evil, while also always feeling those masculine traits within himself. Liberalism is creating conflict within boys that there are only three ways to resolve: 1) become men anyway, understanding that the left will hate you for it; 2) suppress masculinity the way a Vulcan suppresses emotion; or 3) snap. Is it really surprising that for many adult boys, choice two causes choice three? If I am right, and the suppression of masculinity causes violence, one would expect men to be becoming more violent against women over time, as masculinity becomes more suppressed. Sure enough, The Guardian (the same source Dawn got her statistics from) shows that rates of violent crime against women – committed in all cases almost exclusively by men – is rising. Masculine men may get into fights with other men sometimes, but emasculated boys are far more apt to hit women. Go figure… "

The War on Men | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
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It strikes me that video games are more of a cause for the sissifying of American boys than are liberals. Glad they didn't come along until after I went off to college so that I never got into them. As a kid the most fun was had outdoors away from any adult supervision.
I'm not gonna read all that, but it's true that boys need their own classrooms and their own methods of learning. The model we have now, where we try to force boys to adapt to the way that girls learn (sitting still and taking notes) is clearly not effective. They need to be competing regularly, almost if not every single day. If you turn school into a game, the boys will take interest and they'll want to win. Right now they just see it as yet another chore.

Both boys and girls learn better apart from each other. Give them a few classes together, but make sure they are separated for all the classes that require focus and discipline.

Of course, our education system isn't flexible enough to accommodate these sorts of changes, because people are convinced that boys and girls are roughly equivalent (they aren't) and should be learning the same way (they don't).

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