The Lesson Learned from Charleston


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Seems now that lessons learned from the shooting in Charleston it is all about the Confederate Flag.
Seems that the liberals are overjoyed that their hated flag is being banned and all it took was the death of 9 innocent blacks. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get their deed done. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get guns banned?
Had that flag been taken down 10 years ago would it have stopped the lunatic from being a lunatic...............No.................A lunatic will be a lunatic anyway..........................It changes NOTHING..................

What does it change..................................

It could lead us down the path of Europe one day, where we move on and ban these things altogether...................and lead us to saying something wrong could get you thrown in is already going on in places like England...............

This is a slippery slope.................When we get in an uproar over a flag and basically say it should be banned we travel down the wrong path..............Even though they aren't banning them.................YET................

Freedom of speech and expression should always be the way to go.........even if you disagree with that expression or symbol.........because what will they decide to target next.....................
Seems now that lessons learned from the shooting in Charleston it is all about the Confederate Flag.
Seems that the liberals are overjoyed that their hated flag is being banned and all it took was the death of 9 innocent blacks. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get their deed done. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get guns banned?

And I wonder how many fools like yourself will understand, that the people of these states are the one's removing flags, flags that are in conservative footholds. Get your damned facts straight before you come here whining about liberals taking away your damned guns and flags, you stupid shit for brains lunatic. Both Miss and SC have GOP governors, both have conservative houses and both have votes from both side weighing in on this issue. And as far as taking your guns, show me one person in this country who has the power to take your beloved musket away from your sorry white az? Just one!!
Had that flag been taken down 10 years ago would it have stopped the lunatic from being a lunatic...............No.................A lunatic will be a lunatic anyway..........................It changes NOTHING..................

What does it change..................................

It could lead us down the path of Europe one day, where we move on and ban these things altogether...................and lead us to saying something wrong could get you thrown in is already going on in places like England...............

This is a slippery slope.................When we get in an uproar over a flag and basically say it should be banned we travel down the wrong path..............Even though they aren't banning them.................YET................

Freedom of speech and expression should always be the way to go.........even if you disagree with that expression or symbol.........because what will they decide to target next.....................

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.....this flag shit debate would awaken the rednecks of every bumf*ck county in the nation.....its like kickin an ant hill and watching ants come from everywhere......that's why I wish they would keep the flag and the hell with the useless south....the last thing this country needs right now, with redneck white boys terrorizing us all, is their mama's and daddies now coming out the caves.....Lord help us all!!
It is about a double standard that is held only against whites!!! Blacks can attack us, destroy our properties and kill us at twice the number. But, heck, that doesn't make a blip on the national news.

They do in fact rape our woman at very high numbers...68% of all rapes in Chicago are done by blacks.

Now Roof is a evil person but there's tons of evil people that do bad shit to good people in the black community. The double standard sucks.
Seems now that lessons learned from the shooting in Charleston it is all about the Confederate Flag.
Seems that the liberals are overjoyed that their hated flag is being banned and all it took was the death of 9 innocent blacks. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get their deed done. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get guns banned?

Clearly you haven't learned anything from the shooting in Charleston.
It is about a double standard that is held only against whites!!! Blacks can attack us, destroy our properties and kill us at twice the number. But, heck, that doesn't make a blip on the national news.

They do in fact rape our woman at very high numbers...68% of all rapes in Chicago are done by blacks.

Now Roof is a evil person but there's tons of evil people that do bad shit to good people in the black community. The double standard sucks. really seem to relate to Roof.
It is about a double standard that is held only against whites!!! Blacks can attack us, destroy our properties and kill us at twice the number. But, heck, that doesn't make a blip on the national news.

They do in fact rape our woman at very high numbers...68% of all rapes in Chicago are done by blacks.

Now Roof is a evil person but there's tons of evil people that do bad shit to good people in the black community. The double standard sucks.

I agree 1000% at what you said and yes there's a double standard when it comes to white on black crimes...there is.....but dude, you have got to get over this ww being raped shit. You know why, you never ever hear about ni**** rioting in the south, or having a uproar in the south or going crazy in the south when bad shit happens to n*****? That's because just about every white family in the south, has a n**** baby in it, just about every black man has had a ww. The only rape these women experience at the hands of bm, is one that couldn't last as long as she would have liked it. Its so bad in the south, just spottin a sell out n**** with a black chic is miss me on this rape shit of ww......the days of ww being this pure ivory soap is OVER...they ho's just like the rest of us, if not worse!!
The lesson to be learned from all the murders of Blacks is pretty simple. Make sure you're born white.

And of course, except for the kkk types, its idiocy to say there's a double standard on what crimes are reported.
It is about a double standard that is held only against whites!!! Blacks can attack us, destroy our properties and kill us at twice the number. But, heck, that doesn't make a blip on the national news.

They do in fact rape our woman at very high numbers...68% of all rapes in Chicago are done by blacks.

Now Roof is a evil person but there's tons of evil people that do bad shit to good people in the black community. The double standard sucks.

I make fun of you kkk assholes for being so afraid you can't measure up to those Big Black Bucks you're so afraid of but jeez -

Get a grip already.
Seems now that lessons learned from the shooting in Charleston it is all about the Confederate Flag.
Seems that the liberals are overjoyed that their hated flag is being banned and all it took was the death of 9 innocent blacks. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get their deed done. I wonder how many sacrificial lambs the Liberals would accept to get guns banned?
I'll take a stab at it. Could the answer be 927? Am I close? I probably could've done better if you had made it a multiple choice question.
Had that flag been taken down 10 years ago would it have stopped the lunatic from being a lunatic...............No.................A lunatic will be a lunatic anyway..........................It changes NOTHING..................

What does it change..................................

It could lead us down the path of Europe one day, where we move on and ban these things altogether...................and lead us to saying something wrong could get you thrown in is already going on in places like England...............

This is a slippery slope.................When we get in an uproar over a flag and basically say it should be banned we travel down the wrong path..............Even though they aren't banning them.................YET................

Freedom of speech and expression should always be the way to go.........even if you disagree with that expression or symbol.........because what will they decide to target next.....................

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.....this flag shit debate would awaken the rednecks of every bumf*ck county in the nation.....its like kickin an ant hill and watching ants come from everywhere......that's why I wish they would keep the flag and the hell with the useless south....the last thing this country needs right now, with redneck white boys terrorizing us all, is their mama's and daddies now coming out the caves.....Lord help us all!!
I am offended by people burning the American Flag..................It should end...................

It should be it...............
The Confederate Flag is being banned?

I don't know of anyone serious who has even suggested that it be "banned".
I certainly didn't say they were banning the flag...........I said that it is a slippery slope of Freedom of Expression..............We had those pushing to ban certain symbols and even speech in this country..............Doesn't make it so, but it wasn't so before they did that very thing in Europe.............................

Which is why we should be careful in this regards.............................

From the onset of this.................the Flag flies over a Confederate Memorial.................and I have absolutely no problem with that as it is part of our history...................Does taking the flag down change that history..........would it have saved those people.....................

This is about a media blitz over a lunatic that killed people and NOTHING MORE.
The Confederate Flag is being banned?

I don't know of anyone serious who has even suggested that it be "banned".
I certainly didn't say they were banning the flag...........I said that it is a slippery slope of Freedom of Expression..............We had those pushing to ban certain symbols and even speech in this country..............Doesn't make it so, but it wasn't so before they did that very thing in Europe.............................

Which is why we should be careful in this regards.............................

From the onset of this.................the Flag flies over a Confederate Memorial.................and I have absolutely no problem with that as it is part of our history...................Does taking the flag down change that history..........would it have saved those people.....................

This is about a media blitz over a lunatic that killed people and NOTHING MORE.

What is this "slippery slope" you're talking about?

What is it that you think is going to lead to "Europe"?
The Confederate Flag is being banned?

I don't know of anyone serious who has even suggested that it be "banned".
I certainly didn't say they were banning the flag...........I said that it is a slippery slope of Freedom of Expression..............We had those pushing to ban certain symbols and even speech in this country..............Doesn't make it so, but it wasn't so before they did that very thing in Europe.............................

Which is why we should be careful in this regards.............................

From the onset of this.................the Flag flies over a Confederate Memorial.................and I have absolutely no problem with that as it is part of our history...................Does taking the flag down change that history..........would it have saved those people.....................

This is about a media blitz over a lunatic that killed people and NOTHING MORE.

What is this "slippery slope" you're talking about?

What is it that you think is going to lead to "Europe"?
Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In England, Wales, and Scotland, the Public Order Act 1986 prohibits, by its Part 3, expressions of racial hatred, which is defined as hatred against a group of persons by reason of the group's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins. Section 18 of the Act says:

A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—

(a) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or
(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.
Offences under Part 3 carry a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment or a fine or both.[6]

The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 inserted Section 4A into the Public Order Act 1986. That part prohibits anyone from causing alarm or distress. Section 4A states:

(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he— (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.

A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or to both.[7]

What is happening today doesn't do that.............It doesn't ban anything....................but a movement along these lines could..................Which is what I was referring to...............

Now I answered your question................Now answer the ones I posted...............

Does taking the flag down change anything.................Would that lunatic still have been a lunatic.....................I stated it changes NOTHING.
Internet Hate Crime - Report It - True Vision

Internet Hate Crime

The Internet has changed the way we communicate, it has many positive values but it has also allowed the hateful to spread offence to a broader audience, without editorial control and often behind a veil of anonymity.

While you may come across a lot of material on the internet that offends you, very little of it is actually illegal. UK laws are written to make sure that people can speak and write, even offensive material, without being prosecuted for their views. Parliament has tried to define laws in a way that balances our freedom of expression with the right to be free from hate crime.

Agencies like the police have duties to promote good relationships between different parts of our communities, but they do not have powers to control offensive thoughts or words unless they are shared illegally. We understand that hate material can damage community cohesion and create fear, so the police want to work alongside communities and the Internet industry to reduce the harm caused by hate on the Internet.

You can get advice on staying safe on the internet at Get Safe Online here.

Illegal Hate Content
Inciting hatred
In England and Wales it can be an offence to stir up hatred on the grounds of:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexual Orientation.
(There is no similar offence relating to disability or transgender)

Other offences
The content of a website can also be illegal when it threatens or harasses a person or a group of people. If this is posted because of hostility based on race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender then we consider it to be a hate crime.

Illegal material could be in words, pictures, videos, and even music and could include;

  • messages calling for racial or religious violence
  • web pages with pictures, videos or descriptions that glorify violence against anyone due to their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or because they are transgender.
  • chat forums where people ask other people to commit hate crimes
What will be prosecuted?
The Director of Public Prosecutions, who has the responsibility for deciding who should be prosecuted has produced guidance to prosecutors to ensure consistency.

You can find the guidance here

Terrorist material
If material promotes terrorism you should report it via the dedicated portal via the Directgov website here.

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