The Left Is Making Up Events In The News To Create Symbolic Issues That Fit Their Agenda

Everyone is familiar with "Hands Up, Don't Shoot". We found out the whole thing was made up by lying journalists, perpetrated by a tax-cheat, Al Sharpton, and encouraged and prodded along by a dishonest president.
The left and Democrats don't need real events anymore. They can just make em up when needed. There are enough people out there that have bought into their alternate universe..... and so every new lie becomes just a reaffirmation of what they all believe is going on......regardless of the fact it was all made up in the first place.

Why the Rolling Stone gang-rape story will never be labeled a hoax


By now it's clear that the brutal gang rape reported last November in Rolling Stone did not occur. I write that, knowing full well the backlash I could receive from not adding the caveat that something could still have happened to Jackie, the accuser in the story.

Activists have clung to the idea that something probably did happen to make a young woman tell a tale of a brutal gang rape and become a campus activist to keep the hoax claims isolated to a small subset. These same activists bent over backwards following the Charlottesville Police press conference last week to claim that Jackie probably wasn't lying, because such a false accusation "flies in the face of statistics," as one CNN panelist said. Of course, the statistic that only 2 percent of reported rapes are false – doubtful anyway – only applies to rapes actually reported to police, which this one was not.

But in any event, the faint possibility that Jackie may have suffered some other horrific event is not the reason this story will not be labeled a hoax by activists or most in the mainstream media.

No, the reason it will not be labeled a hoax comes from an anonymous McGill University student, using the pseudonym Aurora Dagny, who wrote last year that dogmatism is in part to blame for activists' refusal to accept evidence contrary to their worldview.

"One way to define the difference between a regular belief and a sacred belief is that people who hold sacred beliefs think it is morally wrong for anyone to question those beliefs," Dagny wrote. "If someone does question those beliefs, they're not just being stupid or even depraved, they're actively doing violence. They might as well be kicking a puppy. When people hold sacred beliefs, there is no disagreement without animosity."

Because the activists behind the Rolling Stone story hold a "sacred belief" that thousands, perhaps even millions, of college students are sexually assaulted each year, any evidence to the contrary is seen as detrimental to the cause.

It's why Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., was able to continue calling Jackie a "victim" of a crime for which there is no proof. It's why the University of Virginia's president, Teresa Sullivan, and those responsible for vandalizing the fraternity named in the Rolling Stone article have not had to apologize for their rush to judgment.

Here's the fake story from Rolling Stone - A Rape on Campus A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA Rolling Stone

Obama has made it OK for progressives to both openly embrace their Inner Mao and come out and proudly proclaim that they are pathological liars
The right contrives lies and straw man fallacies to advance their agenda, this thread being one of many examples
So who contrived what,hands up don't shoot,was false,the gang rape was also.
Keeping in form,you attack the messenger,but reject the truth,thanks for reinforcing the OP,good job.

This is what you get for getting your news from Fox.

Here are the facts of "hands up don't shoot" and (Republican generated) Benghazi but I'll bet RWs will refuse to watch it because they prefer their lies to the truth.

Jon Stewart calls out Fox News for a double standard in covering Ferguson and Benghazi - The Washington Post

So Stewart defends one lie with another lie?

Is that the best he can do?

No wonder he's leaving.....
Here are the facts of "hands up don't shoot" and (Republican generated) Benghazi but I'll bet RWs will refuse to watch it because they prefer their lies to the truth.
Jon Stewart, huh..? Now that's a reliable source. He has an army of investigative reporters employed by his news network. Oh.. wait a minute, he doesn't have a news network, he gets his news from MSNBC. Oh well, it doesn't matter when you are a leftist.

bla bla bla

when Stewart attacks the left he's 100% credible and correct ... when he attacks the right he, and his reporters aren't a credible source..

works great if you're a partisan HACK.

Using a comedian as proof is a highly dubious undertaking.

Which of the clips of Foxnews people making fools of themselves were lies?

How can they be lies?
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police
The article gives a detailed line of events that led a fraudulent blogg piece of total lies through the process of becoming a mainstream lie. It showed how a totally false story could end being broadcast of the Rush show to a national audience and even portrayed as credible on FOX News after it had been exposed as a total farce. The story claimed restaurants in Seattle were closing do to the raise of minimum wage to 15.00 per hour. Not a single restaurant was closed and the minimum wage is Seattle was only being raised from 9.47, the state minimum, to 9.50, the new city minimum. Your excuse response is to claim that the fraudulent piece is irrelevant because it reinforces your opinion on the topic. Hey, look at Detroit, that is proof the idea behind the lies are right and therefore justified.
Minimum Wage Ordinance SOCR - CivilRights
On June 3, 2014, Mayor Murray signed a new minimum wage ordinance passed by Seattle City Council. Beginning April 1, 2015, the ordinance will increase in the minimum wage in the City of Seattle to $15 an hour, phased in over time.
Opps! Enough said. Next time do not embarrass yourself with unsupported garbage.
Opps your ass, what do you think "phased in over time" means. On April 1, 2015 the wage went from 9.47 to 9.50, exactly as I stated. It will increase incrementally every year and will not actually reach 15.00 per hour until 2018. Are incremental increases and phased in over time difficult terms for you to comprehend?
The phallus is phased in over a period of time to prolong the enjoyment. The result is still $ 15.00/hr isn't it?
OK, the thread is about media making stuff up. I posted a link from a well know credible conservative business publication for an investigative essay about how false stories are created by the media to fit an agenda bubble audience. It is done by modern "news" sources from all sides of the political spectrum. If you want to believe some distorted nonsense that one segment is more dishonest than the other and therefore excuses the use of misrepresentation by others you have every right to that misperception and fantasy.
OK, Forbes is not conservative.
It was an opinion piece, not an investigative essay.
The Left is thoroughly dishonest. The Right only occasionally so.
Until recently, when a flurry of extremist began claiming they were the true conservatives, FORBES has always been considered a balanced conservative leaning publication. Some refer to them now as have a centrist conservative leaning posture. Conservapedia continues to list them as a conservative publication.

Investigative essays can have spin or commentary in them but they are not purely opinion pieces. Essays require a level of journalistic standards not required in pure commentary pieces. You don't seem to know the difference, but now you do.

Your bias in regards to which sides media is more dishonest that the other is noted.
Minimum Wage Ordinance SOCR - CivilRights
On June 3, 2014, Mayor Murray signed a new minimum wage ordinance passed by Seattle City Council. Beginning April 1, 2015, the ordinance will increase in the minimum wage in the City of Seattle to $15 an hour, phased in over time.
Opps! Enough said. Next time do not embarrass yourself with unsupported garbage.
Opps your ass, what do you think "phased in over time" means. On April 1, 2015 the wage went from 9.47 to 9.50, exactly as I stated. It will increase incrementally every year and will not actually reach 15.00 per hour until 2018. Are incremental increases and phased in over time difficult terms for you to comprehend?
The phallus is phased in over a period of time to prolong the enjoyment. The result is still $ 15.00/hr isn't it?
OK, the thread is about media making stuff up. I posted a link from a well know credible conservative business publication for an investigative essay about how false stories are created by the media to fit an agenda bubble audience. It is done by modern "news" sources from all sides of the political spectrum. If you want to believe some distorted nonsense that one segment is more dishonest than the other and therefore excuses the use of misrepresentation by others you have every right to that misperception and fantasy.
OK, Forbes is not conservative.
It was an opinion piece, not an investigative essay.
The Left is thoroughly dishonest. The Right only occasionally so.
Until recently, when a flurry of extremist began claiming they were the true conservatives, FORBES has always been considered a balanced conservative leaning publication. Some refer to them now as have a centrist conservative leaning posture. Conservapedia continues to list them as a conservative publication.

Investigative essays can have spin or commentary in them but they are not purely opinion pieces. Essays require a level of journalistic standards not required in pure commentary pieces. You don't seem to know the difference, but now you do.

Your bias in regards to which sides media is more dishonest that the other is noted.
Total bullshit.
I've had a subscription to Forbes for about 2 years. I can tell you they arent conservative.
You can throw out all the names, newspapers, networks that exist and republicans will deny that ANY of them are conservative. Its easier for them to not take a side on anything so they can constantly complain
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.
Opps your ass, what do you think "phased in over time" means. On April 1, 2015 the wage went from 9.47 to 9.50, exactly as I stated. It will increase incrementally every year and will not actually reach 15.00 per hour until 2018. Are incremental increases and phased in over time difficult terms for you to comprehend?
The phallus is phased in over a period of time to prolong the enjoyment. The result is still $ 15.00/hr isn't it?
OK, the thread is about media making stuff up. I posted a link from a well know credible conservative business publication for an investigative essay about how false stories are created by the media to fit an agenda bubble audience. It is done by modern "news" sources from all sides of the political spectrum. If you want to believe some distorted nonsense that one segment is more dishonest than the other and therefore excuses the use of misrepresentation by others you have every right to that misperception and fantasy.
OK, Forbes is not conservative.
It was an opinion piece, not an investigative essay.
The Left is thoroughly dishonest. The Right only occasionally so.
Until recently, when a flurry of extremist began claiming they were the true conservatives, FORBES has always been considered a balanced conservative leaning publication. Some refer to them now as have a centrist conservative leaning posture. Conservapedia continues to list them as a conservative publication.

Investigative essays can have spin or commentary in them but they are not purely opinion pieces. Essays require a level of journalistic standards not required in pure commentary pieces. You don't seem to know the difference, but now you do.

Your bias in regards to which sides media is more dishonest that the other is noted.
Total bullshit.
I've had a subscription to Forbes for about 2 years. I can tell you they arent conservative.
How would anyone know if you are qualified to make such a judgement. Obviously people disagree with you, including Conservapedia. How would we know if you aren't one of the extremist making the claim to be a conservative because you don't like being called a radical right wing extremist. Sort of like Tea Party folks calling themselves Republicans and conservatives to hide from that identifier as radical extremist.
The phallus is phased in over a period of time to prolong the enjoyment. The result is still $ 15.00/hr isn't it?
OK, the thread is about media making stuff up. I posted a link from a well know credible conservative business publication for an investigative essay about how false stories are created by the media to fit an agenda bubble audience. It is done by modern "news" sources from all sides of the political spectrum. If you want to believe some distorted nonsense that one segment is more dishonest than the other and therefore excuses the use of misrepresentation by others you have every right to that misperception and fantasy.
OK, Forbes is not conservative.
It was an opinion piece, not an investigative essay.
The Left is thoroughly dishonest. The Right only occasionally so.
Until recently, when a flurry of extremist began claiming they were the true conservatives, FORBES has always been considered a balanced conservative leaning publication. Some refer to them now as have a centrist conservative leaning posture. Conservapedia continues to list them as a conservative publication.

Investigative essays can have spin or commentary in them but they are not purely opinion pieces. Essays require a level of journalistic standards not required in pure commentary pieces. You don't seem to know the difference, but now you do.

Your bias in regards to which sides media is more dishonest that the other is noted.
Total bullshit.
I've had a subscription to Forbes for about 2 years. I can tell you they arent conservative.
How would anyone know if you are qualified to make such a judgement. Obviously people disagree with you, including Conservapedia. How would we know if you aren't one of the extremist making the claim to be a conservative because you don't like being called a radical right wing extremist. Sort of like Tea Party folks calling themselves Republicans and conservatives to hide from that identifier as radical extremist.
How do I know you havbe a brain in your skull?
Opps your ass, what do you think "phased in over time" means. On April 1, 2015 the wage went from 9.47 to 9.50, exactly as I stated. It will increase incrementally every year and will not actually reach 15.00 per hour until 2018. Are incremental increases and phased in over time difficult terms for you to comprehend?
The phallus is phased in over a period of time to prolong the enjoyment. The result is still $ 15.00/hr isn't it?
OK, the thread is about media making stuff up. I posted a link from a well know credible conservative business publication for an investigative essay about how false stories are created by the media to fit an agenda bubble audience. It is done by modern "news" sources from all sides of the political spectrum. If you want to believe some distorted nonsense that one segment is more dishonest than the other and therefore excuses the use of misrepresentation by others you have every right to that misperception and fantasy.
OK, Forbes is not conservative.
It was an opinion piece, not an investigative essay.
The Left is thoroughly dishonest. The Right only occasionally so.
Until recently, when a flurry of extremist began claiming they were the true conservatives, FORBES has always been considered a balanced conservative leaning publication. Some refer to them now as have a centrist conservative leaning posture. Conservapedia continues to list them as a conservative publication.

Investigative essays can have spin or commentary in them but they are not purely opinion pieces. Essays require a level of journalistic standards not required in pure commentary pieces. You don't seem to know the difference, but now you do.

Your bias in regards to which sides media is more dishonest that the other is noted.
Total bullshit.
I've had a subscription to Forbes for about 2 years. I can tell you they arent conservative.

(in the eyes of the beholder) Maybe Rabbi is so far extreme, his perspective is effected.
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.

Yes, they have sponsors, but they are also funded by the federal government. If they weren't, they would be history like Air-America is.

PBS is television and is more viable. Also they have some really good programming. My mom watches it all of the time. It's just about the only decent programming these days. No filth and violence. No guys swapping spit. Children's programs and old shows from the past. If they try going the way of MSNBC people will drop them like a bad habit.
Last edited:
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.

Yes, they have sponsors, but they are also funded by the federal government. If they weren't, they would be history like Air-America is.

PBS is television and is more viable. Also they have some really good programming. My mom watches it all of the time. It's just about the only decent programming these days. No filth and violence. No guys swapping spit. Children's programs and old shows from the past. If they try going the way of MSNBC people will drop them like a bad habit.

Maybe you need to tune into NPR more often:

NPR All Programs A-Z
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.

Yes, they have sponsors, but they are also funded by the federal government. If they weren't, they would be history like Air-America is.

PBS is television and is more viable. Also they have some really good programming. My mom watches it all of the time. It's just about the only decent programming these days. No filth and violence. No guys swapping spit. Children's programs and old shows from the past. If they try going the way of MSNBC people will drop them like a bad habit.

Maybe you need to tune into NPR more often:

NPR All Programs A-Z
I was talking about PBS just then.

NPR is always pumping out lib talking-points. They mentioned the Central American immigrants over a year ago, before it became well-known, and
I remember them talking about "income concentrations" like it was an important issue. The only concentrations they were concerned about were those in the United States.
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...

Hearing two sides of an issue is just scary to you. The media didn't put up that crap when you were still in it. It was your job to do the thinking for the public to save us time and make sure we don't end up on the wrong side on issues. Republicans and Democrats? Both saying their views? Both being seen? What a bunch of noise that is

Does this post come in English?
... no idea :dunno:
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.
As Duke Men's Basketball coach Mike K found out this week, if you have no comment, you're just as guilty.
Guilty if you say yes, and guilty if you say no, and guilty if you don't say anything.

That's the left in America. CNN ATTACKS Duke basketball coach for NOT speaking out against new Indiana Religious Freedom law The Right Scoop -
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.

Yes, they have sponsors, but they are also funded by the federal government. If they weren't, they would be history like Air-America is.

PBS is television and is more viable. Also they have some really good programming. My mom watches it all of the time. It's just about the only decent programming these days. No filth and violence. No guys swapping spit. Children's programs and old shows from the past. If they try going the way of MSNBC people will drop them like a bad habit.

What profound ignorance. AirAmerica was a commercial enterprise. It no longer exists due to bad management although its model still does. MSNBC is also commercial. And being commercial they are going to, by necessity, scrape whatever bottom of whatever barrel they have to in order to draw audience, which when you go commercial is what you have to do.

That's an entirely different animal from public broadcasting. And what support NPR does get from the government is a fraction of the support its cognates get in other "first world" nations like Germany, Japan and even Canada, and it still makes up a minority of its financial structure. More of it comes from audience donations and -- sadly-- some degree of corporate underwriting. And I say 'sadly' because that puts it in the same vulnerable position that commercial broadcasters are in -- being beholden to corporate influence. And that's the whole idea that public broadcasting was created to avoid. But that's the slippery slope you venture down when you don't give public broadcasting the support it needs to stay independent and free of that corporate corruption.
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police

You Lie! NPR and PBS have many corporate and citizen contributors, major funding for excellent programming far beyond the interests and understanding of one issue voters and the dim of wit. Lies by omission are still lies!

Your list is abbreviated and yet proves that NPR/PBS program's topical issues also broadcast by network and cable, but NPR presents a more comprehensive and balanced approach then any of the other sources.

Parroting the conservative meme as you do makes you appear banal, truth always upsets conservatives, it's the pill of death to their agendas since hate and fear are absent.

Yes, they have sponsors, but they are also funded by the federal government. If they weren't, they would be history like Air-America is.

PBS is television and is more viable. Also they have some really good programming. My mom watches it all of the time. It's just about the only decent programming these days. No filth and violence. No guys swapping spit. Children's programs and old shows from the past. If they try going the way of MSNBC people will drop them like a bad habit.

What profound ignorance. AirAmerica was a commercial enterprise. It no longer exists due to bad management although its model still does. MSNBC is also commercial. And being commercial they are going to, by necessity, scrape whatever bottom of whatever barrel they have to in order to draw audience, which when you go commercial is what you have to do.

That's an entirely different animal from public broadcasting. And what support NPR does get from the government is a fraction of the support its cognates get in other "first world" nations like Germany, Japan and even Canada, and it still makes up a minority of its financial structure. More of it comes from audience donations and -- sadly-- some degree of corporate underwriting. And I say 'sadly' because that puts it in the same vulnerable position that commercial broadcasters are in -- being beholden to corporate influence. And that's the whole idea that public broadcasting was created to avoid. But that's the slippery slope you venture down when you don't give public broadcasting the support it needs to stay independent and free of that corporate corruption.

Spot on! I enjoy your posts; All Things Considered it is a breath of Fresh Air.

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