The latest Durham indictment is a big one

Careful, kid. That may not be a track you wanna run down considering how many tRumplings have been indicted.
i never suggested their indictments were a conspiracy theory. They were very real
Funny. What has been proven "untrue" in the dossier? All the reports and experts say nothing has been proven untrue. That's why Durham ended up with a nothing burger.
You moron, lying again. Nothing in that crap “dossier” was proven. Comedy had to admit almost ALL of it was unverifiable. Meaning bullshit. Another news flash: you have to prove your allegation to be true. Nobody has to prove it untrue.
That was a pretty childish dodge. SOP for you, though.

So, how much have you heard lately about the foreign agent that wormed his way into being in charge of our national security and lied to the FBI?

Not much? Well, maybe that will give you a little perspective on your newest daily cult fetish here.
Your pathetic whataboutism doesn’t fly here.
Garland has all the choice....He'll tie it up with so many procedural hurdles that the case will never see the light of day.

Mark it down.
IT's fine, he'll be replaced in 2025.....and if caught, put his ass on trial...

Remember when they tried to sell this guy as a moderate dem to be on the Supreme Court......bwahahahahahhaahahahaha
The great Durham nothing burger. So funny...

Funny. What has been proven "untrue" in the dossier? All the reports and experts say nothing has been proven untrue. That's why Durham ended up with a nothing burger.
Lak, you need help...lots and lots of help.
Paranoia runs rampant.
I would suggest you start with Geodon and see if that works. .

Sometimes you need to tinker with the dosage or take some combinations of different serotonin reuptake inhibiters, but if you find yourself no longer suffering from the delusions that the lying DNC Stalinists actually care about your sorry ass, I'd say you have it about right.

I hope that helps.
That was a pretty childish dodge. SOP for you, though.

So, how much have you heard lately about the foreign agent that wormed his way into being in charge of our national security and lied to the FBI?

Not much? Well, maybe that will give you a little perspective on your newest daily cult fetish here.

Yeah, I heard, his name was James Clapper, a big time liar.

I don't do videos.

See if you can explain this in your own words.
Jessie Waters lays it out pretty good on Tucker's show....

We have a big problem in this country ladies and gentlemen....Our entire system is corrupted by liberal progressives....These actors must be rooted out, and disposed of...It may be too late.

Lets remember that this has to do with the Carter Page FISA application/investigation. The Dossier was NOT the only or even most important piece of evidence used to obtain that FISA warrant.

Carter Page was at that time no longer a member of Trump's Campaign (released BECAUSE his connections to Russians had become public). Hard to understand how that equates to "spying on the Trump Campaign"

As to the Steele Dossier itself was not released publicly until well AFTER the election (January)
Lets remember that this has to do with the Carter Page FISA application/investigation. The Dossier was NOT the only or even most important piece of evidence used to obtain that FISA warrant.

Carter Page was at that time no longer a member of Trump's Campaign (released BECAUSE his connections to Russians had become public). Hard to understand how that equates to "spying on the Trump Campaign"

As to the Steele Dossier itself was not released publicly until well AFTER the election (January)
That is simply not true…

“The FBI and Justice Department have stonewalled the House Intelligence Committee’s attempts to probe investigators’ political bias against Trump and to learn whether the Steele dossier — again, a Clinton-campaign product — was used to obtain the FISA warrant. Thus, there is reason to be suspicious that the Steele dossier was used for this purpose. After all, we know that Steele’s work had Ohr’s support — in effect, an endorsement from Obama Justice Department leadership. There are, furthermore, several intriguing things about the timing of the FISA warrant — not least, the fact that it was sought shortly after the bureau started receiving Steele’s reports.”

I would suggest you start with Geodon and see if that works. .

Sometimes you need to tinker with the dosage or take some combinations of different serotonin reuptake inhibiters, but if you find yourself no longer suffering from the delusions that the lying DNC Stalinists actually care about your sorry ass, I'd say you have it about right.

I hope that helps.
I would suggest you filter the lies & stop being suckered by a deranged patholigal liar. Try to show you have a least the semblance of having some form of intelligence instead of lying in the gutter with Trump.

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