The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

No matter what Trump says, the Left will pretend that it is the worst thing ever..

LOL- no matter what Trump says- the Trumpsters will pretend that is not what he actually said and try to explain away why it isn't really what he said

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“What happens is the judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great. I think that’s fine,” Mr. Trump said.

“I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.”

Trump claims ONE PARTICULAR hispanic hates him.

And no one- not you- not Trump- has been able to provide any evidence that this one particular "Mexican" as Trump calls him- hates him.

The only one with any apparent bias in this entire situation is Donald Trump- who is biased against Judge Curiel because of his "Mexican heritage"

Trump is "biased" against the Judge because the judge released sealed court documents to Trump's political enemies for political reasons.

LOL- Judge Curiel legally released evidence to a newspaper.

How do we know that even Trump doesn't consider that evidence of 'bias'?

Because his lawyers haven't gone to court making that claim.

Just you.

Because that is the best you can come up with- and it ain't evidence of anything other than your bias.
I like this quote from the Wall Street Journal about Trump's remarks

A Wall Street Journal editorial calls on Trump to apologize to the judge.

The paper pointed out that "Trump is attacking Judge Curiel in a personal business case [against Trump University], not a political one, and as a candidate for President we think he should be above this kind of pettiness."

But what makes matters even worse for The Wall Street Journal is Trump's betrayal of conservative principles.

The author of that piece is a moron.

Just because the case is a personal business case, does not mean that the judge cannot have a political bias against the Defendant.

Yeah- because the Wall Street Journal is known for hiring 'morons'

Just because the case involves Donald Trump does not mean that everyone is assumed to have a political bias against Trump.

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

I supported my claim.

You supported nothing- you attacked the writer of the article- you didn't even attempt to address the article itself.

You claimed the writer was a moron- I pointed out that the Wall Street Journal wasn't known for hiring moron's.

And of course that is a fact- not an Appeal to Authority.
Some how my school boy, Correll, thinks the following is defending the media:

Correll (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

Your words, asshole.

The media is telling the truth, Trump is lying, and his followers are crying.

Poor, poor Correll."

My response.

"The same media that for a year happily supported the lib meme that all hispanics hate Trump and that was why he was going to lose the election..

You have made that claim over and over- and you also told us how the 'Left' made that claim over and over.

You still haven't proven any of your claims.

Once again- Correll- zero content.

I'm not here to play stupid games.

Your posts here in this thread demonstrate the fallacy of your claim.
Correll has admitted that he (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

All Correll can do is yell about the media reporting the above points.

For over a year now, you lefties have been gloating that hispanics hate Trump.

Yet in this entire thread, Correll has yet to actually substantiate his claim.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely no evidence that Judge Curiel hates Trump any more than the average American.

Of course the vast majority of Americans dislike Trump- so that by itself means little to nothing.
this is what Correll can't get by: Judge Curiel legally released evidence to a newspaper.

How do we know that even Trump doesn't consider that evidence of 'bias'?

Because his lawyers haven't gone to court making that claim.

It's not as if Trump's lawyers are saying we got Correll on the job at USMB: he can handle this.
Worth pointing out again;

Another day- another day of no evidence that Judge Curiel's parents were illegals.

Another day of Brip's slimy lying attacks on Judge Curiel's dead parents.
No matter what Trump says, the Left will pretend that it is the worst thing ever..

LOL- no matter what Trump says- the Trumpsters will pretend that is not what he actually said and try to explain away why it isn't really what he said

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“What happens is the judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great. I think that’s fine,” Mr. Trump said.

“I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.”

Trump claims ONE PARTICULAR hispanic hates him.

And no one- not you- not Trump- has been able to provide any evidence that this one particular "Mexican" as Trump calls him- hates him.

The only one with any apparent bias in this entire situation is Donald Trump- who is biased against Judge Curiel because of his "Mexican heritage"

Trump is "biased" against the Judge because the judge released sealed court documents to Trump's political enemies for political reasons.

LOL- Judge Curiel legally released evidence to a newspaper.

How do we know that even Trump doesn't consider that evidence of 'bias'?

Because his lawyers haven't gone to court making that claim.

Just you.

Because that is the best you can come up with- and it ain't evidence of anything other than your bias.

That was stupid.

No one is arguing that the Judge doesn't have the legal authority to release damaging sealed court records to a defendants political enemies, for political reasons. Just that he SHOULDN'T.

That he has not had his lawyers make a claim does NOT prove that Trump does not believe that. Why do you keep claiming obvious bullshit?

Your continued dismissal of the evidence that has been presented to you is evidence of your bias.

What this is all about is that the Lefties who have, for a year, been gloating how HIspanics hate Trump, now have the nerve to pretend to be outraged that Trump has said that one Hispanic hates him.

YOu lefties have all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
I like this quote from the Wall Street Journal about Trump's remarks

A Wall Street Journal editorial calls on Trump to apologize to the judge.

The paper pointed out that "Trump is attacking Judge Curiel in a personal business case [against Trump University], not a political one, and as a candidate for President we think he should be above this kind of pettiness."

But what makes matters even worse for The Wall Street Journal is Trump's betrayal of conservative principles.

The author of that piece is a moron.

Just because the case is a personal business case, does not mean that the judge cannot have a political bias against the Defendant.

Yeah- because the Wall Street Journal is known for hiring 'morons'

Just because the case involves Donald Trump does not mean that everyone is assumed to have a political bias against Trump.

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

I supported my claim.

You supported nothing- you attacked the writer of the article- you didn't even attempt to address the article itself.

You claimed the writer was a moron- I pointed out that the Wall Street Journal wasn't known for hiring moron's.

And of course that is a fact- not an Appeal to Authority.

And yet, you felt the need to cut my supporting argument, instead of addressing it.

Here it is again.

Just because the case is a personal business case, does not mean that the judge cannot have a political bias against the Defendant.

And yes, anyone who thinks that, such as the Wall Street Writer, is a fucking moron.
Some how my school boy, Correll, thinks the following is defending the media:

Correll (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

Your words, asshole.

The media is telling the truth, Trump is lying, and his followers are crying.

Poor, poor Correll."

My response.

"The same media that for a year happily supported the lib meme that all hispanics hate Trump and that was why he was going to lose the election..

You have made that claim over and over- and you also told us how the 'Left' made that claim over and over.

You still haven't proven any of your claims.

Once again- Correll- zero content.

I'm not here to play stupid games.

Your posts here in this thread demonstrate the fallacy of your claim.

And again you cut my argument instead of addressing it.

Correll has admitted that he (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

All Correll can do is yell about the media reporting the above points.

For over a year now, you lefties have been gloating that hispanics hate Trump.

Yet in this entire thread, Correll has yet to actually substantiate his claim.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely no evidence that Judge Curiel hates Trump any more than the average American.

Of course the vast majority of Americans dislike Trump- so that by itself means little to nothing.

Everyone who reads this knows that you are full of shit for pretending to be unaware of the fact that the Left has, for a year, been shouting about HIspanics hating Trump.

And anyone that gives it a moments thought, realizes that it is the height of hypocrisy for them to try to pretend to be outrages that Trump has the nerve to state that A hispanic hates him.

At some level, you lefties must realize how fragile your House of LIes, is, that you feel driven to this extreme.

this is what Correll can't get by: Judge Curiel legally released evidence to a newspaper.

How do we know that even Trump doesn't consider that evidence of 'bias'?

Because his lawyers haven't gone to court making that claim.

It's not as if Trump's lawyers are saying we got Correll on the job at USMB: he can handle this.


The fact that his lawyers have not made the claim is NOT evidence of anything.

You are such a bullshitter.
Some how my school boy, Correll, thinks the following is defending the media:

Correll (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

Your words, asshole.

The media is telling the truth, Trump is lying, and his followers are crying.

Poor, poor Correll."

My response.

"The same media that for a year happily supported the lib meme that all hispanics hate Trump and that was why he was going to lose the election..

You have made that claim over and over- and you also told us how the 'Left' made that claim over and over.

You still haven't proven any of your claims.

Once again- Correll- zero content.

I'm not here to play stupid games.

Your posts here in this thread demonstrate the fallacy of your claim.

And again you cut my argument instead of addressing it.

You need to offer proof for a claim other than your repeated assertions.
this is what Correll can't get by: Judge Curiel legally released evidence to a newspaper.

How do we know that even Trump doesn't consider that evidence of 'bias'?

Because his lawyers haven't gone to court making that claim.

It's not as if Trump's lawyers are saying we got Correll on the job at USMB: he can handle this.


The fact that his lawyers have not made the claim is NOT evidence of anything.

You are such a bullshitter.
Thank you! Finally at together at last: Correll and a sensible comment. There is no evidence of bias except your assertion.
Your words, asshole.

The media is telling the truth, Trump is lying, and his followers are crying.

Poor, poor Correll."

My response.

"The same media that for a year happily supported the lib meme that all hispanics hate Trump and that was why he was going to lose the election..

You have made that claim over and over- and you also told us how the 'Left' made that claim over and over.

You still haven't proven any of your claims.

Once again- Correll- zero content.

I'm not here to play stupid games.

Your posts here in this thread demonstrate the fallacy of your claim.

And again you cut my argument instead of addressing it.

You need to offer proof for a claim other than your repeated assertions.

Some moron asks you to prove that water is wet, screw them, they aren't being serious, and I'm not going to coddle them and pretend to take their bullshit seriously.

The same media that for a year happily supported the lib meme that all hispanics hate Trump and that was why he was going to lose the election

are now pretending to be outraged that Trump has claimed that one particular hispanic hates him.

Lets all take a minute to laugh at these dishonest fucks.

You have made that claim over and over- and you also told us how the 'Left' made that claim over and over.

You still haven't proven any of your claims.

Once again- Correll- zero content.

I'm not here to play stupid games.

Your posts here in this thread demonstrate the fallacy of your claim.

And again you cut my argument instead of addressing it.

You need to offer proof for a claim other than your repeated assertions.

Some moron asks you to prove that water is wet,

Some moron makes a claim- and for days and days keep refusing to prove his claim- just demonstrates all he has is what he pulls out of his ass.

And yes- I am speaking of Correll.
Correll has admitted that he (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

All Correll can do is yell about the media reporting the above points.

For over a year now, you lefties have been gloating that hispanics hate Trump.

Yet in this entire thread, Correll has yet to actually substantiate his claim.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely no evidence that Judge Curiel hates Trump any more than the average American.

Of course the vast majority of Americans dislike Trump- so that by itself means little to nothing.

Everyone who reads this knows that you are full of shit

Stop pretending that everyone else is as full of shit as you are.

Remember the only one kissing Trump's ass is you.
The only one who keeps making excuses for Trump- is again you.

Every claim you have made in this thread you have pulled right out of your ass.

Some how my school boy, Correll, thinks the following is defending the media:

Correll (1) can't show that the parents were illegal, and (2) if they were, so what, and (3) ignores that they became citizens, and (4) the judge is an American born in Indiana, and (5) how any of his rulings are unfair to Trump, and (6) how the rulings make him a racist.

Your words, asshole.

The media is telling the truth, Trump is lying, and his followers are crying.

Poor, poor Correll."

My response.

"The same media that for a year happily supported the lib meme that all hispanics hate Trump and that was why he was going to lose the election..

You have made that claim over and over- and you also told us how the 'Left' made that claim over and over.

You still haven't proven any of your claims.

Once again- Correll- zero content.

I'm not here to play stupid games.

Your posts here in this thread demonstrate the fallacy of your claim.

And again you cut my argument instead of addressing it.


And again you show you have no argument.

You just support Donald Trump's racist claims against Judge Curiel.
LOL- no matter what Trump says- the Trumpsters will pretend that is not what he actually said and try to explain away why it isn't really what he said

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“What happens is the judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great. I think that’s fine,” Mr. Trump said.

“I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.”

Trump claims ONE PARTICULAR hispanic hates him.

And no one- not you- not Trump- has been able to provide any evidence that this one particular "Mexican" as Trump calls him- hates him.

The only one with any apparent bias in this entire situation is Donald Trump- who is biased against Judge Curiel because of his "Mexican heritage"

Trump is "biased" against the Judge because the judge released sealed court documents to Trump's political enemies for political reasons.

LOL- Judge Curiel legally released evidence to a newspaper.

How do we know that even Trump doesn't consider that evidence of 'bias'?

Because his lawyers haven't gone to court making that claim.

Just you.

Because that is the best you can come up with- and it ain't evidence of anything other than your bias.

That was stupid.

No one is arguing that the Judge doesn't have the legal authority to release damaging sealed court records to a defendants political enemies, for political reasons. Just that he SHOULDN'T..

Which is of course- nothing more than your personal opinion.

And which is what you offer as 'evidence' of Judge Curiel's bias.

So to recap: the only evidence you have of Judge Curiel's 'bias' is the crap you pull out of your ass.
Curiel has ruled against Trump, thus in the immature head of Correll, the judge is racist. The fact that the racist charge comes from Correll, because he can't prove his charge against Curiel. 91% of Latinos have a good idea of who is the racist.

Curiel has ruled against Trump, thus in the immature head of Correll, the judge is racist. The fact that the racist charge comes from Correll, because he can't prove his charge against Curiel. 91% of Latinos have a good idea of who is the racist.

View attachment 79202

Of course the majority of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump.

While I suppose Trump could claim that the Judge must be biased- since he is likely to be like most Americans and look at him unfavorably, I don't think that is a winning argument.