The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Gun owners have the NRA to protect their rights.

Minorities have their own organizations to protect their rights.

It's pathetic this has to be explained to obtuse, willfully stupid retards.

Do some NRA members get pretty pissed off at people trying to take their rights from them? Oh, hell yes! Does that make the angry people who say nasty things about "gun grabbers" wrong or evil?


Same deal with organizations fighting racists. Do some get pretty pissed at people trying to deny them their rights? Oh, hell yeah.

The nra does not support discrimination against non gun owners.

YOur comparison is completely wrong.

And the La Raza San Diego Lawyers Association does not support discrimination against non-hispanic lawyers.

His comparison is dead on accurate.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

The NAACP supports anti-white discrimination, such as specifically Disparate Impact Theory, as seen in the New Haven Firefighter case.

You are a fool.

Why am I not surprised that you consider the NAACP to be a racist organization also.

Sort of par for the course for a Trump supporter.
how do you deport citizens?

and no, the case has nothing with immigration

The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

Prove it."

Show us his 'strong opinions about immigration

You're being silly. We are talking about his PARENTS.

Still waiting for you to show us his 'strong opinions about immigrations' that you claim the Judge has.

Why not stop lying- and just admit you are pulling those claims out of your ass?

If you can't make the leap from his parents were immigrants, perhaps illegal immigrants to him caring about the issue, it is because you are being Willfully Obtuse.

I didn't make this claim:
The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

That would be you.

You ASSume that the judge has strong opinions- but have absolutely no evidence to support that- and you want everyone else to ASSume just like you do.

But we don't assume there is a bias in any judge- hell the only one who has made what appears to be a biased remark is Donald Trump- when he called Judge Curiel "a Mexican"
The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.

That was meant to be humorous.

I have discussed my opinion that the Judge, releasing sealed court documents for a lib media outlet so that they could dig for something they could gin up into a smear against Trump is evidence of bias..

Of course your opinion is biased also. Like I said- so far you have failed to provide any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased- just like Trump has- I mean other than calling him a "Mexican"

And what is it that you think Trump wanted concealed from public scrutiny in those documents?

Could it include this statement from a former Trump U employee?

And a former Trump U sales manager allegedly admitted, "I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money."

I presented the fact that the judge released sealed documents to a leftist media outlet for the purpose of attacking Trump, not any valid reason.

I think that Trump knows that if all the pages released were BLANK, that the media would lie and claim it "proved" something negative about Trump.
Why do racists hate 'Politically correct"?

Because words like n*gger and k*ke and c*nt are not politically correct to say.

Because they want to claim that organizations like the NAACP, and the Anti-Defamation League, and every other organization that has fought for the civil rights of minorities- they are all racists.

Matter of fact to people like Brip and Sly- the only people who are never racists- are old white dudes like Donald Trump.

Pretending to believe that anyone with an issue with Political Correctness is just a racist who want to use racial slurs, is incredibly dishonest, divisive and inflammatory.

Pretending that many of the people who whine about "Political Correctness" are not racists and bigots who are pissed off that they can no longer make Jews jokes or Gay jokes is incredibly dishonest, dismissive and inflammatory.

No, it's not. It is the truth.

If telling the truth inflames someone the problem is with them.

Are you trying to tear this nation apart?
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.


You don't think he is smart enough to make the connection that giving Trump's enemies in the press more ammo to use against Trump is in effect fighting against the Wall, and deportations?


Trump supporters can imagine all sorts of things about Judge Curiel.

But what you haven't been able to do is find any actual evidence of any bias.

After all- its not as if Judge Curiel called Donald Trump "a German, I believe".

So, you are disagreeing that the judge is smart enough to make the connection that giving Trump's enemies more ammo is effectively fighting against the Wall and deportations?
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

The NAACP supports anti-white discrimination, such as specifically Disparate Impact Theory, as seen in the New Haven Firefighter case.

You are a fool.

Why am I not surprised that you consider the NAACP to be a racist organization also.

Sort of par for the course for a Trump supporter.

Can you explain to me why you believe that Disparate Impact Theory does NOT require anti-white discrimination?

Especially if you can do so in the real life example of the New Have FIrefighter case?

To be clear, this is a rhetorical question, because I don't think you can make that case, because I think you support anti-white discrimination, but are too cowardly to say so.
The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

Prove it."

Show us his 'strong opinions about immigration

You're being silly. We are talking about his PARENTS.

Still waiting for you to show us his 'strong opinions about immigrations' that you claim the Judge has.

Why not stop lying- and just admit you are pulling those claims out of your ass?

If you can't make the leap from his parents were immigrants, perhaps illegal immigrants to him caring about the issue, it is because you are being Willfully Obtuse.

I didn't make this claim:
The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

That would be you.

You ASSume that the judge has strong opinions- but have absolutely no evidence to support that- and you want everyone else to ASSume just like you do.

But we don't assume there is a bias in any judge- hell the only one who has made what appears to be a biased remark is Donald Trump- when he called Judge Curiel "a Mexican"

There is SOME reason he wanted to give Trump's enemies more ammo to use against him.

Why do you think he did so?

And don't go looking. YOu obviously already know enough to make a judgement on the issue, so looking now would be cheating.
Gun owners have the NRA to protect their rights.

Minorities have their own organizations to protect their rights.

It's pathetic this has to be explained to obtuse, willfully stupid retards.

Do some NRA members get pretty pissed off at people trying to take their rights from them? Oh, hell yes! Does that make the angry people who say nasty things about "gun grabbers" wrong or evil?


Same deal with organizations fighting racists. Do some get pretty pissed at people trying to deny them their rights? Oh, hell yeah.

The nra does not support discrimination against non gun owners.

YOur comparison is completely wrong.

And the La Raza San Diego Lawyers Association does not support discrimination against non-hispanic lawyers.

His comparison is dead on accurate.

Just about all the minority groups I am aware of support anti-white discrimination.

If you could explain to me why you don't think that Disparate Impact Theory does not require anti-white discrimination.
Trumps poll numbers took a dive in Florida. Stupidity like this has consequences. Some people are just too dense to see it.

Do you think that the Judge's release of sealed records to a lefty media outlet was fair?
I have no idea because I don't know the facts of the case. What I do know is Trump yet again shot himself in the foot by running off his mouth.
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.

Bias doesn't necessarily have to do with what the case is about, moron. It means the judge has a reason to dislike Trump, and he sure has a big reason. I wouldn't trust any leftwing judge to give Trump a fair hearing, let alone a Mexican judge who does pro-bono work for illegal aliens.

You've go to be kidding if you think he's going to be fair.

If you think he's not going to be fair because he may disagree with Trump, that is the very definition of bias.

Again, BritBrat, you show that you really don't know anything.
Yes, ruling against Trump because the judge disagrees with Trump's politics is the definition of bias.

Yet you have absolutely no evidence that the Judge ruled against Trump because the Judge disagrees with Trump's politics.

See the thing with 'bias' is actually demonstrating some evidence to support your claim.

And like all of your claims in this thread- you have failed to do so.
You don't need evidence that a judge is biased. They don't have bias trials for judges. All you need is An obvious motive for the judge to be biased, and he has one.
Trumps poll numbers took a dive in Florida. Stupidity like this has consequences. Some people are just too dense to see it.

Do you think that the Judge's release of sealed records to a lefty media outlet was fair?
I have no idea because I don't know the facts of the case. What I do know is Trump yet again shot himself in the foot by running off his mouth.

So, as far as you know, he could be completely right?
Trumps poll numbers took a dive in Florida. Stupidity like this has consequences. Some people are just too dense to see it.

Do you think that the Judge's release of sealed records to a lefty media outlet was fair?
I have no idea because I don't know the facts of the case. What I do know is Trump yet again shot himself in the foot by running off his mouth.

So, as far as you know, he could be completely right?
As far as I know his poll numbers tanked.
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.

Bias doesn't necessarily have to do with what the case is about, moron. It means the judge has a reason to dislike Trump, and he sure has a big reason. I wouldn't trust any leftwing judge to give Trump a fair hearing, let alone a Mexican judge who does pro-bono work for illegal aliens.

You've go to be kidding if you think he's going to be fair.

If you think he's not going to be fair because he may disagree with Trump, that is the very definition of bias.

Again, BritBrat, you show that you really don't know anything.
Yes, ruling against Trump because the judge disagrees with Trump's politics is the definition of bias.

Yet you have absolutely no evidence that the Judge ruled against Trump because the Judge disagrees with Trump's politics.

See the thing with 'bias' is actually demonstrating some evidence to support your claim.

And like all of your claims in this thread- you have failed to do so.
You don't need evidence that a judge is biased. They don't have bias trials for judges. All you need is An obvious motive for the judge to be biased, and he has one.

Well of course you and Trump don't need evidence- hell you just lie and make crap up.

As a reason to excuse a judge- then everyone else needs evidence.

But for you to lie about the judge?

No you need no evidence to keep lying about him at all.
Gun owners have the NRA to protect their rights.

Minorities have their own organizations to protect their rights.

It's pathetic this has to be explained to obtuse, willfully stupid retards.

Do some NRA members get pretty pissed off at people trying to take their rights from them? Oh, hell yes! Does that make the angry people who say nasty things about "gun grabbers" wrong or evil?


Same deal with organizations fighting racists. Do some get pretty pissed at people trying to deny them their rights? Oh, hell yeah.

The nra does not support discrimination against non gun owners.

YOur comparison is completely wrong.

And the La Raza San Diego Lawyers Association does not support discrimination against non-hispanic lawyers.

His comparison is dead on accurate.

Just about all the minority groups I am aware of support anti-white discrimination..

Feel free to prove that.

And then we will regroup and compare to the NRA again.
The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.

That was meant to be humorous.

I have discussed my opinion that the Judge, releasing sealed court documents for a lib media outlet so that they could dig for something they could gin up into a smear against Trump is evidence of bias..

Of course your opinion is biased also. Like I said- so far you have failed to provide any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased- just like Trump has- I mean other than calling him a "Mexican"

And what is it that you think Trump wanted concealed from public scrutiny in those documents?

Could it include this statement from a former Trump U employee?

And a former Trump U sales manager allegedly admitted, "I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money."

I presented the fact that the judge released sealed documents to a leftist media outlet for the purpose of attacking Trump, not any valid reason.

No- that is not a fact- that is your opinion.

The fact is that Judge Curiel released sealed documents to a newspaper who had argued for the release of those documents.

The rest is your personal opinion.
There is no connection whatsoever about Curiel’s parents’ immigrant status and his professional rulings. None. Whatsoever. All the far right can do is yell “what if” just like McCarthy or Trump or Correll.

The NAACP was created overwhelmingly with white founders and fights for civil liberties. Not Trump. Correll fights as a white defended of whatever is the white working class and denies he is a racist.

Correll wants a nation in his image and is willing to tear the nation apart to get it.

The judge cannot respond to Trump by the ethics of the profession. If Trump’s enemies are stomping on his head, Curiel has no ethical or moral or legal standard to rescue Donnie’s ass.

Will someone explain to Correll that his Disparate Impact Theory need not be deliberately intended to have racist impact?

There is no reason Curiel would be involved in attacking Trump at all, because Trump is his own worst enemy.

Was Curiel wrong or in error to release certain sealed records

Lawsplainer: Is There Anything Unusual About Judge Curiel's Orders ...

Lawsplainer: Is There Anything Unusual About Judge Curiel's Orders In The Trump University Case?...


Pope Hat

Jun 1, 2016 - So does the record support that Judge Curiel is in the tank for the ... How might it happen that documents were mistakenly included for release? ..... He should have kept all records sealed, DESPERATELY stayed away from ...
Prove it."

Show us his 'strong opinions about immigration

You're being silly. We are talking about his PARENTS.

Still waiting for you to show us his 'strong opinions about immigrations' that you claim the Judge has.

Why not stop lying- and just admit you are pulling those claims out of your ass?

If you can't make the leap from his parents were immigrants, perhaps illegal immigrants to him caring about the issue, it is because you are being Willfully Obtuse.

I didn't make this claim:
The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

That would be you.

You ASSume that the judge has strong opinions- but have absolutely no evidence to support that- and you want everyone else to ASSume just like you do.

But we don't assume there is a bias in any judge- hell the only one who has made what appears to be a biased remark is Donald Trump- when he called Judge Curiel "a Mexican"

There is SOME reason he wanted to give Trump's enemies more ammo to use against him.

Why do you think he did so?.

Again- you want me to 'ASSume" like you do, rather rely upon the facts.

A newspaper made a request for the sealed documents to be unsealed. Judge Curiel granted that request.

I notice you also assume that those sealed documents DO contain ammo that can be used against Trump.

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