...the J6 Hearing's about the attack on our democracy ...

Theatrics at is finest. Honestly, only partisan and/or ignorant fools can’t see that.
No, I really mean it. All participants here really should watch today's hearings (about 75 minutes). (YouTube it)
It was informative.

And notably....as we have discussed before....the testimony we saw again today was from Republicans. Republicans who were within Trump's White House or Campaign staff .... or hell, his family.

It was damning. Again. And hopefully the repetition will emphasize the credibility and gravitas of their in-person on-site perceptions of what they heard and saw.
"Insurrection" it is.

Ain't that somethin'? Plus 3 other criminal indictments on Trump.

Unprecedented, in my opinion. Historic.

The kind of bold act Adolf Hitler used to consolidate his power. You democrats follow VERY closely the path Hitler laid out.

Will STASI troops arrest the 2024 opponent for president to ensure that Quid Pro retains power?

Yes, you are Nazis - but you've got a lot of Idi Amin going too.

Now the Nazi show trial can say what they want - but if Oberfuhrer Garland were to try an act on what the vermin spewed - well full blown civil war will be the result.

WHICH I think is actually what you Nazis want. You know you can't win a shooting war - but you CAN turn to China and ask your Emperor Xi to "restore order."
Congress never investigated. They have no proof that the so called conspiracy theories are not true. It is their onus to prove they are before they can refer anyone for anything.
No, I really mean it. All participants here really should watch today's hearings (about 75 minutes). (YouTube it)
It was informative.

And notably....as we have discussed before....the testimony we saw again today was from Republicans. Republicans who were within Trump's White House or Campaign staff .... or hell, his family.

It was damning. Again. And hopefully the repetition will emphasize the credibility and gravitas of their in-person on-site perceptions of what they heard and saw.

resembles a Laurel and Hardy marathon

Slapstick, all the way
"Bogus demtard committee making up crazy lies...."
Well, poster Sunni, it didn't appear that way today. To me.
After all, they presented on-camera testimony from Republicans under oath and at risk of perjury. And those testifying Republicans were relaying what they saw and what they heard.
So, to my eye, well, it didn't look like any committee...."demtard' or otherwise.....was making up crazy lies.

Now, if poster Sunni can be helpful and constructive here......well, please detail those incidents of falsehoods that he says the Committee 'made up' in today's presentation.

Thanx, in advance.
Reportage about the official report states that it includes criminal referrals for......Eastman, Giuliani, and Clark (and the 'bag 'em all' phrase "and others").

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