The Israel Palestine issue is not a war. There is no Palestinian army, there is no Palestinian navy or Air Force.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This is one of the most lopsided conflicts ever. The Israeli people going into Gaza are not heroes. They have some of the finest military equipment that money could buy. They even get training from western Military’s.

Grau has pointed this out very well in another thread

Israel Has not fought a real war in a very long time.

At least when America invaded Iraq in 2003 that was a war. Iraq was exhausted from the Iran Iraq war and the Kuwait war but they had tons of tanks, they had an Air Force they had antiaircraft guns….. the Palestinians have pretty much none of that.

There was a raid into Israel on October 7 and it was perhaps a response to the terrorism the Palestinians face every single day, living in shit, having Jews with machine guns walk around them, telling them what to do on Israeli settlements.

Of course, all of us Americans abhor the attacks on Israeli civilians. But every one of us must keep in mind if we had Jews in Mexico telling us what to do, controlling our water supply. Telling we American Christians how to live our lives walking around with machine guns while we ain’t got shit, come on folks everybody here knows that some Americans would’ve already formed a group even more aggressive than Hamas….

Any out there in America put yourself into the shoe of an honorable Palestinian Muslim or Christian, who has to look at his children and wife in the face who wants protection. How can they protect their children and wives when they don’t even have access to guns.

Most American stand against the Israeli aggression. We see this love this compassion for the Palestinian people all over America.
Iran said jump, and the Palestinians said "how high?".

You can call it whatever you want, but when you invade a country and kill innocents,
you can probably expect conflict.
Don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out, Frank.

Now, go make excuses for them, seems that is what you keep doing and getting your ass handed to you. :rolleyes-41:
This is one of the most lopsided conflicts ever. The Israeli people going into Gaza are not heroes. Most American stand against the Israeli aggression.

Fuck you. The Palestinians are trained terrorists who train their children to be terrorists lead by a savage, barbaric troupe of terrorists.

They just found the body of a young girl murdered by Hamas, taken from a music concert, her body broken, stripped to the underwear, raped, tortured, spat on, paraded through Gaza, a bone fragment of her skull found, murdered, decapitated, and danced on.

I'll support any response the Israelis feel necessary for their survival, up to the total extermination of Hamas. The Palestinians were told to leave, given more than a chance to leave but many stayed, so they are pure fodder now.

May their bones be ground to dust.
The Israeli people going into Gaza are not heroes. Most American stand against the Israeli aggression. We see this love this compassion for the Palestinian people all over America.

SCREW YOU you dumb bastard. READ THIS:

This is one of the most lopsided conflicts ever. The Israeli people going into Gaza are not heroes. They have some of the finest military equipment that money could buy. They even get training from western Military’s.

Grau has pointed this out very well in another thread

Israel Has not fought a real war in a very long time.

At least when America invaded Iraq in 2003 that was a war. Iraq was exhausted from the Iran Iraq war and the Kuwait war but they had tons of tanks, they had an Air Force they had antiaircraft guns….. the Palestinians have pretty much none of that.

There was a raid into Israel on October 7 and it was perhaps a response to the terrorism the Palestinians face every single day, living in shit, having Jews with machine guns walk around them, telling them what to do on Israeli settlements.

Of course, all of us Americans abhor the attacks on Israeli civilians. But every one of us must keep in mind if we had Jews in Mexico telling us what to do, controlling our water supply. Telling we American Christians how to live our lives walking around with machine guns while we ain’t got shit, come on folks everybody here knows that some Americans would’ve already formed a group even more aggressive than Hamas….

Any out there in America put yourself into the shoe of an honorable Palestinian Muslim or Christian, who has to look at his children and wife in the face who wants protection. How can they protect their children and wives when they don’t even have access to guns.

Most American stand against the Israeli aggression. We see this love this compassion for the Palestinian people all over America.
Terrorism is very difficult to combat. We Americans found that out in the war in southeast Asia. Guerrillas, saboteurs & terrorists can easily blend in with the local populace. That is WHY nations need bona fide defensible national borders, like the old saying "can't we all just get along" is the most ridiculous question ever uttered. Until islam can eliminate terrorists from its civilian population the retaliatory punitive repercussions from Israel will continue to target islam in general. Islam simply put, needs to police islam of islamic terrorists that are suspect of committing or planning terrorist acts of violence so the islamic communities don't have to receive retaliatory punishment from Israel. Keep the islamos out of Israel & it's problem over!
Fuck you. The Palestinians are trained terrorists who train their children to be terrorists lead by a savage, barbaric troupe of terrorists.

They just found the body of a young girl murdered by Hamas, taken from a music concert, her body broken, stripped to the underwear, raped, tortured, spat on, paraded through Gaza, a bone fragment of her skull found, murdered, decapitated, and danced on.

I'll support any response the Israelis feel necessary for their survival, up to the total extermination of Hamas. The Palestinians were told to leave, given more than a chance to leave but many stayed, so they are pure fodder now.

May their bones be ground to dust.

Hamas was funded and encouraged by Israel.
Terrorism is very difficult to combat. We Americans found that out in the war in southeast Asia. Guerrillas, saboteurs & terrorists can easily blend in with the local populace. That is WHY nations need bona fide defensible national borders, like the old saying "can't we all just get along" is the most ridiculous question ever uttered. Until islam can eliminate terrorists from its civilian population the retaliatory punitive repercussions from Israel will continue to target islam in general. Islam simply put, needs to police islam of islamic terrorists that are suspect of committing or planning terrorist acts of violence so the islamic communities don't have to receive retaliatory punishment from Israel. Keep the islamos out of Israel & it's problem over!

Hamas serves a very specific purpose in this sad farce. They assure that there will never be a 2 state solution.
This is one of the most lopsided conflicts ever. The Israeli people going into Gaza are not heroes. They have some of the finest military equipment that money could buy. They even get training from western Military’s.

Grau has pointed this out very well in another thread

Israel Has not fought a real war in a very long time.

At least when America invaded Iraq in 2003 that was a war. Iraq was exhausted from the Iran Iraq war and the Kuwait war but they had tons of tanks, they had an Air Force they had antiaircraft guns….. the Palestinians have pretty much none of that.

There was a raid into Israel on October 7 and it was perhaps a response to the terrorism the Palestinians face every single day, living in shit, having Jews with machine guns walk around them, telling them what to do on Israeli settlements.

Of course, all of us Americans abhor the attacks on Israeli civilians. But every one of us must keep in mind if we had Jews in Mexico telling us what to do, controlling our water supply. Telling we American Christians how to live our lives walking around with machine guns while we ain’t got shit, come on folks everybody here knows that some Americans would’ve already formed a group even more aggressive than Hamas….

Any out there in America put yourself into the shoe of an honorable Palestinian Muslim or Christian, who has to look at his children and wife in the face who wants protection. How can they protect their children and wives when they don’t even have access to guns.

Most American stand against the Israeli aggression. We see this love this compassion for the Palestinian people all over America.

This is one of the most lopsided conflicts ever.

Of course, it is.
Terrorists from a primitive shithole are primitive.

Most American stand against the Israeli aggression.

Most Americans stand against the muslim evil.
Hamas was funded and encouraged by Israel.

Not to do this.

I fund and encourage the fed to protect our borders too, but instead, I got 200 billion sent against my wishes to a tiny country on the other side of the world I owe nothing to after being told we couldn't afford a TENTH that amount to protect our own border.
Iran said jump, and the Palestinians said "how high?".

You can call it whatever you want, but when you invade a country and kill innocents,
you can probably expect conflict.
Don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out, Frank.

Now, go make excuses for them, seems that is what you keep doing and getting your ass handed to you. :rolleyes-41:
Yes it’s a conflict

It’s not a war. A war denotes an organized military, however, weak or strong on both sides, Palestine doesn’t have that. Palestine doesn’t have an army, a Navy, or an Air Force. Israel has all of that.

There’s nothing brave heroic about what the Israeli soldiers are doing.

Bravery is your Palestinian Christian father, who is fighting to defend his home. The great majority of Palestinians are not even in Hamas

If you were invaded, if you’re home was invaded like what’s happening to the Palestinians you would like to defend your home. I don’t think you would run away.

Palestinians have absolutely no way to invade Israel. What happened on October 7 was a raid and it might have been allowed by the idf. And that’s even according to the good people in Israel.
SCREW YOU you dumb bastard. READ THIS:

May Jesus protect the beautiful children in Palestine.

You know, it’s OK to have a disagreement without using that type of language used against me. I never personally attack anyone here. Because I’ve got Jesus

We are Americans. We are not Israelis nor Palestinians so it’s totally normal to have a disagreement on this thing.
Yes it’s a conflict

It’s not a war. A war denotes an organized military, however, weak or strong on both sides, Palestine doesn’t have that. Palestine doesn’t have an army, a Navy, or an Air Force. Israel has all of that.

There’s nothing brave heroic about what the Israeli soldiers are doing.

Bravery is your Palestinian Christian father, who is fighting to defend his home. The great majority of Palestinians are not even in Hamas

If you were invaded, if you’re home was invaded like what’s happening to the Palestinians you would like to defend your home. I don’t think you would run away.

Palestinians have absolutely no way to invade Israel. What happened on October 7 was a raid and it might have been allowed by the idf. And that’s even according to the good people in Israel.

There’s nothing brave heroic about what the Israeli soldiers are doing.

So what? There is nothing brave about killing a nest of rats or a pack of rabid dogs.
It has to be done. Don't call it a war, call it a cleansing, if that makes you feel better.

Bravery is your Palestinian Christian father, who is fighting to defend his home.

He should have defended his home from Hamas.

If you were invaded, if you’re home was invaded like what’s happening to the Palestinians you would like to defend your home.

If you want to defend your home, don't stand near Hamas terrorists, unless you
can kill them.....before Israel drops a bomb on them and hurts you as well.
Terrorism is very difficult to combat. We Americans found that out in the war in southeast Asia. Guerrillas, saboteurs & terrorists can easily blend in with the local populace. That is WHY nations need bona fide defensible national borders, like the old saying "can't we all just get along" is the most ridiculous question ever uttered. Until islam can eliminate terrorists from its civilian population the retaliatory punitive repercussions from Israel will continue to target islam in general. Islam simply put, needs to police islam of islamic terrorists that are suspect of committing or planning terrorist acts of violence so the islamic communities don't have to receive retaliatory punishment from Israel. Keep the islamos out of Israel & it's problem over!
Well, I support the United States 100%. A few friends of mine are Vietnam veterans. Very honorable men.

But still, there could be no comparing the Vietcong well organized, guerrilla group that had support from China and the Soviet union to whatever Hamas. ..Hamas had a few thousand fighters, Viet Cong had millions of them. The Vietcong had land mines. I believe they even have tanks

Either way North Vietnam had a entirely different military apparatus compared to Hamas

And what you and many people might not see is that there are many honorable Palestinian, including Christians, who are willing to fight and defend their homes. So this whole Palestine =terrorist approach is propaganda from Israel. Nobody in America should believe what they say. They got the devil on their side.

Now most Muslim majority countries are quite civilized. You only see very conservative far right wing approaches and say Taliban controlled Afghanistan in parts of Pakistan. That’s it though. It’s 2023 man.

Hamas it’s only a small portion of Palestine. And if anything they can be compared to the Gorillaz many conflicts. But they certainly don’t represent every Palestine who might want to fight and defend their home.
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May Jesus protect the beautiful children in Palestine.

The sad fact is that by the time these kids are 8 years old, they have already been taught to hate Jews and want to kill them.

It is not up to Israel to save their children. The Palestinians and Hamas should have thought of that first.

They RAPED women and girls, then CRUSHED their pelvises with a heavy weight.

They cut children's eyes out. Cut their heads off.

They burned people alive.

Mind you, there was no war, There was no conflict. They cleverly snuck in and attacked when Israel was most vulnerable and attacked innocent civilians, not military sites and soldiers.

Hamas and the Palestinians have whatever the Jews do now coming to them, no apology needed. They have my full approval to MASSACRE anything that moves in Gaza until the place is a parking lot.
This is one of the most lopsided conflicts ever. The Israeli people going into Gaza are not heroes. They have some of the finest military equipment that money could buy. They even get training from western Military’s.

Grau has pointed this out very well in another thread

Israel Has not fought a real war in a very long time.

At least when America invaded Iraq in 2003 that was a war. Iraq was exhausted from the Iran Iraq war and the Kuwait war but they had tons of tanks, they had an Air Force they had antiaircraft guns….. the Palestinians have pretty much none of that.

There was a raid into Israel on October 7 and it was perhaps a response to the terrorism the Palestinians face every single day, living in shit, having Jews with machine guns walk around them, telling them what to do on Israeli settlements.

Of course, all of us Americans abhor the attacks on Israeli civilians. But every one of us must keep in mind if we had Jews in Mexico telling us what to do, controlling our water supply. Telling we American Christians how to live our lives walking around with machine guns while we ain’t got shit, come on folks everybody here knows that some Americans would’ve already formed a group even more aggressive than Hamas….

Any out there in America put yourself into the shoe of an honorable Palestinian Muslim or Christian, who has to look at his children and wife in the face who wants protection. How can they protect their children and wives when they don’t even have access to guns.

Most American stand against the Israeli aggression. We see this love this compassion for the Palestinian people all over America.
All Hamas and their cheerleaders must be executed.
There’s nothing brave heroic about what the Israeli soldiers are doing.

So what? There is nothing brave about killing a nest of rats or a pack of rabid dogs.
It has to be done. Don't call it a war, call it a cleansing, if that makes you feel better.

Bravery is your Palestinian Christian father, who is fighting to defend his home.

He should have defended his home from Hamas.

If you were invaded, if you’re home was invaded like what’s happening to the Palestinians you would like to defend your home.

If you want to defend your home, don't stand near Hamas terrorists, unless you
can kill them.....before Israel drops a bomb on them and hurts you as well.
Hamas won A rigged election in 2006.

Palestine is still control by Jewish overlords. Imagine if we in America ever had to live like that. There’s no doubt we would respond to it. Palestinians do not have an organized military to join like we do in America or even like the Jews do in Israel. So there’s all sorts of Palestinian resistance groups and ideas there other than Hamas

Nobody who claims to care about the second amendment in America and the Christian religion can ever sit there and expect to live like a slave and that is what the Israeli propaganda machine is demanding of the Palestinian people. It’s complete and utter insanity. That’s why they eventually need to have one state but for now it is what it is.

Your average Palestinian disagrees with the Israeli government and many dont like the Palestine government’s

So for many years, that land was Islamic. It was arab Majority, including with Arab Jews, living alongside Arab Muslims and Christians.

You guys have got it all wrong you’re being fed propaganda from Israel.

Hell a portion of Palestinians are atheists. So again this whole “Islamic terrorist” approach is from the Israeli propaganda machine

Just take a step back we are Americans. And we second amendment Christian Americans can respect the Palestinian Christian or Muslim, who is taking up whatever weapons he can to defend his wife and kids from the Israeli aggressors.
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Well, I support United States 100%.

But still, there could be no comparing the Vietcong well organized, guerrilla group that had support from China and the Soviet union to whatever Hamas. ..Hamas had a few thousand fighters, Viet Cong had millions of them. The Vietcong had land mines. I believe they even have tanks

Either way North Vietnam had a entirely different military apparatus compared to Hamas

And what you and many people might not see is that there are many honorable Palestinian, including Christians, who are willing to fight and defend their homes. So this whole Palestine =terrorist approach is propaganda from Israel. Nobody in America should believe what they say. They got the devil on their side.

Now most Muslim majority countries are quite civilized. You only see very conservative far right wing approaches and say Taliban controlled Afghanistan in parts of Pakistan. That’s it though. It’s 2023 man.

Hamas it’s only a small portion of Palestine. And if anything they can be compared to the Gorillaz many conflicts. But they certainly don’t represent every Palestine who might want to fight and defend their home.

But still, there could be no comparing the Vietcong well organized, guerrilla group that had support from China and the Soviet union to whatever Hamas. .

They both killed innocents in support of evil.

And what you and many people might not see is that there are many honorable Palestinian, including Christians, who are willing to fight and defend their homes.

They should come together to eradicate Hamas and make peace with Israel.

So this whole Palestine =terrorist approach is propaganda from Israel.

Bullshit. Kill Hamas, end terror attacks against Israel, stop teaching your kids
that killing infidels gets you into paradise. If you want to be treated like you're civilized
you should act civilized. Start today.
The sad fact is that by the time these kids are 8 years old, they have already been taught to hate Jews and want to kill them.

It is not up to Israel to save their children. The Palestinians and Hamas should have thought of that first.

They RAPED women and girls, then CRUSHED their pelvises with a heavy weight.

They cut children's eyes out. Cut their heads off.

They burned people alive.

Mind you, there was no war, There was no conflict. They cleverly snuck in and attacked when Israel was most vulnerable and attacked innocent civilians, not military sites and soldiers.

Hamas and the Palestinians have whatever the Jews do now coming to them, no apology needed. They have my full approval to MASSACRE anything that moves in Gaza until the place is a parking lot.
With respect to you that’s an Israeli propaganda. Most kids in Palestine. They Go to private schools or going to Christian schools. They’re not taught hatred. It’s only a small portion of them we have seen on television being told by adults to say bad things about Jews. Come on now there’s Jews in Israel who say the same thing hateful things about Palestinians

Ok are you ready for this …Jewish men and Muslim men commit sexual assault every day. It’s not a Palestinian thing it’s not an Israeli things.

If we Americans ever had to live in a situation like the Palestinian people do, what do you think we would do about it? We just sit there and be slaves? Or would we rise up and fight for freedom?

Try and have an open mind on this thing and when you do, you will realize the Israeli propaganda never adds up.

These Palestinians have been living in the holy land for thousands of years. For us to expect them to ally with Israel to fight Palestinians ….is misguided.

There have been secular Palestinian militant groups in the past 100 years.
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