This will be Key: What are the Most Incriminating things that Michael Cohen Said in his Testimony Today?

But what crime does the logic show that Trump committed?

Or should I say, how does it show that Trump falsified a business record with the intent to defraud and to conceal another crime?

That's in the indictment.
Bragg has made a case against his own witnesses, but he hasn't made the case against Trump.

The jury doesn't know what election laws Trump is supposed to have violated. They won't even hear that until the trial is over.
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LOL The same porn star your orange loser (taken lightly) banged? :auiqs.jpg:

Who the fuck cares if you idiots don't think it is a crime? Your orange loser has been indicted and is now cooling his heels in court. What is important is what the jury thinks of the case. Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:

This is why we can't share a nation with these people anymore. Unless--and it's a slim hope--we really CAN beat them into the hiding spaces in November, and keep them there.

Patently un-American
and that's your biggest hope to win the election .. but what if a conviction actually boosts Trumps support ? and if he isn't convicted it may boost his support ! the Dems may have shot their corrupt Stalinist asses in the foot with there banana republic lawfare .

Not a fan of Jesse Watters in general but he was dead right on the clip I just saw on Twitter:

Trump is in a win-win situation.

If he is not convicted, he beat the corrupt system.

If he IS, he most certainly will win on appeal, and he STILL beat the corrupt system.

The Left is spiraling. Pity.
Cohen was sentenced to three years for several crimes that he committed for Trump. He was also found guilty of some of his own.

So, the orange loser should be sentenced to at least a year on this particular charge. Let's see how it shakes out.
Even if guilty, he's not going to be put in jail imo.

He might get probation, .again in my opinion.

Putting an ex president in jail for a smaller, though felonious, crime like this... just won't happen, and shouldn't happen imo.

Probation or maybe a House arrest for a short time, would be appropriate.

Guilty of the 1/6 election subversion self-coup attempt, or the Classified documents espionage act case would be different, perhaps?

He could go in to exile, like most leaders would for something similar, or house arrest....but likely not jail for those serious crimes either.... I don't think....?
That other crime could be federal election law, or New York State election law, or even a violation of federal and state income tax laws, since Trump wrote the bribe off as a legal expense.
When you start off with "could," I suppose it is possible.

But doesn't it seem strange that we are left guessing at what the mysterious "another crime," might be, now weeks into the case?
Bragg has made a case against his own witnesses, but he hasn't made the case against Trump.

The jury doesn't know what election laws Trump is supposed to have violated. They won't even hear that until the trial is over.
The prosecution must be counting on the judge to read the jury a set of instructions that makes it clear that the court expects a guilty verdict. I'm guessing there will be some statement to the effect that if they find not guilty, it would be for political reasons and maybe with a vague threat.

I don't see what else they can try, their presentation of "facts" having fallen so flat.
You did not connect the dots to Trump falsifying a single record with intent to defraud and to conceal another crime. Not one, much less thirty-four.

Did Trump list these payments as a campaign expense when they were recorded?
Because that is what they were, but you are right he did not...thus the problem.
How is paying an NDA a campaign expense? Celebrities pay to kill stories frequently, and most of them are not running for anything.

Stormy claimed ot 60 minutes that Michal Cohen sent a goon to threaten her in 2011. Was that a campaign contribution by Cohen?

Meanwhile, in a letter Sunday night to Michael Avenatti, an attorney for Daniels, an attorney for Cohen denied that Cohen "was responsible for an alleged thug" who may have made an "alleged threat" to Daniels.
How is paying an NDA a campaign expense? Celebrities pay to kill stories frequently, and most of them are not running for anything.

Stormy claimed ot 60 minutes that Michal Cohen sent a goon to threaten her in 2011. Was that a campaign contribution by Cohen?

Meanwhile, in a letter Sunday night to Michael Avenatti, an attorney for Daniels, an attorney for Cohen denied that Cohen "was responsible for an alleged thug" who may have made an "alleged threat" to Daniels.

Because he did it so that it would not interfere with his chance of winning the election, thus making it an election expense. That is what Cohen testified, and your whole thread is about believing what he said.
Because he did it so that it would not interfere with his chance of winning the election, thus making it an election expense.
In 2011?!?!?!
That is what Cohen testified, and your whole thread is about believing what he said.
Yes, I have to give you credit for understanding the OP.

Cohen said Trump was concerned about Daniel’s effect on the election. But that doesn’t mean that it was a campaign expense, and it certainly doesn’t mean it was NOT a legal expense.

Still I think you may have reasoned correctly on what the prosecution may argue. A very lame point, but the judge will use it to avoid a directed verdict so he and the prosecutor get to roll the dice with the jury.
Cohen said Trump was concerned about Daniel’s effect on the election. But that doesn’t mean that it was a campaign expense, and it certainly doesn’t mean it was NOT a legal expense.

Well, yeah it does. When you use money to help your campaign, it is a campaign expense. This is really not complicated.

You are correct, doing so is not illegal, marking it as a business expense instead of a campaign expense is.
Well, yeah it does. When you use money to help your campaign, it is a campaign expense. This is really not complicated.

You are correct, doing so is not illegal, marking it as a business expense instead of a campaign expense is.
Legal expense. Quite a stretch to see that calling a payment to one’s lawyer a legal expense is a crime.

Was he helping his campaign in 2011 when he tried to stop the story?
Was he helping his campaign in 2011 when he tried to stop the story?

He did it for a different reason in 2011. Times changes, people's reasons for doing things change.

It seems once again you do not like the answer to the questions you ask.

Seems you would learn, but you never do
Was he helping his campaign in 2011 when he tried to stop the story?
Pretty sure your OP fails based on its face. It was explained multiple times on here that Trump is guilty if Michael Cohen's testimony is true (which was the framework you laid out). You know how you can be sure? The defense isnt going to stipulate what he said is true, they will paint it as a lie because they know if he is telling the truth Trump is guilty.
He did it for a different reason in 2011. Times changes, people's reasons for doing things change.
What was his reason in 2011?
It seems once again you do not like the answer to the questions you ask.

Seems you would learn, but you never do
I already acknowledged that you were the first to understand the OP. How much more praise do you need?

Here’s some more: when I see you posting a logical answer like that, it makes me remember the old golfing gator before you went full on Biden cultist. crossing my fingers that you can someday get back to that.

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