The IPCC: Bogus data on "Climate Sensitivity"!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Like Ive been saying for over a decade......cherry picked data is gay. All the shit we've seen from organizations like the IPCC is highly.......HIGHLY speculative. Accordingly, the models are based on subjectively analyzed data...........

There’s an excellent piece here in The Economist that discusses climate sensitivity:

Other recent studies, though, paint a different picture. An unpublished report by the Research Council of Norway, a government-funded body, which was compiled by a team led by Terje Berntsen of the University of Oslo, uses a different method from the IPCC’s. It concludes there is a 90% probability that doubling CO₂ emissions will increase temperatures by only 1.2-2.9°C, with the most likely figure being 1.9°C. The top of the study’s range is well below the IPCC’s upper estimates of likely sensitivity.

This study has not been peer-reviewed; it may be unreliable. But its projections are not unique. Work by Julia Hargreaves of the Research Institute for Global Change in Yokohama, which was published in 2012, suggests a 90% chance of the actual change being in the range of 0.5-4.0°C, with a mean of 2.3°C. This is based on the way the climate behaved about 20,000 years ago, at the peak of the last ice age, a period when carbon-dioxide concentrations leapt. Nic Lewis, an independent climate scientist, got an even lower range in a study accepted for publication: 1.0-3.0°C, with a mean of 1.6°C. His calculations reanalysed work cited by the IPCC and took account of more recent temperature data. In all these calculations, the chances of climate sensitivity above 4.5°C become vanishingly small.

So we are suppossed to blow up whole economies based upon "estimates" with huge possible disparities.

How fucking bogus...........and whats more fascinating is that people dont see this......or more likely, DONT WANT TO SEE THIS.:2up:

The "climate change" stuff has always been about two things: 1) Redistribution of wealth 2) Destruction of all capitalistic societies.

Climate Change Is Now Less Of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change - Forbes
Heres what the phonies said about 10 years ago...........

‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,’ predicted David Viner of the University of East Anglia in March 2000.


Well, now, all snow is a definite sign of climate change

The science is chameleon-like. ALways has been. The perfect ruse.

As Darwell points out.........

All the scientific and geophysical pre-conditions were there for global warming. But the elements which turned out to be decisive were not. Science alone cannot explain how global warming became a political phenomenon. The explanation must be found elsewhere.
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climate sensitivity to doubling CO2 is a very important point when we analyze the probabilities that could bring us to catastrophe. the number for 2xCO2 has dropped considerably in the last 10 years and continues to drop. making all the scary scenarios we have been bombarded with less and less possible.

on a slightly different note, a major contributor to the climate models is methane. while CO2 has increased pretty much according to prediction, methane has increased at a small fraction of the predicted rate. this significant error transforms into a large decrease in expected temperature change in very little time. I am surprized that no scientists are making a big deal out of it because it would appear to be low hanging fruit.

I could find the graphs showing IPCC actual methane vs predicted methane, and climate model influence from methane. if anyone is even interested.
climate sensitivity to doubling CO2 is a very important point when we analyze the probabilities that could bring us to catastrophe. the number for 2xCO2 has dropped considerably in the last 10 years and continues to drop. making all the scary scenarios we have been bombarded with less and less possible.

on a slightly different note, a major contributor to the climate models is methane. while CO2 has increased pretty much according to prediction, methane has increased at a small fraction of the predicted rate. this significant error transforms into a large decrease in expected temperature change in very little time. I am surprized that no scientists are making a big deal out of it because it would appear to be low hanging fruit.

I could find the graphs showing IPCC actual methane vs predicted methane, and climate model influence from methane. if anyone is even interested.

Hmmm......yet the scammers continue to perpetuate the myth.

Ian.....Ive been reading up alot on this whole "peer review" stuff. The whole shit is totally rigged.......if you bring anything to the table that doesnt conform with the established narrative, your shit gets blown up. This is why alot of scientific data doesnt get out there.......the scammers got it covered with the bogus peer review process. Of course, the media is complicit with this charade.

The bull shit is even happening big time in the medical community. Check it out........

from one of the links..........

A lot of worthy work by grad students and junior faculty gets rejected because peer review, whether single- or double-blind, serves as an instrument to discipline and punish. In the hands of an unscrupulous or intellectually un-self-confident person, peer review is a means to marginalize arguments and perspectives that appear to conflict with the reviewer’s body of scholarship or that challenge conventional interpretations. In one of my fields, which is still heavily dominated by white men in the senior ranks, I have seen and heard of peer review used to suppress scholarship written by feminist women and people of color. (I’ve also heard about this in many other fields, because most of them are dominated by older white men.) And again, because jobs and tenure are on the line, peer review can be a powerful tool for maintaining status hierarchies and the intellectual homogeneity of the in-group.
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peer review in climate science does seem to have different standards according to the views of the authors. Marcott's embellishment of his PhD thesis is an example of reasonable science with a blob of bullshit added on after the fact to curry favour with the likes of Mann and Shakur.

but if you add a teaspoon of shit to a gallon of ice cream you end up with a gallon of shit.
peer review in climate science does seem to have different standards according to the views of the authors. Marcott's embellishment of his PhD thesis is an example of reasonable science with a blob of bullshit added on after the fact to curry favour with the likes of Mann and Shakur.

but if you add a teaspoon of shit to a gallon of ice cream you end up with a gallon of shit.


I love this forum!!!!
The "climate change" stuff has always been about two things: 1) Redistribution of wealth 2) Destruction of all capitalistic societies.

Not all denialists are cultists. Just almost all of them. Poor Skook has drunk very, very deeply of the koolaid, and he'll go to his grave still demonizing all the imaginary enemies of his cult.
The "climate change" stuff has always been about two things: 1) Redistribution of wealth 2) Destruction of all capitalistic societies.

Not all denialists are cultists. Just almost all of them. Poor Skook has drunk very, very deeply of the koolaid, and he'll go to his grave still demonizing all the imaginary enemies of his cult.

But winning honey.........the cultists are winning. But dont take my word for it. Check out an Op Ed from a New York Times writer this past week ( you know, that far right Newspaper)

From the article >>>>>>>

Congressional stalwarts are working new carbon-tax legislation, but don’t hold your breath. This month, during a free-for-all of amendments in the Senate budget debate, Whitehouse actually did propose a nonbinding resolution establishing “a fee on carbon pollution.” The amendment failed, 41 to 58.

And thats in the Senate!!!!:rock::rock::eusa_dance: Imagine the vote in the HOUSE??:lmao:

Thats right..........guess that makes the way I think, fringe!!!:2up:

Shit.....even the snowmen have a word or two for the environmental mentals these days.............


Like Ive been saying.........nobody gives a rats ass about the science.
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